JT Harness : Tests that had errors

java/awt/Dialog/MakeWindowAlwaysOnTop/MakeWindowAlwaysOnTop.java: tests that an always-on-top modal dialog doesn't make any windows always-on-top
java/awt/PrintJob/PrinterException.java: Toolkit.getPrintJob throws NPE if no printer available
java/awt/dnd/DragInterceptorAppletTest/DragInterceptorAppletTest.html: Unsigned applet can retrieve the dragged information before drop action occurs
java/awt/dnd/FileListBetweenJVMsTest/FileListBetweenJVMsTest.html: DnD of File-List across JVM adds two empty items to the list
java/awt/dnd/NoFormatsCrashTest/NoFormatsCrashTest.html: tests that a drop target JVM doesn't crash if the source doesn't export data in native formats.
java/awt/print/PrinterJob/Margins.java: Image should be sent to printer, no exceptions thrown.
javax/sound/midi/Synthesizer/bug4685396.java: Tests that Synthesizer.remapInstrument works

Report generated on 01-Mar-2018 4:16:48 PM
Using JT Harness 5.0; built on 29 January 2018 at 12:00:00 AM IST with Java(TM) 2 SDK, Version 9.0.1