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  36  * Specifically, these date/time datatypes are
  37  * {@link DatatypeConstants#DATETIME},
  38  * {@link DatatypeConstants#TIME},
  39  * {@link DatatypeConstants#DATE},
  40  * {@link DatatypeConstants#GYEARMONTH},
  41  * {@link DatatypeConstants#GMONTHDAY},
  42  * {@link DatatypeConstants#GYEAR},
  43  * {@link DatatypeConstants#GMONTH}, and
  44  * {@link DatatypeConstants#GDAY}
  45  * defined in the XML Namespace
  46  * {@code "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"}.
  47  * These datatypes are normatively defined in
  48  * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#dateTime">W3C XML Schema 1.0 Part 2, Section 3.2.7-14</a>.
  49  *
  50  * <p>The table below defines the mapping between XML Schema 1.0
  51  * date/time datatype fields and this class' fields. It also summarizes
  52  * the value constraints for the date and time fields defined in
  53  * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#isoformats">W3C XML Schema 1.0 Part 2, Appendix D,
  54  * <i>ISO 8601 Date and Time Formats</i></a>.
  55  *
  56  * <a name="datetimefieldmapping"></a>
  57  * <table border="2" rules="all" cellpadding="2">

  58  *   <thead>
  59  *     <tr>
  60  *       <th align="center" colspan="3">
  61  *         Date/Time Datatype Field Mapping Between XML Schema 1.0 and Java Representation
  62  *       </th>
  63  *     </tr>
  64  *   </thead>
  65  *   <tbody>
  66  *     <tr>
  67  *       <th>XML Schema 1.0<br>
  68  *           datatype<br>
  69  *            field</th>
  70  *       <th>Related<br>XMLGregorianCalendar<br>Accessor(s)</th>
  71  *       <th>Value Range</th>
  72  *     </tr>

  73  *     <tr>
  74  *       <td><a name="datetimefield-year">year</a></td>
  75  *       <td> {@link #getYear()} + {@link #getEon()} or<br>
  76  *            {@link #getEonAndYear}
  77  *       </td>
  78  *       <td> {@code getYear()} is a value between -(10^9-1) to (10^9)-1
  79  *            or {@link DatatypeConstants#FIELD_UNDEFINED}.<br>
  80  *            {@link #getEon()} is high order year value in billion of years.<br>
  81  *            {@code getEon()} has values greater than or equal to (10^9) or less than or equal to -(10^9).
  82  *            A value of null indicates field is undefined.<br>
  83  *            Given that <a href="http://www.w3.org/2001/05/xmlschema-errata#e2-63">XML Schema 1.0 errata</a> states that the year zero
  84  *            will be a valid lexical value in a future version of XML Schema,
  85  *            this class allows the year field to be set to zero. Otherwise,
  86  *            the year field value is handled exactly as described
  87  *            in the errata and [ISO-8601-1988]. Note that W3C XML Schema 1.0
  88  *            validation does not allow for the year field to have a value of zero.
  89  *            </td>
  90  *     </tr>
  91  *     <tr>
  92  *       <td><a name="datetimefield-month">month</a></td>
  93  *       <td> {@link #getMonth()} </td>
  94  *       <td> 1 to 12 or {@link DatatypeConstants#FIELD_UNDEFINED} </td>
  95  *     </tr>
  96  *     <tr>
  97  *       <td><a name="datetimefield-day">day</a></td>
  98  *       <td> {@link #getDay()} </td>
  99  *       <td> Independent of month, max range is 1 to 31 or {@link DatatypeConstants#FIELD_UNDEFINED}.<br>
 100  *            The normative value constraint stated relative to month
 101  *            field's value is in <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#isoformats">W3C XML Schema 1.0 Part 2, Appendix D</a>.
 102  *       </td>
 103  *     </tr>
 104  *     <tr>
 105  *       <td><a name="datetimefield-hour">hour</a></td>
 106  *       <td>{@link #getHour()}</td>
 107  *       <td>
 108  *         0 to 23 or {@link DatatypeConstants#FIELD_UNDEFINED}.
 109  *         An hour value of 24 is allowed to be set in the lexical space provided the minute and second
 110  *         field values are zero. However, an hour value of 24 is not allowed in value space and will be
 111  *         transformed to represent the value of the first instance of the following day as per
 112  *         <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#built-in-primitive-datatypes">
 113  *         XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition, 3.2 Primitive datatypes</a>.
 114  *       </td>
 115  *     </tr>
 116  *     <tr>
 117  *       <td><a name="datetimefield-minute">minute</a></td>
 118  *       <td> {@link #getMinute()} </td>
 119  *       <td> 0 to 59 or {@link DatatypeConstants#FIELD_UNDEFINED} </td>
 120  *     </tr>
 121  *     <tr>
 122  *       <td><a name="datetimefield-second">second</a></td>
 123  *       <td>
 124  *         {@link #getSecond()} + {@link #getMillisecond()}/1000 or<br>
 125  *         {@link #getSecond()} + {@link #getFractionalSecond()}
 126  *       </td>
 127  *       <td>
 128  *         {@link #getSecond()} from 0 to 60 or {@link DatatypeConstants#FIELD_UNDEFINED}.<br>
 129  *         <i>(Note: 60 only allowable for leap second.)</i><br>
 130  *         {@link #getFractionalSecond()} allows for infinite precision over the range from 0.0 to 1.0 when
 131  *         the {@link #getSecond()} is defined.<br>
 132  *         {@code FractionalSecond} is optional and has a value of {@code null} when it is undefined.<br>
 133  *            {@link #getMillisecond()} is the convenience
 134  *            millisecond precision of value of {@link #getFractionalSecond()}.
 135  *       </td>
 136  *     </tr>
 137  *     <tr>
 138  *       <td><a name="datetimefield-timezone">timezone</a></td>
 139  *       <td> {@link #getTimezone()} </td>
 140  *       <td> Number of minutes or {@link DatatypeConstants#FIELD_UNDEFINED}.
 141  *         Value range from -14 hours (-14 * 60 minutes) to 14 hours (14 * 60 minutes).
 142  *       </td>
 143  *     </tr>
 144  *   </tbody>
 145  *  </table>
 146  *
 147  * <p>All maximum value space constraints listed for the fields in the table
 148  * above are checked by factory methods, {@link DatatypeFactory},
 149  * setter methods and parse methods of
 150  * this class. {@code IllegalArgumentException} is thrown when a
 151  * parameter's value is outside the value constraint for the field or
 152  * if the composite
 153  * values constitute an invalid XMLGregorianCalendar instance (for example, if
 154  * the 31st of June is specified).
 155  *
 156  * <p>The following operations are defined for this class:
 157  * <ul>
 158  *   <li>accessors/mutators for independent date/time fields</li>

 731     /**
 732      * Return the lexical representation of {@code this} instance.
 733      * The format is specified in
 734      * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#dateTime-order">XML Schema 1.0 Part 2, Section 3.2.[7-14].1,
 735      * <i>Lexical Representation</i>".</a>
 736      *
 737      * <p>Specific target lexical representation format is determined by
 738      * {@link #getXMLSchemaType()}.
 739      *
 740      * @return XML, as {@code String}, representation of this {@code XMLGregorianCalendar}
 741      *
 742      * @throws IllegalStateException if the combination of set fields
 743      *    does not match one of the eight defined XML Schema builtin date/time datatypes.
 744      */
 745     public abstract String toXMLFormat();
 747     /**
 748      * Return the name of the XML Schema date/time type that this instance
 749      * maps to. Type is computed based on fields that are set.
 750      *
 751      * <table border="2" rules="all" cellpadding="2">

 752      *   <thead>
 753      *     <tr>
 754      *       <th align="center" colspan="7">
 755      *         Required fields for XML Schema 1.0 Date/Time Datatypes.<br>
 756      *         <i>(timezone is optional for all date/time datatypes)</i>
 757      *       </th>

 758      *     </tr>
 759      *   </thead>
 760      *   <tbody>
 761      *     <tr>
 762      *       <td>Datatype</td>
 763      *       <td>year</td>
 764      *       <td>month</td>
 765      *       <td>day</td>
 766      *       <td>hour</td>
 767      *       <td>minute</td>
 768      *       <td>second</td>
 769      *     </tr>
 770      *     <tr>
 771      *       <td>{@link DatatypeConstants#DATETIME}</td>
 772      *       <td>X</td>
 773      *       <td>X</td>
 774      *       <td>X</td>
 775      *       <td>X</td>
 776      *       <td>X</td>
 777      *       <td>X</td>
 778      *     </tr>
 779      *     <tr>
 780      *       <td>{@link DatatypeConstants#DATE}</td>
 781      *       <td>X</td>
 782      *       <td>X</td>
 783      *       <td>X</td>
 784      *       <td></td>
 785      *       <td></td>
 786      *       <td></td>
 787      *     </tr>
 788      *     <tr>
 789      *       <td>{@link DatatypeConstants#TIME}</td>
 790      *       <td></td>

 894      * @param duration Duration to add to this {@code XMLGregorianCalendar}.
 895      *
 896      * @throws NullPointerException  when {@code duration} parameter is {@code null}.
 897      */
 898     public abstract void add(Duration duration);
 900     /**
 901      * Convert this {@code XMLGregorianCalendar} to a {@link GregorianCalendar}.
 902      *
 903      * <p>When {@code this} instance has an undefined field, this
 904      * conversion relies on the {@code java.util.GregorianCalendar} default
 905      * for its corresponding field. A notable difference between
 906      * XML Schema 1.0 date/time datatypes and {@code java.util.GregorianCalendar}
 907      * is that Timezone value is optional for date/time datatypes and it is
 908      * a required field for {@code java.util.GregorianCalendar}. See javadoc
 909      * for {@code java.util.TimeZone.getDefault()} on how the default
 910      * is determined. To explicitly specify the {@code TimeZone}
 911      * instance, see
 912      * {@link #toGregorianCalendar(TimeZone, Locale, XMLGregorianCalendar)}.
 913      *
 914      * <table border="2" rules="all" cellpadding="2">

 915      *   <thead>
 916      *     <tr>
 917      *       <th align="center" colspan="2">
 918      *          Field by Field Conversion from this class to
 919      *          {@code java.util.GregorianCalendar}
 920      *       </th>
 921      *     </tr>
 922      *   </thead>
 923      *   <tbody>
 924      *     <tr>
 925      *        <td>{@code java.util.GregorianCalendar} field</td>
 926      *        <td>{@code javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar} field</td>
 927      *     </tr>
 928      *     <tr>
 929      *       <td>{@code ERA}</td>
 930      *       <td>{@link #getEonAndYear()}{@code .signum() < 0 ? GregorianCalendar.BC : GregorianCalendar.AD}</td>
 931      *     </tr>
 932      *     <tr>
 933      *       <td>{@code YEAR}</td>
 934      *       <td>{@link #getEonAndYear()}{@code .abs().intValue()}<i>*</i></td>
 935      *     </tr>
 936      *     <tr>
 937      *       <td>{@code MONTH}</td>
 938      *       <td>{@link #getMonth()} - {@link DatatypeConstants#JANUARY} + {@link GregorianCalendar#JANUARY}</td>
 939      *     </tr>
 940      *     <tr>
 941      *       <td>{@code DAY_OF_MONTH}</td>
 942      *       <td>{@link #getDay()}</td>
 943      *     </tr>
 944      *     <tr>
 945      *       <td>{@code HOUR_OF_DAY}</td>
 946      *       <td>{@link #getHour()}</td>
 947      *     </tr>

  36  * Specifically, these date/time datatypes are
  37  * {@link DatatypeConstants#DATETIME},
  38  * {@link DatatypeConstants#TIME},
  39  * {@link DatatypeConstants#DATE},
  40  * {@link DatatypeConstants#GYEARMONTH},
  41  * {@link DatatypeConstants#GMONTHDAY},
  42  * {@link DatatypeConstants#GYEAR},
  43  * {@link DatatypeConstants#GMONTH}, and
  44  * {@link DatatypeConstants#GDAY}
  45  * defined in the XML Namespace
  46  * {@code "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"}.
  47  * These datatypes are normatively defined in
  48  * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#dateTime">W3C XML Schema 1.0 Part 2, Section 3.2.7-14</a>.
  49  *
  50  * <p>The table below defines the mapping between XML Schema 1.0
  51  * date/time datatype fields and this class' fields. It also summarizes
  52  * the value constraints for the date and time fields defined in
  53  * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#isoformats">W3C XML Schema 1.0 Part 2, Appendix D,
  54  * <i>ISO 8601 Date and Time Formats</i></a>.
  55  *
  56  * <a id="datetimefieldmapping"></a>
  57  * <table class="striped">
  58  *   <caption>Date/Time Datatype Field Mapping Between XML Schema 1.0 and Java Representation</caption>
  59  *   <thead>
  60  *     <tr>

  61  *       <th>XML Schema 1.0<br>
  62  *           datatype<br>
  63  *            field</th>
  64  *       <th>Related<br>XMLGregorianCalendar<br>Accessor(s)</th>
  65  *       <th>Value Range</th>
  66  *     </tr>
  67  *   </thead>
  68  *   <tbody>
  69  *     <tr>
  70  *       <td><a id="datetimefield-year">year</a></td>
  71  *       <td> {@link #getYear()} + {@link #getEon()} or<br>
  72  *            {@link #getEonAndYear}
  73  *       </td>
  74  *       <td> {@code getYear()} is a value between -(10^9-1) to (10^9)-1
  75  *            or {@link DatatypeConstants#FIELD_UNDEFINED}.<br>
  76  *            {@link #getEon()} is high order year value in billion of years.<br>
  77  *            {@code getEon()} has values greater than or equal to (10^9) or less than or equal to -(10^9).
  78  *            A value of null indicates field is undefined.<br>
  79  *            Given that <a href="http://www.w3.org/2001/05/xmlschema-errata#e2-63">XML Schema 1.0 errata</a> states that the year zero
  80  *            will be a valid lexical value in a future version of XML Schema,
  81  *            this class allows the year field to be set to zero. Otherwise,
  82  *            the year field value is handled exactly as described
  83  *            in the errata and [ISO-8601-1988]. Note that W3C XML Schema 1.0
  84  *            validation does not allow for the year field to have a value of zero.
  85  *            </td>
  86  *     </tr>
  87  *     <tr>
  88  *       <td><a id="datetimefield-month">month</a></td>
  89  *       <td> {@link #getMonth()} </td>
  90  *       <td> 1 to 12 or {@link DatatypeConstants#FIELD_UNDEFINED} </td>
  91  *     </tr>
  92  *     <tr>
  93  *       <td><a id="datetimefield-day">day</a></td>
  94  *       <td> {@link #getDay()} </td>
  95  *       <td> Independent of month, max range is 1 to 31 or {@link DatatypeConstants#FIELD_UNDEFINED}.<br>
  96  *            The normative value constraint stated relative to month
  97  *            field's value is in <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#isoformats">W3C XML Schema 1.0 Part 2, Appendix D</a>.
  98  *       </td>
  99  *     </tr>
 100  *     <tr>
 101  *       <td><a id="datetimefield-hour">hour</a></td>
 102  *       <td>{@link #getHour()}</td>
 103  *       <td>
 104  *         0 to 23 or {@link DatatypeConstants#FIELD_UNDEFINED}.
 105  *         An hour value of 24 is allowed to be set in the lexical space provided the minute and second
 106  *         field values are zero. However, an hour value of 24 is not allowed in value space and will be
 107  *         transformed to represent the value of the first instance of the following day as per
 108  *         <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#built-in-primitive-datatypes">
 109  *         XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition, 3.2 Primitive datatypes</a>.
 110  *       </td>
 111  *     </tr>
 112  *     <tr>
 113  *       <td><a id="datetimefield-minute">minute</a></td>
 114  *       <td> {@link #getMinute()} </td>
 115  *       <td> 0 to 59 or {@link DatatypeConstants#FIELD_UNDEFINED} </td>
 116  *     </tr>
 117  *     <tr>
 118  *       <td><a id="datetimefield-second">second</a></td>
 119  *       <td>
 120  *         {@link #getSecond()} + {@link #getMillisecond()}/1000 or<br>
 121  *         {@link #getSecond()} + {@link #getFractionalSecond()}
 122  *       </td>
 123  *       <td>
 124  *         {@link #getSecond()} from 0 to 60 or {@link DatatypeConstants#FIELD_UNDEFINED}.<br>
 125  *         <i>(Note: 60 only allowable for leap second.)</i><br>
 126  *         {@link #getFractionalSecond()} allows for infinite precision over the range from 0.0 to 1.0 when
 127  *         the {@link #getSecond()} is defined.<br>
 128  *         {@code FractionalSecond} is optional and has a value of {@code null} when it is undefined.<br>
 129  *            {@link #getMillisecond()} is the convenience
 130  *            millisecond precision of value of {@link #getFractionalSecond()}.
 131  *       </td>
 132  *     </tr>
 133  *     <tr>
 134  *       <td><a id="datetimefield-timezone">timezone</a></td>
 135  *       <td> {@link #getTimezone()} </td>
 136  *       <td> Number of minutes or {@link DatatypeConstants#FIELD_UNDEFINED}.
 137  *         Value range from -14 hours (-14 * 60 minutes) to 14 hours (14 * 60 minutes).
 138  *       </td>
 139  *     </tr>
 140  *   </tbody>
 141  *  </table>
 142  *
 143  * <p>All maximum value space constraints listed for the fields in the table
 144  * above are checked by factory methods, {@link DatatypeFactory},
 145  * setter methods and parse methods of
 146  * this class. {@code IllegalArgumentException} is thrown when a
 147  * parameter's value is outside the value constraint for the field or
 148  * if the composite
 149  * values constitute an invalid XMLGregorianCalendar instance (for example, if
 150  * the 31st of June is specified).
 151  *
 152  * <p>The following operations are defined for this class:
 153  * <ul>
 154  *   <li>accessors/mutators for independent date/time fields</li>

 727     /**
 728      * Return the lexical representation of {@code this} instance.
 729      * The format is specified in
 730      * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#dateTime-order">XML Schema 1.0 Part 2, Section 3.2.[7-14].1,
 731      * <i>Lexical Representation</i>".</a>
 732      *
 733      * <p>Specific target lexical representation format is determined by
 734      * {@link #getXMLSchemaType()}.
 735      *
 736      * @return XML, as {@code String}, representation of this {@code XMLGregorianCalendar}
 737      *
 738      * @throws IllegalStateException if the combination of set fields
 739      *    does not match one of the eight defined XML Schema builtin date/time datatypes.
 740      */
 741     public abstract String toXMLFormat();
 743     /**
 744      * Return the name of the XML Schema date/time type that this instance
 745      * maps to. Type is computed based on fields that are set.
 746      *
 747      * <table class="striped">
 748      *   <caption>Required fields for XML Schema 1.0 Date/Time Datatypes.<br>
 749      *         <i>(timezone is optional for all date/time datatypes)</i></caption>
 750      *   <thead>
 751      *     <tr>
 752      *       <th>Datatype</th>
 753      *       <th>year</th>
 754      *       <th>month</th>
 755      *       <th>day</th>
 756      *       <th>hour</th>
 757      *       <th>minute</th>
 758      *       <th>second</th>
 759      *     </tr>
 760      *   </thead>
 761      *   <tbody>
 762      *     <tr>

 763      *       <td>{@link DatatypeConstants#DATETIME}</td>
 764      *       <td>X</td>
 765      *       <td>X</td>
 766      *       <td>X</td>
 767      *       <td>X</td>
 768      *       <td>X</td>
 769      *       <td>X</td>
 770      *     </tr>
 771      *     <tr>
 772      *       <td>{@link DatatypeConstants#DATE}</td>
 773      *       <td>X</td>
 774      *       <td>X</td>
 775      *       <td>X</td>
 776      *       <td></td>
 777      *       <td></td>
 778      *       <td></td>
 779      *     </tr>
 780      *     <tr>
 781      *       <td>{@link DatatypeConstants#TIME}</td>
 782      *       <td></td>

 886      * @param duration Duration to add to this {@code XMLGregorianCalendar}.
 887      *
 888      * @throws NullPointerException  when {@code duration} parameter is {@code null}.
 889      */
 890     public abstract void add(Duration duration);
 892     /**
 893      * Convert this {@code XMLGregorianCalendar} to a {@link GregorianCalendar}.
 894      *
 895      * <p>When {@code this} instance has an undefined field, this
 896      * conversion relies on the {@code java.util.GregorianCalendar} default
 897      * for its corresponding field. A notable difference between
 898      * XML Schema 1.0 date/time datatypes and {@code java.util.GregorianCalendar}
 899      * is that Timezone value is optional for date/time datatypes and it is
 900      * a required field for {@code java.util.GregorianCalendar}. See javadoc
 901      * for {@code java.util.TimeZone.getDefault()} on how the default
 902      * is determined. To explicitly specify the {@code TimeZone}
 903      * instance, see
 904      * {@link #toGregorianCalendar(TimeZone, Locale, XMLGregorianCalendar)}.
 905      *
 906      * <table class="striped">
 907      *   <caption>Field by Field Conversion from this class to
 908      *          {@code java.util.GregorianCalendar}</caption>
 909      *   <thead>
 910      *     <tr>
 911      *        <th>{@code java.util.GregorianCalendar} field</th>
 912      *        <th>{@code javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar} field</th>

 913      *     </tr>
 914      *   </thead>
 915      *   <tbody>

 916      *     <tr>
 917      *       <td>{@code ERA}</td>
 918      *       <td>{@link #getEonAndYear()}{@code .signum() < 0 ? GregorianCalendar.BC : GregorianCalendar.AD}</td>
 919      *     </tr>
 920      *     <tr>
 921      *       <td>{@code YEAR}</td>
 922      *       <td>{@link #getEonAndYear()}{@code .abs().intValue()}<i>*</i></td>
 923      *     </tr>
 924      *     <tr>
 925      *       <td>{@code MONTH}</td>
 926      *       <td>{@link #getMonth()} - {@link DatatypeConstants#JANUARY} + {@link GregorianCalendar#JANUARY}</td>
 927      *     </tr>
 928      *     <tr>
 929      *       <td>{@code DAY_OF_MONTH}</td>
 930      *       <td>{@link #getDay()}</td>
 931      *     </tr>
 932      *     <tr>
 933      *       <td>{@code HOUR_OF_DAY}</td>
 934      *       <td>{@link #getHour()}</td>
 935      *     </tr>

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