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*** 52,64 **** tty->print("B%d ", _phc._cfg.get_block_for_node(b->pred(j))->_pre_order); tty->print("-> "); for( j=0; j<b->_num_succs; j++ ) tty->print("B%d ",b->_succs[j]->_pre_order); tty->print(" IDom: B%d/#%d\n", b->_idom ? b->_idom->_pre_order : 0, b->_dom_depth); ! uint cnt = b->_nodes.size(); for( j=0; j<cnt; j++ ) { ! Node *n = b->_nodes[j]; dump( n ); tty->print("\t%s\t",n->Name()); // Dump the inputs uint k; // Exit value of loop --- 52,64 ---- tty->print("B%d ", _phc._cfg.get_block_for_node(b->pred(j))->_pre_order); tty->print("-> "); for( j=0; j<b->_num_succs; j++ ) tty->print("B%d ",b->_succs[j]->_pre_order); tty->print(" IDom: B%d/#%d\n", b->_idom ? b->_idom->_pre_order : 0, b->_dom_depth); ! uint cnt = b->number_of_nodes(); for( j=0; j<cnt; j++ ) { ! Node *n = b->get_node(j); dump( n ); tty->print("\t%s\t",n->Name()); // Dump the inputs uint k; // Exit value of loop
*** 150,160 **** // Scan backwards for the locations of the last use of the dst_name. // I am about to clobber the dst_name, so the copy must be inserted // after the last use. Last use is really first-use on a backwards scan. uint i = b->end_idx()-1; while(1) { ! Node *n = b->_nodes[i]; // Check for end of virtual copies; this is also the end of the // parallel renaming effort. if (n->_idx < _unique) { break; } --- 150,160 ---- // Scan backwards for the locations of the last use of the dst_name. // I am about to clobber the dst_name, so the copy must be inserted // after the last use. Last use is really first-use on a backwards scan. uint i = b->end_idx()-1; while(1) { ! Node *n = b->get_node(i); // Check for end of virtual copies; this is also the end of the // parallel renaming effort. if (n->_idx < _unique) { break; }
*** 172,182 **** uint kill_src_idx = b->end_idx(); // There can be only 1 kill that exits any block and that is // the last kill. Thus it is the first kill on a backwards scan. i = b->end_idx()-1; while (1) { ! Node *n = b->_nodes[i]; // Check for end of virtual copies; this is also the end of the // parallel renaming effort. if (n->_idx < _unique) { break; } --- 172,182 ---- uint kill_src_idx = b->end_idx(); // There can be only 1 kill that exits any block and that is // the last kill. Thus it is the first kill on a backwards scan. i = b->end_idx()-1; while (1) { ! Node *n = b->get_node(i); // Check for end of virtual copies; this is also the end of the // parallel renaming effort. if (n->_idx < _unique) { break; }
*** 198,214 **** // Insert new temp between copy and source tmp ->set_req(idx,copy->in(idx)); copy->set_req(idx,tmp); // Save source in temp early, before source is killed ! b->_nodes.insert(kill_src_idx,tmp); _phc._cfg.map_node_to_block(tmp, b); last_use_idx++; } // Insert just after last use ! b->_nodes.insert(last_use_idx+1,copy); } void PhaseAggressiveCoalesce::insert_copies( Matcher &matcher ) { // We do LRGs compressing and fix a liveout data only here since the other // place in Split() is guarded by the assert which we never hit. --- 198,214 ---- // Insert new temp between copy and source tmp ->set_req(idx,copy->in(idx)); copy->set_req(idx,tmp); // Save source in temp early, before source is killed ! b->insert_node(tmp, kill_src_idx); _phc._cfg.map_node_to_block(tmp, b); last_use_idx++; } // Insert just after last use ! b->insert_node(copy, last_use_idx + 1); } void PhaseAggressiveCoalesce::insert_copies( Matcher &matcher ) { // We do LRGs compressing and fix a liveout data only here since the other // place in Split() is guarded by the assert which we never hit.
*** 235,246 **** C->check_node_count(NodeLimitFudgeFactor, "out of nodes in coalesce"); if (C->failing()) return; Block *b = _phc._cfg.get_block(i); uint cnt = b->num_preds(); // Number of inputs to the Phi ! for( uint l = 1; l<b->_nodes.size(); l++ ) { ! Node *n = b->_nodes[l]; // Do not use removed-copies, use copied value instead uint ncnt = n->req(); for( uint k = 1; k<ncnt; k++ ) { Node *copy = n->in(k); --- 235,246 ---- C->check_node_count(NodeLimitFudgeFactor, "out of nodes in coalesce"); if (C->failing()) return; Block *b = _phc._cfg.get_block(i); uint cnt = b->num_preds(); // Number of inputs to the Phi ! for( uint l = 1; l<b->number_of_nodes(); l++ ) { ! Node *n = b->get_node(l); // Do not use removed-copies, use copied value instead uint ncnt = n->req(); for( uint k = 1; k<ncnt; k++ ) { Node *copy = n->in(k);
*** 258,268 **** if( cidx ) { Node *def = n->in(cidx); if (_phc._lrg_map.find(n) == _phc._lrg_map.find(def)) { n->replace_by(def); n->set_req(cidx,NULL); ! b->_nodes.remove(l); l--; continue; } } --- 258,268 ---- if( cidx ) { Node *def = n->in(cidx); if (_phc._lrg_map.find(n) == _phc._lrg_map.find(def)) { n->replace_by(def); n->set_req(cidx,NULL); ! b->remove_node(l); l--; continue; } }
*** 319,335 **** // Rematerialize only constants as we do for Phi above. if(m->is_Mach() && m->as_Mach()->is_Con() && m->as_Mach()->rematerialize()) { copy = m->clone(); // Insert the copy in the basic block, just before us ! b->_nodes.insert(l++, copy); l += _phc.clone_projs(b, l, m, copy, _phc._lrg_map); } else { const RegMask *rm = C->matcher()->idealreg2spillmask[m->ideal_reg()]; copy = new (C) MachSpillCopyNode(m, *rm, *rm); // Insert the copy in the basic block, just before us ! b->_nodes.insert(l++, copy); } // Insert the copy in the use-def chain n->set_req(idx, copy); // Extend ("register allocate") the names array for the copy. _phc._lrg_map.extend(copy->_idx, name); --- 319,335 ---- // Rematerialize only constants as we do for Phi above. if(m->is_Mach() && m->as_Mach()->is_Con() && m->as_Mach()->rematerialize()) { copy = m->clone(); // Insert the copy in the basic block, just before us ! b->insert_node(copy, l++); l += _phc.clone_projs(b, l, m, copy, _phc._lrg_map); } else { const RegMask *rm = C->matcher()->idealreg2spillmask[m->ideal_reg()]; copy = new (C) MachSpillCopyNode(m, *rm, *rm); // Insert the copy in the basic block, just before us ! b->insert_node(copy, l++); } // Insert the copy in the use-def chain n->set_req(idx, copy); // Extend ("register allocate") the names array for the copy. _phc._lrg_map.extend(copy->_idx, name);
*** 374,384 **** const RegMask *rm = C->matcher()->idealreg2spillmask[inp->ideal_reg()]; Node *copy = new (C) MachSpillCopyNode( inp, *rm, *rm ); // Insert the copy in the use-def chain n->set_req(inpidx, copy ); // Insert the copy in the basic block, just before us ! b->_nodes.insert( l++, copy ); // Extend ("register allocate") the names array for the copy. uint max_lrg_id = _phc._lrg_map.max_lrg_id(); _phc.new_lrg(copy, max_lrg_id); _phc._lrg_map.set_max_lrg_id(max_lrg_id + 1); _phc._cfg.map_node_to_block(copy, b); --- 374,384 ---- const RegMask *rm = C->matcher()->idealreg2spillmask[inp->ideal_reg()]; Node *copy = new (C) MachSpillCopyNode( inp, *rm, *rm ); // Insert the copy in the use-def chain n->set_req(inpidx, copy ); // Insert the copy in the basic block, just before us ! b->insert_node(copy, l++); // Extend ("register allocate") the names array for the copy. uint max_lrg_id = _phc._lrg_map.max_lrg_id(); _phc.new_lrg(copy, max_lrg_id); _phc._lrg_map.set_max_lrg_id(max_lrg_id + 1); _phc._cfg.map_node_to_block(copy, b);
*** 429,450 **** while (_phc._cfg.get_block_for_node(bs->pred(j)) != b) { j++; } // Visit all the Phis in successor block ! for( uint k = 1; k<bs->_nodes.size(); k++ ) { ! Node *n = bs->_nodes[k]; if( !n->is_Phi() ) break; combine_these_two( n, n->in(j) ); } } // End of for all successor blocks // Check _this_ block for 2-address instructions and copies. uint cnt = b->end_idx(); for( i = 1; i<cnt; i++ ) { ! Node *n = b->_nodes[i]; uint idx; // 2-address instructions have a virtual Copy matching their input // to their output if (n->is_Mach() && (idx = n->as_Mach()->two_adr())) { MachNode *mach = n->as_Mach(); --- 429,450 ---- while (_phc._cfg.get_block_for_node(bs->pred(j)) != b) { j++; } // Visit all the Phis in successor block ! for( uint k = 1; k<bs->number_of_nodes(); k++ ) { ! Node *n = bs->get_node(k); if( !n->is_Phi() ) break; combine_these_two( n, n->in(j) ); } } // End of for all successor blocks // Check _this_ block for 2-address instructions and copies. uint cnt = b->end_idx(); for( i = 1; i<cnt; i++ ) { ! Node *n = b->get_node(i); uint idx; // 2-address instructions have a virtual Copy matching their input // to their output if (n->is_Mach() && (idx = n->as_Mach()->two_adr())) { MachNode *mach = n->as_Mach();
*** 488,501 **** // the dst_copy becomes useless. int didx = dst_copy->is_Copy(); dst_copy->set_req( didx, src_def ); // Add copy to free list // _phc.free_spillcopy(b->_nodes[bindex]); ! assert( b->_nodes[bindex] == dst_copy, "" ); dst_copy->replace_by( dst_copy->in(didx) ); dst_copy->set_req( didx, NULL); ! b->_nodes.remove(bindex); if( bindex < b->_ihrp_index ) b->_ihrp_index--; if( bindex < b->_fhrp_index ) b->_fhrp_index--; // Stretched lr1; add it to liveness of intermediate blocks Block *b2 = _phc._cfg.get_block_for_node(src_copy); --- 488,501 ---- // the dst_copy becomes useless. int didx = dst_copy->is_Copy(); dst_copy->set_req( didx, src_def ); // Add copy to free list // _phc.free_spillcopy(b->_nodes[bindex]); ! assert( b->get_node(bindex) == dst_copy, "" ); dst_copy->replace_by( dst_copy->in(didx) ); dst_copy->set_req( didx, NULL); ! b->remove_node(bindex); if( bindex < b->_ihrp_index ) b->_ihrp_index--; if( bindex < b->_fhrp_index ) b->_fhrp_index--; // Stretched lr1; add it to liveness of intermediate blocks Block *b2 = _phc._cfg.get_block_for_node(src_copy);
*** 521,532 **** assert( b2->num_preds() == 2, "cannot double coalesce across c-flow" ); b2 = _phc._cfg.get_block_for_node(b2->pred(1)); bindex2 = b2->end_idx()-1; } // Get prior instruction ! assert(bindex2 < b2->_nodes.size(), "index out of bounds"); ! Node *x = b2->_nodes[bindex2]; if( x == prev_copy ) { // Previous copy in copy chain? if( prev_copy == src_copy)// Found end of chain and all interferences break; // So break out of loop // Else work back one in copy chain prev_copy = prev_copy->in(prev_copy->is_Copy()); --- 521,532 ---- assert( b2->num_preds() == 2, "cannot double coalesce across c-flow" ); b2 = _phc._cfg.get_block_for_node(b2->pred(1)); bindex2 = b2->end_idx()-1; } // Get prior instruction ! assert(bindex2 < b2->number_of_nodes(), "index out of bounds"); ! Node *x = b2->get_node(bindex2); if( x == prev_copy ) { // Previous copy in copy chain? if( prev_copy == src_copy)// Found end of chain and all interferences break; // So break out of loop // Else work back one in copy chain prev_copy = prev_copy->in(prev_copy->is_Copy());
*** 774,784 **** } // Check this block for copies. for( uint i = 1; i<b->end_idx(); i++ ) { // Check for actual copies on inputs. Coalesce a copy into its // input if use and copy's input are compatible. ! Node *copy1 = b->_nodes[i]; uint idx1 = copy1->is_Copy(); if( !idx1 ) continue; // Not a copy if( copy_copy(copy1,copy1,b,i) ) { i--; // Retry, same location in block --- 774,784 ---- } // Check this block for copies. for( uint i = 1; i<b->end_idx(); i++ ) { // Check for actual copies on inputs. Coalesce a copy into its // input if use and copy's input are compatible. ! Node *copy1 = b->get_node(i); uint idx1 = copy1->is_Copy(); if( !idx1 ) continue; // Not a copy if( copy_copy(copy1,copy1,b,i) ) { i--; // Retry, same location in block
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