javax.crypto.KeyDerivation ========================== /** * This class provides the functionality of a key derivation algorithm for the * Java Cryptographic Extension (JCE) framework. * * {@code KeyDerivation} objects will be instantiated * through the {@code getInstance} family of methods. * Input keying material, algorithm parameters, and the desired types and * lengths of output are provided through the {@code init} method, which * must be called before key derivation can begin. * * Keys may be derived singly or in a batch through the {@code deriveKey} and * {@code deriveKeys} methods, respectively. Algorithms that support multiple * output keys from a single set of parameters can support repeated calls to * {@code deriveKey} and/or {@code deriveKeys}. Algorithms intended for * single-key derivations may throw {@code IllegalStateException}. */ public class KeyDerivation { /** * Returns the algorithm name of this {@code KeyDerivation} object. * *

This is the same name that was specified in one of the * {@code getInstance} calls that created this * {@code KeyDerivation} object. * * @return the algorithm name of this {@code KeyDerivation} object. */ public final String getAlgorithm(); /** * Returns the provider of this {@code KeyDerivation} object. * * @return the provider of this {@code KeyDerivation} object. */ public final Provider getProvider(); /** * Creates an instance of the {@code KeyDerivation} object. * * @param algorithm the key derivation algorithm to use * * @return a {@code KeyDerivation} object * * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if no {@code Provider} supports a * {@code KeyDerivationSpi} implementation for the * specified algorithm. */ public static final KeyDerivation getInstance(String algorithm) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException; /** * Creates an instance of the {@code KeyDerivation} object on a specific * {@code Provider}. * * @param algorithm the key derivation algorithm to use * @param provider the provider to use for this key derivation * * @return a {@code KeyDerivation} object * * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if no {@code Provider} supports a * {@code KeyDerivationSpi} implementation for the * specified algorithm. * @throws NoSuchProviderException if the specified provider is not * registered in the security provider list. */ public static final KeyDerivation getInstance(String algorithm, String provider) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException; /** * Creates an instance of the {@code KeyDerivation} object using a * supplied {@code Provider} instance. * * @param algorithm the key derivation algorithm to use * @param provider the provider * * @return a {@code KeyDerivation} object * * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if no {@code Provider} supports a * {@code KeyDerivationSpi} implementation for the * specified algorithm. */ public static final KeyDerivation getInstance(String algorithm, Provider provider) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException; /** * Initializes the {@code KeyDerivation} object. The {@code init} method * must be called prior to calling any of the derivation methods. * Subsequent calls to {@code init} may be performed, allowing the caller * to restart the key derivation process using different input keys, * KDF parameters and/or derived output parameters. * * @param secretKey the input keying material * @param kdfParams the parameters for the key derivation function * @param deriveParams a {@code List} of one or more * {@code DerivationParameterSpec} objects detailing the * characteristics for the output keys, data, and/or objects from * this key derivation function. * * @throws InvalidKeyException if the given key is inappropriate for * initializing this MAC * @throws InvalidParameterSpecException if the * {@code AlgorithmParameterSpec} passed in contains invalid * data or is an incorrect type for the selected algorithm. This * exception will also be thrown if the list of * {@code DerivationParameterSpec} objects contains invalid data. */ public void init(SecretKey secretKey, AlgorithmParameterSpec kdfParams, List deriveParams) throws InvalidKeyException, InvalidParameterSpecException; /** * Derive a key, returned as a {@code Key}. * * This method may be called multiple times, depending on if the algorithm * and provider supports it. Each call will build a {@code Key} object * in accordance with the next {@code DerivationParameterSpec} in the * {@code deriveParams} list provided at initialization time. * * @return a {@code Key} object corresponding to a key built from * the KDF output and according to the derivation parameters. * * @throws InvalidParameterSpecException if the information contained * within the {@code DerivationParameterSpec} is invalid or incorrect * for the type of key to be derived, or specifies a type of output * that is not a key (e.g. raw data) * @throws IllegalStateException if the key derivation implementation * cannot support additional calls to {@code deriveKey} or if all * {@code DerivationParameterSpec} objects provided at initialization * have been processed. */ public Key deriveKey() throws InvalidParameterSpecException; /** * Derive one or more {@code Key} objects. * * This method may be called multiple times, depending on if the algorithm * and provider supports it. A single call will derive and return multiple * {@code Key} objects. A {@code Key} will be returned for each * {@code DerivationParameterSpec} provided at initialization until either a * {@code DerivationParameterSpec} requesting output in another format * (e.g. raw data) is to be processed or the end of the * {@code deriveParams} list is reached. * * @return an unmodifiable {@code List} consisting of one or more * {@code Key} objects, in the same order as the requested * keys in the {@code deriveParams} parameter. * * @throws InvalidParameterSpecException if the information contained * within any of the {@code DerivationParameterSpec} objects is * incorrect for the derived key type. * @throws IllegalStateException if the key derivation implementation * cannot support additional calls to {@code deriveKey} after the * first. This exception will also be thrown if the next unprocessed * {@code DerivationParameterSpec} is of a non-key output type. */ public List deriveKeys() throws InvalidParameterSpecException; /** * Derive a specified number of {@code Key} objects. * * This method may be called multiple times, depending on if the algorithm * and provider supports it. A single call will derive and return multiple * {@code Key} objects. A {@code Key} will be returned for each * {@code DerivationParameterSpec} provided at initialization until: * *

* * @param num the number of requested keys to be returned * * @return an unmodifiable {@code List} consisting of one or more * {@code Key} objects, in the same order as the requested * keys in the {@code deriveParams} parameter. Depending on the * number, type and ordering of the {@code DerivationParameterSpec} * objects in the {@code deriveParams} list, the returned list may * have fewer {@code Key} objects than were requested. * * @throws InvalidParameterSpecException if the information contained * within any of the {@code DerivationParameterSpec} objects is * incorrect for the derived key type. * @throws IllegalStateException if the key derivation implementation * cannot support additional calls to {@code deriveKey} after the * first. This exception will also be thrown if the next unprocessed * {@code DerivationParameterSpec} is of a non-key output type. */ public List deriveKeys(int num) throws InvalidParameterSpecException; /** * Obtain raw data from a key derivation function. * * This method may be called multiple times, depending on if the algorithm * and provider supports it. A single call will return a byte array * containing the number of bytes as requested in the corresponding * {@code DerivationParameterSpec} length field. * * For this method to succeed, the current {@code DerivationParameterSpec} * must be set as a "data" output type. Attempting to call this method * using {@code DerivationParameterSpec} objects of any other type will * cause an {@code InvalidParameterSpecException} to be thrown. * * @return a byte array whose length matches the length field in the * processed {@code DerivationParameterSpec} and containing the next * bytes of output from the key derivation function. * * @throws InvalidParameterSpecException if the * {@code DerivationParameterSpec} being applied to this method is * of a type other than "data". * @throws IllegalStateException if the key derivation implementation * cannot support additional calls to {@code deriveData} or if * all {@code DerivationParameterSpec} objects have been processed. */ public byte[] deriveData() throws InvalidParameterSpecException; /** * Obtain an Object built from key derivation material. * * This method may be called multiple times, depending on if the algorithm * and provider supports it. A single call will return an {@code Object} * that is built from the key derivation output. Objects must be specified * by their {@code Class} and must have a constructor with the following * signature: *
     * {@code ClassName(byte[] data, int length);}
* * For this method to succeed, the current {@code DerivationParameterSpec} * must be created with the {@code Class} form of the constructor. * Attempting to call this method * using {@code DerivationParameterSpec} objects of any other type will * cause an {@code InvalidParameterSpecException} to be thrown. * * @return an Object built from the key derivation output. The number of * bytes used to build the Object is determined by the {@code length} * field in the {@code DerivationParameterSpec}. * * @throws InvalidParameterSpecException if the * {@code DerivationParameterSpec} being applied to this method * was not designed to output an Object. * @throws IllegalStateException if the key derivation implementation * cannot support additional calls to {@code deriveObject} or if * all {@code DerivationParameterSpec} objects have been processed. */ public Object deriveObject() throws InvalidParameterSpecException; } javax.crypto.KeyDerivationSpi ============================= /** * This class defines the Service Provider Interface (SPI) * for the KeyDerivation class. * * All the abstract methods in this class must be implemented by each * cryptographic service provider who wishes to supply the implementation * of a particular key derivation algorithm. */ public abstract class KeyDerivationSpi { /** * Initializes the key derivation object with a secret * key and algorithm parameters. * * @param secretKey the input keying material * @param kdfParams the parameters for the key derivation function * @param deriveParams a {@code List} of one or more * {@code DerivationParameterSpec} objects detailing the * characteristics for the output keys, data, and/or objects from * this key derivation function. * * @throws InvalidKeyException if the given key is inappropriate for * initializing this key derivation algorithm. * @throws InvalidParameterSpecException if the given algorithm * parameters or derivation parameters are inappropriate for this key * derivation algorithm. */ protected abstract void engineInit(SecretKey secretKey, AlgorithmParameterSpec kdfParams, List deriveParams) throws InvalidKeyException, InvalidParameterSpecException; /** * Derive a key, returned as a {@code Key}. * * This method may be called multiple times, depending on if the algorithm * and provider supports it. Each call will build a {@code Key} object * in accordance with the next {@code DerivationParameterSpec} in the * {@code deriveParams} list provided at initialization time. * * @return a {@code Key} object corresponding to a key built from * the KDF output and according to the derivation parameters. * * @throws InvalidParameterSpecException if the information contained * within the {@code DerivationParameterSpec} is invalid or incorrect * for the type of key to be derived, or specifies a type of output * that is not a key (e.g. raw data) * @throws IllegalStateException if the key derivation implementation * cannot support additional calls to {@code deriveKey} or if all * {@code DerivationParameterSpec} objects provided at initialization * have been processed. */ protected abstract Key engineDeriveKey() throws InvalidParameterSpecException; /** * Derive one or more {@code Key} objects using a specified * algorithm and parameters. * * @return a {@code List} of {@code Key} objects containing key * material derived from the {@code KeyDerivation} implementation. * Returned {@code Key} objects will be in the same order * as their matching {@code DerivationParameterSpec} objects during * initialization. This method will return as many keys as possible * until a non-key {@code DerivationParameterSpec} is reached or * all {@code DerivationParameterSpec} objects have been processed. * * @throws InvalidParameterSpecException if the given key-specific * parameters are inappropriate for this derived key type. * @throws IllegalStateException if the key derivation implementation * cannot support additional calls to {@code deriveKey} after the * first. * @throws NullPointerException if either {@code params} is null, or any * entry in the {@code params} list is null */ protected abstract List engineDeriveKeys() throws InvalidParameterSpecException; /** * Derive a specified number of {@code Key} objects. * * This method may be called multiple times, depending on if the algorithm * and provider supports it. A single call will derive and return multiple * {@code Key} objects. A {@code Key} will be returned for each * {@code DerivationParameterSpec} provided at initialization until: * *
  • The number of requested key objects in the {@code num} parameter * have been derived. *
  • A {@code DerivationParameterSpec} requesting output in another * format (e.g. raw data) is to be processed. *
  • The end of the {@code deriveParams} list is reached. *
* * @param num the number of requested keys to be returned * * @return an unmodifiable {@code List} consisting of one or more * {@code Key} objects, in the same order as the requested * keys in the {@code deriveParams} parameter. Depending on the * number, type and ordering of the {@code DerivationParameterSpec} * objects in the {@code deriveParams} list, the returned list may * have fewer {@code Key} objects than were requested. * * @throws InvalidParameterSpecException if the information contained * within any of the {@code DerivationParameterSpec} objects is * incorrect for the derived key type. * @throws IllegalStateException if the key derivation implementation * cannot support additional calls to {@code deriveKey} after the * first. This exception will also be thrown if the next unprocessed * {@code DerivationParameterSpec} is of a non-key output type. */ protected abstract List engineDeriveKeys(int num) throws InvalidParameterSpecException; /** * Obtain raw data from a key derivation function. * * This method may be called multiple times, depending on if the algorithm * and provider supports it. A single call will return a byte array * containing the number of bytes as requested in the corresponding * {@code DerivationParameterSpec} length field. * * For this method to succeed, the current {@code DerivationParameterSpec} * must be set as a "data" output type. Attempting to call this method * using {@code DerivationParameterSpec} objects of any other type will * cause an {@code InvalidParameterSpecException} to be thrown. * * @return a byte array whose length matches the length field in the * processed {@code DerivationParameterSpec} and containing the next * bytes of output from the key derivation function. * * @throws InvalidParameterSpecException if the * {@code DerivationParameterSpec} being applied to this method is * of a type other than "data". * @throws IllegalStateException if the key derivation implementation * cannot support additional calls to {@code deriveData} or if * all {@code DerivationParameterSpec} objects have been processed. */ protected abstract byte[] engineDeriveData() throws InvalidParameterSpecException; /** * Obtain an Object built from key derivation material. * * This method may be called multiple times, depending on if the algorithm * and provider supports it. A single call will return an {@code Object} * that is built from the key derivation output. Objects must be specified * by their {@code Class} and must have a constructor with the following * signature: *
     * {@code ClassName(byte[] data, int length);}
* * For this method to succeed, the current {@code DerivationParameterSpec} * must be created with the {@code Class} form of the constructor. * Attempting to call this method * using {@code DerivationParameterSpec} objects of any other type will * cause an {@code InvalidParameterSpecException} to be thrown. * * @return an Object built from the key derivation output. The number of * bytes used to build the Object is determined by the {@code length} * field in the {@code DerivationParameterSpec}. * * @throws InvalidParameterSpecException if the * {@code DerivationParameterSpec} being applied to this method * was not designed to output an Object. * @throws IllegalStateException if the key derivation implementation * cannot support additional calls to {@code deriveObject} or if * all {@code DerivationParameterSpec} objects have been processed. */ protected abstract Object engineDeriveObject() throws InvalidParameterSpecException; } ========================================== /** * A specification of cryptographic parameters for keys derived from a * Key Derivation Function (KDF). Key properties like algorithm name and * key length, as well as provider-specific properties can be specified * through this class. These can then be provided to {@code KeyDerivation} * objects through the {@code deriveKey} and {@code deriveKeys} methods. */ public class DerivationParameterSpec { /** * Create a {@code DerivationParameterSpec} that has no key or * provider-specific parameters. * * @param algorithm the algorithm assigned to the resulting key. * @param length the length of the key in bytes. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@code algorithm} parameter * is {@code null} or the {@code length} parameter is not a positive * integer. */ public DerivationParameterSpec(String algorithm, int length); /** * Create a {@code DerivationParameterSpec} that has additional * key or provider-specific parameters. * * @param algorithm the algorithm assigned to the resulting key. * @param length the length of the key in bytes. * @param params an {@code AlgorithmParameterSpec} implementation * containing parameters specific to the key being derived. This parameter * may be {@code null}. * * @throws NullPointerException if the {@code algorithm} parameter * is {@code null}. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@code length} parameter is * not a positive integer. */ public DerivationParameterSpec(String algorithm, int length, AlgorithmParameterSpec params); /** * Create a {@code DerivationParameterSpec} designed to return an object * when used with the {@code KeyDerivation.deriveObject} method. * * For a class to be successfully used with the {@code deriveObject} method * the class must have a constructor of the form: * *
     * {@code ClassName(byte[] data, int length);}
* * @param clazz the desired return type from the derivation * @param length the amount of data from the KDF used to instantiate this * object. * @param params an {@code AlgorithmParameterSpec} implementation * containing additional parameters specific to the object being derived. * This parameter may be {@code null}. */ public DerivationParameterSpec(Class clazz, int length, AlgorithmParameterSpec params) /** * Returns the algorithm name for this {@code DerivationParameterSpec}. * * @return the algorithm name or an empty string if the {@code Class} * form of the constructor is used. */ public String getAlgorithm(); /** * Obtains the length in bytes for this {@code DerivationParameterSpec}. * * @return the length in bytes. */ public int getLength(); /** * Returns the desired output class from a {@code deriveObject} call. * * @return the {@code Class} of the desired return type or {@code null} * if this {@code DerivationParameterSpec} was created using a * constructor that does not specify the class. */ public Class getOutputClass(); /** * Retrieve any parameters specific to the key being derived. * * @return an {@code AlgorithmParameterSpec} if one was provided during * construction of this object, otherwise {@code null}. */ public AlgorithmParameterSpec getParameterSpec(); }