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rev 5829 : 8032656: Tag the MachSpillCopies with purpose information
Summary: Subclassed the MachSpillCopyNode with different subnodes for different spill purposes to enhance debugging / visualization

  38 // definitions.  During propagation, split the live range around regions of
  39 // High Register Pressure (HRP).  If a Def is in a region of Low Register
  40 // Pressure (LRP), it will not get spilled until we encounter a region of
  41 // HRP between it and one of its uses.  We will spill at the transition
  42 // point between LRP and HRP.  Uses in the HRP region will use the spilled
  43 // Def.  The first Use outside the HRP region will generate a SpillCopy to
  44 // hoist the live range back up into a register, and all subsequent uses
  45 // will use that new Def until another HRP region is encountered.  Defs in
  46 // HRP regions will get trailing SpillCopies to push the LRG down into the
  47 // stack immediately.
  48 //
  49 // As a side effect, unlink from (hence make dead) coalesced copies.
  50 //
  52 static const char out_of_nodes[] = "out of nodes during split";
  54 //------------------------------get_spillcopy_wide-----------------------------
  55 // Get a SpillCopy node with wide-enough masks.  Use the 'wide-mask', the
  56 // wide ideal-register spill-mask if possible.  If the 'wide-mask' does
  57 // not cover the input (or output), use the input (or output) mask instead.
  58 Node *PhaseChaitin::get_spillcopy_wide( Node *def, Node *use, uint uidx ) {
  59   // If ideal reg doesn't exist we've got a bad schedule happening
  60   // that is forcing us to spill something that isn't spillable.
  61   // Bail rather than abort
  62   int ireg = def->ideal_reg();
  63   if( ireg == 0 || ireg == Op_RegFlags ) {
  64     assert(false, "attempted to spill a non-spillable item");
  65     C->record_method_not_compilable("attempted to spill a non-spillable item");
  66     return NULL;
  67   }
  68   if (C->check_node_count(NodeLimitFudgeFactor, out_of_nodes)) {
  69     return NULL;
  70   }
  71   const RegMask *i_mask = &def->out_RegMask();
  72   const RegMask *w_mask = C->matcher()->idealreg2spillmask[ireg];
  73   const RegMask *o_mask = use ? &use->in_RegMask(uidx) : w_mask;
  74   const RegMask *w_i_mask = w_mask->overlap( *i_mask ) ? w_mask : i_mask;
  75   const RegMask *w_o_mask;
  77   int num_regs = RegMask::num_registers(ireg);
  78   bool is_vect = RegMask::is_vector(ireg);
  79   if( w_mask->overlap( *o_mask ) && // Overlap AND
  80       ((num_regs == 1) // Single use or aligned
  81         ||  is_vect    // or vector
  82         || !is_vect && o_mask->is_aligned_pairs()) ) {
  83     assert(!is_vect || o_mask->is_aligned_sets(num_regs), "vectors are aligned");
  84     // Don't come here for mis-aligned doubles
  85     w_o_mask = w_mask;
  86   } else {                      // wide ideal mask does not overlap with o_mask
  87     // Mis-aligned doubles come here and XMM->FPR moves on x86.
  88     w_o_mask = o_mask;          // Must target desired registers
  89     // Does the ideal-reg-mask overlap with o_mask?  I.e., can I use
  90     // a reg-reg move or do I need a trip across register classes
  91     // (and thus through memory)?
  92     if( !C->matcher()->idealreg2regmask[ireg]->overlap( *o_mask) && o_mask->is_UP() )
  93       // Here we assume a trip through memory is required.
  94       w_i_mask = &C->FIRST_STACK_mask();
  95   }
  96   return new (C) MachSpillCopyNode( def, *w_i_mask, *w_o_mask );
  97 }
  99 //------------------------------insert_proj------------------------------------
 100 // Insert the spill at chosen location.  Skip over any intervening Proj's or
 101 // Phis.  Skip over a CatchNode and projs, inserting in the fall-through block
 102 // instead.  Update high-pressure indices.  Create a new live range.
 103 void PhaseChaitin::insert_proj( Block *b, uint i, Node *spill, uint maxlrg ) {
 104   // Skip intervening ProjNodes.  Do not insert between a ProjNode and
 105   // its definer.
 106   while( i < b->number_of_nodes() &&
 107          (b->get_node(i)->is_Proj() ||
 108           b->get_node(i)->is_Phi() ) )
 109     i++;
 111   // Do not insert between a call and his Catch
 112   if( b->get_node(i)->is_Catch() ) {
 113     // Put the instruction at the top of the fall-thru block.
 114     // Find the fall-thru projection
 115     while( 1 ) {
 116       const CatchProjNode *cp = b->get_node(++i)->as_CatchProj();

 142 // happens inside Split, where the Leaveblock array is updated.
 143 uint PhaseChaitin::split_DEF( Node *def, Block *b, int loc, uint maxlrg, Node **Reachblock, Node **debug_defs, GrowableArray<uint> splits, int slidx ) {
 144 #ifdef ASSERT
 145   // Increment the counter for this lrg
 146   splits.at_put(slidx,;
 147 #endif
 148   // If we are spilling the memory op for an implicit null check, at the
 149   // null check location (ie - null check is in HRP block) we need to do
 150   // the null-check first, then spill-down in the following block.
 151   // (The implicit_null_check function ensures the use is also dominated
 152   // by the branch-not-taken block.)
 153   Node *be = b->end();
 154   if( be->is_MachNullCheck() && be->in(1) == def && def == b->get_node(loc)) {
 155     // Spill goes in the branch-not-taken block
 156     b = b->_succs[b->get_node(b->end_idx()+1)->Opcode() == Op_IfTrue];
 157     loc = 0;                    // Just past the Region
 158   }
 159   assert( loc >= 0, "must insert past block head" );
 161   // Get a def-side SpillCopy
 162   Node *spill = get_spillcopy_wide(def,NULL,0);
 163   // Did we fail to split?, then bail
 164   if (!spill) {
 165     return 0;
 166   }
 168   // Insert the spill at chosen location
 169   insert_proj( b, loc+1, spill, maxlrg++);
 171   // Insert new node into Reaches array
 172   Reachblock[slidx] = spill;
 173   // Update debug list of reaching down definitions by adding this one
 174   debug_defs[slidx] = spill;
 176   // return updated count of live ranges
 177   return maxlrg;
 178 }
 180 //------------------------------split_USE--------------------------------------
 181 // Splits at uses can involve redeffing the LRG, so no CISC Spilling there.
 182 // Debug uses want to know if def is already stack enabled.
 183 uint PhaseChaitin::split_USE( Node *def, Block *b, Node *use, uint useidx, uint maxlrg, bool def_down, bool cisc_sp, GrowableArray<uint> splits, int slidx ) {
 184 #ifdef ASSERT
 185   // Increment the counter for this lrg
 186   splits.at_put(slidx,;
 187 #endif
 189   // Some setup stuff for handling debug node uses
 190   JVMState* jvms = use->jvms();
 191   uint debug_start = jvms ? jvms->debug_start() : 999999;
 192   uint debug_end   = jvms ? jvms->debug_end()   : 999999;
 194   //-------------------------------------------
 195   // Check for use of debug info
 196   if (useidx >= debug_start && useidx < debug_end) {
 197     // Actually it's perfectly legal for constant debug info to appear
 198     // just unlikely.  In this case the optimizer left a ConI of a 4
 199     // as both inputs to a Phi with only a debug use.  It's a single-def
 200     // live range of a rematerializable value.  The live range spills,
 201     // rematerializes and now the ConI directly feeds into the debug info.
 202     // assert(!def->is_Con(), "constant debug info already constructed directly");
 204     // Special split handling for Debug Info
 205     // If DEF is DOWN, just hook the edge and return
 206     // If DEF is UP, Split it DOWN for this USE.
 207     if( def->is_Mach() ) {
 208       if( def_down ) {
 209         // DEF is DOWN, so connect USE directly to the DEF
 210         use->set_req(useidx, def);
 211       } else {
 212         // Block and index where the use occurs.
 213         Block *b = _cfg.get_block_for_node(use);
 214         // Put the clone just prior to use
 215         int bindex = b->find_node(use);
 216         // DEF is UP, so must copy it DOWN and hook in USE
 217         // Insert SpillCopy before the USE, which uses DEF as its input,
 218         // and defs a new live range, which is used by this node.
 219         Node *spill = get_spillcopy_wide(def,use,useidx);
 220         // did we fail to split?
 221         if (!spill) {
 222           // Bail
 223           return 0;
 224         }
 225         // insert into basic block
 226         insert_proj( b, bindex, spill, maxlrg++ );
 227         // Use the new split
 228         use->set_req(useidx,spill);
 229       }
 230       // No further split handling needed for this use
 231       return maxlrg;
 232     }  // End special splitting for debug info live range
 233   }  // If debug info
 236   // Finally, check to see if USE is CISC-Spillable, and if so,
 237   // gather_lrg_masks will add the flags bit to its mask, and
 238   // no use side copy is needed.  This frees up the live range
 239   // register choices without causing copy coalescing, etc.

 251       }
 252 #endif
 253       return maxlrg;
 254     }
 255   }
 257   //-------------------------------------------
 258   // Insert a Copy before the use
 260   // Block and index where the use occurs.
 261   int bindex;
 262   // Phi input spill-copys belong at the end of the prior block
 263   if( use->is_Phi() ) {
 264     b = _cfg.get_block_for_node(b->pred(useidx));
 265     bindex = b->end_idx();
 266   } else {
 267     // Put the clone just prior to use
 268     bindex = b->find_node(use);
 269   }
 271   Node *spill = get_spillcopy_wide( def, use, useidx );
 272   if( !spill ) return 0;        // Bailed out
 273   // Insert SpillCopy before the USE, which uses the reaching DEF as
 274   // its input, and defs a new live range, which is used by this node.
 275   insert_proj( b, bindex, spill, maxlrg++ );
 276   // Use the spill/clone
 277   use->set_req(useidx,spill);
 279   // return updated live range count
 280   return maxlrg;
 281 }
 283 //------------------------------clone_node----------------------------
 284 // Clone node with anti dependence check.
 285 Node* clone_node(Node* def, Block *b, Compile* C) {
 286   if (def->needs_anti_dependence_check()) {
 287 #ifdef ASSERT
 288     if (Verbose) {
 289       tty->print_cr("RA attempts to clone node with anti_dependence:");
 290       def->dump(-1); tty->cr();
 291       tty->print_cr("into block:");

 310 // Clone a local copy of the def.
 311 Node *PhaseChaitin::split_Rematerialize( Node *def, Block *b, uint insidx, uint &maxlrg, GrowableArray<uint> splits, int slidx, uint *lrg2reach, Node **Reachblock, bool walkThru ) {
 312   // The input live ranges will be stretched to the site of the new
 313   // instruction.  They might be stretched past a def and will thus
 314   // have the old and new values of the same live range alive at the
 315   // same time - a definite no-no.  Split out private copies of
 316   // the inputs.
 317   if( def->req() > 1 ) {
 318     for( uint i = 1; i < def->req(); i++ ) {
 319       Node *in = def->in(i);
 320       uint lidx = _lrg_map.live_range_id(in);
 321       // We do not need this for live ranges that are only defined once.
 322       // However, this is not true for spill copies that are added in this
 323       // Split() pass, since they might get coalesced later on in this pass.
 324       if (lidx < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id() && lrgs(lidx).is_singledef()) {
 325         continue;
 326       }
 328       Block *b_def = _cfg.get_block_for_node(def);
 329       int idx_def = b_def->find_node(def);
 330       Node *in_spill = get_spillcopy_wide( in, def, i );
 331       if( !in_spill ) return 0; // Bailed out
 332       insert_proj(b_def,idx_def,in_spill,maxlrg++);
 333       if( b_def == b )
 334         insidx++;
 335       def->set_req(i,in_spill);
 336     }
 337   }
 339   Node *spill = clone_node(def, b, C);
 340   if (spill == NULL || C->check_node_count(NodeLimitFudgeFactor, out_of_nodes)) {
 341     // Check when generating nodes
 342     return 0;
 343   }
 345   // See if any inputs are currently being spilled, and take the
 346   // latest copy of spilled inputs.
 347   if( spill->req() > 1 ) {
 348     for( uint i = 1; i < spill->req(); i++ ) {
 349       Node *in = spill->in(i);
 350       uint lidx = _lrg_map.find_id(in);

 918               continue;
 919             }
 921             // Rematerializable?  Then clone def at use site instead
 922             // of store/load
 923             if( def->rematerialize() ) {
 924               int old_size = b->number_of_nodes();
 925               def = split_Rematerialize( def, b, insidx, maxlrg, splits, slidx, lrg2reach, Reachblock, true );
 926               if( !def ) return 0; // Bail out
 927               insidx += b->number_of_nodes()-old_size;
 928             }
 930             MachNode *mach = n->is_Mach() ? n->as_Mach() : NULL;
 931             // Base pointers and oopmap references do not care where they live.
 932             if ((inpidx >= oopoff) ||
 933                 (mach && mach->ideal_Opcode() == Op_AddP && inpidx == AddPNode::Base)) {
 934               if (def->rematerialize() && lrgs(useidx)._was_spilled2) {
 935                 // This def has been rematerialized a couple of times without
 936                 // progress. It doesn't care if it lives UP or DOWN, so
 937                 // spill it down now.
 938                 maxlrg = split_USE(def,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,false,false,splits,slidx);
 939                 // If it wasn't split bail
 940                 if (!maxlrg) {
 941                   return 0;
 942                 }
 943                 insidx++;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side split
 944               } else {
 945                 // Just hook the def edge
 946                 n->set_req(inpidx, def);
 947               }
 949               if (inpidx >= oopoff) {
 950                 // After oopoff, we have derived/base pairs.  We must mention all
 951                 // derived pointers here as derived/base pairs for GC.  If the
 952                 // derived value is spilling and we have a copy both in Reachblock
 953                 // (called here 'def') and debug_defs[slidx] we need to mention
 954                 // both in derived/base pairs or kill one.
 955                 Node *derived_debug = debug_defs[slidx];
 956                 if( ((inpidx - oopoff) & 1) == DERIVED && // derived vs base?
 957                     mach && mach->ideal_Opcode() != Op_Halt &&
 958                     derived_debug != NULL &&

 998               }
 999             }
1000             // Grab register mask info
1001             const RegMask &dmask = def->out_RegMask();
1002             const RegMask &umask = n->in_RegMask(inpidx);
1003             bool is_vect = RegMask::is_vector(def->ideal_reg());
1004             assert(inpidx < oopoff, "cannot use-split oop map info");
1006             bool dup = UPblock[slidx];
1007             bool uup = umask.is_UP();
1009             // Need special logic to handle bound USES. Insert a split at this
1010             // bound use if we can't rematerialize the def, or if we need the
1011             // split to form a misaligned pair.
1012             if( !umask.is_AllStack() &&
1013                 (int)umask.Size() <= lrgs(useidx).num_regs() &&
1014                 (!def->rematerialize() ||
1015                  !is_vect && umask.is_misaligned_pair())) {
1016               // These need a Split regardless of overlap or pressure
1017               // SPLIT - NO DEF - NO CISC SPILL
1018               maxlrg = split_USE(def,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,dup,false, splits,slidx);
1019               // If it wasn't split bail
1020               if (!maxlrg) {
1021                 return 0;
1022               }
1023               insidx++;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side split
1024               continue;
1025             }
1027             if (UseFPUForSpilling && n->is_MachCall() && !uup && !dup ) {
1028               // The use at the call can force the def down so insert
1029               // a split before the use to allow the def more freedom.
1030               maxlrg = split_USE(def,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,dup,false, splits,slidx);
1031               // If it wasn't split bail
1032               if (!maxlrg) {
1033                 return 0;
1034               }
1035               insidx++;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side split
1036               continue;
1037             }
1039             // Here is the logic chart which describes USE Splitting:
1040             // 0 = false or DOWN, 1 = true or UP
1041             //
1042             // Overlap | DEF | USE | Action
1043             //-------------------------------------------------------
1044             //    0    |  0  |  0  | Copy - mem -> mem
1045             //    0    |  0  |  1  | Split-UP - Check HRP
1046             //    0    |  1  |  0  | Split-DOWN - Debug Info?
1047             //    0    |  1  |  1  | Copy - reg -> reg
1048             //    1    |  0  |  0  | Reset Input Edge (no Split)
1049             //    1    |  0  |  1  | Split-UP - Check HRP
1050             //    1    |  1  |  0  | Split-DOWN - Debug Info?
1051             //    1    |  1  |  1  | Reset Input Edge (no Split)
1052             //
1053             // So, if (dup == uup), then overlap test determines action,
1054             // with true being no split, and false being copy. Else,
1055             // if DEF is DOWN, Split-UP, and check HRP to decide on
1056             // resetting DEF. Finally if DEF is UP, Split-DOWN, with
1057             // special handling for Debug Info.
1058             if( dup == uup ) {
1059               if( dmask.overlap(umask) ) {
1060                 // Both are either up or down, and there is overlap, No Split
1061                 n->set_req(inpidx, def);
1062               }
1063               else {  // Both are either up or down, and there is no overlap
1064                 if( dup ) {  // If UP, reg->reg copy
1065                   // COPY ACROSS HERE - NO DEF - NO CISC SPILL
1066                   maxlrg = split_USE(def,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,false,false, splits,slidx);
1067                   // If it wasn't split bail
1068                   if (!maxlrg) {
1069                     return 0;
1070                   }
1071                   insidx++;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side split
1072                 }
1073                 else {       // DOWN, mem->mem copy
1074                   // COPY UP & DOWN HERE - NO DEF - NO CISC SPILL
1075                   // First Split-UP to move value into Register
1076                   uint def_ideal = def->ideal_reg();
1077                   const RegMask* tmp_rm = Matcher::idealreg2regmask[def_ideal];
1078                   Node *spill = new (C) MachSpillCopyNode(def, dmask, *tmp_rm);
1079                   insert_proj( b, insidx, spill, maxlrg );
1080                   // Then Split-DOWN as if previous Split was DEF
1081                   maxlrg = split_USE(spill,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,false,false, splits,slidx);
1082                   // If it wasn't split bail
1083                   if (!maxlrg) {
1084                     return 0;
1085                   }
1086                   insidx += 2;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side splits
1087                 }
1088               }  // End else no overlap
1089             }  // End if dup == uup
1090             // dup != uup, so check dup for direction of Split
1091             else {
1092               if( dup ) {  // If UP, Split-DOWN and check Debug Info
1093                 // If this node is already a SpillCopy, just patch the edge
1094                 // except the case of spilling to stack.
1095                 if( n->is_SpillCopy() ) {
1096                   RegMask tmp_rm(umask);
1097                   tmp_rm.SUBTRACT(Matcher::STACK_ONLY_mask);
1098                   if( dmask.overlap(tmp_rm) ) {
1099                     if( def != n->in(inpidx) ) {
1100                       n->set_req(inpidx, def);
1101                     }
1102                     continue;
1103                   }
1104                 }
1105                 // COPY DOWN HERE - NO DEF - NO CISC SPILL
1106                 maxlrg = split_USE(def,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,false,false, splits,slidx);
1107                 // If it wasn't split bail
1108                 if (!maxlrg) {
1109                   return 0;
1110                 }
1111                 insidx++;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side split
1112                 // Check for debug-info split.  Capture it for later
1113                 // debug splits of the same value
1114                 if (jvms && jvms->debug_start() <= inpidx && inpidx < oopoff)
1115                   debug_defs[slidx] = n->in(inpidx);
1117               }
1118               else {       // DOWN, Split-UP and check register pressure
1119                 if( is_high_pressure( b, &lrgs(useidx), insidx ) ) {
1120                   // COPY UP HERE - NO DEF - CISC SPILL
1121                   maxlrg = split_USE(def,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,true,true, splits,slidx);
1122                   // If it wasn't split bail
1123                   if (!maxlrg) {
1124                     return 0;
1125                   }
1126                   insidx++;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side split
1127                 } else {                          // LRP
1128                   // COPY UP HERE - WITH DEF - NO CISC SPILL
1129                   maxlrg = split_USE(def,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,true,false, splits,slidx);
1130                   // If it wasn't split bail
1131                   if (!maxlrg) {
1132                     return 0;
1133                   }
1134                   // Flag this lift-up in a low-pressure block as
1135                   // already-spilled, so if it spills again it will
1136                   // spill hard (instead of not spilling hard and
1137                   // coalescing away).
1138                   set_was_spilled(n->in(inpidx));
1139                   // Since this is a new DEF, update Reachblock & UP
1140                   Reachblock[slidx] = n->in(inpidx);
1141                   UPblock[slidx] = true;
1142                   insidx++;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side split
1143                 }
1144               }  // End else DOWN
1145             }  // End dup != uup
1146           }  // End if Spill USE
1147         }  // End For All Inputs
1148       }  // End If not nullcheck

1212       // ********** Split Left Over Mem-Mem Moves **********
1213       // Check for mem-mem copies and split them now.  Do not do this
1214       // to copies about to be spilled; they will be Split shortly.
1215       if (copyidx) {
1216         Node *use = n->in(copyidx);
1217         uint useidx = _lrg_map.find_id(use);
1218         if (useidx < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id() &&       // This is not a new split
1219             OptoReg::is_stack(deflrg.reg()) &&
1220             deflrg.reg() < LRG::SPILL_REG ) { // And DEF is from stack
1221           LRG &uselrg = lrgs(useidx);
1222           if( OptoReg::is_stack(uselrg.reg()) &&
1223               uselrg.reg() < LRG::SPILL_REG && // USE is from stack
1224               deflrg.reg() != uselrg.reg() ) { // Not trivially removed
1225             uint def_ideal_reg = n->bottom_type()->ideal_reg();
1226             const RegMask &def_rm = *Matcher::idealreg2regmask[def_ideal_reg];
1227             const RegMask &use_rm = n->in_RegMask(copyidx);
1228             if( def_rm.overlap(use_rm) && n->is_SpillCopy() ) {  // Bug 4707800, 'n' may be a storeSSL
1229               if (C->check_node_count(NodeLimitFudgeFactor, out_of_nodes)) {  // Check when generating nodes
1230                 return 0;
1231               }
1232               Node *spill = new (C) MachSpillCopyNode(use,use_rm,def_rm);
1233               n->set_req(copyidx,spill);
1234               n->as_MachSpillCopy()->set_in_RegMask(def_rm);
1235               // Put the spill just before the copy
1236               insert_proj( b, insidx++, spill, maxlrg++ );
1237             }
1238           }
1239         }
1240       }
1241     }  // End For All Instructions in Block - Non-PHI Pass
1243     // Check if each LRG is live out of this block so as not to propagate
1244     // beyond the last use of a LRG.
1245     for( slidx = 0; slidx < spill_cnt; slidx++ ) {
1246       uint defidx =;
1247       IndexSet *liveout = _live->live(b);
1248       if( !liveout->member(defidx) ) {
1249 #ifdef ASSERT
1250         // The index defidx is not live.  Check the liveout array to ensure that
1251         // it contains no members which compress to defidx.  Finding such an
1252         // instance may be a case to add liveout adjustment in compress_uf_map().

1319       if (def->rematerialize()) {
1320         // Place the rematerialized node above any MSCs created during
1321         // phi node splitting.  end_idx points at the insertion point
1322         // so look at the node before it.
1323         int insert = pred->end_idx();
1324         while (insert >= 1 &&
1325                pred->get_node(insert - 1)->is_SpillCopy() &&
1326                _lrg_map.find(pred->get_node(insert - 1)) >= lrgs_before_phi_split) {
1327           insert--;
1328         }
1329         def = split_Rematerialize(def, pred, insert, maxlrg, splits, slidx, lrg2reach, Reachblock, false);
1330         if (!def) {
1331           return 0;    // Bail out
1332         }
1333       }
1334       // Update the Phi's input edge array
1335       phi->set_req(i,def);
1336       // Grab the UP/DOWN sense for the input
1337       u1 = UP[pidx][slidx];
1338       if( u1 != (phi_up != 0)) {
1339         maxlrg = split_USE(def, b, phi, i, maxlrg, !u1, false, splits,slidx);
1340         // If it wasn't split bail
1341         if (!maxlrg) {
1342           return 0;
1343         }
1344       }
1345     }  // End for all inputs to the Phi
1346   }  // End for all Phi Nodes
1347   // Update _maxlrg to save Union asserts
1348   _lrg_map.set_max_lrg_id(maxlrg);
1351   //----------PASS 3----------
1352   // Pass over all Phi's to union the live ranges
1353   for( insidx = 0; insidx < phis->size(); insidx++ ) {
1354     Node *phi = phis->at(insidx);
1355     assert(phi->is_Phi(),"This list must only contain Phi Nodes");
1356     // Walk all inputs to Phi and Union input live range with Phi live range
1357     for( uint i = 1; i < phi->req(); i++ ) {
1358       // Grab the input node
1359       Node *n = phi->in(i);

  38 // definitions.  During propagation, split the live range around regions of
  39 // High Register Pressure (HRP).  If a Def is in a region of Low Register
  40 // Pressure (LRP), it will not get spilled until we encounter a region of
  41 // HRP between it and one of its uses.  We will spill at the transition
  42 // point between LRP and HRP.  Uses in the HRP region will use the spilled
  43 // Def.  The first Use outside the HRP region will generate a SpillCopy to
  44 // hoist the live range back up into a register, and all subsequent uses
  45 // will use that new Def until another HRP region is encountered.  Defs in
  46 // HRP regions will get trailing SpillCopies to push the LRG down into the
  47 // stack immediately.
  48 //
  49 // As a side effect, unlink from (hence make dead) coalesced copies.
  50 //
  52 static const char out_of_nodes[] = "out of nodes during split";
  54 //------------------------------get_spillcopy_wide-----------------------------
  55 // Get a SpillCopy node with wide-enough masks.  Use the 'wide-mask', the
  56 // wide ideal-register spill-mask if possible.  If the 'wide-mask' does
  57 // not cover the input (or output), use the input (or output) mask instead.
  58 Node *PhaseChaitin::get_spillcopy_wide(MachSpillCopyNode::SpillType spill_type, Node *def, Node *use, uint uidx ) {
  59   // If ideal reg doesn't exist we've got a bad schedule happening
  60   // that is forcing us to spill something that isn't spillable.
  61   // Bail rather than abort
  62   int ireg = def->ideal_reg();
  63   if( ireg == 0 || ireg == Op_RegFlags ) {
  64     assert(false, "attempted to spill a non-spillable item");
  65     C->record_method_not_compilable("attempted to spill a non-spillable item");
  66     return NULL;
  67   }
  68   if (C->check_node_count(NodeLimitFudgeFactor, out_of_nodes)) {
  69     return NULL;
  70   }
  71   const RegMask *i_mask = &def->out_RegMask();
  72   const RegMask *w_mask = C->matcher()->idealreg2spillmask[ireg];
  73   const RegMask *o_mask = use ? &use->in_RegMask(uidx) : w_mask;
  74   const RegMask *w_i_mask = w_mask->overlap( *i_mask ) ? w_mask : i_mask;
  75   const RegMask *w_o_mask;
  77   int num_regs = RegMask::num_registers(ireg);
  78   bool is_vect = RegMask::is_vector(ireg);
  79   if( w_mask->overlap( *o_mask ) && // Overlap AND
  80       ((num_regs == 1) // Single use or aligned
  81         ||  is_vect    // or vector
  82         || !is_vect && o_mask->is_aligned_pairs()) ) {
  83     assert(!is_vect || o_mask->is_aligned_sets(num_regs), "vectors are aligned");
  84     // Don't come here for mis-aligned doubles
  85     w_o_mask = w_mask;
  86   } else {                      // wide ideal mask does not overlap with o_mask
  87     // Mis-aligned doubles come here and XMM->FPR moves on x86.
  88     w_o_mask = o_mask;          // Must target desired registers
  89     // Does the ideal-reg-mask overlap with o_mask?  I.e., can I use
  90     // a reg-reg move or do I need a trip across register classes
  91     // (and thus through memory)?
  92     if( !C->matcher()->idealreg2regmask[ireg]->overlap( *o_mask) && o_mask->is_UP() )
  93       // Here we assume a trip through memory is required.
  94       w_i_mask = &C->FIRST_STACK_mask();
  95   }
  96   return new (C) MachSpillCopyNode(spill_type, def, *w_i_mask, *w_o_mask );
  97 }
  99 //------------------------------insert_proj------------------------------------
 100 // Insert the spill at chosen location.  Skip over any intervening Proj's or
 101 // Phis.  Skip over a CatchNode and projs, inserting in the fall-through block
 102 // instead.  Update high-pressure indices.  Create a new live range.
 103 void PhaseChaitin::insert_proj( Block *b, uint i, Node *spill, uint maxlrg ) {
 104   // Skip intervening ProjNodes.  Do not insert between a ProjNode and
 105   // its definer.
 106   while( i < b->number_of_nodes() &&
 107          (b->get_node(i)->is_Proj() ||
 108           b->get_node(i)->is_Phi() ) )
 109     i++;
 111   // Do not insert between a call and his Catch
 112   if( b->get_node(i)->is_Catch() ) {
 113     // Put the instruction at the top of the fall-thru block.
 114     // Find the fall-thru projection
 115     while( 1 ) {
 116       const CatchProjNode *cp = b->get_node(++i)->as_CatchProj();

 142 // happens inside Split, where the Leaveblock array is updated.
 143 uint PhaseChaitin::split_DEF( Node *def, Block *b, int loc, uint maxlrg, Node **Reachblock, Node **debug_defs, GrowableArray<uint> splits, int slidx ) {
 144 #ifdef ASSERT
 145   // Increment the counter for this lrg
 146   splits.at_put(slidx,;
 147 #endif
 148   // If we are spilling the memory op for an implicit null check, at the
 149   // null check location (ie - null check is in HRP block) we need to do
 150   // the null-check first, then spill-down in the following block.
 151   // (The implicit_null_check function ensures the use is also dominated
 152   // by the branch-not-taken block.)
 153   Node *be = b->end();
 154   if( be->is_MachNullCheck() && be->in(1) == def && def == b->get_node(loc)) {
 155     // Spill goes in the branch-not-taken block
 156     b = b->_succs[b->get_node(b->end_idx()+1)->Opcode() == Op_IfTrue];
 157     loc = 0;                    // Just past the Region
 158   }
 159   assert( loc >= 0, "must insert past block head" );
 161   // Get a def-side SpillCopy
 162   Node *spill = get_spillcopy_wide(MachSpillCopyNode::Definition, def, NULL, 0);
 163   // Did we fail to split?, then bail
 164   if (!spill) {
 165     return 0;
 166   }
 168   // Insert the spill at chosen location
 169   insert_proj( b, loc+1, spill, maxlrg++);
 171   // Insert new node into Reaches array
 172   Reachblock[slidx] = spill;
 173   // Update debug list of reaching down definitions by adding this one
 174   debug_defs[slidx] = spill;
 176   // return updated count of live ranges
 177   return maxlrg;
 178 }
 180 //------------------------------split_USE--------------------------------------
 181 // Splits at uses can involve redeffing the LRG, so no CISC Spilling there.
 182 // Debug uses want to know if def is already stack enabled.
 183 uint PhaseChaitin::split_USE(MachSpillCopyNode::SpillType spill_type, Node *def, Block *b, Node *use, uint useidx, uint maxlrg, bool def_down, bool cisc_sp, GrowableArray<uint> splits, int slidx ) {
 184 #ifdef ASSERT
 185   // Increment the counter for this lrg
 186   splits.at_put(slidx,;
 187 #endif
 189   // Some setup stuff for handling debug node uses
 190   JVMState* jvms = use->jvms();
 191   uint debug_start = jvms ? jvms->debug_start() : 999999;
 192   uint debug_end   = jvms ? jvms->debug_end()   : 999999;
 194   //-------------------------------------------
 195   // Check for use of debug info
 196   if (useidx >= debug_start && useidx < debug_end) {
 197     // Actually it's perfectly legal for constant debug info to appear
 198     // just unlikely.  In this case the optimizer left a ConI of a 4
 199     // as both inputs to a Phi with only a debug use.  It's a single-def
 200     // live range of a rematerializable value.  The live range spills,
 201     // rematerializes and now the ConI directly feeds into the debug info.
 202     // assert(!def->is_Con(), "constant debug info already constructed directly");
 204     // Special split handling for Debug Info
 205     // If DEF is DOWN, just hook the edge and return
 206     // If DEF is UP, Split it DOWN for this USE.
 207     if( def->is_Mach() ) {
 208       if( def_down ) {
 209         // DEF is DOWN, so connect USE directly to the DEF
 210         use->set_req(useidx, def);
 211       } else {
 212         // Block and index where the use occurs.
 213         Block *b = _cfg.get_block_for_node(use);
 214         // Put the clone just prior to use
 215         int bindex = b->find_node(use);
 216         // DEF is UP, so must copy it DOWN and hook in USE
 217         // Insert SpillCopy before the USE, which uses DEF as its input,
 218         // and defs a new live range, which is used by this node.
 219         Node *spill = get_spillcopy_wide(spill_type, def,use,useidx);
 220         // did we fail to split?
 221         if (!spill) {
 222           // Bail
 223           return 0;
 224         }
 225         // insert into basic block
 226         insert_proj( b, bindex, spill, maxlrg++ );
 227         // Use the new split
 228         use->set_req(useidx,spill);
 229       }
 230       // No further split handling needed for this use
 231       return maxlrg;
 232     }  // End special splitting for debug info live range
 233   }  // If debug info
 236   // Finally, check to see if USE is CISC-Spillable, and if so,
 237   // gather_lrg_masks will add the flags bit to its mask, and
 238   // no use side copy is needed.  This frees up the live range
 239   // register choices without causing copy coalescing, etc.

 251       }
 252 #endif
 253       return maxlrg;
 254     }
 255   }
 257   //-------------------------------------------
 258   // Insert a Copy before the use
 260   // Block and index where the use occurs.
 261   int bindex;
 262   // Phi input spill-copys belong at the end of the prior block
 263   if( use->is_Phi() ) {
 264     b = _cfg.get_block_for_node(b->pred(useidx));
 265     bindex = b->end_idx();
 266   } else {
 267     // Put the clone just prior to use
 268     bindex = b->find_node(use);
 269   }
 271   Node *spill = get_spillcopy_wide(spill_type, def, use, useidx );
 272   if( !spill ) return 0;        // Bailed out
 273   // Insert SpillCopy before the USE, which uses the reaching DEF as
 274   // its input, and defs a new live range, which is used by this node.
 275   insert_proj( b, bindex, spill, maxlrg++ );
 276   // Use the spill/clone
 277   use->set_req(useidx,spill);
 279   // return updated live range count
 280   return maxlrg;
 281 }
 283 //------------------------------clone_node----------------------------
 284 // Clone node with anti dependence check.
 285 Node* clone_node(Node* def, Block *b, Compile* C) {
 286   if (def->needs_anti_dependence_check()) {
 287 #ifdef ASSERT
 288     if (Verbose) {
 289       tty->print_cr("RA attempts to clone node with anti_dependence:");
 290       def->dump(-1); tty->cr();
 291       tty->print_cr("into block:");

 310 // Clone a local copy of the def.
 311 Node *PhaseChaitin::split_Rematerialize( Node *def, Block *b, uint insidx, uint &maxlrg, GrowableArray<uint> splits, int slidx, uint *lrg2reach, Node **Reachblock, bool walkThru ) {
 312   // The input live ranges will be stretched to the site of the new
 313   // instruction.  They might be stretched past a def and will thus
 314   // have the old and new values of the same live range alive at the
 315   // same time - a definite no-no.  Split out private copies of
 316   // the inputs.
 317   if( def->req() > 1 ) {
 318     for( uint i = 1; i < def->req(); i++ ) {
 319       Node *in = def->in(i);
 320       uint lidx = _lrg_map.live_range_id(in);
 321       // We do not need this for live ranges that are only defined once.
 322       // However, this is not true for spill copies that are added in this
 323       // Split() pass, since they might get coalesced later on in this pass.
 324       if (lidx < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id() && lrgs(lidx).is_singledef()) {
 325         continue;
 326       }
 328       Block *b_def = _cfg.get_block_for_node(def);
 329       int idx_def = b_def->find_node(def);
 330       Node *in_spill = get_spillcopy_wide(MachSpillCopyNode::InputToRematerialization, in, def, i );
 331       if( !in_spill ) return 0; // Bailed out
 332       insert_proj(b_def,idx_def,in_spill,maxlrg++);
 333       if( b_def == b )
 334         insidx++;
 335       def->set_req(i,in_spill);
 336     }
 337   }
 339   Node *spill = clone_node(def, b, C);
 340   if (spill == NULL || C->check_node_count(NodeLimitFudgeFactor, out_of_nodes)) {
 341     // Check when generating nodes
 342     return 0;
 343   }
 345   // See if any inputs are currently being spilled, and take the
 346   // latest copy of spilled inputs.
 347   if( spill->req() > 1 ) {
 348     for( uint i = 1; i < spill->req(); i++ ) {
 349       Node *in = spill->in(i);
 350       uint lidx = _lrg_map.find_id(in);

 918               continue;
 919             }
 921             // Rematerializable?  Then clone def at use site instead
 922             // of store/load
 923             if( def->rematerialize() ) {
 924               int old_size = b->number_of_nodes();
 925               def = split_Rematerialize( def, b, insidx, maxlrg, splits, slidx, lrg2reach, Reachblock, true );
 926               if( !def ) return 0; // Bail out
 927               insidx += b->number_of_nodes()-old_size;
 928             }
 930             MachNode *mach = n->is_Mach() ? n->as_Mach() : NULL;
 931             // Base pointers and oopmap references do not care where they live.
 932             if ((inpidx >= oopoff) ||
 933                 (mach && mach->ideal_Opcode() == Op_AddP && inpidx == AddPNode::Base)) {
 934               if (def->rematerialize() && lrgs(useidx)._was_spilled2) {
 935                 // This def has been rematerialized a couple of times without
 936                 // progress. It doesn't care if it lives UP or DOWN, so
 937                 // spill it down now.
 938                 maxlrg = split_USE(MachSpillCopyNode::BasePointerToMem, def,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,false,false,splits,slidx);
 939                 // If it wasn't split bail
 940                 if (!maxlrg) {
 941                   return 0;
 942                 }
 943                 insidx++;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side split
 944               } else {
 945                 // Just hook the def edge
 946                 n->set_req(inpidx, def);
 947               }
 949               if (inpidx >= oopoff) {
 950                 // After oopoff, we have derived/base pairs.  We must mention all
 951                 // derived pointers here as derived/base pairs for GC.  If the
 952                 // derived value is spilling and we have a copy both in Reachblock
 953                 // (called here 'def') and debug_defs[slidx] we need to mention
 954                 // both in derived/base pairs or kill one.
 955                 Node *derived_debug = debug_defs[slidx];
 956                 if( ((inpidx - oopoff) & 1) == DERIVED && // derived vs base?
 957                     mach && mach->ideal_Opcode() != Op_Halt &&
 958                     derived_debug != NULL &&

 998               }
 999             }
1000             // Grab register mask info
1001             const RegMask &dmask = def->out_RegMask();
1002             const RegMask &umask = n->in_RegMask(inpidx);
1003             bool is_vect = RegMask::is_vector(def->ideal_reg());
1004             assert(inpidx < oopoff, "cannot use-split oop map info");
1006             bool dup = UPblock[slidx];
1007             bool uup = umask.is_UP();
1009             // Need special logic to handle bound USES. Insert a split at this
1010             // bound use if we can't rematerialize the def, or if we need the
1011             // split to form a misaligned pair.
1012             if( !umask.is_AllStack() &&
1013                 (int)umask.Size() <= lrgs(useidx).num_regs() &&
1014                 (!def->rematerialize() ||
1015                  !is_vect && umask.is_misaligned_pair())) {
1016               // These need a Split regardless of overlap or pressure
1017               // SPLIT - NO DEF - NO CISC SPILL
1018               maxlrg = split_USE(MachSpillCopyNode::Bound, def,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,dup,false, splits,slidx);
1019               // If it wasn't split bail
1020               if (!maxlrg) {
1021                 return 0;
1022               }
1023               insidx++;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side split
1024               continue;
1025             }
1027             if (UseFPUForSpilling && n->is_MachCall() && !uup && !dup ) {
1028               // The use at the call can force the def down so insert
1029               // a split before the use to allow the def more freedom.
1030               maxlrg = split_USE(MachSpillCopyNode::CallUse, def,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,dup,false, splits,slidx);
1031               // If it wasn't split bail
1032               if (!maxlrg) {
1033                 return 0;
1034               }
1035               insidx++;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side split
1036               continue;
1037             }
1039             // Here is the logic chart which describes USE Splitting:
1040             // 0 = false or DOWN, 1 = true or UP
1041             //
1042             // Overlap | DEF | USE | Action
1043             //-------------------------------------------------------
1044             //    0    |  0  |  0  | Copy - mem -> mem
1045             //    0    |  0  |  1  | Split-UP - Check HRP
1046             //    0    |  1  |  0  | Split-DOWN - Debug Info?
1047             //    0    |  1  |  1  | Copy - reg -> reg
1048             //    1    |  0  |  0  | Reset Input Edge (no Split)
1049             //    1    |  0  |  1  | Split-UP - Check HRP
1050             //    1    |  1  |  0  | Split-DOWN - Debug Info?
1051             //    1    |  1  |  1  | Reset Input Edge (no Split)
1052             //
1053             // So, if (dup == uup), then overlap test determines action,
1054             // with true being no split, and false being copy. Else,
1055             // if DEF is DOWN, Split-UP, and check HRP to decide on
1056             // resetting DEF. Finally if DEF is UP, Split-DOWN, with
1057             // special handling for Debug Info.
1058             if( dup == uup ) {
1059               if( dmask.overlap(umask) ) {
1060                 // Both are either up or down, and there is overlap, No Split
1061                 n->set_req(inpidx, def);
1062               }
1063               else {  // Both are either up or down, and there is no overlap
1064                 if( dup ) {  // If UP, reg->reg copy
1065                   // COPY ACROSS HERE - NO DEF - NO CISC SPILL
1066                   maxlrg = split_USE(MachSpillCopyNode::RegToReg, def,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,false,false, splits,slidx);
1067                   // If it wasn't split bail
1068                   if (!maxlrg) {
1069                     return 0;
1070                   }
1071                   insidx++;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side split
1072                 }
1073                 else {       // DOWN, mem->mem copy
1074                   // COPY UP & DOWN HERE - NO DEF - NO CISC SPILL
1075                   // First Split-UP to move value into Register
1076                   uint def_ideal = def->ideal_reg();
1077                   const RegMask* tmp_rm = Matcher::idealreg2regmask[def_ideal];
1078                   Node *spill = new (C) MachSpillCopyNode(MachSpillCopyNode::MemToReg, def, dmask, *tmp_rm);
1079                   insert_proj( b, insidx, spill, maxlrg );
1080                   // Then Split-DOWN as if previous Split was DEF
1081                   maxlrg = split_USE(MachSpillCopyNode::RegToMem, spill,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,false,false, splits,slidx);
1082                   // If it wasn't split bail
1083                   if (!maxlrg) {
1084                     return 0;
1085                   }
1086                   insidx += 2;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side splits
1087                 }
1088               }  // End else no overlap
1089             }  // End if dup == uup
1090             // dup != uup, so check dup for direction of Split
1091             else {
1092               if( dup ) {  // If UP, Split-DOWN and check Debug Info
1093                 // If this node is already a SpillCopy, just patch the edge
1094                 // except the case of spilling to stack.
1095                 if( n->is_SpillCopy() ) {
1096                   RegMask tmp_rm(umask);
1097                   tmp_rm.SUBTRACT(Matcher::STACK_ONLY_mask);
1098                   if( dmask.overlap(tmp_rm) ) {
1099                     if( def != n->in(inpidx) ) {
1100                       n->set_req(inpidx, def);
1101                     }
1102                     continue;
1103                   }
1104                 }
1105                 // COPY DOWN HERE - NO DEF - NO CISC SPILL
1106                 maxlrg = split_USE(MachSpillCopyNode::RegToMem, def,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,false,false, splits,slidx);
1107                 // If it wasn't split bail
1108                 if (!maxlrg) {
1109                   return 0;
1110                 }
1111                 insidx++;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side split
1112                 // Check for debug-info split.  Capture it for later
1113                 // debug splits of the same value
1114                 if (jvms && jvms->debug_start() <= inpidx && inpidx < oopoff)
1115                   debug_defs[slidx] = n->in(inpidx);
1117               }
1118               else {       // DOWN, Split-UP and check register pressure
1119                 if( is_high_pressure( b, &lrgs(useidx), insidx ) ) {
1120                   // COPY UP HERE - NO DEF - CISC SPILL
1121                   maxlrg = split_USE(MachSpillCopyNode::MemToReg, def,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,true,true, splits,slidx);
1122                   // If it wasn't split bail
1123                   if (!maxlrg) {
1124                     return 0;
1125                   }
1126                   insidx++;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side split
1127                 } else {                          // LRP
1128                   // COPY UP HERE - WITH DEF - NO CISC SPILL
1129                   maxlrg = split_USE(MachSpillCopyNode::MemToReg, def,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,true,false, splits,slidx);
1130                   // If it wasn't split bail
1131                   if (!maxlrg) {
1132                     return 0;
1133                   }
1134                   // Flag this lift-up in a low-pressure block as
1135                   // already-spilled, so if it spills again it will
1136                   // spill hard (instead of not spilling hard and
1137                   // coalescing away).
1138                   set_was_spilled(n->in(inpidx));
1139                   // Since this is a new DEF, update Reachblock & UP
1140                   Reachblock[slidx] = n->in(inpidx);
1141                   UPblock[slidx] = true;
1142                   insidx++;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side split
1143                 }
1144               }  // End else DOWN
1145             }  // End dup != uup
1146           }  // End if Spill USE
1147         }  // End For All Inputs
1148       }  // End If not nullcheck

1212       // ********** Split Left Over Mem-Mem Moves **********
1213       // Check for mem-mem copies and split them now.  Do not do this
1214       // to copies about to be spilled; they will be Split shortly.
1215       if (copyidx) {
1216         Node *use = n->in(copyidx);
1217         uint useidx = _lrg_map.find_id(use);
1218         if (useidx < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id() &&       // This is not a new split
1219             OptoReg::is_stack(deflrg.reg()) &&
1220             deflrg.reg() < LRG::SPILL_REG ) { // And DEF is from stack
1221           LRG &uselrg = lrgs(useidx);
1222           if( OptoReg::is_stack(uselrg.reg()) &&
1223               uselrg.reg() < LRG::SPILL_REG && // USE is from stack
1224               deflrg.reg() != uselrg.reg() ) { // Not trivially removed
1225             uint def_ideal_reg = n->bottom_type()->ideal_reg();
1226             const RegMask &def_rm = *Matcher::idealreg2regmask[def_ideal_reg];
1227             const RegMask &use_rm = n->in_RegMask(copyidx);
1228             if( def_rm.overlap(use_rm) && n->is_SpillCopy() ) {  // Bug 4707800, 'n' may be a storeSSL
1229               if (C->check_node_count(NodeLimitFudgeFactor, out_of_nodes)) {  // Check when generating nodes
1230                 return 0;
1231               }
1232               Node *spill = new (C) MachSpillCopyNode(MachSpillCopyNode::MemToReg, use,use_rm,def_rm);
1233               n->set_req(copyidx,spill);
1234               n->as_MachSpillCopy()->set_in_RegMask(def_rm);
1235               // Put the spill just before the copy
1236               insert_proj( b, insidx++, spill, maxlrg++ );
1237             }
1238           }
1239         }
1240       }
1241     }  // End For All Instructions in Block - Non-PHI Pass
1243     // Check if each LRG is live out of this block so as not to propagate
1244     // beyond the last use of a LRG.
1245     for( slidx = 0; slidx < spill_cnt; slidx++ ) {
1246       uint defidx =;
1247       IndexSet *liveout = _live->live(b);
1248       if( !liveout->member(defidx) ) {
1249 #ifdef ASSERT
1250         // The index defidx is not live.  Check the liveout array to ensure that
1251         // it contains no members which compress to defidx.  Finding such an
1252         // instance may be a case to add liveout adjustment in compress_uf_map().

1319       if (def->rematerialize()) {
1320         // Place the rematerialized node above any MSCs created during
1321         // phi node splitting.  end_idx points at the insertion point
1322         // so look at the node before it.
1323         int insert = pred->end_idx();
1324         while (insert >= 1 &&
1325                pred->get_node(insert - 1)->is_SpillCopy() &&
1326                _lrg_map.find(pred->get_node(insert - 1)) >= lrgs_before_phi_split) {
1327           insert--;
1328         }
1329         def = split_Rematerialize(def, pred, insert, maxlrg, splits, slidx, lrg2reach, Reachblock, false);
1330         if (!def) {
1331           return 0;    // Bail out
1332         }
1333       }
1334       // Update the Phi's input edge array
1335       phi->set_req(i,def);
1336       // Grab the UP/DOWN sense for the input
1337       u1 = UP[pidx][slidx];
1338       if( u1 != (phi_up != 0)) {
1339         maxlrg = split_USE(MachSpillCopyNode::PhiLocationDifferToInputLocation, def, b, phi, i, maxlrg, !u1, false, splits,slidx);
1340         // If it wasn't split bail
1341         if (!maxlrg) {
1342           return 0;
1343         }
1344       }
1345     }  // End for all inputs to the Phi
1346   }  // End for all Phi Nodes
1347   // Update _maxlrg to save Union asserts
1348   _lrg_map.set_max_lrg_id(maxlrg);
1351   //----------PASS 3----------
1352   // Pass over all Phi's to union the live ranges
1353   for( insidx = 0; insidx < phis->size(); insidx++ ) {
1354     Node *phi = phis->at(insidx);
1355     assert(phi->is_Phi(),"This list must only contain Phi Nodes");
1356     // Walk all inputs to Phi and Union input live range with Phi live range
1357     for( uint i = 1; i < phi->req(); i++ ) {
1358       // Grab the input node
1359       Node *n = phi->in(i);

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