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 135           cfs->guarantee_more(5, CHECK);  // class_index, name_and_type_index, tag/access_flags
 136           u2 class_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
 137           u2 name_and_type_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
 138           cp->interface_method_at_put(index, class_index, name_and_type_index);
 139         }
 140         break;
 141       case JVM_CONSTANT_String :
 142         {
 143           cfs->guarantee_more(3, CHECK);  // string_index, tag/access_flags
 144           u2 string_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
 145           cp->string_index_at_put(index, string_index);
 146         }
 147         break;
 148       case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle :
 149       case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType :
 150         if (_major_version < Verifier::INVOKEDYNAMIC_MAJOR_VERSION) {
 151           classfile_parse_error(
 152             "Class file version does not support constant tag %u in class file %s",
 153             tag, CHECK);
 154         }
 155         if (!EnableMethodHandles) {
 156           classfile_parse_error(
 157             "This JVM does not support constant tag %u in class file %s",
 158             tag, CHECK);
 159         }
 160         if (tag == JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle) {
 161           cfs->guarantee_more(4, CHECK);  // ref_kind, method_index, tag/access_flags
 162           u1 ref_kind = cfs->get_u1_fast();
 163           u2 method_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
 164           cp->method_handle_index_at_put(index, ref_kind, method_index);
 165         } else if (tag == JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType) {
 166           cfs->guarantee_more(3, CHECK);  // signature_index, tag/access_flags
 167           u2 signature_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
 168           cp->method_type_index_at_put(index, signature_index);
 169         } else {
 170           ShouldNotReachHere();
 171         }
 172         break;
 173       case JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamicTrans :  // this tag appears only in old classfiles
 174       case JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic :
 175         {

 243           u2 name_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
 244           u2 signature_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
 245           cp->name_and_type_at_put(index, name_index, signature_index);
 246         }
 247         break;
 248       case JVM_CONSTANT_Utf8 :
 249         {
 250           cfs->guarantee_more(2, CHECK);  // utf8_length
 251           u2  utf8_length = cfs->get_u2_fast();
 252           u1* utf8_buffer = cfs->get_u1_buffer();
 253           assert(utf8_buffer != NULL, "null utf8 buffer");
 254           // Got utf8 string, guarantee utf8_length+1 bytes, set stream position forward.
 255           cfs->guarantee_more(utf8_length+1, CHECK);  // utf8 string, tag/access_flags
 256           cfs->skip_u1_fast(utf8_length);
 258           // Before storing the symbol, make sure it's legal
 259           if (_need_verify) {
 260             verify_legal_utf8((unsigned char*)utf8_buffer, utf8_length, CHECK);
 261           }
 263           if (AnonymousClasses && has_cp_patch_at(index)) {
 264             Handle patch = clear_cp_patch_at(index);
 265             guarantee_property(java_lang_String::is_instance(patch()),
 266                                "Illegal utf8 patch at %d in class file %s",
 267                                index, CHECK);
 268             char* str = java_lang_String::as_utf8_string(patch());
 269             // (could use java_lang_String::as_symbol instead, but might as well batch them)
 270             utf8_buffer = (u1*) str;
 271             utf8_length = (int) strlen(str);
 272           }
 274           unsigned int hash;
 275           Symbol* result = SymbolTable::lookup_only((char*)utf8_buffer, utf8_length, hash);
 276           if (result == NULL) {
 277             names[names_count] = (char*)utf8_buffer;
 278             lengths[names_count] = utf8_length;
 279             indices[names_count] = index;
 280             hashValues[names_count++] = hash;
 281             if (names_count == SymbolTable::symbol_alloc_batch_size) {
 282               SymbolTable::new_symbols(cp, names_count, names, lengths, indices, hashValues, CHECK);
 283               names_count = 0;

 426       case JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedString :
 427         ShouldNotReachHere();     // Only JVM_CONSTANT_StringIndex should be present
 428         break;
 429       case JVM_CONSTANT_StringIndex :
 430         {
 431           int string_index = cp->string_index_at(index);
 432           check_property(
 433             valid_cp_range(string_index, length) &&
 434               cp->tag_at(string_index).is_utf8(),
 435             "Invalid constant pool index %u in class file %s",
 436             string_index, CHECK_(nullHandle));
 437           Symbol* sym = cp->symbol_at(string_index);
 438           cp->unresolved_string_at_put(index, sym);
 439         }
 440         break;
 441       case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle :
 442         {
 443           int ref_index = cp->method_handle_index_at(index);
 444           check_property(
 445             valid_cp_range(ref_index, length) &&
 446                 EnableMethodHandles,
 447               "Invalid constant pool index %u in class file %s",
 448               ref_index, CHECK_(nullHandle));
 449           constantTag tag = cp->tag_at(ref_index);
 450           int ref_kind  = cp->method_handle_ref_kind_at(index);
 451           switch (ref_kind) {
 452           case JVM_REF_getField:
 453           case JVM_REF_getStatic:
 454           case JVM_REF_putField:
 455           case JVM_REF_putStatic:
 456             check_property(
 457               tag.is_field(),
 458               "Invalid constant pool index %u in class file %s (not a field)",
 459               ref_index, CHECK_(nullHandle));
 460             break;
 461           case JVM_REF_invokeVirtual:
 462           case JVM_REF_invokeStatic:
 463           case JVM_REF_invokeSpecial:
 464           case JVM_REF_newInvokeSpecial:
 465             check_property(
 466               tag.is_method(),

 470           case JVM_REF_invokeInterface:
 471             check_property(
 472               tag.is_interface_method(),
 473               "Invalid constant pool index %u in class file %s (not an interface method)",
 474               ref_index, CHECK_(nullHandle));
 475             break;
 476           default:
 477             classfile_parse_error(
 478               "Bad method handle kind at constant pool index %u in class file %s",
 479               index, CHECK_(nullHandle));
 480           }
 481           // Keep the ref_index unchanged.  It will be indirected at link-time.
 482         }
 483         break;
 484       case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType :
 485         {
 486           int ref_index = cp->method_type_index_at(index);
 487           check_property(
 488             valid_cp_range(ref_index, length) &&
 489                 cp->tag_at(ref_index).is_utf8() &&
 490                 EnableMethodHandles,
 491               "Invalid constant pool index %u in class file %s",
 492               ref_index, CHECK_(nullHandle));
 493         }
 494         break;
 495       case JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamicTrans :
 496       case JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic :
 497         {
 498           int name_and_type_ref_index = cp->invoke_dynamic_name_and_type_ref_index_at(index);
 499           check_property(valid_cp_range(name_and_type_ref_index, length) &&
 500                          cp->tag_at(name_and_type_ref_index).is_name_and_type(),
 501                          "Invalid constant pool index %u in class file %s",
 502                          name_and_type_ref_index,
 503                          CHECK_(nullHandle));
 504           if (tag == JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamicTrans) {
 505             int bootstrap_method_ref_index = cp->invoke_dynamic_bootstrap_method_ref_index_at(index);
 506             check_property(valid_cp_range(bootstrap_method_ref_index, length) &&
 507                            cp->tag_at(bootstrap_method_ref_index).is_method_handle(),
 508                            "Invalid constant pool index %u in class file %s",
 509                            bootstrap_method_ref_index,
 510                            CHECK_(nullHandle));
 511           }
 512           // bootstrap specifier index must be checked later, when BootstrapMethods attr is available
 513           break;
 514         }
 515       default:
 516         fatal(err_msg("bad constant pool tag value %u",
 517                       cp->tag_at(index).value()));
 518         ShouldNotReachHere();
 519         break;
 520     } // end of switch
 521   } // end of for
 523   if (_cp_patches != NULL) {
 524     // need to treat this_class specially...
 525     assert(AnonymousClasses, "");
 526     int this_class_index;
 527     {
 528       cfs->guarantee_more(8, CHECK_(nullHandle));  // flags, this_class, super_class, infs_len
 529       u1* mark = cfs->current();
 530       u2 flags         = cfs->get_u2_fast();
 531       this_class_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
 532       cfs->set_current(mark);  // revert to mark
 533     }
 535     for (index = 1; index < length; index++) {          // Index 0 is unused
 536       if (has_cp_patch_at(index)) {
 537         guarantee_property(index != this_class_index,
 538                            "Illegal constant pool patch to self at %d in class file %s",
 539                            index, CHECK_(nullHandle));
 540         patch_constant_pool(cp, index, cp_patch_at(index), CHECK_(nullHandle));
 541       }
 542     }
 543     // Ensure that all the patches have been used.
 544     for (index = 0; index < _cp_patches->length(); index++) {
 545       guarantee_property(!has_cp_patch_at(index),

 660         break;
 661       }
 662       case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType: {
 663         Symbol* no_name = vmSymbols::type_name(); // place holder
 664         Symbol*  signature = cp->method_type_signature_at(index);
 665         verify_legal_method_signature(no_name, signature, CHECK_(nullHandle));
 666         break;
 667       }
 668       case JVM_CONSTANT_Utf8: {
 669         assert(cp->symbol_at(index)->refcount() != 0, "count corrupted");
 670       }
 671     }  // end of switch
 672   }  // end of for
 674   cp_in_error.set_in_error(false);
 675   return cp;
 676 }
 679 void ClassFileParser::patch_constant_pool(constantPoolHandle cp, int index, Handle patch, TRAPS) {
 680   assert(AnonymousClasses, "");
 681   BasicType patch_type = T_VOID;
 682   switch (cp->tag_at(index).value()) {
 684   case JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedClass :
 685     // Patching a class means pre-resolving it.
 686     // The name in the constant pool is ignored.
 687     if (java_lang_Class::is_instance(patch())) {
 688       guarantee_property(!java_lang_Class::is_primitive(patch()),
 689                          "Illegal class patch at %d in class file %s",
 690                          index, CHECK);
 691       cp->klass_at_put(index, java_lang_Class::as_klassOop(patch()));
 692     } else {
 693       guarantee_property(java_lang_String::is_instance(patch()),
 694                          "Illegal class patch at %d in class file %s",
 695                          index, CHECK);
 696       Symbol* name = java_lang_String::as_symbol(patch(), CHECK);
 697       cp->unresolved_klass_at_put(index, name);
 698     }
 699     break;

2086   *method_default_annotations = assemble_annotations(annotation_default,
2087                                                      annotation_default_length,
2088                                                      NULL,
2089                                                      0,
2090                                                      CHECK_(nullHandle));
2092   if (name == vmSymbols::finalize_method_name() &&
2093       signature == vmSymbols::void_method_signature()) {
2094     if (m->is_empty_method()) {
2095       _has_empty_finalizer = true;
2096     } else {
2097       _has_finalizer = true;
2098     }
2099   }
2100   if (name == vmSymbols::object_initializer_name() &&
2101       signature == vmSymbols::void_method_signature() &&
2102       m->is_vanilla_constructor()) {
2103     _has_vanilla_constructor = true;
2104   }
2106   if (EnableMethodHandles && (m->is_method_handle_invoke() ||
2107                               m->is_method_handle_adapter())) {
2108     THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_VirtualMachineError(),
2109                "Method handle invokers must be defined internally to the VM", nullHandle);
2110   }
2112   return m;
2113 }
2116 // The promoted_flags parameter is used to pass relevant access_flags
2117 // from the methods back up to the containing klass. These flag values
2118 // are added to klass's access_flags.
2120 objArrayHandle ClassFileParser::parse_methods(constantPoolHandle cp, bool is_interface,
2121                                               AccessFlags* promoted_flags,
2122                                               bool* has_final_method,
2123                                               objArrayOop* methods_annotations_oop,
2124                                               objArrayOop* methods_parameter_annotations_oop,
2125                                               objArrayOop* methods_default_annotations_oop,
2126                                               TRAPS) {

2754   // Cause the extra fake fields in java.lang.Class to show up before
2755   // the Java fields for layout compatibility between 1.3 and 1.4
2756   // Incrementing next_nonstatic_oop_offset here advances the
2757   // location where the real java fields are placed.
2758   const int extra = java_lang_Class::number_of_fake_oop_fields;
2759   (*next_nonstatic_oop_offset_ptr) += (extra * heapOopSize);
2760 }
2763 // Force MethodHandle.vmentry to be an unmanaged pointer.
2764 // There is no way for a classfile to express this, so we must help it.
2765 void ClassFileParser::java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle_fix_pre(constantPoolHandle cp,
2766                                                     typeArrayHandle fields,
2767                                                     FieldAllocationCount *fac_ptr,
2768                                                     TRAPS) {
2769   // Add fake fields for java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle instances
2770   //
2771   // This is not particularly nice, but since there is no way to express
2772   // a native wordSize field in Java, we must do it at this level.
2774   if (!EnableMethodHandles)  return;
2776   int word_sig_index = 0;
2777   const int cp_size = cp->length();
2778   for (int index = 1; index < cp_size; index++) {
2779     if (cp->tag_at(index).is_utf8() &&
2780         cp->symbol_at(index) == vmSymbols::machine_word_signature()) {
2781       word_sig_index = index;
2782       break;
2783     }
2784   }
2786   if (AllowTransitionalJSR292 && word_sig_index == 0)  return;
2787   if (word_sig_index == 0)
2788     THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_VirtualMachineError(),
2789               "missing I or J signature (for vmentry) in java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle");
2791   // Find vmentry field and change the signature.
2792   bool found_vmentry = false;
2793   for (int i = 0; i < fields->length(); i += instanceKlass::next_offset) {
2794     int name_index = fields->ushort_at(i + instanceKlass::name_index_offset);

3174                                   (fac.static_double_count * BytesPerLong);
3175     next_static_short_offset    = next_static_word_offset +
3176                                   (fac.static_word_count * BytesPerInt);
3177     next_static_byte_offset     = next_static_short_offset +
3178                                   (fac.static_short_count * BytesPerShort);
3179     next_static_type_offset     = align_size_up((next_static_byte_offset +
3180                                   fac.static_byte_count ), wordSize );
3181     static_field_size           = (next_static_type_offset -
3182                                   next_static_oop_offset) / wordSize;
3184     // Add fake fields for java.lang.Class instances (also see below)
3185     if (class_name == vmSymbols::java_lang_Class() && class_loader.is_null()) {
3186       java_lang_Class_fix_pre(&nonstatic_field_size, &fac);
3187     }
3189     first_nonstatic_field_offset = instanceOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes() +
3190                                    nonstatic_field_size * heapOopSize;
3191     next_nonstatic_field_offset = first_nonstatic_field_offset;
3193     // adjust the vmentry field declaration in java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle
3194     if (EnableMethodHandles && class_name == vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle() && class_loader.is_null()) {
3195       java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle_fix_pre(cp, fields, &fac, CHECK_(nullHandle));
3196     }
3197     if (AllowTransitionalJSR292 &&
3198         EnableMethodHandles && class_name == vmSymbols::java_dyn_MethodHandle() && class_loader.is_null()) {
3199       java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle_fix_pre(cp, fields, &fac, CHECK_(nullHandle));
3200     }
3201     if (AllowTransitionalJSR292 &&
3202         EnableMethodHandles && class_name == vmSymbols::sun_dyn_MethodHandleImpl() && class_loader.is_null()) {
3203       // allow vmentry field in MethodHandleImpl also
3204       java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle_fix_pre(cp, fields, &fac, CHECK_(nullHandle));
3205     }
3207     // Add a fake "discovered" field if it is not present
3208     // for compatibility with earlier jdk's.
3209     if (class_name == vmSymbols::java_lang_ref_Reference()
3210       && class_loader.is_null()) {
3211       java_lang_ref_Reference_fix_pre(&fields, cp, &fac, CHECK_(nullHandle));
3212     }
3213     // end of "discovered" field compactibility fix
3215     unsigned int nonstatic_double_count = fac.nonstatic_double_count;
3216     unsigned int nonstatic_word_count   = fac.nonstatic_word_count;
3217     unsigned int nonstatic_short_count  = fac.nonstatic_short_count;
3218     unsigned int nonstatic_byte_count   = fac.nonstatic_byte_count;
3219     unsigned int nonstatic_oop_count    = fac.nonstatic_oop_count;
3221     bool super_has_nonstatic_fields =
3222             (super_klass() != NULL && super_klass->has_nonstatic_fields());

 135           cfs->guarantee_more(5, CHECK);  // class_index, name_and_type_index, tag/access_flags
 136           u2 class_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
 137           u2 name_and_type_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
 138           cp->interface_method_at_put(index, class_index, name_and_type_index);
 139         }
 140         break;
 141       case JVM_CONSTANT_String :
 142         {
 143           cfs->guarantee_more(3, CHECK);  // string_index, tag/access_flags
 144           u2 string_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
 145           cp->string_index_at_put(index, string_index);
 146         }
 147         break;
 148       case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle :
 149       case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType :
 150         if (_major_version < Verifier::INVOKEDYNAMIC_MAJOR_VERSION) {
 151           classfile_parse_error(
 152             "Class file version does not support constant tag %u in class file %s",
 153             tag, CHECK);
 154         }
 155         if (!EnableInvokeDynamic) {
 156           classfile_parse_error(
 157             "This JVM does not support constant tag %u in class file %s",
 158             tag, CHECK);
 159         }
 160         if (tag == JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle) {
 161           cfs->guarantee_more(4, CHECK);  // ref_kind, method_index, tag/access_flags
 162           u1 ref_kind = cfs->get_u1_fast();
 163           u2 method_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
 164           cp->method_handle_index_at_put(index, ref_kind, method_index);
 165         } else if (tag == JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType) {
 166           cfs->guarantee_more(3, CHECK);  // signature_index, tag/access_flags
 167           u2 signature_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
 168           cp->method_type_index_at_put(index, signature_index);
 169         } else {
 170           ShouldNotReachHere();
 171         }
 172         break;
 173       case JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamicTrans :  // this tag appears only in old classfiles
 174       case JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic :
 175         {

 243           u2 name_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
 244           u2 signature_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
 245           cp->name_and_type_at_put(index, name_index, signature_index);
 246         }
 247         break;
 248       case JVM_CONSTANT_Utf8 :
 249         {
 250           cfs->guarantee_more(2, CHECK);  // utf8_length
 251           u2  utf8_length = cfs->get_u2_fast();
 252           u1* utf8_buffer = cfs->get_u1_buffer();
 253           assert(utf8_buffer != NULL, "null utf8 buffer");
 254           // Got utf8 string, guarantee utf8_length+1 bytes, set stream position forward.
 255           cfs->guarantee_more(utf8_length+1, CHECK);  // utf8 string, tag/access_flags
 256           cfs->skip_u1_fast(utf8_length);
 258           // Before storing the symbol, make sure it's legal
 259           if (_need_verify) {
 260             verify_legal_utf8((unsigned char*)utf8_buffer, utf8_length, CHECK);
 261           }
 263           if (EnableInvokeDynamic && has_cp_patch_at(index)) {
 264             Handle patch = clear_cp_patch_at(index);
 265             guarantee_property(java_lang_String::is_instance(patch()),
 266                                "Illegal utf8 patch at %d in class file %s",
 267                                index, CHECK);
 268             char* str = java_lang_String::as_utf8_string(patch());
 269             // (could use java_lang_String::as_symbol instead, but might as well batch them)
 270             utf8_buffer = (u1*) str;
 271             utf8_length = (int) strlen(str);
 272           }
 274           unsigned int hash;
 275           Symbol* result = SymbolTable::lookup_only((char*)utf8_buffer, utf8_length, hash);
 276           if (result == NULL) {
 277             names[names_count] = (char*)utf8_buffer;
 278             lengths[names_count] = utf8_length;
 279             indices[names_count] = index;
 280             hashValues[names_count++] = hash;
 281             if (names_count == SymbolTable::symbol_alloc_batch_size) {
 282               SymbolTable::new_symbols(cp, names_count, names, lengths, indices, hashValues, CHECK);
 283               names_count = 0;

 426       case JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedString :
 427         ShouldNotReachHere();     // Only JVM_CONSTANT_StringIndex should be present
 428         break;
 429       case JVM_CONSTANT_StringIndex :
 430         {
 431           int string_index = cp->string_index_at(index);
 432           check_property(
 433             valid_cp_range(string_index, length) &&
 434               cp->tag_at(string_index).is_utf8(),
 435             "Invalid constant pool index %u in class file %s",
 436             string_index, CHECK_(nullHandle));
 437           Symbol* sym = cp->symbol_at(string_index);
 438           cp->unresolved_string_at_put(index, sym);
 439         }
 440         break;
 441       case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle :
 442         {
 443           int ref_index = cp->method_handle_index_at(index);
 444           check_property(
 445             valid_cp_range(ref_index, length) &&
 446                 EnableInvokeDynamic,
 447               "Invalid constant pool index %u in class file %s",
 448               ref_index, CHECK_(nullHandle));
 449           constantTag tag = cp->tag_at(ref_index);
 450           int ref_kind  = cp->method_handle_ref_kind_at(index);
 451           switch (ref_kind) {
 452           case JVM_REF_getField:
 453           case JVM_REF_getStatic:
 454           case JVM_REF_putField:
 455           case JVM_REF_putStatic:
 456             check_property(
 457               tag.is_field(),
 458               "Invalid constant pool index %u in class file %s (not a field)",
 459               ref_index, CHECK_(nullHandle));
 460             break;
 461           case JVM_REF_invokeVirtual:
 462           case JVM_REF_invokeStatic:
 463           case JVM_REF_invokeSpecial:
 464           case JVM_REF_newInvokeSpecial:
 465             check_property(
 466               tag.is_method(),

 470           case JVM_REF_invokeInterface:
 471             check_property(
 472               tag.is_interface_method(),
 473               "Invalid constant pool index %u in class file %s (not an interface method)",
 474               ref_index, CHECK_(nullHandle));
 475             break;
 476           default:
 477             classfile_parse_error(
 478               "Bad method handle kind at constant pool index %u in class file %s",
 479               index, CHECK_(nullHandle));
 480           }
 481           // Keep the ref_index unchanged.  It will be indirected at link-time.
 482         }
 483         break;
 484       case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType :
 485         {
 486           int ref_index = cp->method_type_index_at(index);
 487           check_property(
 488             valid_cp_range(ref_index, length) &&
 489                 cp->tag_at(ref_index).is_utf8() &&
 490                 EnableInvokeDynamic,
 491               "Invalid constant pool index %u in class file %s",
 492               ref_index, CHECK_(nullHandle));
 493         }
 494         break;
 495       case JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamicTrans :
 496       case JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic :
 497         {
 498           int name_and_type_ref_index = cp->invoke_dynamic_name_and_type_ref_index_at(index);
 499           check_property(valid_cp_range(name_and_type_ref_index, length) &&
 500                          cp->tag_at(name_and_type_ref_index).is_name_and_type(),
 501                          "Invalid constant pool index %u in class file %s",
 502                          name_and_type_ref_index,
 503                          CHECK_(nullHandle));
 504           if (tag == JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamicTrans) {
 505             int bootstrap_method_ref_index = cp->invoke_dynamic_bootstrap_method_ref_index_at(index);
 506             check_property(valid_cp_range(bootstrap_method_ref_index, length) &&
 507                            cp->tag_at(bootstrap_method_ref_index).is_method_handle(),
 508                            "Invalid constant pool index %u in class file %s",
 509                            bootstrap_method_ref_index,
 510                            CHECK_(nullHandle));
 511           }
 512           // bootstrap specifier index must be checked later, when BootstrapMethods attr is available
 513           break;
 514         }
 515       default:
 516         fatal(err_msg("bad constant pool tag value %u",
 517                       cp->tag_at(index).value()));
 518         ShouldNotReachHere();
 519         break;
 520     } // end of switch
 521   } // end of for
 523   if (_cp_patches != NULL) {
 524     // need to treat this_class specially...
 525     assert(EnableInvokeDynamic, "");
 526     int this_class_index;
 527     {
 528       cfs->guarantee_more(8, CHECK_(nullHandle));  // flags, this_class, super_class, infs_len
 529       u1* mark = cfs->current();
 530       u2 flags         = cfs->get_u2_fast();
 531       this_class_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
 532       cfs->set_current(mark);  // revert to mark
 533     }
 535     for (index = 1; index < length; index++) {          // Index 0 is unused
 536       if (has_cp_patch_at(index)) {
 537         guarantee_property(index != this_class_index,
 538                            "Illegal constant pool patch to self at %d in class file %s",
 539                            index, CHECK_(nullHandle));
 540         patch_constant_pool(cp, index, cp_patch_at(index), CHECK_(nullHandle));
 541       }
 542     }
 543     // Ensure that all the patches have been used.
 544     for (index = 0; index < _cp_patches->length(); index++) {
 545       guarantee_property(!has_cp_patch_at(index),

 660         break;
 661       }
 662       case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType: {
 663         Symbol* no_name = vmSymbols::type_name(); // place holder
 664         Symbol*  signature = cp->method_type_signature_at(index);
 665         verify_legal_method_signature(no_name, signature, CHECK_(nullHandle));
 666         break;
 667       }
 668       case JVM_CONSTANT_Utf8: {
 669         assert(cp->symbol_at(index)->refcount() != 0, "count corrupted");
 670       }
 671     }  // end of switch
 672   }  // end of for
 674   cp_in_error.set_in_error(false);
 675   return cp;
 676 }
 679 void ClassFileParser::patch_constant_pool(constantPoolHandle cp, int index, Handle patch, TRAPS) {
 680   assert(EnableInvokeDynamic, "");
 681   BasicType patch_type = T_VOID;
 682   switch (cp->tag_at(index).value()) {
 684   case JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedClass :
 685     // Patching a class means pre-resolving it.
 686     // The name in the constant pool is ignored.
 687     if (java_lang_Class::is_instance(patch())) {
 688       guarantee_property(!java_lang_Class::is_primitive(patch()),
 689                          "Illegal class patch at %d in class file %s",
 690                          index, CHECK);
 691       cp->klass_at_put(index, java_lang_Class::as_klassOop(patch()));
 692     } else {
 693       guarantee_property(java_lang_String::is_instance(patch()),
 694                          "Illegal class patch at %d in class file %s",
 695                          index, CHECK);
 696       Symbol* name = java_lang_String::as_symbol(patch(), CHECK);
 697       cp->unresolved_klass_at_put(index, name);
 698     }
 699     break;

2086   *method_default_annotations = assemble_annotations(annotation_default,
2087                                                      annotation_default_length,
2088                                                      NULL,
2089                                                      0,
2090                                                      CHECK_(nullHandle));
2092   if (name == vmSymbols::finalize_method_name() &&
2093       signature == vmSymbols::void_method_signature()) {
2094     if (m->is_empty_method()) {
2095       _has_empty_finalizer = true;
2096     } else {
2097       _has_finalizer = true;
2098     }
2099   }
2100   if (name == vmSymbols::object_initializer_name() &&
2101       signature == vmSymbols::void_method_signature() &&
2102       m->is_vanilla_constructor()) {
2103     _has_vanilla_constructor = true;
2104   }
2106   if (EnableInvokeDynamic && (m->is_method_handle_invoke() ||
2107                               m->is_method_handle_adapter())) {
2108     THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_VirtualMachineError(),
2109                "Method handle invokers must be defined internally to the VM", nullHandle);
2110   }
2112   return m;
2113 }
2116 // The promoted_flags parameter is used to pass relevant access_flags
2117 // from the methods back up to the containing klass. These flag values
2118 // are added to klass's access_flags.
2120 objArrayHandle ClassFileParser::parse_methods(constantPoolHandle cp, bool is_interface,
2121                                               AccessFlags* promoted_flags,
2122                                               bool* has_final_method,
2123                                               objArrayOop* methods_annotations_oop,
2124                                               objArrayOop* methods_parameter_annotations_oop,
2125                                               objArrayOop* methods_default_annotations_oop,
2126                                               TRAPS) {

2754   // Cause the extra fake fields in java.lang.Class to show up before
2755   // the Java fields for layout compatibility between 1.3 and 1.4
2756   // Incrementing next_nonstatic_oop_offset here advances the
2757   // location where the real java fields are placed.
2758   const int extra = java_lang_Class::number_of_fake_oop_fields;
2759   (*next_nonstatic_oop_offset_ptr) += (extra * heapOopSize);
2760 }
2763 // Force MethodHandle.vmentry to be an unmanaged pointer.
2764 // There is no way for a classfile to express this, so we must help it.
2765 void ClassFileParser::java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle_fix_pre(constantPoolHandle cp,
2766                                                     typeArrayHandle fields,
2767                                                     FieldAllocationCount *fac_ptr,
2768                                                     TRAPS) {
2769   // Add fake fields for java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle instances
2770   //
2771   // This is not particularly nice, but since there is no way to express
2772   // a native wordSize field in Java, we must do it at this level.
2774   if (!EnableInvokeDynamic)  return;
2776   int word_sig_index = 0;
2777   const int cp_size = cp->length();
2778   for (int index = 1; index < cp_size; index++) {
2779     if (cp->tag_at(index).is_utf8() &&
2780         cp->symbol_at(index) == vmSymbols::machine_word_signature()) {
2781       word_sig_index = index;
2782       break;
2783     }
2784   }
2786   if (AllowTransitionalJSR292 && word_sig_index == 0)  return;
2787   if (word_sig_index == 0)
2788     THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_VirtualMachineError(),
2789               "missing I or J signature (for vmentry) in java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle");
2791   // Find vmentry field and change the signature.
2792   bool found_vmentry = false;
2793   for (int i = 0; i < fields->length(); i += instanceKlass::next_offset) {
2794     int name_index = fields->ushort_at(i + instanceKlass::name_index_offset);

3174                                   (fac.static_double_count * BytesPerLong);
3175     next_static_short_offset    = next_static_word_offset +
3176                                   (fac.static_word_count * BytesPerInt);
3177     next_static_byte_offset     = next_static_short_offset +
3178                                   (fac.static_short_count * BytesPerShort);
3179     next_static_type_offset     = align_size_up((next_static_byte_offset +
3180                                   fac.static_byte_count ), wordSize );
3181     static_field_size           = (next_static_type_offset -
3182                                   next_static_oop_offset) / wordSize;
3184     // Add fake fields for java.lang.Class instances (also see below)
3185     if (class_name == vmSymbols::java_lang_Class() && class_loader.is_null()) {
3186       java_lang_Class_fix_pre(&nonstatic_field_size, &fac);
3187     }
3189     first_nonstatic_field_offset = instanceOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes() +
3190                                    nonstatic_field_size * heapOopSize;
3191     next_nonstatic_field_offset = first_nonstatic_field_offset;
3193     // adjust the vmentry field declaration in java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle
3194     if (EnableInvokeDynamic && class_name == vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle() && class_loader.is_null()) {
3195       java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle_fix_pre(cp, fields, &fac, CHECK_(nullHandle));
3196     }
3197     if (AllowTransitionalJSR292 &&
3198         EnableInvokeDynamic && class_name == vmSymbols::java_dyn_MethodHandle() && class_loader.is_null()) {
3199       java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle_fix_pre(cp, fields, &fac, CHECK_(nullHandle));
3200     }
3201     if (AllowTransitionalJSR292 &&
3202         EnableInvokeDynamic && class_name == vmSymbols::sun_dyn_MethodHandleImpl() && class_loader.is_null()) {
3203       // allow vmentry field in MethodHandleImpl also
3204       java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle_fix_pre(cp, fields, &fac, CHECK_(nullHandle));
3205     }
3207     // Add a fake "discovered" field if it is not present
3208     // for compatibility with earlier jdk's.
3209     if (class_name == vmSymbols::java_lang_ref_Reference()
3210       && class_loader.is_null()) {
3211       java_lang_ref_Reference_fix_pre(&fields, cp, &fac, CHECK_(nullHandle));
3212     }
3213     // end of "discovered" field compactibility fix
3215     unsigned int nonstatic_double_count = fac.nonstatic_double_count;
3216     unsigned int nonstatic_word_count   = fac.nonstatic_word_count;
3217     unsigned int nonstatic_short_count  = fac.nonstatic_short_count;
3218     unsigned int nonstatic_byte_count   = fac.nonstatic_byte_count;
3219     unsigned int nonstatic_oop_count    = fac.nonstatic_oop_count;
3221     bool super_has_nonstatic_fields =
3222             (super_klass() != NULL && super_klass->has_nonstatic_fields());

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