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@@ -179,15 +179,15 @@
  *       }
  *       catch (InterruptedException ex) { return; }
  *     }
  *   }
  * }
- *</pre>
+ * </pre>
  * <p>
  * Here is an even fancier version, that uses lock re-ordering
  * upon conflict:
- * <pre>
+ * <pre>{@code
  * class Cell {
  *   long value;
  *   Sync lock = ...;
  *   private static boolean trySwap(Cell a, Cell b) {
  *     a.lock.acquire();

@@ -212,12 +212,12 @@
  *            !tryswap(other, this))
  *        Thread.sleep(1);
  *    }
  *    catch (InterruptedException ex) { return; }
  *  }
- *}
- *</pre>
+ * }
+ * }</pre>
  * <p>
  * Interruptions are in general handled as early as possible.
  * Normally, InterruptionExceptions are thrown
  * in acquire and attempt(msec) if interruption
  * is detected upon entry to the method, as well as in any

@@ -246,11 +246,11 @@
  * <p>
  * Syncs may also be used in spinlock constructions. Although
  * it is normally best to just use acquire(), various forms
  * of busy waits can be implemented. For a simple example
  * (but one that would probably never be preferable to using acquire()):
- * <pre>
+ * <pre>{@code
  * class X {
  *   Sync lock = ...
  *   void spinUntilAcquired() throws InterruptedException {
  *     // Two phase.
  *     // First spin without pausing.

@@ -267,19 +267,19 @@
  *       else
  *         waitTime = waitTime * 3 / 2 + 1; // increase 50%
  *     }
  *   }
  * }
- * </pre>
+ * }</pre>
  * <p>
  * In addition pure synchronization control, Syncs
  * may be useful in any context requiring before/after methods.
  * For example, you can use an ObservableSync
  * (perhaps as part of a LayeredSync) in order to obtain callbacks
  * before and after each method invocation for a given class.
- * <p>[<a href="http://gee.cs.oswego.edu/dl/classes/EDU/oswego/cs/dl/util/concurrent/intro.html"> Introduction to this package. </a>]
+ * [<a href="http://gee.cs.oswego.edu/dl/classes/EDU/oswego/cs/dl/util/concurrent/intro.html"> Introduction to this package. </a>]
 public interface Sync {
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