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@@ -35,55 +35,10 @@
 #include "MTLRenderQueue.h"
 #include "MTLSurfaceData.h"
 #include "MTLUtils.h"
 #import "MTLLayer.h"
-void MTLRenderer_FillParallelogramMetal(
-    MTLContext* mtlc, id<MTLTexture> dest, jfloat x, jfloat y, jfloat dx1, jfloat dy1, jfloat dx2, jfloat dy2)
-    if (mtlc == NULL || dest == nil)
-        return;
-    J2dTraceLn7(J2D_TRACE_INFO,
-                "MTLRenderer_FillParallelogramMetal "
-                "(x=%6.2f y=%6.2f "
-                "dx1=%6.2f dy1=%6.2f "
-                "dx2=%6.2f dy2=%6.2f dst tex=%p)",
-                x, y,
-                dx1, dy1,
-                dx2, dy2, dest);
-    struct Vertex verts[PGRAM_VERTEX_COUNT] = {
-    { {(2.0*x/dest.width) - 1.0,
-       2.0*(1.0 - y/dest.height) - 1.0, 0.0}},
-    { {2.0*(x+dx1)/dest.width - 1.0,
-      2.0*(1.0 - (y+dy1)/dest.height) - 1.0, 0.0}},
-    { {2.0*(x+dx2)/dest.width - 1.0,
-      2.0*(1.0 - (y+dy2)/dest.height) - 1.0, 0.0}},
-    { {2.0*(x+dx1)/dest.width - 1.0,
-      2.0*(1.0 - (y+dy1)/dest.height) - 1.0, 0.0}},
-    { {2.0*(x + dx1 + dx2)/dest.width - 1.0,
-      2.0*(1.0 - (y+ dy1 + dy2)/dest.height) - 1.0, 0.0}},
-    { {2.0*(x+dx2)/dest.width - 1.0,
-      2.0*(1.0 - (y+dy2)/dest.height) - 1.0, 0.0},
-    }};
-    // Encode render command.
-    id<MTLRenderCommandEncoder> mtlEncoder = [mtlc createRenderEncoderForDest:dest];
-    if (mtlEncoder == nil)
-        return;
-    [mtlEncoder setVertexBytes:verts length:sizeof(verts) atIndex:MeshVertexBuffer];
-    [mtlEncoder drawPrimitives:MTLPrimitiveTypeTriangle vertexStart:0 vertexCount: PGRAM_VERTEX_COUNT];
-    [mtlEncoder endEncoding];
  * Note: Some of the methods in this file apply a "magic number"
  * translation to line segments.  The OpenGL specification lays out the
  * "diamond exit rule" for line rasterization, but it is loose enough to
  * allow for a wide range of line rendering hardware.  (It appears that

@@ -144,11 +99,11 @@
     id<MTLRenderCommandEncoder> mtlEncoder = [mtlc createRenderEncoderForDest:dest];
     if (mtlEncoder == nil)
     const int verticesCount = 5;
-    struct Vertex vertices[verticesCount] = {
+    struct Vertex vertices[5] = {
             {{x, y, 0.0}},
             {{x + w, y, 0.0}},
             {{x + w, y + h, 0.0}},
             {{x, y + h, 0.0}},
             {{x, y, 0.0}},

@@ -258,13 +213,38 @@
 MTLRenderer_FillRect(MTLContext *mtlc, BMTLSDOps * dstOps, jint x, jint y, jint w, jint h)
-    //TODO
-    J2dTraceNotImplPrimitive("MTLRenderer_FillRect");
     J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "MTLRenderer_FillRect");
+    if (mtlc == NULL || dstOps == NULL || dstOps->pTexture == NULL) {
+        J2dRlsTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_ERROR, "MTLRenderer_FillRect: current dest is null");
+        return;
+    }
+    struct Vertex verts[PGRAM_VERTEX_COUNT] = {
+            { {x, y, 0.0}},
+            { {x, y+h, 0.0}},
+            { {x+w, y+h, 0.0}},
+            { {x+w, y+h, 0.0}},
+            { {x+w, y, 0.0}},
+            { {x, y, 0.0},
+    }};
+    id<MTLTexture> dest = dstOps->pTexture;
+    J2dTraceLn5(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "MTLRenderer_FillRect (x=%d y=%d w=%d h=%d), dst tex=%p", x, y, w, h, dest);
+    // Encode render command.
+    id<MTLRenderCommandEncoder> mtlEncoder = [mtlc createRenderEncoderForDest:dest];
+    if (mtlEncoder == nil)
+        return;
+    [mtlEncoder setVertexBytes:verts length:sizeof(verts) atIndex:MeshVertexBuffer];
+    [mtlEncoder drawPrimitives:MTLPrimitiveTypeTriangle vertexStart:0 vertexCount: PGRAM_VERTEX_COUNT];
+    [mtlEncoder endEncoding];
 const int SPAN_BUF_SIZE=64;

@@ -368,11 +348,10 @@
                               jfloat fx11, jfloat fy11,
                               jfloat dx21, jfloat dy21,
                               jfloat dx12, jfloat dy12,
                               jfloat lwr21, jfloat lwr12)
-    //TODO
     // dx,dy for line width in the "21" and "12" directions.
     jfloat ldx21 = dx21 * lwr21;
     jfloat ldy21 = dy21 * lwr21;
     jfloat ldx12 = dx12 * lwr12;

@@ -389,12 +368,76 @@
                 "dx2=%6.2f dy2=%6.2f lwr2=%6.2f)",
                 fx11, fy11,
                 dx21, dy21, lwr21,
                 dx12, dy12, lwr12);
+    // Only need to generate 4 quads if the interior still
+    // has a hole in it (i.e. if the line width ratio was
+    // less than 1.0)
+    if (lwr21 < 1.0f && lwr12 < 1.0f) {
+        // Note: "TOP", "BOTTOM", "LEFT" and "RIGHT" here are
+        // relative to whether the dxNN variables are positive
+        // and negative.  The math works fine regardless of
+        // their signs, but for conceptual simplicity the
+        // comments will refer to the sides as if the dxNN
+        // were all positive.  "TOP" and "BOTTOM" segments
+        // are defined by the dxy21 deltas.  "LEFT" and "RIGHT"
+        // segments are defined by the dxy12 deltas.
+        // Each segment includes its starting corner and comes
+        // to just short of the following corner.  Thus, each
+        // corner is included just once and the only lengths
+        // needed are the original parallelogram delta lengths
+        // and the "line width deltas".  The sides will cover
+        // the following relative territories:
+        //
+        //     T T T T T R
+        //      L         R
+        //       L         R
+        //        L         R
+        //         L         R
+        //          L B B B B B
+        // TOP segment, to left side of RIGHT edge
+        // "width" of original pgram, "height" of hor. line size
+        fx11 = ox11;
+        fy11 = oy11;
+        MTLRenderer_FillParallelogram(mtlc, dstOps, fx11, fy11, dx21, dy21, ldx12, ldy12);
+        // RIGHT segment, to top of BOTTOM edge
+        // "width" of vert. line size , "height" of original pgram
+        fx11 = ox11 + dx21;
+        fy11 = oy11 + dy21;
+        MTLRenderer_FillParallelogram(mtlc, dstOps, fx11, fy11, ldx21, ldy21, dx12, dy12);
+        // BOTTOM segment, from right side of LEFT edge
+        // "width" of original pgram, "height" of hor. line size
+        fx11 = ox11 + dx12 + ldx21;
+        fy11 = oy11 + dy12 + ldy21;
+        MTLRenderer_FillParallelogram(mtlc, dstOps, fx11, fy11, dx21, dy21, ldx12, ldy12);
+        // LEFT segment, from bottom of TOP edge
+        // "width" of vert. line size , "height" of inner pgram
+        fx11 = ox11 + ldx12;
+        fy11 = oy11 + ldy12;
+        MTLRenderer_FillParallelogram(mtlc, dstOps, fx11, fy11, ldx21, ldy21, dx12, dy12);
+    } else {
+        // The line width ratios were large enough to consume
+        // the entire hole in the middle of the parallelogram
+        // so we can just issue one large quad for the outer
+        // parallelogram.
+        dx21 += ldx21;
+        dy21 += ldy21;
+        dx12 += ldx12;
+        dy12 += ldy12;
+        MTLRenderer_FillParallelogram(mtlc, dstOps, ox11, oy11, dx21, dy21, dx12, dy12);
+    }
 static GLhandleARB aaPgramProgram = 0;
  * This shader fills the space between an outer and inner parallelogram.
  * It can be used to draw an outline by specifying both inner and outer
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