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 278   uint src = _lrg_map.find(src_n);
 279   uint dst = _lrg_map.find(dst_n);
 280   assert(src, "");
 281   assert(dst, "");
 282   assert(src < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id(), "oob");
 283   assert(dst < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id(), "oob");
 284   assert(src < dst, "always union smaller");
 285   _lrg_map.uf_map(dst, src);
 286 }
 288 //------------------------------new_lrg----------------------------------------
 289 void PhaseChaitin::new_lrg(const Node *x, uint lrg) {
 290   // Make the Node->LRG mapping
 291   _lrg_map.extend(x->_idx,lrg);
 292   // Make the Union-Find mapping an identity function
 293   _lrg_map.uf_extend(lrg, lrg);
 294 }
 297 bool PhaseChaitin::clone_projs_shared(Block *b, uint idx, Node *con, Node *copy, uint max_lrg_id) {
 298   Block *bcon = _cfg._bbs[con->_idx];
 299   uint cindex = bcon->find_node(con);
 300   Node *con_next = bcon->_nodes[cindex+1];
 301   if (con_next->in(0) != con || !con_next->is_MachProj()) {
 302     return false;               // No MachProj's follow
 303   }
 305   // Copy kills after the cloned constant
 306   Node *kills = con_next->clone();
 307   kills->set_req(0, copy);
 308   b->_nodes.insert(idx, kills);
 309>_idx, b);
 310   new_lrg(kills, max_lrg_id);
 311   return true;
 312 }
 314 //------------------------------compact----------------------------------------
 315 // Renumber the live ranges to compact them.  Makes the IFG smaller.
 316 void PhaseChaitin::compact() {
 317   // Current the _uf_map contains a series of short chains which are headed
 318   // by a self-cycle.  All the chains run from big numbers to little numbers.
 319   // The Find() call chases the chains & shortens them for the next Find call.
 320   // We are going to change this structure slightly.  Numbers above a moving
 321   // wave 'i' are unchanged.  Numbers below 'j' point directly to their
 322   // compacted live range with no further chaining.  There are no chains or
 323   // cycles below 'i', so the Find call no longer works.
 324   uint j=1;
 325   uint i;
 326   for (i = 1; i < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id(); i++) {
 327     uint lr = _lrg_map.uf_live_range_id(i);
 328     // Ignore unallocated live ranges
 329     if (!lr) {

 945 #endif
 946           n->as_Mach()->use_cisc_RegMask();
 947         }
 949         LRG &lrg = lrgs(vreg);
 950         // // Testing for floating point code shape
 951         // Node *test = n->in(k);
 952         // if( test->is_Mach() ) {
 953         //   MachNode *m = test->as_Mach();
 954         //   int  op = m->ideal_Opcode();
 955         //   if (n->is_Call() && (op == Op_AddF || op == Op_MulF) ) {
 956         //     int zzz = 1;
 957         //   }
 958         // }
 960         // Limit result register mask to acceptable registers.
 961         // Do not limit registers from uncommon uses before
 962         // AggressiveCoalesce.  This effectively pre-virtual-splits
 963         // around uncommon uses of common defs.
 964         const RegMask &rm = n->in_RegMask(k);
 965         if( !after_aggressive &&
 966           _cfg._bbs[n->in(k)->_idx]->_freq > 1000*b->_freq ) {
 967           // Since we are BEFORE aggressive coalesce, leave the register
 968           // mask untrimmed by the call.  This encourages more coalescing.
 969           // Later, AFTER aggressive, this live range will have to spill
 970           // but the spiller handles slow-path calls very nicely.
 971         } else {
 972           lrg.AND( rm );
 973         }
 975         // Check for bound register masks
 976         const RegMask &lrgmask = lrg.mask();
 977         int kreg = n->in(k)->ideal_reg();
 978         bool is_vect = RegMask::is_vector(kreg);
 979         assert(n->in(k)->bottom_type()->isa_vect() == NULL ||
 980                is_vect || kreg == Op_RegD,
 981                "vector must be in vector registers");
 982         if (lrgmask.is_bound(kreg))
 983           lrg._is_bound = 1;
 985         // If this use of a double forces a mis-aligned double,
 986         // flag as '_fat_proj' - really flag as allowing misalignment

1692   // pointers derived from NULL!  These are always along paths that
1693   // can't happen at run-time but the optimizer cannot deduce it so
1694   // we have to handle it gracefully.
1695   assert(!derived->bottom_type()->isa_narrowoop() ||
1696           derived->bottom_type()->make_ptr()->is_ptr()->_offset == 0, "sanity");
1697   const TypePtr *tj = derived->bottom_type()->isa_ptr();
1698   // If its an OOP with a non-zero offset, then it is derived.
1699   if( tj == NULL || tj->_offset == 0 ) {
1700     derived_base_map[derived->_idx] = derived;
1701     return derived;
1702   }
1703   // Derived is NULL+offset?  Base is NULL!
1704   if( derived->is_Con() ) {
1705     Node *base = _matcher.mach_null();
1706     assert(base != NULL, "sanity");
1707     if (base->in(0) == NULL) {
1708       // Initialize it once and make it shared:
1709       // set control to _root and place it into Start block
1710       // (where top() node is placed).
1711       base->init_req(0, _cfg._root);
1712       Block *startb = _cfg._bbs[C->top()->_idx];
1713       startb->_nodes.insert(startb->find_node(C->top()), base );
1714 base->_idx, startb );
1715       assert(_lrg_map.live_range_id(base) == 0, "should not have LRG yet");
1716     }
1717     if (_lrg_map.live_range_id(base) == 0) {
1718       new_lrg(base, maxlrg++);
1719     }
1720     assert(base->in(0) == _cfg._root &&
1721            _cfg._bbs[base->_idx] == _cfg._bbs[C->top()->_idx], "base NULL should be shared");
1722     derived_base_map[derived->_idx] = base;
1723     return base;
1724   }
1726   // Check for AddP-related opcodes
1727   if (!derived->is_Phi()) {
1728     assert(derived->as_Mach()->ideal_Opcode() == Op_AddP, err_msg_res("but is: %s", derived->Name()));
1729     Node *base = derived->in(AddPNode::Base);
1730     derived_base_map[derived->_idx] = base;
1731     return base;
1732   }
1734   // Recursively find bases for Phis.
1735   // First check to see if we can avoid a base Phi here.
1736   Node *base = find_base_for_derived( derived_base_map, derived->in(1),maxlrg);
1737   uint i;
1738   for( i = 2; i < derived->req(); i++ )
1739     if( base != find_base_for_derived( derived_base_map,derived->in(i),maxlrg))
1740       break;
1741   // Went to the end without finding any different bases?
1742   if( i == derived->req() ) {   // No need for a base Phi here
1743     derived_base_map[derived->_idx] = base;
1744     return base;
1745   }
1747   // Now we see we need a base-Phi here to merge the bases
1748   const Type *t = base->bottom_type();
1749   base = new (C) PhiNode( derived->in(0), t );
1750   for( i = 1; i < derived->req(); i++ ) {
1751     base->init_req(i, find_base_for_derived(derived_base_map, derived->in(i), maxlrg));
1752     t = t->meet(base->in(i)->bottom_type());
1753   }
1754   base->as_Phi()->set_type(t);
1756   // Search the current block for an existing base-Phi
1757   Block *b = _cfg._bbs[derived->_idx];
1758   for( i = 1; i <= b->end_idx(); i++ ) {// Search for matching Phi
1759     Node *phi = b->_nodes[i];
1760     if( !phi->is_Phi() ) {      // Found end of Phis with no match?
1761       b->_nodes.insert( i, base ); // Must insert created Phi here as base
1762 base->_idx, b );
1763       new_lrg(base,maxlrg++);
1764       break;
1765     }
1766     // See if Phi matches.
1767     uint j;
1768     for( j = 1; j < base->req(); j++ )
1769       if( phi->in(j) != base->in(j) &&
1770           !(phi->in(j)->is_Con() && base->in(j)->is_Con()) ) // allow different NULLs
1771         break;
1772     if( j == base->req() ) {    // All inputs match?
1773       base = phi;               // Then use existing 'phi' and drop 'base'
1774       break;
1775     }
1776   }
1779   // Cache info for later passes
1780   derived_base_map[derived->_idx] = base;
1781   return base;
1782 }

1798     Block *b = _cfg._blocks[i];
1799     // Note use of deep-copy constructor.  I cannot hammer the original
1800     // liveout bits, because they are needed by the following coalesce pass.
1801     IndexSet liveout(_live->live(b));
1803     for( uint j = b->end_idx() + 1; j > 1; j-- ) {
1804       Node *n = b->_nodes[j-1];
1806       // Pre-split compares of loop-phis.  Loop-phis form a cycle we would
1807       // like to see in the same register.  Compare uses the loop-phi and so
1808       // extends its live range BUT cannot be part of the cycle.  If this
1809       // extended live range overlaps with the update of the loop-phi value
1810       // we need both alive at the same time -- which requires at least 1
1811       // copy.  But because Intel has only 2-address registers we end up with
1812       // at least 2 copies, one before the loop-phi update instruction and
1813       // one after.  Instead we split the input to the compare just after the
1814       // phi.
1815       if( n->is_Mach() && n->as_Mach()->ideal_Opcode() == Op_CmpI ) {
1816         Node *phi = n->in(1);
1817         if( phi->is_Phi() && phi->as_Phi()->region()->is_Loop() ) {
1818           Block *phi_block = _cfg._bbs[phi->_idx];
1819           if( _cfg._bbs[phi_block->pred(2)->_idx] == b ) {
1820             const RegMask *mask = C->matcher()->idealreg2spillmask[Op_RegI];
1821             Node *spill = new (C) MachSpillCopyNode( phi, *mask, *mask );
1822             insert_proj( phi_block, 1, spill, maxlrg++ );
1823             n->set_req(1,spill);
1824             must_recompute_live = true;
1825           }
1826         }
1827       }
1829       // Get value being defined
1830       uint lidx = _lrg_map.live_range_id(n);
1831       // Ignore the occasional brand-new live range
1832       if (lidx && lidx < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id()) {
1833         // Remove from live-out set
1834         liveout.remove(lidx);
1836         // Copies do not define a new value and so do not interfere.
1837         // Remove the copies source from the liveout set before interfering.
1838         uint idx = n->is_Copy();
1839         if (idx) {

1853           Node *derived = lrgs(neighbor)._def;
1854           const TypePtr *tj = derived->bottom_type()->isa_ptr();
1855           assert(!derived->bottom_type()->isa_narrowoop() ||
1856                   derived->bottom_type()->make_ptr()->is_ptr()->_offset == 0, "sanity");
1857           // If its an OOP with a non-zero offset, then it is derived.
1858           if( tj && tj->_offset != 0 && tj->isa_oop_ptr() ) {
1859             Node *base = find_base_for_derived(derived_base_map, derived, maxlrg);
1860             assert(base->_idx < _lrg_map.size(), "");
1861             // Add reaching DEFs of derived pointer and base pointer as a
1862             // pair of inputs
1863             n->add_req(derived);
1864             n->add_req(base);
1866             // See if the base pointer is already live to this point.
1867             // Since I'm working on the SSA form, live-ness amounts to
1868             // reaching def's.  So if I find the base's live range then
1869             // I know the base's def reaches here.
1870             if ((_lrg_map.live_range_id(base) >= _lrg_map.max_lrg_id() || // (Brand new base (hence not live) or
1871                  !liveout.member(_lrg_map.live_range_id(base))) && // not live) AND
1872                  (_lrg_map.live_range_id(base) > 0) && // not a constant
1873                  _cfg._bbs[base->_idx] != b) { // base not def'd in blk)
1874               // Base pointer is not currently live.  Since I stretched
1875               // the base pointer to here and it crosses basic-block
1876               // boundaries, the global live info is now incorrect.
1877               // Recompute live.
1878               must_recompute_live = true;
1879             } // End of if base pointer is not live to debug info
1880           }
1881         } // End of scan all live data for derived ptrs crossing GC point
1882       } // End of if found a GC point
1884       // Make all inputs live
1885       if (!n->is_Phi()) {      // Phi function uses come from prior block
1886         for (uint k = 1; k < n->req(); k++) {
1887           uint lidx = _lrg_map.live_range_id(n->in(k));
1888           if (lidx < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id()) {
1889             liveout.insert(lidx);
1890           }
1891         }
1892       }

1976   if( k < n->len() && n->in(k) ) tty->print("| ");
1977   for( ; k < n->len(); k++ ) {
1978     Node *m = n->in(k);
1979     if(!m) {
1980       break;
1981     }
1982     uint r = (m->_idx < _lrg_map.size()) ? _lrg_map.find_const(m) : 0;
1983     tty->print("L%d",r);
1984     tty->print("/N%d ",m->_idx);
1985   }
1986   if( n->is_Mach() ) n->as_Mach()->dump_spec(tty);
1987   else n->dump_spec(tty);
1988   if( _spilled_once.test(n->_idx ) ) {
1989     tty->print(" Spill_1");
1990     if( _spilled_twice.test(n->_idx ) )
1991       tty->print(" Spill_2");
1992   }
1993   tty->print("\n");
1994 }
1996 void PhaseChaitin::dump( const Block * b ) const {
1997   b->dump_head( &_cfg._bbs );
1999   // For all instructions
2000   for( uint j = 0; j < b->_nodes.size(); j++ )
2001     dump(b->_nodes[j]);
2002   // Print live-out info at end of block
2003   if( _live ) {
2004     tty->print("Liveout: ");
2005     IndexSet *live = _live->live(b);
2006     IndexSetIterator elements(live);
2007     tty->print("{");
2008     uint i;
2009     while ((i = != 0) {
2010       tty->print("L%d ", _lrg_map.find_const(i));
2011     }
2012     tty->print_cr("}");
2013   }
2014   tty->print("\n");
2015 }
2017 void PhaseChaitin::dump() const {

2282     } else {
2283       tty->print_cr("new LRG");
2284     }
2285   }
2286   if( _ifg && lidx < _ifg->_maxlrg) {
2287     tty->print("Neighbors: %d - ", _ifg->neighbor_cnt(lidx));
2288     _ifg->neighbors(lidx)->dump();
2289     tty->cr();
2290   }
2291   // For all blocks
2292   for( uint i = 0; i < _cfg._num_blocks; i++ ) {
2293     Block *b = _cfg._blocks[i];
2294     int dump_once = 0;
2296     // For all instructions
2297     for( uint j = 0; j < b->_nodes.size(); j++ ) {
2298       Node *n = b->_nodes[j];
2299       if (_lrg_map.find_const(n) == lidx) {
2300         if (!dump_once++) {
2301           tty->cr();
2302           b->dump_head( &_cfg._bbs );
2303         }
2304         dump(n);
2305         continue;
2306       }
2307       if (!defs_only) {
2308         uint cnt = n->req();
2309         for( uint k = 1; k < cnt; k++ ) {
2310           Node *m = n->in(k);
2311           if (!m)  {
2312             continue;  // be robust in the dumper
2313           }
2314           if (_lrg_map.find_const(m) == lidx) {
2315             if (!dump_once++) {
2316               tty->cr();
2317               b->dump_head(&_cfg._bbs);
2318             }
2319             dump(n);
2320           }
2321         }
2322       }
2323     }
2324   } // End of per-block dump
2325   tty->cr();
2326 }
2327 #endif // not PRODUCT
2329 //------------------------------print_chaitin_statistics-------------------------------
2330 int PhaseChaitin::_final_loads  = 0;
2331 int PhaseChaitin::_final_stores = 0;
2332 int PhaseChaitin::_final_memoves= 0;
2333 int PhaseChaitin::_final_copies = 0;
2334 double PhaseChaitin::_final_load_cost  = 0;
2335 double PhaseChaitin::_final_store_cost = 0;
2336 double PhaseChaitin::_final_memove_cost= 0;
2337 double PhaseChaitin::_final_copy_cost  = 0;

 278   uint src = _lrg_map.find(src_n);
 279   uint dst = _lrg_map.find(dst_n);
 280   assert(src, "");
 281   assert(dst, "");
 282   assert(src < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id(), "oob");
 283   assert(dst < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id(), "oob");
 284   assert(src < dst, "always union smaller");
 285   _lrg_map.uf_map(dst, src);
 286 }
 288 //------------------------------new_lrg----------------------------------------
 289 void PhaseChaitin::new_lrg(const Node *x, uint lrg) {
 290   // Make the Node->LRG mapping
 291   _lrg_map.extend(x->_idx,lrg);
 292   // Make the Union-Find mapping an identity function
 293   _lrg_map.uf_extend(lrg, lrg);
 294 }
 297 bool PhaseChaitin::clone_projs_shared(Block *b, uint idx, Node *con, Node *copy, uint max_lrg_id) {
 298   Block* bcon = _cfg.get_block_for_node(con);
 299   uint cindex = bcon->find_node(con);
 300   Node *con_next = bcon->_nodes[cindex+1];
 301   if (con_next->in(0) != con || !con_next->is_MachProj()) {
 302     return false;               // No MachProj's follow
 303   }
 305   // Copy kills after the cloned constant
 306   Node *kills = con_next->clone();
 307   kills->set_req(0, copy);
 308   b->_nodes.insert(idx, kills);
 309   _cfg.map_node_to_block(kills, b);
 310   new_lrg(kills, max_lrg_id);
 311   return true;
 312 }
 314 //------------------------------compact----------------------------------------
 315 // Renumber the live ranges to compact them.  Makes the IFG smaller.
 316 void PhaseChaitin::compact() {
 317   // Current the _uf_map contains a series of short chains which are headed
 318   // by a self-cycle.  All the chains run from big numbers to little numbers.
 319   // The Find() call chases the chains & shortens them for the next Find call.
 320   // We are going to change this structure slightly.  Numbers above a moving
 321   // wave 'i' are unchanged.  Numbers below 'j' point directly to their
 322   // compacted live range with no further chaining.  There are no chains or
 323   // cycles below 'i', so the Find call no longer works.
 324   uint j=1;
 325   uint i;
 326   for (i = 1; i < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id(); i++) {
 327     uint lr = _lrg_map.uf_live_range_id(i);
 328     // Ignore unallocated live ranges
 329     if (!lr) {

 945 #endif
 946           n->as_Mach()->use_cisc_RegMask();
 947         }
 949         LRG &lrg = lrgs(vreg);
 950         // // Testing for floating point code shape
 951         // Node *test = n->in(k);
 952         // if( test->is_Mach() ) {
 953         //   MachNode *m = test->as_Mach();
 954         //   int  op = m->ideal_Opcode();
 955         //   if (n->is_Call() && (op == Op_AddF || op == Op_MulF) ) {
 956         //     int zzz = 1;
 957         //   }
 958         // }
 960         // Limit result register mask to acceptable registers.
 961         // Do not limit registers from uncommon uses before
 962         // AggressiveCoalesce.  This effectively pre-virtual-splits
 963         // around uncommon uses of common defs.
 964         const RegMask &rm = n->in_RegMask(k);
 965         if (!after_aggressive && _cfg.get_block_for_node(n->in(k))->_freq > 1000 * b->_freq) {

 966           // Since we are BEFORE aggressive coalesce, leave the register
 967           // mask untrimmed by the call.  This encourages more coalescing.
 968           // Later, AFTER aggressive, this live range will have to spill
 969           // but the spiller handles slow-path calls very nicely.
 970         } else {
 971           lrg.AND( rm );
 972         }
 974         // Check for bound register masks
 975         const RegMask &lrgmask = lrg.mask();
 976         int kreg = n->in(k)->ideal_reg();
 977         bool is_vect = RegMask::is_vector(kreg);
 978         assert(n->in(k)->bottom_type()->isa_vect() == NULL ||
 979                is_vect || kreg == Op_RegD,
 980                "vector must be in vector registers");
 981         if (lrgmask.is_bound(kreg))
 982           lrg._is_bound = 1;
 984         // If this use of a double forces a mis-aligned double,
 985         // flag as '_fat_proj' - really flag as allowing misalignment

1691   // pointers derived from NULL!  These are always along paths that
1692   // can't happen at run-time but the optimizer cannot deduce it so
1693   // we have to handle it gracefully.
1694   assert(!derived->bottom_type()->isa_narrowoop() ||
1695           derived->bottom_type()->make_ptr()->is_ptr()->_offset == 0, "sanity");
1696   const TypePtr *tj = derived->bottom_type()->isa_ptr();
1697   // If its an OOP with a non-zero offset, then it is derived.
1698   if( tj == NULL || tj->_offset == 0 ) {
1699     derived_base_map[derived->_idx] = derived;
1700     return derived;
1701   }
1702   // Derived is NULL+offset?  Base is NULL!
1703   if( derived->is_Con() ) {
1704     Node *base = _matcher.mach_null();
1705     assert(base != NULL, "sanity");
1706     if (base->in(0) == NULL) {
1707       // Initialize it once and make it shared:
1708       // set control to _root and place it into Start block
1709       // (where top() node is placed).
1710       base->init_req(0, _cfg._root);
1711       Block *startb = _cfg.get_block_for_node(C->top());
1712       startb->_nodes.insert(startb->find_node(C->top()), base );
1713       _cfg.map_node_to_block(base, startb);
1714       assert(_lrg_map.live_range_id(base) == 0, "should not have LRG yet");
1715     }
1716     if (_lrg_map.live_range_id(base) == 0) {
1717       new_lrg(base, maxlrg++);
1718     }
1719     assert(base->in(0) == _cfg._root && _cfg.get_block_for_node(base) == _cfg.get_block_for_node(C->top()), "base NULL should be shared");

1720     derived_base_map[derived->_idx] = base;
1721     return base;
1722   }
1724   // Check for AddP-related opcodes
1725   if (!derived->is_Phi()) {
1726     assert(derived->as_Mach()->ideal_Opcode() == Op_AddP, err_msg_res("but is: %s", derived->Name()));
1727     Node *base = derived->in(AddPNode::Base);
1728     derived_base_map[derived->_idx] = base;
1729     return base;
1730   }
1732   // Recursively find bases for Phis.
1733   // First check to see if we can avoid a base Phi here.
1734   Node *base = find_base_for_derived( derived_base_map, derived->in(1),maxlrg);
1735   uint i;
1736   for( i = 2; i < derived->req(); i++ )
1737     if( base != find_base_for_derived( derived_base_map,derived->in(i),maxlrg))
1738       break;
1739   // Went to the end without finding any different bases?
1740   if( i == derived->req() ) {   // No need for a base Phi here
1741     derived_base_map[derived->_idx] = base;
1742     return base;
1743   }
1745   // Now we see we need a base-Phi here to merge the bases
1746   const Type *t = base->bottom_type();
1747   base = new (C) PhiNode( derived->in(0), t );
1748   for( i = 1; i < derived->req(); i++ ) {
1749     base->init_req(i, find_base_for_derived(derived_base_map, derived->in(i), maxlrg));
1750     t = t->meet(base->in(i)->bottom_type());
1751   }
1752   base->as_Phi()->set_type(t);
1754   // Search the current block for an existing base-Phi
1755   Block *b = _cfg.get_block_for_node(derived);
1756   for( i = 1; i <= b->end_idx(); i++ ) {// Search for matching Phi
1757     Node *phi = b->_nodes[i];
1758     if( !phi->is_Phi() ) {      // Found end of Phis with no match?
1759       b->_nodes.insert( i, base ); // Must insert created Phi here as base
1760       _cfg.map_node_to_block(base, b);
1761       new_lrg(base,maxlrg++);
1762       break;
1763     }
1764     // See if Phi matches.
1765     uint j;
1766     for( j = 1; j < base->req(); j++ )
1767       if( phi->in(j) != base->in(j) &&
1768           !(phi->in(j)->is_Con() && base->in(j)->is_Con()) ) // allow different NULLs
1769         break;
1770     if( j == base->req() ) {    // All inputs match?
1771       base = phi;               // Then use existing 'phi' and drop 'base'
1772       break;
1773     }
1774   }
1777   // Cache info for later passes
1778   derived_base_map[derived->_idx] = base;
1779   return base;
1780 }

1796     Block *b = _cfg._blocks[i];
1797     // Note use of deep-copy constructor.  I cannot hammer the original
1798     // liveout bits, because they are needed by the following coalesce pass.
1799     IndexSet liveout(_live->live(b));
1801     for( uint j = b->end_idx() + 1; j > 1; j-- ) {
1802       Node *n = b->_nodes[j-1];
1804       // Pre-split compares of loop-phis.  Loop-phis form a cycle we would
1805       // like to see in the same register.  Compare uses the loop-phi and so
1806       // extends its live range BUT cannot be part of the cycle.  If this
1807       // extended live range overlaps with the update of the loop-phi value
1808       // we need both alive at the same time -- which requires at least 1
1809       // copy.  But because Intel has only 2-address registers we end up with
1810       // at least 2 copies, one before the loop-phi update instruction and
1811       // one after.  Instead we split the input to the compare just after the
1812       // phi.
1813       if( n->is_Mach() && n->as_Mach()->ideal_Opcode() == Op_CmpI ) {
1814         Node *phi = n->in(1);
1815         if( phi->is_Phi() && phi->as_Phi()->region()->is_Loop() ) {
1816           Block *phi_block = _cfg.get_block_for_node(phi);
1817           if (_cfg.get_block_for_node(phi_block->pred(2)) == b) {
1818             const RegMask *mask = C->matcher()->idealreg2spillmask[Op_RegI];
1819             Node *spill = new (C) MachSpillCopyNode( phi, *mask, *mask );
1820             insert_proj( phi_block, 1, spill, maxlrg++ );
1821             n->set_req(1,spill);
1822             must_recompute_live = true;
1823           }
1824         }
1825       }
1827       // Get value being defined
1828       uint lidx = _lrg_map.live_range_id(n);
1829       // Ignore the occasional brand-new live range
1830       if (lidx && lidx < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id()) {
1831         // Remove from live-out set
1832         liveout.remove(lidx);
1834         // Copies do not define a new value and so do not interfere.
1835         // Remove the copies source from the liveout set before interfering.
1836         uint idx = n->is_Copy();
1837         if (idx) {

1851           Node *derived = lrgs(neighbor)._def;
1852           const TypePtr *tj = derived->bottom_type()->isa_ptr();
1853           assert(!derived->bottom_type()->isa_narrowoop() ||
1854                   derived->bottom_type()->make_ptr()->is_ptr()->_offset == 0, "sanity");
1855           // If its an OOP with a non-zero offset, then it is derived.
1856           if( tj && tj->_offset != 0 && tj->isa_oop_ptr() ) {
1857             Node *base = find_base_for_derived(derived_base_map, derived, maxlrg);
1858             assert(base->_idx < _lrg_map.size(), "");
1859             // Add reaching DEFs of derived pointer and base pointer as a
1860             // pair of inputs
1861             n->add_req(derived);
1862             n->add_req(base);
1864             // See if the base pointer is already live to this point.
1865             // Since I'm working on the SSA form, live-ness amounts to
1866             // reaching def's.  So if I find the base's live range then
1867             // I know the base's def reaches here.
1868             if ((_lrg_map.live_range_id(base) >= _lrg_map.max_lrg_id() || // (Brand new base (hence not live) or
1869                  !liveout.member(_lrg_map.live_range_id(base))) && // not live) AND
1870                  (_lrg_map.live_range_id(base) > 0) && // not a constant
1871                  _cfg.get_block_for_node(base) != b) { // base not def'd in blk)
1872               // Base pointer is not currently live.  Since I stretched
1873               // the base pointer to here and it crosses basic-block
1874               // boundaries, the global live info is now incorrect.
1875               // Recompute live.
1876               must_recompute_live = true;
1877             } // End of if base pointer is not live to debug info
1878           }
1879         } // End of scan all live data for derived ptrs crossing GC point
1880       } // End of if found a GC point
1882       // Make all inputs live
1883       if (!n->is_Phi()) {      // Phi function uses come from prior block
1884         for (uint k = 1; k < n->req(); k++) {
1885           uint lidx = _lrg_map.live_range_id(n->in(k));
1886           if (lidx < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id()) {
1887             liveout.insert(lidx);
1888           }
1889         }
1890       }

1974   if( k < n->len() && n->in(k) ) tty->print("| ");
1975   for( ; k < n->len(); k++ ) {
1976     Node *m = n->in(k);
1977     if(!m) {
1978       break;
1979     }
1980     uint r = (m->_idx < _lrg_map.size()) ? _lrg_map.find_const(m) : 0;
1981     tty->print("L%d",r);
1982     tty->print("/N%d ",m->_idx);
1983   }
1984   if( n->is_Mach() ) n->as_Mach()->dump_spec(tty);
1985   else n->dump_spec(tty);
1986   if( _spilled_once.test(n->_idx ) ) {
1987     tty->print(" Spill_1");
1988     if( _spilled_twice.test(n->_idx ) )
1989       tty->print(" Spill_2");
1990   }
1991   tty->print("\n");
1992 }
1994 void PhaseChaitin::dump(const Block *b) const {
1995   b->dump_head(&_cfg);
1997   // For all instructions
1998   for( uint j = 0; j < b->_nodes.size(); j++ )
1999     dump(b->_nodes[j]);
2000   // Print live-out info at end of block
2001   if( _live ) {
2002     tty->print("Liveout: ");
2003     IndexSet *live = _live->live(b);
2004     IndexSetIterator elements(live);
2005     tty->print("{");
2006     uint i;
2007     while ((i = != 0) {
2008       tty->print("L%d ", _lrg_map.find_const(i));
2009     }
2010     tty->print_cr("}");
2011   }
2012   tty->print("\n");
2013 }
2015 void PhaseChaitin::dump() const {

2280     } else {
2281       tty->print_cr("new LRG");
2282     }
2283   }
2284   if( _ifg && lidx < _ifg->_maxlrg) {
2285     tty->print("Neighbors: %d - ", _ifg->neighbor_cnt(lidx));
2286     _ifg->neighbors(lidx)->dump();
2287     tty->cr();
2288   }
2289   // For all blocks
2290   for( uint i = 0; i < _cfg._num_blocks; i++ ) {
2291     Block *b = _cfg._blocks[i];
2292     int dump_once = 0;
2294     // For all instructions
2295     for( uint j = 0; j < b->_nodes.size(); j++ ) {
2296       Node *n = b->_nodes[j];
2297       if (_lrg_map.find_const(n) == lidx) {
2298         if (!dump_once++) {
2299           tty->cr();
2300           b->dump_head(&_cfg);
2301         }
2302         dump(n);
2303         continue;
2304       }
2305       if (!defs_only) {
2306         uint cnt = n->req();
2307         for( uint k = 1; k < cnt; k++ ) {
2308           Node *m = n->in(k);
2309           if (!m)  {
2310             continue;  // be robust in the dumper
2311           }
2312           if (_lrg_map.find_const(m) == lidx) {
2313             if (!dump_once++) {
2314               tty->cr();
2315               b->dump_head(&_cfg);
2316             }
2317             dump(n);
2318           }
2319         }
2320       }
2321     }
2322   } // End of per-block dump
2323   tty->cr();
2324 }
2325 #endif // not PRODUCT
2327 //------------------------------print_chaitin_statistics-------------------------------
2328 int PhaseChaitin::_final_loads  = 0;
2329 int PhaseChaitin::_final_stores = 0;
2330 int PhaseChaitin::_final_memoves= 0;
2331 int PhaseChaitin::_final_copies = 0;
2332 double PhaseChaitin::_final_load_cost  = 0;
2333 double PhaseChaitin::_final_store_cost = 0;
2334 double PhaseChaitin::_final_memove_cost= 0;
2335 double PhaseChaitin::_final_copy_cost  = 0;

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