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  33 typedef unsigned char   jboolean;
  34 #if defined(__LP64__) && __LP64__ /* for -Wundef */
  35 typedef int jint;
  36 #else
  37 typedef long jint;
  38 #endif
  39 ////////////////////////// end of imports from jni.h
  42 #define JAVA_LAUNCH_ERROR "JavaLaunchError"
  44 #define JVM_RUNTIME_KEY "JVMRuntime"
  45 #define JVM_MAIN_CLASS_NAME_KEY "JVMMainClassName"
  46 #define JVM_MAIN_JAR_NAME_KEY "JVMMainJarName"
  47 #define JVM_OPTIONS_KEY "JVMOptions"
  48 #define JVM_ARGUMENTS_KEY "JVMArguments"
  49 #define JVM_USER_OPTIONS_KEY "JVMUserOptions"
  50 #define JVM_CLASSPATH_KEY "JVMAppClasspath"
  51 #define JVM_PREFERENCES_ID "JVMPreferencesID"
  52 #define JVM_LAUNCHER_DEBUG_OPTIONS_KEY "JVMLauncherDebugOptions"

  54 #define LIBJLI_DYLIB "/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/lib/jli/libjli.dylib"
  56 typedef int (JNICALL *JLI_Launch_t)(int argc, char ** argv,
  57         int jargc, const char** jargv,
  58         int appclassc, const char** appclassv,
  59         const char* fullversion,
  60         const char* dotversion,
  61         const char* pname,
  62         const char* lname,
  63         jboolean javaargs,
  64         jboolean cpwildcard,
  65         jboolean javaw,
  66         jint ergo);
  68 int launch(int appArgc, char *appArgv[]);
  70 NSArray *getJVMOptions(NSDictionary *infoDictionary, NSString *mainBundlePath);
  71 void logCommandLine(NSString *tag, int argc, char* argv[]);

 322     //be generalized and use a set of options
 323     NSString *contentsPath = [mainBundlePath stringByAppendingString:@"/Contents"];
 325     //Create some extra room for user options and preferences id
 326     NSMutableArray *expandedOptions = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:(
 327             [options count] + [defaultOverrides count] + 5)];
 329     //Add preferences ID
 330     NSString *preferencesID = [infoDictionary objectForKey:@JVM_PREFERENCES_ID];
 331     if (preferencesID != nil) {
 332         [expandedOptions addObject: [@"" stringByAppendingString: preferencesID]];
 333     }
 335     for (id option in options) {
 336         NSString *expandedOption =
 337                 [option stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"$APPDIR" withString:contentsPath];
 338         [expandedOptions addObject:expandedOption];
 339     }
 342     //Add user overridable jvm options, from user config if different otherwise from defaults
 343     NSUserDefaults *userDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
 344     NSArray *userOverrides= [userDefaults objectForKey:@JVM_USER_OPTIONS_KEY];

 346     //If overrides don't exist add them - the intent is to make it easier for the user to actually modify them
 347     if ([userOverrides count] == 0) {
 348         [userDefaults setObject: defaultOverrides forKey:@JVM_USER_OPTIONS_KEY];

 349     }
 351     for (id key in defaultOverrides) {


 353         NSString *newOption;
 354         if ([userOverrides valueForKey: key] != nil &&
 355             [[userOverrides valueForKey:key] isNotEqualTo:[defaultOverrides valueForKey:key]]) {
 356             newOption = [key stringByAppendingString:[userOverrides valueForKey:key]];
 357         }
 358         else {
 359             newOption = [key stringByAppendingString:[defaultOverrides valueForKey:key]];
 360         }
 361         NSString *expandedOption =
 362                 [newOption stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"$APPDIR" withString:contentsPath];
 363         [expandedOptions addObject: expandedOption];
 364     }
 366     //Loop through all user override keys again looking for ones we haven't already uses
 367     for (id key in userOverrides) {
 368         //If the default object for key is nil, this is an option the user added so include
 369         if ([defaultOverrides objectForKey: key] == nil) {
 370             NSString *newOption = [key stringByAppendingString:[userOverrides valueForKey:key]];
 371             NSString *expandedOption =
 372                     [newOption stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"$APPDIR" withString:contentsPath];

  33 typedef unsigned char   jboolean;
  34 #if defined(__LP64__) && __LP64__ /* for -Wundef */
  35 typedef int jint;
  36 #else
  37 typedef long jint;
  38 #endif
  39 ////////////////////////// end of imports from jni.h
  42 #define JAVA_LAUNCH_ERROR "JavaLaunchError"
  44 #define JVM_RUNTIME_KEY "JVMRuntime"
  45 #define JVM_MAIN_CLASS_NAME_KEY "JVMMainClassName"
  46 #define JVM_MAIN_JAR_NAME_KEY "JVMMainJarName"
  47 #define JVM_OPTIONS_KEY "JVMOptions"
  48 #define JVM_ARGUMENTS_KEY "JVMArguments"
  49 #define JVM_USER_OPTIONS_KEY "JVMUserOptions"
  50 #define JVM_CLASSPATH_KEY "JVMAppClasspath"
  51 #define JVM_PREFERENCES_ID "JVMPreferencesID"
  52 #define JVM_LAUNCHER_DEBUG_OPTIONS_KEY "JVMLauncherDebugOptions"
  55 #define LIBJLI_DYLIB "/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/lib/jli/libjli.dylib"
  57 typedef int (JNICALL *JLI_Launch_t)(int argc, char ** argv,
  58         int jargc, const char** jargv,
  59         int appclassc, const char** appclassv,
  60         const char* fullversion,
  61         const char* dotversion,
  62         const char* pname,
  63         const char* lname,
  64         jboolean javaargs,
  65         jboolean cpwildcard,
  66         jboolean javaw,
  67         jint ergo);
  69 int launch(int appArgc, char *appArgv[]);
  71 NSArray *getJVMOptions(NSDictionary *infoDictionary, NSString *mainBundlePath);
  72 void logCommandLine(NSString *tag, int argc, char* argv[]);

 323     //be generalized and use a set of options
 324     NSString *contentsPath = [mainBundlePath stringByAppendingString:@"/Contents"];
 326     //Create some extra room for user options and preferences id
 327     NSMutableArray *expandedOptions = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:(
 328             [options count] + [defaultOverrides count] + 5)];
 330     //Add preferences ID
 331     NSString *preferencesID = [infoDictionary objectForKey:@JVM_PREFERENCES_ID];
 332     if (preferencesID != nil) {
 333         [expandedOptions addObject: [@"" stringByAppendingString: preferencesID]];
 334     }
 336     for (id option in options) {
 337         NSString *expandedOption =
 338                 [option stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"$APPDIR" withString:contentsPath];
 339         [expandedOptions addObject:expandedOption];
 340     }
 343     // calculate a normalized path including the JVMUserOptions key
 344     BOOL leadingSlash = [preferencesID hasPrefix: @"/"];
 345     BOOL trailingSlash = [preferencesID hasSuffix: @"/"] || ([preferencesID length] == 0);
 347     NSString *fullPath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@%@/", leadingSlash?@"":@"/",
 348                           preferencesID, trailingSlash?@"":@"/", @JVM_USER_OPTIONS_KEY];
 350     // now pull out the parts...
 351     NSString *strippedPath = [fullPath stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet: [NSCharacterSet
 352                                                                 characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"/"]];
 353     NSArray *pathParts = [strippedPath componentsSeparatedByString:@"/"];
 355     // calculate our persistent domain and the path of dictionaries to descend
 356     NSString *persistentDomain;
 357     NSMutableArray *dictPath = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: pathParts];
 358     if ([pathParts count] > 2) {
 359         // for 3 or more steps, the domain is first.second.third and the keys are "/first/second/third/", "fourth/", "fifth/"... etc
 360         persistentDomain = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@.%@.%@", [pathParts objectAtIndex: 0],
 361                             [pathParts objectAtIndex: 1], [pathParts objectAtIndex: 2]];
 363         [dictPath replaceObjectAtIndex: 0 withObject: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"/%@/%@/%@", [pathParts objectAtIndex: 0],
 364                                                        [pathParts objectAtIndex: 1], [pathParts objectAtIndex: 2]]];
 365         [dictPath removeObjectAtIndex: 2];
 366         [dictPath removeObjectAtIndex: 1];
 367     } else {
 368         // for 1 or two steps, the domain is first.second.third and the keys are "/", "first/", "second/"
 369         persistentDomain = @DEFAULT_JAVA_PREFS_DOMAIN;
 370         [dictPath insertObject: @"" atIndex:0];
 371     }
 373     // set up the user defaults for the appropriate persistent domain
 374     NSUserDefaults *userDefaults = [[NSUserDefaults alloc] init];
 375     NSDictionary *userOverrides = [userDefaults persistentDomainForName: persistentDomain];
 377     // walk down our path parts, making dictionaries along the way if they are missing
 378     NSMutableDictionary *parentNode;
 379     int pathLength = [dictPath count];
 380     for (int i = 0; i < pathLength; i++) {
 381         NSString *nodeKey = [[dictPath objectAtIndex: i] stringByAppendingString: @"/"];
 382         parentNode = userOverrides;
 383         userOverrides = [parentNode objectForKey: nodeKey];
 384         if (userOverrides == Nil) {
 385             userOverrides = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: 2];
 386             [parentNode setValue: userOverrides forKey: nodeKey];
 387         }
 388     }
 390     //If overrides don't exist add them - the intent is to make it easier for the user to actually modify them
 391     if ([userOverrides count] == 0) {
 392         int i = [dictPath count] -1;
 393         NSString *nodeKey = [[dictPath objectAtIndex: ([dictPath count] - 1)] stringByAppendingString: @"/"];
 394         [parentNode setObject: defaultOverrides forKey:nodeKey];
 395         userOverrides = [parentNode objectForKey: nodeKey];
 396     }
 398     // some writes may have occured, sync
 399     [userDefaults synchronize];
 401     // now we examine the prefs node for defaulted values and substitute user options
 402     for (id key in defaultOverrides) {
 403         NSString *newOption;
 404         if ([userOverrides valueForKey: key] != nil &&
 405             [[userOverrides valueForKey:key] isNotEqualTo:[defaultOverrides valueForKey:key]]) {
 406             newOption = [key stringByAppendingString:[userOverrides valueForKey:key]];
 407         }
 408         else {
 409             newOption = [key stringByAppendingString:[defaultOverrides valueForKey:key]];
 410         }
 411         NSString *expandedOption =
 412                 [newOption stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"$APPDIR" withString:contentsPath];
 413         [expandedOptions addObject: expandedOption];
 414     }
 416     //Loop through all user override keys again looking for ones we haven't already uses
 417     for (id key in userOverrides) {
 418         //If the default object for key is nil, this is an option the user added so include
 419         if ([defaultOverrides objectForKey: key] == nil) {
 420             NSString *newOption = [key stringByAppendingString:[userOverrides valueForKey:key]];
 421             NSString *expandedOption =
 422                     [newOption stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"$APPDIR" withString:contentsPath];