JT Harness : Tests that had errors

java/awt/Clipboard/HTMLTransferTest/HTMLTransferTest.html: Tests basic DnD functionality in an applet
java/awt/Focus/FocusTransitionTest/FocusTransitionTest.java: Tests whether the value of mostRecentFocusOwner for a window is correct, if another window is displayed during focus transition
java/awt/Modal/OnTop/OnTopModeless4Test.java: Check whether a modeless Dialog created with a hidden Dialog constructor follows normal Z Order.
java/awt/Window/AlwaysOnTop/AutoTestOnTop.java: Unit test for the RFE window/frame/dialog always on top
javax/swing/JFileChooser/6868611/bug6868611.java: FileSystemView throws NullPointerException
javax/swing/MultiUIDefaults/4300666/bug4300666.java: Printing UIDefaults throws NoSuchElementExcept

Report generated on 15-Feb-2018 6:45:01 PM
Using JT Harness 5.0; built on 29 January 2018 at 12:00:00 AM IST with Java(TM) 2 SDK, Version 9.0.1