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1365                                 DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS);
1366                 if (hDC != NULL) {
1367                     // Add new DC to list of DC's associated with this Component
1368                     activeDCList.AddDC(hDC, GetHWnd());
1369                 } else {
1370                     // Creation failed; decrement counter in AwtGDIObject
1371                     AwtGDIObject::Decrement();
1372                 }
1373             } else {
1374                 hDC = NULL;
1375                 returnStruct->gdiLimitReached = TRUE;
1376             }
1377             returnStruct->hDC = hDC;
1378             retValue = (LRESULT)returnStruct;
1379             mr = mrConsume;
1380             break;
1381       }
1382       case WM_AWT_RELEASEDC:
1383       {
1384             HDC hDC = (HDC)wParam;
1385             MoveDCToPassiveList(hDC);
1386             ReleaseDCList(GetHWnd(), passiveDCList);
1387             mr = mrConsume;
1388             break;
1389       }
1390       case WM_AWT_RELEASE_ALL_DCS:
1391       {
1392             // Called during Component destruction.  Gets current list of
1393             // DC's associated with Component and releases each DC.
1394             ReleaseDCList(GetHWnd(), activeDCList);
1395             ReleaseDCList(GetHWnd(), passiveDCList);
1396             mr = mrConsume;
1397             break;
1398       }
1399       case WM_AWT_SHOWCURSOR:
1400           ::ShowCursor(TRUE);
1401           break;
1402       case WM_AWT_HIDECURSOR:
1403           ::ShowCursor(FALSE);
1404           break;
1405       case WM_CREATE: mr = WmCreate(); break;

7157 }
7159 void DCList::AddDCItem(DCItem *newItem)
7160 {
7161     listLock.Enter();
7162     newItem->next = head;
7163     head = newItem;
7164     listLock.Leave();
7165 }
7167 /**
7168  * Given a DC, remove it from the DC list and return
7169  * TRUE if it exists on the current list.  Otherwise
7170  * return FALSE.
7171  * A DC may not exist on the list because it has already
7172  * been released elsewhere (for example, the window
7173  * destruction process may release a DC while a rendering
7174  * thread may also want to release a DC when it notices that
7175  * its DC is obsolete for the current window).
7176  */
7177 DCItem *DCList::RemoveDC(HDC hDC)
7178 {
7179     listLock.Enter();
7180     DCItem **prevPtrPtr = &head;
7181     DCItem *listPtr = head;
7182     while (listPtr) {
7183         DCItem *nextPtr = listPtr->next;
7184         if (listPtr->hDC == hDC) {
7185             *prevPtrPtr = nextPtr;
7186             break;
7187         }
7188         prevPtrPtr = &listPtr->next;
7189         listPtr = nextPtr;
7190     }
7191     listLock.Leave();
7192     return listPtr;
7193 }
7195 /**
7196  * Remove all DCs from the DC list which are associated with
7197  * the same window as hWnd.  Return the list of those
7198  * DC's to the caller (which will then probably want to
7199  * call ReleaseDC() for the returned DCs).
7200  */
7201 DCItem *DCList::RemoveAllDCs(HWND hWnd)
7202 {
7203     listLock.Enter();
7204     DCItem **prevPtrPtr = &head;

7218     }
7219     listLock.Leave();
7220     return newListPtr;
7221 }
7224 /**
7225  * Realize palettes of all existing HDC objects
7226  */
7227 void DCList::RealizePalettes(int screen)
7228 {
7229     listLock.Enter();
7230     DCItem *listPtr = head;
7231     while (listPtr) {
7232         AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::RealizePalette(listPtr->hDC, screen);
7233         listPtr = listPtr->next;
7234     }
7235     listLock.Leave();
7236 }
7238 void MoveDCToPassiveList(HDC hDC) {
7239     DCItem *removedDC;
7240     if ((removedDC = activeDCList.RemoveDC(hDC)) != NULL) {
7241         passiveDCList.AddDCItem(removedDC);
7242     }
7243 }
7245 void ReleaseDCList(HWND hwnd, DCList &list) {
7246     DCItem *removedDCs = list.RemoveAllDCs(hwnd);
7247     while (removedDCs) {
7248         DCItem *tmpDCList = removedDCs;
7249         DASSERT(::GetObjectType(tmpDCList->hDC) == OBJ_DC);
7250         int retValue = ::ReleaseDC(tmpDCList->hWnd, tmpDCList->hDC);
7251         VERIFY(retValue != 0);
7252         if (retValue != 0) {
7253             // Valid ReleaseDC call; need to decrement GDI object counter
7254             AwtGDIObject::Decrement();
7255         }
7256         removedDCs = removedDCs->next;
7257         delete tmpDCList;
7258     }
7259 }

1365                                 DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS);
1366                 if (hDC != NULL) {
1367                     // Add new DC to list of DC's associated with this Component
1368                     activeDCList.AddDC(hDC, GetHWnd());
1369                 } else {
1370                     // Creation failed; decrement counter in AwtGDIObject
1371                     AwtGDIObject::Decrement();
1372                 }
1373             } else {
1374                 hDC = NULL;
1375                 returnStruct->gdiLimitReached = TRUE;
1376             }
1377             returnStruct->hDC = hDC;
1378             retValue = (LRESULT)returnStruct;
1379             mr = mrConsume;
1380             break;
1381       }
1382       case WM_AWT_RELEASEDC:
1383       {
1384             HDC hDC = (HDC)wParam;
1385             MoveDCToPassiveList(hDC, GetHWnd());
1386             ReleaseDCList(GetHWnd(), passiveDCList);
1387             mr = mrConsume;
1388             break;
1389       }
1390       case WM_AWT_RELEASE_ALL_DCS:
1391       {
1392             // Called during Component destruction.  Gets current list of
1393             // DC's associated with Component and releases each DC.
1394             ReleaseDCList(GetHWnd(), activeDCList);
1395             ReleaseDCList(GetHWnd(), passiveDCList);
1396             mr = mrConsume;
1397             break;
1398       }
1399       case WM_AWT_SHOWCURSOR:
1400           ::ShowCursor(TRUE);
1401           break;
1402       case WM_AWT_HIDECURSOR:
1403           ::ShowCursor(FALSE);
1404           break;
1405       case WM_CREATE: mr = WmCreate(); break;

7157 }
7159 void DCList::AddDCItem(DCItem *newItem)
7160 {
7161     listLock.Enter();
7162     newItem->next = head;
7163     head = newItem;
7164     listLock.Leave();
7165 }
7167 /**
7168  * Given a DC, remove it from the DC list and return
7169  * TRUE if it exists on the current list.  Otherwise
7170  * return FALSE.
7171  * A DC may not exist on the list because it has already
7172  * been released elsewhere (for example, the window
7173  * destruction process may release a DC while a rendering
7174  * thread may also want to release a DC when it notices that
7175  * its DC is obsolete for the current window).
7176  */
7177 DCItem *DCList::RemoveDC(HDC hDC, HWND hWnd)
7178 {
7179     listLock.Enter();
7180     DCItem **prevPtrPtr = &head;
7181     DCItem *listPtr = head;
7182     while (listPtr) {
7183         DCItem *nextPtr = listPtr->next;
7184         if (listPtr->hDC == hDC && listPtr->hWnd == hWnd) {
7185             *prevPtrPtr = nextPtr;
7186             break;
7187         }
7188         prevPtrPtr = &listPtr->next;
7189         listPtr = nextPtr;
7190     }
7191     listLock.Leave();
7192     return listPtr;
7193 }
7195 /**
7196  * Remove all DCs from the DC list which are associated with
7197  * the same window as hWnd.  Return the list of those
7198  * DC's to the caller (which will then probably want to
7199  * call ReleaseDC() for the returned DCs).
7200  */
7201 DCItem *DCList::RemoveAllDCs(HWND hWnd)
7202 {
7203     listLock.Enter();
7204     DCItem **prevPtrPtr = &head;

7218     }
7219     listLock.Leave();
7220     return newListPtr;
7221 }
7224 /**
7225  * Realize palettes of all existing HDC objects
7226  */
7227 void DCList::RealizePalettes(int screen)
7228 {
7229     listLock.Enter();
7230     DCItem *listPtr = head;
7231     while (listPtr) {
7232         AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::RealizePalette(listPtr->hDC, screen);
7233         listPtr = listPtr->next;
7234     }
7235     listLock.Leave();
7236 }
7238 void MoveDCToPassiveList(HDC hDC, HWND hWnd) {
7239     DCItem *removedDC;
7240     if ((removedDC = activeDCList.RemoveDC(hDC, hWnd)) != NULL) {
7241         passiveDCList.AddDCItem(removedDC);
7242     }
7243 }
7245 void ReleaseDCList(HWND hwnd, DCList &list) {
7246     DCItem *removedDCs = list.RemoveAllDCs(hwnd);
7247     while (removedDCs) {
7248         DCItem *tmpDCList = removedDCs;
7249         DASSERT(::GetObjectType(tmpDCList->hDC) == OBJ_DC);
7250         int retValue = ::ReleaseDC(tmpDCList->hWnd, tmpDCList->hDC);
7251         VERIFY(retValue != 0);
7252         if (retValue != 0) {
7253             // Valid ReleaseDC call; need to decrement GDI object counter
7254             AwtGDIObject::Decrement();
7255         }
7256         removedDCs = removedDCs->next;
7257         delete tmpDCList;
7258     }
7259 }