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 169  * Unmarshalling from a StAX XMLEventReader:
 170  * <blockquote>
 171  *    <pre>
 172  *       JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance( "com.acme.foo" );
 173  *       Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller();
 174  *
 175  *       javax.xml.stream.XMLEventReader xmlEventReader =
 176  *           javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory().newInstance().createXMLEventReader( ... );
 177  *
 178  *       Object o = u.unmarshal( xmlEventReader );
 179  *    </pre>
 180  * </blockquote>
 181  *
 182  * <p>
 183  * <a name="unmarshalEx"></a>
 184  * <b>Unmarshalling XML Data</b><br>
 185  * <blockquote>
 186  * Unmarshalling can deserialize XML data that represents either an entire XML document
 187  * or a subtree of an XML document. Typically, it is sufficient to use the
 188  * unmarshalling methods described by
 189  * <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalGlobal">Unmarshal root element that is declared globally</a>.
 190  * These unmarshal methods utilize {@link JAXBContext}'s mapping of global XML element
 191  * declarations and type definitions to JAXB mapped classes to initiate the
 192  * unmarshalling of the root element of  XML data.  When the {@link JAXBContext}'s
 193  * mappings are not sufficient to unmarshal the root element of XML data,
 194  * the application can assist the unmarshalling process by using the
 195  * <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalByDeclaredType">unmarshal by declaredType methods</a>.
 196  * These methods are useful for unmarshalling XML data where
 197  * the root element corresponds to a local element declaration in the schema.
 198  * </blockquote>
 199  *
 200  * <blockquote>
 201  * An unmarshal method never returns null. If the unmarshal process is unable to unmarshal
 202  * the root of XML content to a JAXB mapped object, a fatal error is reported that
 203  * terminates processing by throwing JAXBException.
 204  * </blockquote>
 205  *
 206  * <p>
 207  * <a name="unmarshalGlobal"></a>
 208  * <b>Unmarshal a root element that is globally declared</b><br>
 209  * <blockquote>
 210  * The unmarshal methods that do not have an {@code declaredType} parameter use
 211  * {@link JAXBContext} to unmarshal the root element of an XML data. The {@link JAXBContext}
 212  * instance is the one that was used to create this {@code Unmarshaller}. The {@link JAXBContext}
 213  * instance maintains a mapping of globally declared XML element and type definition names to
 214  * JAXB mapped classes. The unmarshal method checks if {@link JAXBContext} has a mapping
 215  * from the root element's XML name and/or {@code @xsi:type} to a JAXB mapped class.  If it does, it umarshalls the

 259  *   </thead>
 260  *   <tbody>
 261  *     <tr>
 262  *       <th scope="row">value</th>
 263  *       <td>{@code instanceof declaredType}</td>
 264  *     </tr>
 265  *     <tr>
 266  *       <th scope="row">declaredType</th>
 267  *       <td>unmarshal method {@code declaredType} parameter</td>
 268  *     </tr>
 269  *     <tr>
 270  *       <th scope="row">scope</th>
 271  *       <td>{@code null} <i>(actual scope is unknown)</i></td>
 272  *     </tr>
 273  *   </tbody>
 274  *  </table>
 275  * </blockquote>
 276  *
 277  * <p>
 278  * The following is an example of
 279  * <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalByDeclaredType">unmarshal by declaredType method</a>.
 280  * <p>
 281  * Unmarshal by declaredType from a {@code org.w3c.dom.Node}:
 282  * <blockquote>
 283  *    <pre>{@code
 284  *       Schema fragment for example
 285  *       <xs:schema>
 286  *          <xs:complexType name="FooType">...<\xs:complexType>
 287  *          <!-- global element declaration "PurchaseOrder" -->
 288  *          <xs:element name="PurchaseOrder">
 289  *              <xs:complexType>
 290  *                 <xs:sequence>
 291  *                    <!-- local element declaration "foo" -->
 292  *                    <xs:element name="foo" type="FooType"/>
 293  *                    ...
 294  *                 </xs:sequence>
 295  *              </xs:complexType>
 296  *          </xs:element>
 297  *       </xs:schema>
 298  *
 299  *       JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance( "com.acme.foo" );

 405  * @since 1.6, JAXB 1.0
 406  */
 407 public interface Unmarshaller {
 409     /**
 410      * Unmarshal XML data from the specified file and return the resulting
 411      * content tree.
 412      *
 413      * <p>
 414      * Implements <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalGlobal">Unmarshal Global Root Element</a>.
 415      *
 416      * @param f the file to unmarshal XML data from
 417      * @return the newly created root object of the java content tree
 418      *
 419      * @throws JAXBException
 420      *     If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 421      * @throws UnmarshalException
 422      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 423      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 424      *     {@code Unmarshaller} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 425      *     binding.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalEx">Unmarshalling XML Data</a>
 426      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 427      *      If the file parameter is null
 428      */
 429     public Object unmarshal( java.io.File f ) throws JAXBException;
 431     /**
 432      * Unmarshal XML data from the specified InputStream and return the
 433      * resulting content tree.  Validation event location information may
 434      * be incomplete when using this form of the unmarshal API.
 435      *
 436      * <p>
 437      * Implements <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalGlobal">Unmarshal Global Root Element</a>.
 438      *
 439      * @param is the InputStream to unmarshal XML data from
 440      * @return the newly created root object of the java content tree
 441      *
 442      * @throws JAXBException
 443      *     If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 444      * @throws UnmarshalException
 445      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 446      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 447      *     {@code Unmarshaller} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 448      *     binding.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalEx">Unmarshalling XML Data</a>
 449      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 450      *      If the InputStream parameter is null
 451      */
 452     public Object unmarshal( java.io.InputStream is ) throws JAXBException;
 454     /**
 455      * Unmarshal XML data from the specified Reader and return the
 456      * resulting content tree.  Validation event location information may
 457      * be incomplete when using this form of the unmarshal API,
 458      * because a Reader does not provide the system ID.
 459      *
 460      * <p>
 461      * Implements <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalGlobal">Unmarshal Global Root Element</a>.
 462      *
 463      * @param reader the Reader to unmarshal XML data from
 464      * @return the newly created root object of the java content tree
 465      *
 466      * @throws JAXBException
 467      *     If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 468      * @throws UnmarshalException
 469      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 470      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 471      *     {@code Unmarshaller} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 472      *     binding.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalEx">Unmarshalling XML Data</a>
 473      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 474      *      If the InputStream parameter is null
 475      * @since 1.6, JAXB 2.0
 476      */
 477     public Object unmarshal( Reader reader ) throws JAXBException;
 479     /**
 480      * Unmarshal XML data from the specified URL and return the resulting
 481      * content tree.
 482      *
 483      * <p>
 484      * Implements <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalGlobal">Unmarshal Global Root Element</a>.
 485      *
 486      * @param url the url to unmarshal XML data from
 487      * @return the newly created root object of the java content tree
 488      *
 489      * @throws JAXBException
 490      *     If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 491      * @throws UnmarshalException
 492      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 493      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 494      *     {@code Unmarshaller} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 495      *     binding.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalEx">Unmarshalling XML Data</a>
 496      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 497      *      If the URL parameter is null
 498      */
 499     public Object unmarshal( java.net.URL url ) throws JAXBException;
 501     /**
 502      * Unmarshal XML data from the specified SAX InputSource and return the
 503      * resulting content tree.
 504      *
 505      * <p>
 506      * Implements <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalGlobal">Unmarshal Global Root Element</a>.
 507      *
 508      * @param source the input source to unmarshal XML data from
 509      * @return the newly created root object of the java content tree
 510      *
 511      * @throws JAXBException
 512      *     If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 513      * @throws UnmarshalException
 514      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 515      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 516      *     {@code Unmarshaller} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 517      *     binding.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalEx">Unmarshalling XML Data</a>
 518      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 519      *      If the InputSource parameter is null
 520      */
 521     public Object unmarshal( org.xml.sax.InputSource source ) throws JAXBException;
 523     /**
 524      * Unmarshal global XML data from the specified DOM tree and return the resulting
 525      * content tree.
 526      *
 527      * <p>
 528      * Implements <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalGlobal">Unmarshal Global Root Element</a>.
 529      *
 530      * @param node
 531      *      the document/element to unmarshal XML data from.
 532      *      The caller must support at least Document and Element.
 533      * @return the newly created root object of the java content tree
 534      *
 535      * @throws JAXBException
 536      *     If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 537      * @throws UnmarshalException
 538      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 539      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 540      *     {@code Unmarshaller} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 541      *     binding.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalEx">Unmarshalling XML Data</a>
 542      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 543      *      If the Node parameter is null
 544      * @see #unmarshal(org.w3c.dom.Node, Class)
 545      */
 546     public Object unmarshal( org.w3c.dom.Node node ) throws JAXBException;
 548     /**
 549      * Unmarshal XML data by JAXB mapped {@code declaredType}
 550      * and return the resulting content tree.
 551      *
 552      * <p>
 553      * Implements <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalByDeclaredType">Unmarshal by Declared Type</a>
 554      *
 555      * @param node
 556      *      the document/element to unmarshal XML data from.
 557      *      The caller must support at least Document and Element.
 558      * @param declaredType
 559      *      appropriate JAXB mapped class to hold {@code node}'s XML data.
 560      *
 561      * @return <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalDeclaredTypeReturn">JAXB Element</a> representation of {@code node}
 562      *
 563      * @throws JAXBException
 564      *     If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 565      * @throws UnmarshalException
 566      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 567      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 568      *     {@code Unmarshaller} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 569      *     binding.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalEx">Unmarshalling XML Data</a>
 570      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 571      *      If any parameter is null
 572      * @since 1.6, JAXB 2.0
 573      */
 574     public <T> JAXBElement<T> unmarshal( org.w3c.dom.Node node, Class<T> declaredType ) throws JAXBException;
 576     /**
 577      * Unmarshal XML data from the specified XML Source and return the
 578      * resulting content tree.
 579      *
 580      * <p>
 581      * Implements <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalGlobal">Unmarshal Global Root Element</a>.
 582      *
 583      * <p>
 584      * <a name="saxParserPlugable"></a>
 585      * <b>SAX 2.0 Parser Pluggability</b>
 586      * <p>
 587      * A client application can choose not to use the default parser mechanism
 588      * supplied with their JAXB provider.  Any SAX 2.0 compliant parser can be
 589      * substituted for the JAXB provider's default mechanism.  To do so, the
 590      * client application must properly configure a {@code SAXSource} containing
 591      * an {@code XMLReader} implemented by the SAX 2.0 parser provider.  If the
 592      * {@code XMLReader} has an {@code org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler} registered
 593      * on it, it will be replaced by the JAXB Provider so that validation errors
 594      * can be reported via the {@code ValidationEventHandler} mechanism of
 595      * JAXB.  If the {@code SAXSource} does not contain an {@code XMLReader},
 596      * then the JAXB provider's default parser mechanism will be used.
 597      * <p>
 598      * This parser replacement mechanism can also be used to replace the JAXB
 599      * provider's unmarshal-time validation engine.  The client application
 600      * must properly configure their SAX 2.0 compliant parser to perform
 601      * validation (as shown in the example above).  Any {@code SAXParserExceptions}

 607      * SAX 2.0 parser for unmarshalling does not necessarily replace the
 608      * validation engine used by the JAXB provider for performing on-demand
 609      * validation.
 610      * <p>
 611      * The only way for a client application to specify an alternate parser
 612      * mechanism to be used during unmarshal is via the
 613      * {@code unmarshal(SAXSource)} API.  All other forms of the unmarshal
 614      * method (File, URL, Node, etc) will use the JAXB provider's default
 615      * parser and validator mechanisms.
 616      *
 617      * @param source the XML Source to unmarshal XML data from (providers are
 618      *        only required to support SAXSource, DOMSource, and StreamSource)
 619      * @return the newly created root object of the java content tree
 620      *
 621      * @throws JAXBException
 622      *     If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 623      * @throws UnmarshalException
 624      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 625      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 626      *     {@code Unmarshaller} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 627      *     binding.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalEx">Unmarshalling XML Data</a>
 628      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 629      *      If the Source parameter is null
 630      * @see #unmarshal(javax.xml.transform.Source, Class)
 631      */
 632     public Object unmarshal( javax.xml.transform.Source source )
 633         throws JAXBException;
 636     /**
 637      * Unmarshal XML data from the specified XML Source by {@code declaredType} and return the
 638      * resulting content tree.
 639      *
 640      * <p>
 641      * Implements <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalByDeclaredType">Unmarshal by Declared Type</a>
 642      *
 643      * <p>
 644      * See <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#saxParserPlugable">SAX 2.0 Parser Pluggability</a>
 645      *
 646      * @param source the XML Source to unmarshal XML data from (providers are
 647      *        only required to support SAXSource, DOMSource, and StreamSource)
 648      * @param declaredType
 649      *      appropriate JAXB mapped class to hold {@code source}'s xml root element
 650      * @return Java content rooted by <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalDeclaredTypeReturn">JAXB Element</a>
 651      *
 652      * @throws JAXBException
 653      *     If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 654      * @throws UnmarshalException
 655      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 656      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 657      *     {@code Unmarshaller} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 658      *     binding.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalEx">Unmarshalling XML Data</a>
 659      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 660      *      If any parameter is null
 661      * @since 1.6, JAXB 2.0
 662      */
 663     public <T> JAXBElement<T> unmarshal( javax.xml.transform.Source source, Class<T> declaredType )
 664         throws JAXBException;
 666     /**
 667      * Unmarshal XML data from the specified pull parser and return the
 668      * resulting content tree.
 669      *
 670      * <p>
 671      * Implements <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalGlobal">Unmarshal Global Root Element</a>.
 672      *
 673      * <p>
 674      * This method assumes that the parser is on a START_DOCUMENT or
 675      * START_ELEMENT event.  Unmarshalling will be done from this
 676      * start event to the corresponding end event.  If this method
 677      * returns successfully, the {@code reader} will be pointing at
 678      * the token right after the end event.
 679      *
 680      * @param reader
 681      *      The parser to be read.
 682      * @return
 683      *      the newly created root object of the java content tree.
 684      *
 685      * @throws JAXBException
 686      *     If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 687      * @throws UnmarshalException
 688      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 689      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 690      *     {@code Unmarshaller} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 691      *     binding.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalEx">Unmarshalling XML Data</a>
 692      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 693      *      If the {@code reader} parameter is null
 694      * @throws IllegalStateException
 695      *      If {@code reader} is not pointing to a START_DOCUMENT or
 696      *      START_ELEMENT  event.
 697      * @since 1.6, JAXB 2.0
 698      * @see #unmarshal(javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader, Class)
 699      */
 700     public Object unmarshal( javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader reader )
 701         throws JAXBException;
 703     /**
 704      * Unmarshal root element to JAXB mapped {@code declaredType}
 705      * and return the resulting content tree.
 706      *
 707      * <p>
 708      * This method implements <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalByDeclaredType">unmarshal by declaredType</a>.
 709      * <p>
 710      * This method assumes that the parser is on a START_DOCUMENT or
 711      * START_ELEMENT event. Unmarshalling will be done from this
 712      * start event to the corresponding end event.  If this method
 713      * returns successfully, the {@code reader} will be pointing at
 714      * the token right after the end event.
 715      *
 716      * @param reader
 717      *      The parser to be read.
 718      * @param declaredType
 719      *      appropriate JAXB mapped class to hold {@code reader}'s START_ELEMENT XML data.
 720      *
 721      * @return   content tree rooted by <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalDeclaredTypeReturn">JAXB Element representation</a>
 722      *
 723      * @throws JAXBException
 724      *     If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 725      * @throws UnmarshalException
 726      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 727      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 728      *     {@code Unmarshaller} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 729      *     binding.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalEx">Unmarshalling XML Data</a>
 730      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 731      *      If any parameter is null
 732      * @since 1.6, JAXB 2.0
 733      */
 734     public <T> JAXBElement<T> unmarshal( javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader reader, Class<T> declaredType ) throws JAXBException;
 736     /**
 737      * Unmarshal XML data from the specified pull parser and return the
 738      * resulting content tree.
 739      *
 740      * <p>
 741      * This method is an <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalGlobal">Unmarshal Global Root method</a>.
 742      *
 743      * <p>
 744      * This method assumes that the parser is on a START_DOCUMENT or
 745      * START_ELEMENT event.  Unmarshalling will be done from this
 746      * start event to the corresponding end event.  If this method
 747      * returns successfully, the {@code reader} will be pointing at
 748      * the token right after the end event.
 749      *
 750      * @param reader
 751      *      The parser to be read.
 752      * @return
 753      *      the newly created root object of the java content tree.
 754      *
 755      * @throws JAXBException
 756      *     If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 757      * @throws UnmarshalException
 758      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 759      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 760      *     {@code Unmarshaller} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 761      *     binding.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalEx">Unmarshalling XML Data</a>
 762      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 763      *      If the {@code reader} parameter is null
 764      * @throws IllegalStateException
 765      *      If {@code reader} is not pointing to a START_DOCUMENT or
 766      *      START_ELEMENT event.
 767      * @since 1.6, JAXB 2.0
 768      * @see #unmarshal(javax.xml.stream.XMLEventReader, Class)
 769      */
 770     public Object unmarshal( javax.xml.stream.XMLEventReader reader )
 771         throws JAXBException;
 773     /**
 774      * Unmarshal root element to JAXB mapped {@code declaredType}
 775      * and return the resulting content tree.
 776      *
 777      * <p>
 778      * This method implements <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalByDeclaredType">unmarshal by declaredType</a>.
 779      *
 780      * <p>
 781      * This method assumes that the parser is on a START_DOCUMENT or
 782      * START_ELEMENT event. Unmarshalling will be done from this
 783      * start event to the corresponding end event.  If this method
 784      * returns successfully, the {@code reader} will be pointing at
 785      * the token right after the end event.
 786      *
 787      * @param reader
 788      *      The parser to be read.
 789      * @param declaredType
 790      *      appropriate JAXB mapped class to hold {@code reader}'s START_ELEMENT XML data.
 791      *
 792      * @return   content tree rooted by <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalDeclaredTypeReturn">JAXB Element representation</a>
 793      *
 794      * @throws JAXBException
 795      *     If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 796      * @throws UnmarshalException
 797      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 798      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 799      *     {@code Unmarshaller} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 800      *     binding.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalEx">Unmarshalling XML Data</a>
 801      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 802      *      If any parameter is null
 803      * @since 1.6, JAXB 2.0
 804      */
 805     public <T> JAXBElement<T> unmarshal( javax.xml.stream.XMLEventReader reader, Class<T> declaredType ) throws JAXBException;
 807     /**
 808      * Get an unmarshaller handler object that can be used as a component in
 809      * an XML pipeline.
 810      *
 811      * <p>
 812      * The JAXB Provider can return the same handler object for multiple
 813      * invocations of this method. In other words, this method does not
 814      * necessarily create a new instance of {@code UnmarshallerHandler}. If the
 815      * application needs to use more than one {@code UnmarshallerHandler}, it
 816      * should create more than one {@code Unmarshaller}.
 817      *
 818      * @return the unmarshaller handler object
 819      * @see UnmarshallerHandler
 820      */

 893     public void setEventHandler( ValidationEventHandler handler )
 894         throws JAXBException;
 896     /**
 897      * Return the current event handler or the default event handler if one
 898      * hasn't been set.
 899      *
 900      * @return the current ValidationEventHandler or the default event handler
 901      *         if it hasn't been set
 902      * @throws JAXBException if an error was encountered while getting the
 903      *         current event handler
 904      */
 905     public ValidationEventHandler getEventHandler()
 906         throws JAXBException;
 908     /**
 909      * Set the particular property in the underlying implementation of
 910      * {@code Unmarshaller}.  This method can only be used to set one of
 911      * the standard JAXB defined properties above or a provider specific
 912      * property.  Attempting to set an undefined property will result in
 913      * a PropertyException being thrown.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#supportedProps">
 914      * Supported Properties</a>.
 915      *
 916      * @param name the name of the property to be set. This value can either
 917      *              be specified using one of the constant fields or a user
 918      *              supplied string.
 919      * @param value the value of the property to be set
 920      *
 921      * @throws PropertyException when there is an error processing the given
 922      *                            property or value
 923      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 924      *      If the name parameter is null
 925      */
 926     public void setProperty( String name, Object value )
 927         throws PropertyException;
 929     /**
 930      * Get the particular property in the underlying implementation of
 931      * {@code Unmarshaller}.  This method can only be used to get one of
 932      * the standard JAXB defined properties above or a provider specific
 933      * property.  Attempting to get an undefined property will result in
 934      * a PropertyException being thrown.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#supportedProps">
 935      * Supported Properties</a>.
 936      *
 937      * @param name the name of the property to retrieve
 938      * @return the value of the requested property
 939      *
 940      * @throws PropertyException
 941      *      when there is an error retrieving the given property or value
 942      *      property name
 943      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 944      *      If the name parameter is null
 945      */
 946     public Object getProperty( String name ) throws PropertyException;
 948     /**
 949      * Specify the JAXP 1.3 {@link javax.xml.validation.Schema Schema}
 950      * object that should be used to validate subsequent unmarshal operations
 951      * against.  Passing null into this method will disable validation.
 952      * <p>
 953      * This method replaces the deprecated {@link #setValidating(boolean) setValidating(boolean)}
 954      * API.

 169  * Unmarshalling from a StAX XMLEventReader:
 170  * <blockquote>
 171  *    <pre>
 172  *       JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance( "com.acme.foo" );
 173  *       Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller();
 174  *
 175  *       javax.xml.stream.XMLEventReader xmlEventReader =
 176  *           javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory().newInstance().createXMLEventReader( ... );
 177  *
 178  *       Object o = u.unmarshal( xmlEventReader );
 179  *    </pre>
 180  * </blockquote>
 181  *
 182  * <p>
 183  * <a name="unmarshalEx"></a>
 184  * <b>Unmarshalling XML Data</b><br>
 185  * <blockquote>
 186  * Unmarshalling can deserialize XML data that represents either an entire XML document
 187  * or a subtree of an XML document. Typically, it is sufficient to use the
 188  * unmarshalling methods described by
 189  * <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalGlobal">Unmarshal root element that is declared globally</a>.
 190  * These unmarshal methods utilize {@link JAXBContext}'s mapping of global XML element
 191  * declarations and type definitions to JAXB mapped classes to initiate the
 192  * unmarshalling of the root element of  XML data.  When the {@link JAXBContext}'s
 193  * mappings are not sufficient to unmarshal the root element of XML data,
 194  * the application can assist the unmarshalling process by using the
 195  * <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalByDeclaredType">unmarshal by declaredType methods</a>.
 196  * These methods are useful for unmarshalling XML data where
 197  * the root element corresponds to a local element declaration in the schema.
 198  * </blockquote>
 199  *
 200  * <blockquote>
 201  * An unmarshal method never returns null. If the unmarshal process is unable to unmarshal
 202  * the root of XML content to a JAXB mapped object, a fatal error is reported that
 203  * terminates processing by throwing JAXBException.
 204  * </blockquote>
 205  *
 206  * <p>
 207  * <a name="unmarshalGlobal"></a>
 208  * <b>Unmarshal a root element that is globally declared</b><br>
 209  * <blockquote>
 210  * The unmarshal methods that do not have an {@code declaredType} parameter use
 211  * {@link JAXBContext} to unmarshal the root element of an XML data. The {@link JAXBContext}
 212  * instance is the one that was used to create this {@code Unmarshaller}. The {@link JAXBContext}
 213  * instance maintains a mapping of globally declared XML element and type definition names to
 214  * JAXB mapped classes. The unmarshal method checks if {@link JAXBContext} has a mapping
 215  * from the root element's XML name and/or {@code @xsi:type} to a JAXB mapped class.  If it does, it umarshalls the

 259  *   </thead>
 260  *   <tbody>
 261  *     <tr>
 262  *       <th scope="row">value</th>
 263  *       <td>{@code instanceof declaredType}</td>
 264  *     </tr>
 265  *     <tr>
 266  *       <th scope="row">declaredType</th>
 267  *       <td>unmarshal method {@code declaredType} parameter</td>
 268  *     </tr>
 269  *     <tr>
 270  *       <th scope="row">scope</th>
 271  *       <td>{@code null} <i>(actual scope is unknown)</i></td>
 272  *     </tr>
 273  *   </tbody>
 274  *  </table>
 275  * </blockquote>
 276  *
 277  * <p>
 278  * The following is an example of
 279  * <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalByDeclaredType">unmarshal by declaredType method</a>.
 280  * <p>
 281  * Unmarshal by declaredType from a {@code org.w3c.dom.Node}:
 282  * <blockquote>
 283  *    <pre>{@code
 284  *       Schema fragment for example
 285  *       <xs:schema>
 286  *          <xs:complexType name="FooType">...<\xs:complexType>
 287  *          <!-- global element declaration "PurchaseOrder" -->
 288  *          <xs:element name="PurchaseOrder">
 289  *              <xs:complexType>
 290  *                 <xs:sequence>
 291  *                    <!-- local element declaration "foo" -->
 292  *                    <xs:element name="foo" type="FooType"/>
 293  *                    ...
 294  *                 </xs:sequence>
 295  *              </xs:complexType>
 296  *          </xs:element>
 297  *       </xs:schema>
 298  *
 299  *       JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance( "com.acme.foo" );

 405  * @since 1.6, JAXB 1.0
 406  */
 407 public interface Unmarshaller {
 409     /**
 410      * Unmarshal XML data from the specified file and return the resulting
 411      * content tree.
 412      *
 413      * <p>
 414      * Implements <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalGlobal">Unmarshal Global Root Element</a>.
 415      *
 416      * @param f the file to unmarshal XML data from
 417      * @return the newly created root object of the java content tree
 418      *
 419      * @throws JAXBException
 420      *     If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 421      * @throws UnmarshalException
 422      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 423      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 424      *     {@code Unmarshaller} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 425      *     binding.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalEx">Unmarshalling XML Data</a>
 426      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 427      *      If the file parameter is null
 428      */
 429     public Object unmarshal( java.io.File f ) throws JAXBException;
 431     /**
 432      * Unmarshal XML data from the specified InputStream and return the
 433      * resulting content tree.  Validation event location information may
 434      * be incomplete when using this form of the unmarshal API.
 435      *
 436      * <p>
 437      * Implements <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalGlobal">Unmarshal Global Root Element</a>.
 438      *
 439      * @param is the InputStream to unmarshal XML data from
 440      * @return the newly created root object of the java content tree
 441      *
 442      * @throws JAXBException
 443      *     If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 444      * @throws UnmarshalException
 445      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 446      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 447      *     {@code Unmarshaller} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 448      *     binding.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalEx">Unmarshalling XML Data</a>
 449      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 450      *      If the InputStream parameter is null
 451      */
 452     public Object unmarshal( java.io.InputStream is ) throws JAXBException;
 454     /**
 455      * Unmarshal XML data from the specified Reader and return the
 456      * resulting content tree.  Validation event location information may
 457      * be incomplete when using this form of the unmarshal API,
 458      * because a Reader does not provide the system ID.
 459      *
 460      * <p>
 461      * Implements <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalGlobal">Unmarshal Global Root Element</a>.
 462      *
 463      * @param reader the Reader to unmarshal XML data from
 464      * @return the newly created root object of the java content tree
 465      *
 466      * @throws JAXBException
 467      *     If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 468      * @throws UnmarshalException
 469      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 470      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 471      *     {@code Unmarshaller} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 472      *     binding.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalEx">Unmarshalling XML Data</a>
 473      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 474      *      If the InputStream parameter is null
 475      * @since 1.6, JAXB 2.0
 476      */
 477     public Object unmarshal( Reader reader ) throws JAXBException;
 479     /**
 480      * Unmarshal XML data from the specified URL and return the resulting
 481      * content tree.
 482      *
 483      * <p>
 484      * Implements <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalGlobal">Unmarshal Global Root Element</a>.
 485      *
 486      * @param url the url to unmarshal XML data from
 487      * @return the newly created root object of the java content tree
 488      *
 489      * @throws JAXBException
 490      *     If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 491      * @throws UnmarshalException
 492      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 493      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 494      *     {@code Unmarshaller} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 495      *     binding.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalEx">Unmarshalling XML Data</a>
 496      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 497      *      If the URL parameter is null
 498      */
 499     public Object unmarshal( java.net.URL url ) throws JAXBException;
 501     /**
 502      * Unmarshal XML data from the specified SAX InputSource and return the
 503      * resulting content tree.
 504      *
 505      * <p>
 506      * Implements <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalGlobal">Unmarshal Global Root Element</a>.
 507      *
 508      * @param source the input source to unmarshal XML data from
 509      * @return the newly created root object of the java content tree
 510      *
 511      * @throws JAXBException
 512      *     If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 513      * @throws UnmarshalException
 514      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 515      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 516      *     {@code Unmarshaller} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 517      *     binding.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalEx">Unmarshalling XML Data</a>
 518      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 519      *      If the InputSource parameter is null
 520      */
 521     public Object unmarshal( org.xml.sax.InputSource source ) throws JAXBException;
 523     /**
 524      * Unmarshal global XML data from the specified DOM tree and return the resulting
 525      * content tree.
 526      *
 527      * <p>
 528      * Implements <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalGlobal">Unmarshal Global Root Element</a>.
 529      *
 530      * @param node
 531      *      the document/element to unmarshal XML data from.
 532      *      The caller must support at least Document and Element.
 533      * @return the newly created root object of the java content tree
 534      *
 535      * @throws JAXBException
 536      *     If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 537      * @throws UnmarshalException
 538      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 539      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 540      *     {@code Unmarshaller} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 541      *     binding.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalEx">Unmarshalling XML Data</a>
 542      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 543      *      If the Node parameter is null
 544      * @see #unmarshal(org.w3c.dom.Node, Class)
 545      */
 546     public Object unmarshal( org.w3c.dom.Node node ) throws JAXBException;
 548     /**
 549      * Unmarshal XML data by JAXB mapped {@code declaredType}
 550      * and return the resulting content tree.
 551      *
 552      * <p>
 553      * Implements <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalByDeclaredType">Unmarshal by Declared Type</a>
 554      *
 555      * @param node
 556      *      the document/element to unmarshal XML data from.
 557      *      The caller must support at least Document and Element.
 558      * @param declaredType
 559      *      appropriate JAXB mapped class to hold {@code node}'s XML data.
 560      *
 561      * @return <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalDeclaredTypeReturn">JAXB Element</a> representation of {@code node}
 562      *
 563      * @throws JAXBException
 564      *     If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 565      * @throws UnmarshalException
 566      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 567      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 568      *     {@code Unmarshaller} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 569      *     binding.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalEx">Unmarshalling XML Data</a>
 570      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 571      *      If any parameter is null
 572      * @since 1.6, JAXB 2.0
 573      */
 574     public <T> JAXBElement<T> unmarshal( org.w3c.dom.Node node, Class<T> declaredType ) throws JAXBException;
 576     /**
 577      * Unmarshal XML data from the specified XML Source and return the
 578      * resulting content tree.
 579      *
 580      * <p>
 581      * Implements <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalGlobal">Unmarshal Global Root Element</a>.
 582      *
 583      * <p>
 584      * <a name="saxParserPlugable"></a>
 585      * <b>SAX 2.0 Parser Pluggability</b>
 586      * <p>
 587      * A client application can choose not to use the default parser mechanism
 588      * supplied with their JAXB provider.  Any SAX 2.0 compliant parser can be
 589      * substituted for the JAXB provider's default mechanism.  To do so, the
 590      * client application must properly configure a {@code SAXSource} containing
 591      * an {@code XMLReader} implemented by the SAX 2.0 parser provider.  If the
 592      * {@code XMLReader} has an {@code org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler} registered
 593      * on it, it will be replaced by the JAXB Provider so that validation errors
 594      * can be reported via the {@code ValidationEventHandler} mechanism of
 595      * JAXB.  If the {@code SAXSource} does not contain an {@code XMLReader},
 596      * then the JAXB provider's default parser mechanism will be used.
 597      * <p>
 598      * This parser replacement mechanism can also be used to replace the JAXB
 599      * provider's unmarshal-time validation engine.  The client application
 600      * must properly configure their SAX 2.0 compliant parser to perform
 601      * validation (as shown in the example above).  Any {@code SAXParserExceptions}

 607      * SAX 2.0 parser for unmarshalling does not necessarily replace the
 608      * validation engine used by the JAXB provider for performing on-demand
 609      * validation.
 610      * <p>
 611      * The only way for a client application to specify an alternate parser
 612      * mechanism to be used during unmarshal is via the
 613      * {@code unmarshal(SAXSource)} API.  All other forms of the unmarshal
 614      * method (File, URL, Node, etc) will use the JAXB provider's default
 615      * parser and validator mechanisms.
 616      *
 617      * @param source the XML Source to unmarshal XML data from (providers are
 618      *        only required to support SAXSource, DOMSource, and StreamSource)
 619      * @return the newly created root object of the java content tree
 620      *
 621      * @throws JAXBException
 622      *     If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 623      * @throws UnmarshalException
 624      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 625      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 626      *     {@code Unmarshaller} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 627      *     binding.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalEx">Unmarshalling XML Data</a>
 628      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 629      *      If the Source parameter is null
 630      * @see #unmarshal(javax.xml.transform.Source, Class)
 631      */
 632     public Object unmarshal( javax.xml.transform.Source source )
 633         throws JAXBException;
 636     /**
 637      * Unmarshal XML data from the specified XML Source by {@code declaredType} and return the
 638      * resulting content tree.
 639      *
 640      * <p>
 641      * Implements <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalByDeclaredType">Unmarshal by Declared Type</a>
 642      *
 643      * <p>
 644      * See <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#saxParserPlugable">SAX 2.0 Parser Pluggability</a>
 645      *
 646      * @param source the XML Source to unmarshal XML data from (providers are
 647      *        only required to support SAXSource, DOMSource, and StreamSource)
 648      * @param declaredType
 649      *      appropriate JAXB mapped class to hold {@code source}'s xml root element
 650      * @return Java content rooted by <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalDeclaredTypeReturn">JAXB Element</a>
 651      *
 652      * @throws JAXBException
 653      *     If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 654      * @throws UnmarshalException
 655      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 656      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 657      *     {@code Unmarshaller} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 658      *     binding.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalEx">Unmarshalling XML Data</a>
 659      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 660      *      If any parameter is null
 661      * @since 1.6, JAXB 2.0
 662      */
 663     public <T> JAXBElement<T> unmarshal( javax.xml.transform.Source source, Class<T> declaredType )
 664         throws JAXBException;
 666     /**
 667      * Unmarshal XML data from the specified pull parser and return the
 668      * resulting content tree.
 669      *
 670      * <p>
 671      * Implements <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalGlobal">Unmarshal Global Root Element</a>.
 672      *
 673      * <p>
 674      * This method assumes that the parser is on a START_DOCUMENT or
 675      * START_ELEMENT event.  Unmarshalling will be done from this
 676      * start event to the corresponding end event.  If this method
 677      * returns successfully, the {@code reader} will be pointing at
 678      * the token right after the end event.
 679      *
 680      * @param reader
 681      *      The parser to be read.
 682      * @return
 683      *      the newly created root object of the java content tree.
 684      *
 685      * @throws JAXBException
 686      *     If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 687      * @throws UnmarshalException
 688      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 689      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 690      *     {@code Unmarshaller} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 691      *     binding.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalEx">Unmarshalling XML Data</a>
 692      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 693      *      If the {@code reader} parameter is null
 694      * @throws IllegalStateException
 695      *      If {@code reader} is not pointing to a START_DOCUMENT or
 696      *      START_ELEMENT  event.
 697      * @since 1.6, JAXB 2.0
 698      * @see #unmarshal(javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader, Class)
 699      */
 700     public Object unmarshal( javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader reader )
 701         throws JAXBException;
 703     /**
 704      * Unmarshal root element to JAXB mapped {@code declaredType}
 705      * and return the resulting content tree.
 706      *
 707      * <p>
 708      * This method implements <a href="{@docRoot}/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalByDeclaredType">unmarshal by declaredType</a>.
 709      * <p>
 710      * This method assumes that the parser is on a START_DOCUMENT or
 711      * START_ELEMENT event. Unmarshalling will be done from this
 712      * start event to the corresponding end event.  If this method
 713      * returns successfully, the {@code reader} will be pointing at
 714      * the token right after the end event.
 715      *
 716      * @param reader
 717      *      The parser to be read.
 718      * @param declaredType
 719      *      appropriate JAXB mapped class to hold {@code reader}'s START_ELEMENT XML data.
 720      *
 721      * @return   content tree rooted by <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalDeclaredTypeReturn">JAXB Element representation</a>
 722      *
 723      * @throws JAXBException
 724      *     If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 725      * @throws UnmarshalException
 726      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 727      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 728      *     {@code Unmarshaller} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 729      *     binding.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalEx">Unmarshalling XML Data</a>
 730      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 731      *      If any parameter is null
 732      * @since 1.6, JAXB 2.0
 733      */
 734     public <T> JAXBElement<T> unmarshal( javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader reader, Class<T> declaredType ) throws JAXBException;
 736     /**
 737      * Unmarshal XML data from the specified pull parser and return the
 738      * resulting content tree.
 739      *
 740      * <p>
 741      * This method is an <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalGlobal">Unmarshal Global Root method</a>.
 742      *
 743      * <p>
 744      * This method assumes that the parser is on a START_DOCUMENT or
 745      * START_ELEMENT event.  Unmarshalling will be done from this
 746      * start event to the corresponding end event.  If this method
 747      * returns successfully, the {@code reader} will be pointing at
 748      * the token right after the end event.
 749      *
 750      * @param reader
 751      *      The parser to be read.
 752      * @return
 753      *      the newly created root object of the java content tree.
 754      *
 755      * @throws JAXBException
 756      *     If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 757      * @throws UnmarshalException
 758      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 759      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 760      *     {@code Unmarshaller} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 761      *     binding.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalEx">Unmarshalling XML Data</a>
 762      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 763      *      If the {@code reader} parameter is null
 764      * @throws IllegalStateException
 765      *      If {@code reader} is not pointing to a START_DOCUMENT or
 766      *      START_ELEMENT event.
 767      * @since 1.6, JAXB 2.0
 768      * @see #unmarshal(javax.xml.stream.XMLEventReader, Class)
 769      */
 770     public Object unmarshal( javax.xml.stream.XMLEventReader reader )
 771         throws JAXBException;
 773     /**
 774      * Unmarshal root element to JAXB mapped {@code declaredType}
 775      * and return the resulting content tree.
 776      *
 777      * <p>
 778      * This method implements <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalByDeclaredType">unmarshal by declaredType</a>.
 779      *
 780      * <p>
 781      * This method assumes that the parser is on a START_DOCUMENT or
 782      * START_ELEMENT event. Unmarshalling will be done from this
 783      * start event to the corresponding end event.  If this method
 784      * returns successfully, the {@code reader} will be pointing at
 785      * the token right after the end event.
 786      *
 787      * @param reader
 788      *      The parser to be read.
 789      * @param declaredType
 790      *      appropriate JAXB mapped class to hold {@code reader}'s START_ELEMENT XML data.
 791      *
 792      * @return   content tree rooted by <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalDeclaredTypeReturn">JAXB Element representation</a>
 793      *
 794      * @throws JAXBException
 795      *     If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 796      * @throws UnmarshalException
 797      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 798      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 799      *     {@code Unmarshaller} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 800      *     binding.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalEx">Unmarshalling XML Data</a>
 801      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 802      *      If any parameter is null
 803      * @since 1.6, JAXB 2.0
 804      */
 805     public <T> JAXBElement<T> unmarshal( javax.xml.stream.XMLEventReader reader, Class<T> declaredType ) throws JAXBException;
 807     /**
 808      * Get an unmarshaller handler object that can be used as a component in
 809      * an XML pipeline.
 810      *
 811      * <p>
 812      * The JAXB Provider can return the same handler object for multiple
 813      * invocations of this method. In other words, this method does not
 814      * necessarily create a new instance of {@code UnmarshallerHandler}. If the
 815      * application needs to use more than one {@code UnmarshallerHandler}, it
 816      * should create more than one {@code Unmarshaller}.
 817      *
 818      * @return the unmarshaller handler object
 819      * @see UnmarshallerHandler
 820      */

 893     public void setEventHandler( ValidationEventHandler handler )
 894         throws JAXBException;
 896     /**
 897      * Return the current event handler or the default event handler if one
 898      * hasn't been set.
 899      *
 900      * @return the current ValidationEventHandler or the default event handler
 901      *         if it hasn't been set
 902      * @throws JAXBException if an error was encountered while getting the
 903      *         current event handler
 904      */
 905     public ValidationEventHandler getEventHandler()
 906         throws JAXBException;
 908     /**
 909      * Set the particular property in the underlying implementation of
 910      * {@code Unmarshaller}.  This method can only be used to set one of
 911      * the standard JAXB defined properties above or a provider specific
 912      * property.  Attempting to set an undefined property will result in
 913      * a PropertyException being thrown.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#supportedProps">
 914      * Supported Properties</a>.
 915      *
 916      * @param name the name of the property to be set. This value can either
 917      *              be specified using one of the constant fields or a user
 918      *              supplied string.
 919      * @param value the value of the property to be set
 920      *
 921      * @throws PropertyException when there is an error processing the given
 922      *                            property or value
 923      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 924      *      If the name parameter is null
 925      */
 926     public void setProperty( String name, Object value )
 927         throws PropertyException;
 929     /**
 930      * Get the particular property in the underlying implementation of
 931      * {@code Unmarshaller}.  This method can only be used to get one of
 932      * the standard JAXB defined properties above or a provider specific
 933      * property.  Attempting to get an undefined property will result in
 934      * a PropertyException being thrown.  See <a href="{@docRoot}/java/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html#supportedProps">
 935      * Supported Properties</a>.
 936      *
 937      * @param name the name of the property to retrieve
 938      * @return the value of the requested property
 939      *
 940      * @throws PropertyException
 941      *      when there is an error retrieving the given property or value
 942      *      property name
 943      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 944      *      If the name parameter is null
 945      */
 946     public Object getProperty( String name ) throws PropertyException;
 948     /**
 949      * Specify the JAXP 1.3 {@link javax.xml.validation.Schema Schema}
 950      * object that should be used to validate subsequent unmarshal operations
 951      * against.  Passing null into this method will disable validation.
 952      * <p>
 953      * This method replaces the deprecated {@link #setValidating(boolean) setValidating(boolean)}
 954      * API.

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