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*** 66,105 **** --- 66,110 ---- NameImpl.createEnvelope1_2Name(prefix), createHeader, createBody); } + @Override protected NameImpl getBodyName(String prefix) { return NameImpl.createBody1_2Name(prefix); } + @Override protected NameImpl getHeaderName(String prefix) { return NameImpl.createHeader1_2Name(prefix); } /* * Override setEncodingStyle of ElementImpl to restrict adding encodingStyle * attribute to SOAP Envelope (SOAP 1.2 spec, part 1, section 5.1.1) */ + @Override public void setEncodingStyle(String encodingStyle) throws SOAPException { log.severe("SAAJ0404.ver1_2.no.encodingStyle.in.envelope"); throw new SOAPExceptionImpl("encodingStyle attribute cannot appear on Envelope"); } /* * Override addAttribute of ElementImpl to restrict adding encodingStyle * attribute to SOAP Envelope (SOAP 1.2 spec, part 1, section 5.1.1) */ + @Override public SOAPElement addAttribute(Name name, String value) throws SOAPException { if (name.getLocalName().equals("encodingStyle") && name.getURI().equals(SOAPConstants.URI_NS_SOAP_1_2_ENVELOPE)) { setEncodingStyle(value); } return super.addAttribute(name, value); } + @Override public SOAPElement addAttribute(QName name, String value) throws SOAPException { if (name.getLocalPart().equals("encodingStyle") && name.getNamespaceURI().equals(SOAPConstants.URI_NS_SOAP_1_2_ENVELOPE)) { setEncodingStyle(value);
*** 110,129 **** --- 115,136 ---- /* * Override addChildElement method to ensure that no element * is added after body in SOAP 1.2. */ + @Override public SOAPElement addChildElement(Name name) throws SOAPException { // check if body already exists if (getBody() != null) { log.severe("SAAJ0405.ver1_2.body.must.last.in.envelope"); throw new SOAPExceptionImpl( "Body must be the last element in" + " SOAP Envelope"); } return super.addChildElement(name); } + @Override public SOAPElement addChildElement(QName name) throws SOAPException { // check if body already exists if (getBody() != null) { log.severe("SAAJ0405.ver1_2.body.must.last.in.envelope"); throw new SOAPExceptionImpl(
*** 140,149 **** --- 147,157 ---- * In future, if this behaviour changes, then we would need to override * all the rest of them as well. * */ + @Override public SOAPElement addTextNode(String text) throws SOAPException { log.log( Level.SEVERE, "SAAJ0416.ver1_2.adding.text.not.legal", getElementQName());
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