JT Harness : Tests that failed

java/awt/Focus/ChildWindowFocusTest/ChildWindowFocusTest.html: Tests that Window's child can be focused on XAWT.
java/awt/Focus/NonFocusableBlockedOwnerTest/NonFocusableBlockedOwnerTest.html: Modal excluded Window which decorated parent is blocked should be non-focusable.
java/awt/Focus/TranserFocusToWindow/TranserFocusToWindow.java: Tests that focus transfered directy to window w/o transfering it to frame.
java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/TypeAhead/EnqueueWithDialogTest/EnqueueWithDialogTest.java: Tests that type-ahead for dialog works and doesn't block program
java/awt/Modal/NullModalityDialogTest/NullModalityDialogTest.java: Check whether a Dialog set with null modality type behaves like a modeless dialog
java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModal5Test.java: Check whether a modal dialog having a visible Frame constructor still stays on top of the blocked windows even after calling toBack for the dialog.
java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackTKModal5Test.java: Check whether a toolkit modal dialog having a visible Frame constructor still stays on top of the blocked windows even after calling toBack for the dialog.
java/awt/Mouse/MouseComboBoxTest/MouseComboBoxTest.java: Tests JComboBox selection via the mouse
java/awt/Window/WindowResizing/DoubleClickTitleBarTest.java: Double click on the title bar no longer repositions the window
java/awt/dnd/DnDTestWithHIDPI/DragTestWithHIDPI.java: Tests DnD property with HIDPI scale set to non-interger value 2.5
java/awt/dnd/DropTargetEnterExitTest/ExtraDragEnterTest.java: Checks the dragEnter event is correctly generated
java/awt/dnd/DropTargetEnterExitTest/MissedDragExitTest.java: Checks that dragExit is generated when the new DropTarget is created under the drag
java/awt/dnd/InterJVMGetDropSuccessTest/InterJVMGetDropSuccessTest.html: verifies that getDropSuccess() returns correct value for inter-JVM DnD
java/awt/dnd/RecognizedActionTest/RecognizedActionTest.java: verifies that the recognized action matches modifiers state
java/awt/dnd/RemoveDropTargetCrashTest/RemoveDropTargetCrashTest.java: tests that removal of the drop target or disposal of frame during drop processing doesn't cause crash
java/awt/event/KeyEvent/AltCharAcceleratorTest/AltCharAcceleratorTest.java: Checks that <Alt>+Char accelerators work when pressed in a text component
java/awt/event/KeyEvent/DeadKey/DeadKeyMacOSXInputText.java: [macosx] Dead keys handling for input methods
java/awt/event/KeyEvent/DeadKey/deadKeyMacOSX.java: Dead Key implementation for KeyEvent on Mac OS X
java/awt/event/KeyEvent/KeyTyped/CtrlASCII.html: ests that pressing of Ctrl+ascii mostly fires KEY_TYPED with a Unicode control symbols
java/awt/event/MouseWheelEvent/InfiniteRecursion/InfiniteRecursion_2.html: stack overflow on mouse wheel rotation within JApplet
java/awt/event/MouseWheelEvent/InfiniteRecursion/InfiniteRecursion_3.html: stack overflow on mouse wheel rotation within JApplet
javax/print/PrintSE/PrintSE.sh: Tests queuePrintJob is sufficient permission for printing.
javax/swing/JButton/4368790/bug4368790.java: JButton stays pressed when focus stolen
sun/java2d/DirectX/RenderingToCachedGraphicsTest/RenderingToCachedGraphicsTest.java: Verifies that rendering to a cached onscreen Graphics works

Report generated on 01-Mar-2018 4:16:48 PM
Using JT Harness 5.0; built on 29 January 2018 at 12:00:00 AM IST with Java(TM) 2 SDK, Version 9.0.1