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  80 Driver.UnsupportedEncoding = codificaci\u00f3n no soportada: {0}
  82 Driver.MissingGrammar = no se ha especificado la gram\u00e1tica
  84 # {0} - namespace uri, {1} - local name of the attribute/element e.g.: Unexpected end of attribute {http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}:lang
  85 Driver.NotABindingFile = no es un archivo de enlace externo. El elemento ra\u00edz deben ser enlaces ''{''http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxb''}'', pero es ''{''{0}''}''{1}
  87 # Not concatenated with any other string (written on a separate line).
  88 Driver.ParsingSchema = Analizando un esquema...
  90 Driver.ParseFailed = Fallo al analizar un esquema.
  92 Driver.StackOverflow = Desbordamiento de pila. Est\u00e1 compilando un esquema de gran tama\u00f1o que necesita m\u00e1s recursos o XJC tiene un bug. En primer lugar, para ampliar el tama\u00f1o de pila, utilice la opci\u00f3n -Xss de JVM. Si no se soluciona el problema, utilice la opci\u00f3n -debug para obtener el rastreo de pila y p\u00f3ngase en contacto con Oracle.
  94 # Not concatenated with any other string (written on a separate line).
  95 Driver.CompilingSchema = Compilando un esquema...
  97 Driver.FailedToGenerateCode = Fallo al producir c\u00f3digo.
  99 # DO NOT localize the 2.2.12-b141016.1821 string - it is a token for an mvn <properties filter>
 100 Driver.FilePrologComment = Este archivo ha sido generado por la arquitectura JavaTM para la implantaci\u00f3n de la referencia de enlace (JAXB) XML v2.2.12-b141016.1821 \nVisite <a href="http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxb">http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxb</a> \nTodas las modificaciones realizadas en este archivo se perder\u00e1n si se vuelve a compilar el esquema de origen. \nGenerado el: {0} \n
 102 Driver.Version = xjc 2.2.12-b141016.1821
 104 Driver.FullVersion = versi\u00F3n completa de xjc "2.2.12-b141016.1821"
 106 Driver.BuildID = 2.2.12-b141016.1821
 108 # for JDK integration - include version in source zip
 109 jaxb.jdk.version=@@JAXB_JDK_VERSION@@
 111 # see java.text.SimpleDateFormat for format syntax
 112 # DO NOT LOCALIZE, Format should not be changed, English locale is used to transform this string into a real date.
 113 Driver.DateFormat = yyyy.MM.dd
 115 # see java.text.SimpleDateFormat for format syntax
 116 # Format should not be changed, English locale is used to transform this string into a real time. Letters can be translated but the user should known that java.text.SimpleDateFormat is responsible for formatting (meaning of symbols can be found at http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/i18n/format/simpleDateFormat.html).
 117 Driver.TimeFormat = hh:mm:ss a z
 119 # as in: "generated on <date> at <time>"
 120 Driver.At = a las
 122 # ERROR in this meaning is a well known level of logging and should not be translated.
 123 Driver.ErrorMessage = [ERROR] {0}
 125 # WARNING in this meaning is a well known level of logging and should not be translated.
 126 Driver.WarningMessage = [WARNING] {0}

  80 Driver.UnsupportedEncoding = codificaci\u00f3n no soportada: {0}
  82 Driver.MissingGrammar = no se ha especificado la gram\u00e1tica
  84 # {0} - namespace uri, {1} - local name of the attribute/element e.g.: Unexpected end of attribute {http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}:lang
  85 Driver.NotABindingFile = no es un archivo de enlace externo. El elemento ra\u00edz deben ser enlaces ''{''http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxb''}'', pero es ''{''{0}''}''{1}
  87 # Not concatenated with any other string (written on a separate line).
  88 Driver.ParsingSchema = Analizando un esquema...
  90 Driver.ParseFailed = Fallo al analizar un esquema.
  92 Driver.StackOverflow = Desbordamiento de pila. Est\u00e1 compilando un esquema de gran tama\u00f1o que necesita m\u00e1s recursos o XJC tiene un bug. En primer lugar, para ampliar el tama\u00f1o de pila, utilice la opci\u00f3n -Xss de JVM. Si no se soluciona el problema, utilice la opci\u00f3n -debug para obtener el rastreo de pila y p\u00f3ngase en contacto con Oracle.
  94 # Not concatenated with any other string (written on a separate line).
  95 Driver.CompilingSchema = Compilando un esquema...
  97 Driver.FailedToGenerateCode = Fallo al producir c\u00f3digo.
  99 # DO NOT localize the 2.2.12-b150126.1924 string - it is a token for an mvn <properties filter>
 100 Driver.FilePrologComment = Este archivo ha sido generado por la arquitectura JavaTM para la implantaci\u00f3n de la referencia de enlace (JAXB) XML v2.2.12-b150126.1924 \nVisite <a href="http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxb">http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxb</a> \nTodas las modificaciones realizadas en este archivo se perder\u00e1n si se vuelve a compilar el esquema de origen. \nGenerado el: {0} \n
 102 Driver.Version = xjc 2.2.12-b150126.1924
 104 Driver.FullVersion = versi\u00F3n completa de xjc "2.2.12-b150126.1924"
 106 Driver.BuildID = 2.2.12-b150126.1924
 108 # for JDK integration - include version in source zip
 109 jaxb.jdk.version=@@JAXB_JDK_VERSION@@
 111 # see java.text.SimpleDateFormat for format syntax
 112 # DO NOT LOCALIZE, Format should not be changed, English locale is used to transform this string into a real date.
 113 Driver.DateFormat = yyyy.MM.dd
 115 # see java.text.SimpleDateFormat for format syntax
 116 # Format should not be changed, English locale is used to transform this string into a real time. Letters can be translated but the user should known that java.text.SimpleDateFormat is responsible for formatting (meaning of symbols can be found at http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/i18n/format/simpleDateFormat.html).
 117 Driver.TimeFormat = hh:mm:ss a z
 119 # as in: "generated on <date> at <time>"
 120 Driver.At = a las
 122 # ERROR in this meaning is a well known level of logging and should not be translated.
 123 Driver.ErrorMessage = [ERROR] {0}
 125 # WARNING in this meaning is a well known level of logging and should not be translated.
 126 Driver.WarningMessage = [WARNING] {0}

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