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rev 52293 : [mq]: verify_deprecation
@@ -21,23 +21,37 @@
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream>
#include "ExceptionCheckingJniEnv.hpp"
namespace {
template<class T = void*>
class JNIVerifier {
- JNIVerifier(ExceptionCheckingJniEnv *env, const char* base_msg)
- : _env(env), _base_msg(base_msg), _return_error(NULL) {
+ JNIVerifier(ExceptionCheckingJniEnv *env, const char* base_msg,
+ int line = -1, const char* file = 0)
+ : _env(env), _base_msg(base_msg), _return_error(NULL),
+ _line(line), _file(file) {
+ }
+ template <typename U>
+ JNIVerifier(ExceptionCheckingJniEnv *env, const char* base_msg,
+ U first_parameter,
+ int line = -1, const char* file = 0)
+ : _env(env), _base_msg(base_msg), _return_error(NULL),
+ _line(line), _file(file) {
+ printPreCall<U>(first_parameter);
~JNIVerifier() {
+ printPostCall();
JNIEnv* jni_env = _env->GetJNIEnv();
if (jni_env->ExceptionCheck()) {
@@ -46,11 +60,12 @@
void ProcessReturnError() {
- int len = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s : %s", _base_msg, _return_error) + 1;
+ int len = snprintf(NULL, 0, "JNI method %s : %s from %s:%d", _base_msg, _return_error,
+ _file, _line) + 1;
if (len <= 0) {
@@ -59,11 +74,12 @@
if (full_message == NULL) {
- snprintf(full_message, len, "%s : %s", _base_msg, _return_error);
+ snprintf(full_message, len, "JNI method %s : %s from %s:%d", _base_msg, _return_error,
+ _file, _line);
@@ -72,23 +88,48 @@
_return_error = "Return is NULL";
return ptr;
+ void printPreCallHeader() {
+ std::cout << ">> Calling JNI method " << _base_msg << " from " << _file
+ << ":" << _line << std::endl;
+ std::cout << ">> Calling with these parameter(s):" << std::endl;
+ }
+ template<class U>
+ void printPreCall(U first_parameter) {
+ printPreCallHeader();
+ std::cout << "\t" << first_parameter << std::endl;
+ }
+ void printPostCall() {
+ std::cout << "<< Called JNI method " << _base_msg << " from " << _file
+ << ":" << _line << std::endl;
+ }
ExceptionCheckingJniEnv* _env;
const char* const _base_msg;
const char* _return_error;
+ int _line;
+ const char* const _file;
jclass ExceptionCheckingJniEnv::GetObjectClass(jobject obj) {
JNIVerifier<jclass> marker(this, "GetObjectClass");
return marker.ResultNotNull(_jni_env->GetObjectClass(obj));
+jclass ExceptionCheckingJniEnv::FindClass(const char* kls, int line, const char* file) {
+ JNIVerifier<jclass> marker(this, "FindClass", kls, line, file);
+ // Force a failure to see error messages...
+ return marker.ResultNotNull(NULL); //_jni_env->FindClass(kls));
jfieldID ExceptionCheckingJniEnv::GetFieldID(jclass klass, const char *name, const char* type) {
JNIVerifier<jfieldID> marker(this, "GetFieldID");
return marker.ResultNotNull(_jni_env->GetFieldID(klass, name, type));
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