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 263 // Helper for dll_locate_lib.
 264 // Pass buffer and printbuffer as we already printed the path to buffer
 265 // when we called get_current_directory. This way we avoid another buffer
 266 // of size MAX_PATH.
 267 static bool conc_path_file_and_check(char *buffer, char *printbuffer, size_t printbuflen,
 268                                      const char* pname, char lastchar, const char* fname) {
 270   // Concatenate path and file name, but don't print double path separators.
 271   const char *filesep = (WINDOWS_ONLY(lastchar == ':' ||) lastchar == os::file_separator()[0]) ?
 272                         "" : os::file_separator();
 273   int ret = jio_snprintf(printbuffer, printbuflen, "%s%s%s", pname, filesep, fname);
 274   // Check whether file exists.
 275   if (ret != -1) {
 276     struct stat statbuf;
 277     return os::stat(buffer, &statbuf) == 0;
 278   }
 279   return false;
 280 }

 282 bool os::dll_locate_lib(char *buffer, size_t buflen,
 283                         const char* pname, const char* fname) {
 284   bool retval = false;
 286   size_t fullfnamelen = strlen(JNI_LIB_PREFIX) + strlen(fname) + strlen(JNI_LIB_SUFFIX);
 287   char* fullfname = (char*)NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, fullfnamelen + 1, mtInternal);
 288   if (dll_build_name(fullfname, fullfnamelen + 1, fname)) {
 289     const size_t pnamelen = pname ? strlen(pname) : 0;
 291     if (pnamelen == 0) {
 292       // If no path given, use current working directory.
 293       const char* p = get_current_directory(buffer, buflen);
 294       if (p != NULL) {
 295         const size_t plen = strlen(buffer);
 296         const char lastchar = buffer[plen - 1];
 297         retval = conc_path_file_and_check(buffer, &buffer[plen], buflen - plen,
 298                                           "", lastchar, fullfname);
 299       }
 300     } else if (strchr(pname, *os::path_separator()) != NULL) {
 301       // A list of paths. Search for the path that contains the library.
 302       int n;
 303       char** pelements = split_path(pname, &n);
 304       if (pelements != NULL) {
 305         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
 306           char* path = pelements[i];
 307           // Really shouldn't be NULL, but check can't hurt.
 308           size_t plen = (path == NULL) ? 0 : strlen(path);
 309           if (plen == 0) {
 310             continue; // Skip the empty path values.
 311           }
 312           const char lastchar = path[plen - 1];
 313           retval = conc_path_file_and_check(buffer, buffer, buflen, path, lastchar, fullfname);
 314           if (retval) break;
 315         }
 316         // Release the storage allocated by split_path.
 317         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
 318           if (pelements[i] != NULL) {
 319             FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, pelements[i]);
 320           }
 321         }
 322         FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char*, pelements);
 323       }
 324     } else {
 325       // A definite path.
 326       const char lastchar = pname[pnamelen-1];
 327       retval = conc_path_file_and_check(buffer, buffer, buflen, pname, lastchar, fullfname);
 328     }
 329   }
 331   FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char*, fullfname);
 332   return retval;
 333 }
 335 // --------------------- sun.misc.Signal (optional) ---------------------
 338 // SIGBREAK is sent by the keyboard to query the VM state
 339 #ifndef SIGBREAK
 341 #endif

1295   if (has_jimage) {
1296     Arguments::set_sysclasspath(jimage, true);
1297     FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, jimage);
1298     return true;
1299   }
1300   FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, jimage);
1302   // check if developer build with exploded modules
1303   char* base_classes = format_boot_path("%/modules/" JAVA_BASE_NAME, home, home_len, fileSep, pathSep);
1304   if (base_classes == NULL) return false;
1305   if (os::stat(base_classes, &st) == 0) {
1306     Arguments::set_sysclasspath(base_classes, false);
1307     FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, base_classes);
1308     return true;
1309   }
1310   FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, base_classes);
1312   return false;
1313 }
1315 /*
1316  * Splits a path, based on its separator, the number of
1317  * elements is returned back in n.
1318  * It is the callers responsibility to:
1319  *   a> check the value of n, and n may be 0.
1320  *   b> ignore any empty path elements
1321  *   c> free up the data.
1322  */
1323 char** os::split_path(const char* path, int* n) {
1324   *n = 0;
1325   if (path == NULL || strlen(path) == 0) {

1326     return NULL;
1327   }
1328   const char psepchar = *os::path_separator();
1329   char* inpath = (char*)NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, strlen(path) + 1, mtInternal);
1330   if (inpath == NULL) {
1331     return NULL;
1332   }
1333   strcpy(inpath, path);
1334   int count = 1;
1335   char* p = strchr(inpath, psepchar);
1336   // Get a count of elements to allocate memory
1337   while (p != NULL) {
1338     count++;
1339     p++;
1340     p = strchr(p, psepchar);
1341   }
1342   char** opath = (char**) NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char*, count, mtInternal);
1343   if (opath == NULL) {
1344     return NULL;
1345   }
1347   // do the actual splitting
1348   p = inpath;
1349   for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) {
1350     size_t len = strcspn(p, os::path_separator());
1351     if (len > JVM_MAXPATHLEN) {
1352       return NULL;

1353     }
1354     // allocate the string and add terminator storage
1355     char* s  = (char*)NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, len + 1, mtInternal);
1356     if (s == NULL) {

1357       return NULL;
1358     }
1359     strncpy(s, p, len);
1360     s[len] = '\0';
1361     opath[i] = s;
1362     p += len + 1;
1363   }
1364   FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, inpath);
1365   *n = count;
1366   return opath;
1367 }
1369 // Returns true if the current stack pointer is above the stack shadow
1370 // pages, false otherwise.
1371 bool os::stack_shadow_pages_available(Thread *thread, const methodHandle& method, address sp) {
1372   if (!thread->is_Java_thread()) return false;
1373   // Check if we have StackShadowPages above the yellow zone.  This parameter
1374   // is dependent on the depth of the maximum VM call stack possible from
1375   // the handler for stack overflow.  'instanceof' in the stack overflow
1376   // handler or a println uses at least 8k stack of VM and native code
1377   // respectively.
1378   const int framesize_in_bytes =
1379     Interpreter::size_top_interpreter_activation(method()) * wordSize;
1381   address limit = ((JavaThread*)thread)->stack_end() +
1382                   (JavaThread::stack_guard_zone_size() + JavaThread::stack_shadow_zone_size());
1384   return sp > (limit + framesize_in_bytes);
1385 }

 263 // Helper for dll_locate_lib.
 264 // Pass buffer and printbuffer as we already printed the path to buffer
 265 // when we called get_current_directory. This way we avoid another buffer
 266 // of size MAX_PATH.
 267 static bool conc_path_file_and_check(char *buffer, char *printbuffer, size_t printbuflen,
 268                                      const char* pname, char lastchar, const char* fname) {
 270   // Concatenate path and file name, but don't print double path separators.
 271   const char *filesep = (WINDOWS_ONLY(lastchar == ':' ||) lastchar == os::file_separator()[0]) ?
 272                         "" : os::file_separator();
 273   int ret = jio_snprintf(printbuffer, printbuflen, "%s%s%s", pname, filesep, fname);
 274   // Check whether file exists.
 275   if (ret != -1) {
 276     struct stat statbuf;
 277     return os::stat(buffer, &statbuf) == 0;
 278   }
 279   return false;
 280 }
 282 // Frees all memory allocated on the heap for the
 283 // supplied array of arrays of chars (a), where n
 284 // is the number of elements in the array.
 285 static void free_array_of_char_arrays(char** a, size_t n) {
 286       while (n > 0) {
 287           n--;
 288           if (a[n] != NULL) {
 289             FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, a[n]);
 290           }
 291       }
 292       FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char*, a);
 293 }
 295 bool os::dll_locate_lib(char *buffer, size_t buflen,
 296                         const char* pname, const char* fname) {
 297   bool retval = false;
 299   size_t fullfnamelen = strlen(JNI_LIB_PREFIX) + strlen(fname) + strlen(JNI_LIB_SUFFIX);
 300   char* fullfname = (char*)NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, fullfnamelen + 1, mtInternal);
 301   if (dll_build_name(fullfname, fullfnamelen + 1, fname)) {
 302     const size_t pnamelen = pname ? strlen(pname) : 0;
 304     if (pnamelen == 0) {
 305       // If no path given, use current working directory.
 306       const char* p = get_current_directory(buffer, buflen);
 307       if (p != NULL) {
 308         const size_t plen = strlen(buffer);
 309         const char lastchar = buffer[plen - 1];
 310         retval = conc_path_file_and_check(buffer, &buffer[plen], buflen - plen,
 311                                           "", lastchar, fullfname);
 312       }
 313     } else if (strchr(pname, *os::path_separator()) != NULL) {
 314       // A list of paths. Search for the path that contains the library.
 315       size_t n;
 316       char** pelements = split_path(pname, &n, fullfnamelen);
 317       if (pelements != NULL) {
 318         for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
 319           char* path = pelements[i];
 320           // Really shouldn't be NULL, but check can't hurt.
 321           size_t plen = (path == NULL) ? 0 : strlen(path);
 322           if (plen == 0) {
 323             continue; // Skip the empty path values.
 324           }
 325           const char lastchar = path[plen - 1];
 326           retval = conc_path_file_and_check(buffer, buffer, buflen, path, lastchar, fullfname);
 327           if (retval) break;
 328         }
 329         // Release the storage allocated by split_path.
 330         free_array_of_char_arrays(pelements, n);

 331       }
 332     } else {
 333       // A definite path.
 334       const char lastchar = pname[pnamelen-1];
 335       retval = conc_path_file_and_check(buffer, buffer, buflen, pname, lastchar, fullfname);
 336     }
 337   }
 339   FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char*, fullfname);
 340   return retval;
 341 }
 343 // --------------------- sun.misc.Signal (optional) ---------------------
 346 // SIGBREAK is sent by the keyboard to query the VM state
 347 #ifndef SIGBREAK
 349 #endif

1303   if (has_jimage) {
1304     Arguments::set_sysclasspath(jimage, true);
1305     FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, jimage);
1306     return true;
1307   }
1308   FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, jimage);
1310   // check if developer build with exploded modules
1311   char* base_classes = format_boot_path("%/modules/" JAVA_BASE_NAME, home, home_len, fileSep, pathSep);
1312   if (base_classes == NULL) return false;
1313   if (os::stat(base_classes, &st) == 0) {
1314     Arguments::set_sysclasspath(base_classes, false);
1315     FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, base_classes);
1316     return true;
1317   }
1318   FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, base_classes);
1320   return false;
1321 }
1323 // Splits a path, based on its separator, the number of
1324 // elements is returned back in "elements". 
1325 // file_name_length is used as a modifier for each path's 
1326 // length when compared to JVM_MAXPATHLEN. So if you know 
1327 // each returned path will have something appended when 
1328 // in use, you can pass the length of that in 
1329 // file_name_length, to ensure we detect if any path 
1330 // exceeds the maximum path length once prepended onto 
1331 // the sub-path/file name.
1332 // It is the callers responsibility to:
1333 //   a> check the value of "elements", which may be 0.
1334 //   b> ignore any empty path elements
1335 //   c> free up the data.
1336 char** os::split_path(const char* path, size_t* elements, size_t file_name_length) {
1337   *elements = (size_t)0;
1338   if (path == NULL || strlen(path) == 0 || file_name_length == (size_t)NULL) {
1339     return NULL;
1340   }
1341   const char psepchar = *os::path_separator();
1342   char* inpath = (char*)NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, strlen(path) + 1, mtInternal);
1343   if (inpath == NULL) {
1344     return NULL;
1345   }
1346   strcpy(inpath, path);
1347   size_t count = 1;
1348   char* p = strchr(inpath, psepchar);
1349   // Get a count of elements to allocate memory
1350   while (p != NULL) {
1351     count++;
1352     p++;
1353     p = strchr(p, psepchar);
1354   }
1355   char** opath = (char**) NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char*, count, mtInternal);

1357   // do the actual splitting
1358   p = inpath;
1359   for (size_t i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) {
1360     size_t len = strcspn(p, os::path_separator());
1361     if (len + file_name_length > JVM_MAXPATHLEN) {
1362       // release allocated storage before exiting the vm
1363       free_array_of_char_arrays(opath, i++);
1364       vm_exit_during_initialization("The VM tried to use a path that exceeds the maximum path length for "
1365                                     "this system. Review path-containing parameters and properties, such as "
1366                                     "sun.boot.library.path, to identify potential sources for this path.");
1367     }
1368     // allocate the string and add terminator storage
1369     char* s  = (char*)NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY_RETURN_NULL(char, len + 1, mtInternal);
1370     if (s == NULL) {
1371       // release allocated storage before returning null
1372       free_array_of_char_arrays(opath, i++);
1373       return NULL;
1374     }
1375     strncpy(s, p, len);
1376     s[len] = '\0';
1377     opath[i] = s;
1378     p += len + 1;
1379   }
1380   FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, inpath);
1381   *elements = count;
1382   return opath;
1383 }
1385 // Returns true if the current stack pointer is above the stack shadow
1386 // pages, false otherwise.
1387 bool os::stack_shadow_pages_available(Thread *thread, const methodHandle& method, address sp) {
1388   if (!thread->is_Java_thread()) return false;
1389   // Check if we have StackShadowPages above the yellow zone.  This parameter
1390   // is dependent on the depth of the maximum VM call stack possible from
1391   // the handler for stack overflow.  'instanceof' in the stack overflow
1392   // handler or a println uses at least 8k stack of VM and native code
1393   // respectively.
1394   const int framesize_in_bytes =
1395     Interpreter::size_top_interpreter_activation(method()) * wordSize;
1397   address limit = ((JavaThread*)thread)->stack_end() +
1398                   (JavaThread::stack_guard_zone_size() + JavaThread::stack_shadow_zone_size());
1400   return sp > (limit + framesize_in_bytes);
1401 }

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