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  59 # See java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor.selectBestTextFlavor for a list of
  60 # text flavors which support the charset parameter.
  62 UTF8_STRING=text/plain;charset=UTF-8;eoln="\n";terminators=0
  64 # The COMPOUND_TEXT support for inter-client text transfer is disabled by 
  65 # default. The reason is that many native applications prefer this format over 
  66 # other native text formats, but are unable to decode the textual data in this 
  67 # format properly. This results in java-to-native text transfer failures.
  68 # To enable the COMPOUND_TEXT support for this JRE installation uncomment 
  69 # the line below.
  71 # COMPOUND_TEXT=text/plain;charset=x-compound-text;eoln="\n";terminators=0
  73 TEXT=text/plain;eoln="\n";terminators=0
  74 STRING=text/plain;charset=iso8859-1;eoln="\n";terminators=0
  75 FILE_NAME=application/x-java-file-list;class=java.util.List
  76 text/uri-list=application/x-java-file-list;class=java.util.List
  77 PNG=image/x-java-image;class=java.awt.Image
  78 JFIF=image/x-java-image;class=java.awt.Image

  59 # See java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor.selectBestTextFlavor for a list of
  60 # text flavors which support the charset parameter.
  62 UTF8_STRING=text/plain;charset=UTF-8;eoln="\n";terminators=0
  64 # The COMPOUND_TEXT support for inter-client text transfer is disabled by 
  65 # default. The reason is that many native applications prefer this format over 
  66 # other native text formats, but are unable to decode the textual data in this 
  67 # format properly. This results in java-to-native text transfer failures.
  68 # To enable the COMPOUND_TEXT support for this JRE installation uncomment 
  69 # the line below.
  71 # COMPOUND_TEXT=text/plain;charset=x-compound-text;eoln="\n";terminators=0
  73 TEXT=text/plain;eoln="\n";terminators=0
  74 STRING=text/plain;charset=iso8859-1;eoln="\n";terminators=0
  75 FILE_NAME=application/x-java-file-list;class=java.util.List
  76 text/uri-list=application/x-java-file-list;class=java.util.List
  77 PNG=image/x-java-image;class=java.awt.Image
  78 JFIF=image/x-java-image;class=java.awt.Image
  79 HTML\ Format=text/html;charset=utf-8;eoln="\r\n";terminators=1
  80 Rich\ Text\ Format=text/rtf