#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "childproc.h" #define ERR_MALLOC 1 #define ERR_PIPE 2 #define ERR_ARGS 3 void error (int fd, int err) { write (fd, &err, sizeof(err)); exit (1); } static void* xmalloc(size_t size, int fdout) { void *p = malloc(size); if (p == NULL) error (fdout, ERR_MALLOC); return p; } #define NEW(type, n, fdout) ((type *) xmalloc((n) * sizeof(type), fdout)) void usageError() { fprintf(stdout, "This command is not for general use and should "); fprintf(stdout, "only be run as the result of a call to\n"); fprintf(stdout, "ProcessBuilder.start() or Runtime.exec() in a java "); fprintf(stdout, "application\n"); _exit(1); } /* * read the following off the pipefd * - the ChildStuff struct * - the SpawnInfo struct * - the data strings for fields in ChildStuff */ void initChildStuff (int fdin, int fdout, ChildStuff *c) { int n; int argvBytes, nargv, envvBytes, nenvv; int dirlen; char *buf; SpawnInfo sp; int bufsize, offset=0; int magic; int res; res = readFully (fdin, &magic, sizeof(magic)); if (res != sizeof(magic) || magic != magicNumber()) { error (fdout, ERR_PIPE); } if (readFully (fdin, c, sizeof(*c)) == -1) { error (fdout, ERR_PIPE); } if (readFully (fdin, &sp, sizeof(sp)) == -1) { error (fdout, ERR_PIPE); } bufsize = sp.argvBytes + sp.envvBytes + sp.dirlen + sp.parentPathLen + sp.parentPathvBytes; buf = NEW(char*, bufsize, fdout); if (readFully (fdin, buf, bufsize) == -1) { error (fdout, ERR_PIPE); } /* Initialize argv[] */ c->argv = NEW(const char**, sizeof(char *) * sp.nargv, fdout); initVectorFromBlock (c->argv, buf+offset, sp.nargv-1); offset += sp.argvBytes; /* Initialize envv[] */ if (sp.nenvv == 0) { c->envv = 0; } else { c->envv = NEW(const char**, sizeof(char *) * sp.nenvv, fdout); initVectorFromBlock (c->envv, buf+offset, sp.nenvv-1); offset += sp.envvBytes; } /* Initialize pdir */ if (sp.dirlen == 0) { c->pdir = 0; } else { c->pdir = buf+offset; offset += sp.dirlen; } /* Initialize parentPath */ parentPath = buf+offset; offset += sp.parentPathLen; /* Initialize parentPathv[] */ parentPathv = NEW(const char * const*, sizeof (char *) * sp.nparentPathv, fdout); initVectorFromBlock (parentPathv, buf+offset, sp.nparentPathv-1); offset += sp.parentPathvBytes; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ChildStuff c; int t; struct stat buf; /* argv[0] contains the fd number to read all the child info */ int r, fdin, fdout; if (argc == 1) { r = sscanf (argv[argc-1], "%d:%d", &fdin, &fdout); if (r == 2 && fcntl(fdin, F_GETFD) != -1) { fstat(fdin, &buf); if (!S_ISFIFO(buf.st_mode)) usageError(); } else { usageError(); } } else { usageError(); } initChildStuff (fdin, fdout, &c); childProcess (&c); return 0; /* NOT REACHED */ }