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  32 // Optimization - Graph Style
  34 class Block;
  35 class CFGLoop;
  36 class MachCallNode;
  37 class Matcher;
  38 class RootNode;
  39 class VectorSet;
  40 struct Tarjan;
  42 //------------------------------Block_Array------------------------------------
  43 // Map dense integer indices to Blocks.  Uses classic doubling-array trick.
  44 // Abstractly provides an infinite array of Block*'s, initialized to NULL.
  45 // Note that the constructor just zeros things, and since I use Arena
  46 // allocation I do not need a destructor to reclaim storage.
  47 class Block_Array : public ResourceObj {
  48   friend class VMStructs;
  49   uint _size;                   // allocated size, as opposed to formal limit
  50   debug_only(uint _limit;)      // limit to formal domain

  51 protected:
  52   Block **_blocks;
  53   void grow( uint i );          // Grow array node to fit
  55 public:
  56   Arena *_arena;                // Arena to allocate in
  58   Block_Array(Arena *a) : _arena(a), _size(OptoBlockListSize) {
  59     debug_only(_limit=0);
  60     _blocks = NEW_ARENA_ARRAY( a, Block *, OptoBlockListSize );
  61     for( int i = 0; i < OptoBlockListSize; i++ ) {
  62       _blocks[i] = NULL;
  63     }
  64   }
  65   Block *lookup( uint i ) const // Lookup, or NULL for not mapped
  66   { return (i<Max()) ? _blocks[i] : (Block*)NULL; }
  67   Block *operator[] ( uint i ) const // Lookup, or assert for not mapped
  68   { assert( i < Max(), "oob" ); return _blocks[i]; }
  69   // Extend the mapping: index i maps to Block *n.
  70   void map( uint i, Block *n ) { if( i>=Max() ) grow(i); _blocks[i] = n; }
  71   uint Max() const { debug_only(return _limit); return _size; }
  72 };
  75 class Block_List : public Block_Array {
  76   friend class VMStructs;
  77 public:

 267     assert(last->is_block_proj() == last || last->is_block_proj() == _nodes[last_idx - _num_succs], "");
 268     return (last->is_block_proj() == last) ? last_idx : (last_idx - _num_succs);
 269   }
 271   // Basic blocks have a Node which ends them.  This Node determines which
 272   // basic block follows this one in the program flow.  This Node is either an
 273   // IfNode, a GotoNode, a JmpNode, or a ReturnNode.
 274   Node *end() const { return _nodes[end_idx()]; }
 276   // Add an instruction to an existing block.  It must go after the head
 277   // instruction and before the end instruction.
 278   void add_inst( Node *n ) { _nodes.insert(end_idx(),n); }
 279   // Find node in block
 280   uint find_node( const Node *n ) const;
 281   // Find and remove n from block list
 282   void find_remove( const Node *n );
 284   // helper function that adds caller save registers to MachProjNode
 285   void add_call_kills(MachProjNode *proj, RegMask& regs, const char* save_policy, bool exclude_soe);
 286   // Schedule a call next in the block
 287   uint sched_call(Matcher &matcher, Block_Array &bbs, uint node_cnt, Node_List &worklist, GrowableArray<int> &ready_cnt, MachCallNode *mcall, VectorSet &next_call);
 289   // Perform basic-block local scheduling
 290   Node *select(PhaseCFG *cfg, Node_List &worklist, GrowableArray<int> &ready_cnt, VectorSet &next_call, uint sched_slot);
 291   void set_next_call( Node *n, VectorSet &next_call, Block_Array &bbs );
 292   void needed_for_next_call(Node *this_call, VectorSet &next_call, Block_Array &bbs);
 293   bool schedule_local(PhaseCFG *cfg, Matcher &m, GrowableArray<int> &ready_cnt, VectorSet &next_call);
 294   // Cleanup if any code lands between a Call and his Catch
 295   void call_catch_cleanup(Block_Array &bbs, Compile *C);
 296   // Detect implicit-null-check opportunities.  Basically, find NULL checks
 297   // with suitable memory ops nearby.  Use the memory op to do the NULL check.
 298   // I can generate a memory op if there is not one nearby.
 299   void implicit_null_check(PhaseCFG *cfg, Node *proj, Node *val, int allowed_reasons);
 301   // Return the empty status of a block
 302   enum { not_empty, empty_with_goto, completely_empty };
 303   int is_Empty() const;
 305   // Forward through connectors
 306   Block* non_connector() {
 307     Block* s = this;
 308     while (s->is_connector()) {
 309       s = s->_succs[0];
 310     }
 311     return s;
 312   }
 314   // Return true if b is a successor of this block
 315   bool has_successor(Block* b) const {
 316     for (uint i = 0; i < _num_succs; i++ ) {
 317       if (non_connector_successor(i) == b) {
 318         return true;
 319       }
 320     }
 321     return false;
 322   }
 324   // Successor block, after forwarding through connectors
 325   Block* non_connector_successor(int i) const {
 326     return _succs[i]->non_connector();
 327   }
 329   // Examine block's code shape to predict if it is not commonly executed.
 330   bool has_uncommon_code() const;
 332   // Use frequency calculations and code shape to predict if the block
 333   // is uncommon.
 334   bool is_uncommon( Block_Array &bbs ) const;
 336 #ifndef PRODUCT
 337   // Debugging print of basic block
 338   void dump_bidx(const Block* orig, outputStream* st = tty) const;
 339   void dump_pred(const Block_Array *bbs, Block* orig, outputStream* st = tty) const;
 340   void dump_head( const Block_Array *bbs, outputStream* st = tty ) const;
 341   void dump() const;
 342   void dump( const Block_Array *bbs ) const;
 343 #endif
 344 };
 347 //------------------------------PhaseCFG---------------------------------------
 348 // Build an array of Basic Block pointers, one per Node.
 349 class PhaseCFG : public Phase {
 350   friend class VMStructs;
 351  private:

 352   // Build a proper looking cfg.  Return count of basic blocks
 353   uint build_cfg();
 355   // Perform DFS search.
 356   // Setup 'vertex' as DFS to vertex mapping.
 357   // Setup 'semi' as vertex to DFS mapping.
 358   // Set 'parent' to DFS parent.
 359   uint DFS( Tarjan *tarjan );
 361   // Helper function to insert a node into a block
 362   void schedule_node_into_block( Node *n, Block *b );
 364   void replace_block_proj_ctrl( Node *n );
 366   // Set the basic block for pinned Nodes
 367   void schedule_pinned_nodes( VectorSet &visited );
 369   // I'll need a few machine-specific GotoNodes.  Clone from this one.
 370   MachNode *_goto;
 372   Block* insert_anti_dependences(Block* LCA, Node* load, bool verify = false);
 373   void verify_anti_dependences(Block* LCA, Node* load) {
 374     assert(LCA == _bbs[load->_idx], "should already be scheduled");
 375     insert_anti_dependences(LCA, load, true);
 376   }
 378  public:
 379   PhaseCFG( Arena *a, RootNode *r, Matcher &m );
 381   uint _num_blocks;             // Count of basic blocks
 382   Block_List _blocks;           // List of basic blocks
 383   RootNode *_root;              // Root of whole program
 384   Block_Array _bbs;             // Map Nodes to owning Basic Block
 385   Block *_broot;                // Basic block of root
 386   uint _rpo_ctr;
 387   CFGLoop* _root_loop;
 388   float _outer_loop_freq;       // Outmost loop frequency

 390   // Per node latency estimation, valid only during GCM
 391   GrowableArray<uint> *_node_latency;
 393 #ifndef PRODUCT
 394   bool _trace_opto_pipelining;  // tracing flag
 395 #endif
 397 #ifdef ASSERT
 398   Unique_Node_List _raw_oops;
 399 #endif
 401   // Build dominators
 402   void Dominators();
 404   // Estimate block frequencies based on IfNode probabilities
 405   void Estimate_Block_Frequency();
 407   // Global Code Motion.  See Click's PLDI95 paper.  Place Nodes in specific
 408   // basic blocks; i.e. _bbs now maps _idx for all Nodes to some Block.
 409   void GlobalCodeMotion( Matcher &m, uint unique, Node_List &proj_list );
 411   // Compute the (backwards) latency of a node from the uses
 412   void latency_from_uses(Node *n);
 414   // Compute the (backwards) latency of a node from a single use
 415   int latency_from_use(Node *n, const Node *def, Node *use);
 417   // Compute the (backwards) latency of a node from the uses of this instruction
 418   void partial_latency_of_defs(Node *n);
 420   // Schedule Nodes early in their basic blocks.
 421   bool schedule_early(VectorSet &visited, Node_List &roots);
 423   // For each node, find the latest block it can be scheduled into
 424   // and then select the cheapest block between the latest and earliest
 425   // block to place the node.
 426   void schedule_late(VectorSet &visited, Node_List &stack);
 428   // Pick a block between early and late that is a cheaper alternative

 438   // Remove empty basic blocks
 439   void remove_empty();
 440   void fixup_flow();
 441   bool move_to_next(Block* bx, uint b_index);
 442   void move_to_end(Block* bx, uint b_index);
 443   void insert_goto_at(uint block_no, uint succ_no);
 445   // Check for NeverBranch at block end.  This needs to become a GOTO to the
 446   // true target.  NeverBranch are treated as a conditional branch that always
 447   // goes the same direction for most of the optimizer and are used to give a
 448   // fake exit path to infinite loops.  At this late stage they need to turn
 449   // into Goto's so that when you enter the infinite loop you indeed hang.
 450   void convert_NeverBranch_to_Goto(Block *b);
 452   CFGLoop* create_loop_tree();
 454   // Insert a node into a block, and update the _bbs
 455   void insert( Block *b, uint idx, Node *n ) {
 456     b->_nodes.insert( idx, n );
 457 n->_idx, b );
 458   }
 460 #ifndef PRODUCT
 461   bool trace_opto_pipelining() const { return _trace_opto_pipelining; }
 463   // Debugging print of CFG
 464   void dump( ) const;           // CFG only
 465   void _dump_cfg( const Node *end, VectorSet &visited  ) const;
 466   void verify() const;
 467   void dump_headers();
 468 #else
 469   bool trace_opto_pipelining() const { return false; }
 470 #endif
 471 };
 474 //------------------------------UnionFind--------------------------------------
 475 // Map Block indices to a block-index for a cfg-cover.
 476 // Array lookup in the optimized case.
 477 class UnionFind : public ResourceObj {

 526   int _id;
 527   int _depth;
 528   CFGLoop *_parent;      // root of loop tree is the method level "pseudo" loop, it's parent is null
 529   CFGLoop *_sibling;     // null terminated list
 530   CFGLoop *_child;       // first child, use child's sibling to visit all immediately nested loops
 531   GrowableArray<CFGElement*> _members; // list of members of loop
 532   GrowableArray<BlockProbPair> _exits; // list of successor blocks and their probabilities
 533   float _exit_prob;       // probability any loop exit is taken on a single loop iteration
 534   void update_succ_freq(Block* b, float freq);
 536  public:
 537   CFGLoop(int id) :
 538     CFGElement(),
 539     _id(id),
 540     _depth(0),
 541     _parent(NULL),
 542     _sibling(NULL),
 543     _child(NULL),
 544     _exit_prob(1.0f) {}
 545   CFGLoop* parent() { return _parent; }
 546   void push_pred(Block* blk, int i, Block_List& worklist, Block_Array& node_to_blk);
 547   void add_member(CFGElement *s) { _members.push(s); }
 548   void add_nested_loop(CFGLoop* cl);
 549   Block* head() {
 550     assert(>is_block(), "head must be a block");
 551     Block* hd =>as_Block();
 552     assert(hd->_loop == this, "just checking");
 553     assert(hd->head()->is_Loop(), "must begin with loop head node");
 554     return hd;
 555   }
 556   Block* backedge_block(); // Return the block on the backedge of the loop (else NULL)
 557   void compute_loop_depth(int depth);
 558   void compute_freq(); // compute frequency with loop assuming head freq 1.0f
 559   void scale_freq();   // scale frequency by loop trip count (including outer loops)
 560   float outer_loop_freq() const; // frequency of outer loop
 561   bool in_loop_nest(Block* b);
 562   float trip_count() const { return 1.0f / _exit_prob; }
 563   virtual bool is_loop()  { return true; }
 564   int id() { return _id; }
 566 #ifndef PRODUCT

  32 // Optimization - Graph Style
  34 class Block;
  35 class CFGLoop;
  36 class MachCallNode;
  37 class Matcher;
  38 class RootNode;
  39 class VectorSet;
  40 struct Tarjan;
  42 //------------------------------Block_Array------------------------------------
  43 // Map dense integer indices to Blocks.  Uses classic doubling-array trick.
  44 // Abstractly provides an infinite array of Block*'s, initialized to NULL.
  45 // Note that the constructor just zeros things, and since I use Arena
  46 // allocation I do not need a destructor to reclaim storage.
  47 class Block_Array : public ResourceObj {
  48   friend class VMStructs;
  49   uint _size;                   // allocated size, as opposed to formal limit
  50   debug_only(uint _limit;)      // limit to formal domain
  51   Arena *_arena;                // Arena to allocate in
  52 protected:
  53   Block **_blocks;
  54   void grow( uint i );          // Grow array node to fit
  56 public:

  57   Block_Array(Arena *a) : _arena(a), _size(OptoBlockListSize) {
  58     debug_only(_limit=0);
  59     _blocks = NEW_ARENA_ARRAY( a, Block *, OptoBlockListSize );
  60     for( int i = 0; i < OptoBlockListSize; i++ ) {
  61       _blocks[i] = NULL;
  62     }
  63   }
  64   Block *lookup( uint i ) const // Lookup, or NULL for not mapped
  65   { return (i<Max()) ? _blocks[i] : (Block*)NULL; }
  66   Block *operator[] ( uint i ) const // Lookup, or assert for not mapped
  67   { assert( i < Max(), "oob" ); return _blocks[i]; }
  68   // Extend the mapping: index i maps to Block *n.
  69   void map( uint i, Block *n ) { if( i>=Max() ) grow(i); _blocks[i] = n; }
  70   uint Max() const { debug_only(return _limit); return _size; }
  71 };
  74 class Block_List : public Block_Array {
  75   friend class VMStructs;
  76 public:

 266     assert(last->is_block_proj() == last || last->is_block_proj() == _nodes[last_idx - _num_succs], "");
 267     return (last->is_block_proj() == last) ? last_idx : (last_idx - _num_succs);
 268   }
 270   // Basic blocks have a Node which ends them.  This Node determines which
 271   // basic block follows this one in the program flow.  This Node is either an
 272   // IfNode, a GotoNode, a JmpNode, or a ReturnNode.
 273   Node *end() const { return _nodes[end_idx()]; }
 275   // Add an instruction to an existing block.  It must go after the head
 276   // instruction and before the end instruction.
 277   void add_inst( Node *n ) { _nodes.insert(end_idx(),n); }
 278   // Find node in block
 279   uint find_node( const Node *n ) const;
 280   // Find and remove n from block list
 281   void find_remove( const Node *n );
 283   // helper function that adds caller save registers to MachProjNode
 284   void add_call_kills(MachProjNode *proj, RegMask& regs, const char* save_policy, bool exclude_soe);
 285   // Schedule a call next in the block
 286   uint sched_call(Matcher &matcher, PhaseCFG* cfg, uint node_cnt, Node_List &worklist, GrowableArray<int> &ready_cnt, MachCallNode *mcall, VectorSet &next_call);
 288   // Perform basic-block local scheduling
 289   Node *select(PhaseCFG *cfg, Node_List &worklist, GrowableArray<int> &ready_cnt, VectorSet &next_call, uint sched_slot);
 290   void set_next_call( Node *n, VectorSet &next_call, PhaseCFG* cfg);
 291   void needed_for_next_call(Node *this_call, VectorSet &next_call, PhaseCFG* cfg);
 292   bool schedule_local(PhaseCFG *cfg, Matcher &m, GrowableArray<int> &ready_cnt, VectorSet &next_call);
 293   // Cleanup if any code lands between a Call and his Catch
 294   void call_catch_cleanup(PhaseCFG* cfg, Compile *C);
 295   // Detect implicit-null-check opportunities.  Basically, find NULL checks
 296   // with suitable memory ops nearby.  Use the memory op to do the NULL check.
 297   // I can generate a memory op if there is not one nearby.
 298   void implicit_null_check(PhaseCFG *cfg, Node *proj, Node *val, int allowed_reasons);
 300   // Return the empty status of a block
 301   enum { not_empty, empty_with_goto, completely_empty };
 302   int is_Empty() const;
 304   // Forward through connectors
 305   Block* non_connector() {
 306     Block* s = this;
 307     while (s->is_connector()) {
 308       s = s->_succs[0];
 309     }
 310     return s;
 311   }
 313   // Return true if b is a successor of this block
 314   bool has_successor(Block* b) const {
 315     for (uint i = 0; i < _num_succs; i++ ) {
 316       if (non_connector_successor(i) == b) {
 317         return true;
 318       }
 319     }
 320     return false;
 321   }
 323   // Successor block, after forwarding through connectors
 324   Block* non_connector_successor(int i) const {
 325     return _succs[i]->non_connector();
 326   }
 328   // Examine block's code shape to predict if it is not commonly executed.
 329   bool has_uncommon_code() const;
 331   // Use frequency calculations and code shape to predict if the block
 332   // is uncommon.
 333   bool is_uncommon(PhaseCFG* cfg) const;
 335 #ifndef PRODUCT
 336   // Debugging print of basic block
 337   void dump_bidx(const Block* orig, outputStream* st = tty) const;
 338   void dump_pred(const PhaseCFG* cfg, Block* orig, outputStream* st = tty) const;
 339   void dump_head(const PhaseCFG* cfg, outputStream* st = tty) const;
 340   void dump() const;
 341   void dump(const PhaseCFG* cfg) const;
 342 #endif
 343 };
 346 //------------------------------PhaseCFG---------------------------------------
 347 // Build an array of Basic Block pointers, one per Node.
 348 class PhaseCFG : public Phase {
 349   friend class VMStructs;
 350  private:
 351   // Arena for the blocks to be stored in
 352   Arena* _block_arena;
 354   // Map nodes to owning basic block
 355   Block_Array _node_to_block_mapping;
 357   // Build a proper looking cfg.  Return count of basic blocks
 358   uint build_cfg();
 360   // Perform DFS search.
 361   // Setup 'vertex' as DFS to vertex mapping.
 362   // Setup 'semi' as vertex to DFS mapping.
 363   // Set 'parent' to DFS parent.
 364   uint DFS( Tarjan *tarjan );
 366   // Helper function to insert a node into a block
 367   void schedule_node_into_block( Node *n, Block *b );
 369   void replace_block_proj_ctrl( Node *n );
 371   // Set the basic block for pinned Nodes
 372   void schedule_pinned_nodes( VectorSet &visited );
 374   // I'll need a few machine-specific GotoNodes.  Clone from this one.
 375   MachNode *_goto;
 377   Block* insert_anti_dependences(Block* LCA, Node* load, bool verify = false);
 378   void verify_anti_dependences(Block* LCA, Node* load) {
 379     assert(LCA == get_block_for_node(load), "should already be scheduled");
 380     insert_anti_dependences(LCA, load, true);
 381   }
 383  public:
 384   PhaseCFG(Arena* arena, RootNode* root, Matcher& matcher);
 386   uint _num_blocks;             // Count of basic blocks
 387   Block_List _blocks;           // List of basic blocks
 388   RootNode *_root;              // Root of whole program

 389   Block *_broot;                // Basic block of root
 390   uint _rpo_ctr;
 391   CFGLoop* _root_loop;
 392   float _outer_loop_freq;       // Outmost loop frequency
 395   // set which block this node should reside in
 396   void map_node_to_block(const Node* node, Block* block) {
 397>_idx, block);
 398   }
 400   // removes the mapping from a node to a block
 401   void unmap_node_from_block(const Node* node) {
 402>_idx, NULL);
 403   }
 405   // get the block in which this node resides
 406   Block* get_block_for_node(const Node* node) const {
 407     return _node_to_block_mapping[node->_idx];
 408   }
 410   // does this node reside in a block; return true
 411   bool has_block(const Node* node) const {
 412     return (_node_to_block_mapping.lookup(node->_idx) != NULL);
 413   }
 415   // Per node latency estimation, valid only during GCM
 416   GrowableArray<uint> *_node_latency;
 418 #ifndef PRODUCT
 419   bool _trace_opto_pipelining;  // tracing flag
 420 #endif
 422 #ifdef ASSERT
 423   Unique_Node_List _raw_oops;
 424 #endif
 426   // Build dominators
 427   void Dominators();
 429   // Estimate block frequencies based on IfNode probabilities
 430   void Estimate_Block_Frequency();
 432   // Global Code Motion.  See Click's PLDI95 paper.  Place Nodes in specific
 433   // basic blocks; i.e. _node_to_block_mapping now maps _idx for all Nodes to some Block.
 434   void GlobalCodeMotion( Matcher &m, uint unique, Node_List &proj_list );
 436   // Compute the (backwards) latency of a node from the uses
 437   void latency_from_uses(Node *n);
 439   // Compute the (backwards) latency of a node from a single use
 440   int latency_from_use(Node *n, const Node *def, Node *use);
 442   // Compute the (backwards) latency of a node from the uses of this instruction
 443   void partial_latency_of_defs(Node *n);
 445   // Schedule Nodes early in their basic blocks.
 446   bool schedule_early(VectorSet &visited, Node_List &roots);
 448   // For each node, find the latest block it can be scheduled into
 449   // and then select the cheapest block between the latest and earliest
 450   // block to place the node.
 451   void schedule_late(VectorSet &visited, Node_List &stack);
 453   // Pick a block between early and late that is a cheaper alternative

 463   // Remove empty basic blocks
 464   void remove_empty();
 465   void fixup_flow();
 466   bool move_to_next(Block* bx, uint b_index);
 467   void move_to_end(Block* bx, uint b_index);
 468   void insert_goto_at(uint block_no, uint succ_no);
 470   // Check for NeverBranch at block end.  This needs to become a GOTO to the
 471   // true target.  NeverBranch are treated as a conditional branch that always
 472   // goes the same direction for most of the optimizer and are used to give a
 473   // fake exit path to infinite loops.  At this late stage they need to turn
 474   // into Goto's so that when you enter the infinite loop you indeed hang.
 475   void convert_NeverBranch_to_Goto(Block *b);
 477   CFGLoop* create_loop_tree();
 479   // Insert a node into a block, and update the _bbs
 480   void insert( Block *b, uint idx, Node *n ) {
 481     b->_nodes.insert( idx, n );
 482     map_node_to_block(n, b);
 483   }
 485 #ifndef PRODUCT
 486   bool trace_opto_pipelining() const { return _trace_opto_pipelining; }
 488   // Debugging print of CFG
 489   void dump( ) const;           // CFG only
 490   void _dump_cfg( const Node *end, VectorSet &visited  ) const;
 491   void verify() const;
 492   void dump_headers();
 493 #else
 494   bool trace_opto_pipelining() const { return false; }
 495 #endif
 496 };
 499 //------------------------------UnionFind--------------------------------------
 500 // Map Block indices to a block-index for a cfg-cover.
 501 // Array lookup in the optimized case.
 502 class UnionFind : public ResourceObj {

 551   int _id;
 552   int _depth;
 553   CFGLoop *_parent;      // root of loop tree is the method level "pseudo" loop, it's parent is null
 554   CFGLoop *_sibling;     // null terminated list
 555   CFGLoop *_child;       // first child, use child's sibling to visit all immediately nested loops
 556   GrowableArray<CFGElement*> _members; // list of members of loop
 557   GrowableArray<BlockProbPair> _exits; // list of successor blocks and their probabilities
 558   float _exit_prob;       // probability any loop exit is taken on a single loop iteration
 559   void update_succ_freq(Block* b, float freq);
 561  public:
 562   CFGLoop(int id) :
 563     CFGElement(),
 564     _id(id),
 565     _depth(0),
 566     _parent(NULL),
 567     _sibling(NULL),
 568     _child(NULL),
 569     _exit_prob(1.0f) {}
 570   CFGLoop* parent() { return _parent; }
 571   void push_pred(Block* blk, int i, Block_List& worklist, PhaseCFG* cfg);
 572   void add_member(CFGElement *s) { _members.push(s); }
 573   void add_nested_loop(CFGLoop* cl);
 574   Block* head() {
 575     assert(>is_block(), "head must be a block");
 576     Block* hd =>as_Block();
 577     assert(hd->_loop == this, "just checking");
 578     assert(hd->head()->is_Loop(), "must begin with loop head node");
 579     return hd;
 580   }
 581   Block* backedge_block(); // Return the block on the backedge of the loop (else NULL)
 582   void compute_loop_depth(int depth);
 583   void compute_freq(); // compute frequency with loop assuming head freq 1.0f
 584   void scale_freq();   // scale frequency by loop trip count (including outer loops)
 585   float outer_loop_freq() const; // frequency of outer loop
 586   bool in_loop_nest(Block* b);
 587   float trip_count() const { return 1.0f / _exit_prob; }
 588   virtual bool is_loop()  { return true; }
 589   int id() { return _id; }
 591 #ifndef PRODUCT

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