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 570       MIN2(cur_committed.end(), _guard_region.start());
 571     if(new_start_aligned < new_end_for_commit) {
 572       MemRegion new_committed =
 573         MemRegion(new_start_aligned, new_end_for_commit);
 574       os::commit_memory_or_exit((char*)new_committed.start(),
 575                                 new_committed.byte_size(), !ExecMem,
 576                                 "card table expansion");
 577     }
 578     result = true;
 579   } else if (new_start_aligned > cur_committed.start()) {
 580     // Shrink the committed region
 581 #if 0 // uncommitting space is currently unsafe because of the interactions
 582       // of growing and shrinking regions.  One region A can uncommit space
 583       // that it owns but which is being used by another region B (maybe).
 584       // Region B has not committed the space because it was already
 585       // committed by region A.
 586     MemRegion uncommit_region = committed_unique_to_self(changed_region,
 587       MemRegion(cur_committed.start(), new_start_aligned));
 588     if (!uncommit_region.is_empty()) {
 589       if (!os::uncommit_memory((char*)uncommit_region.start(),
 590                                uncommit_region.byte_size())) {

 591         // If the uncommit fails, ignore it.  Let the
 592         // committed table resizing go even though the committed
 593         // table will over state the committed space.
 594       }
 595     }
 596 #else
 597     assert(!result, "Should be false with current workaround");
 598 #endif
 599   }
 600   assert(_committed[changed_region].end() == cur_committed.end(),
 601     "end should not change");
 602   return result;
 603 }
 605 void PSCardTable::resize_update_committed_table(int changed_region,
 606                                                 MemRegion new_region) {
 608   CardValue* new_start = byte_for(new_region.start());
 609   // Set the new start of the committed region
 610   HeapWord* new_start_aligned = align_down((HeapWord*)new_start, os::vm_page_size());

 570       MIN2(cur_committed.end(), _guard_region.start());
 571     if(new_start_aligned < new_end_for_commit) {
 572       MemRegion new_committed =
 573         MemRegion(new_start_aligned, new_end_for_commit);
 574       os::commit_memory_or_exit((char*)new_committed.start(),
 575                                 new_committed.byte_size(), !ExecMem,
 576                                 "card table expansion");
 577     }
 578     result = true;
 579   } else if (new_start_aligned > cur_committed.start()) {
 580     // Shrink the committed region
 581 #if 0 // uncommitting space is currently unsafe because of the interactions
 582       // of growing and shrinking regions.  One region A can uncommit space
 583       // that it owns but which is being used by another region B (maybe).
 584       // Region B has not committed the space because it was already
 585       // committed by region A.
 586     MemRegion uncommit_region = committed_unique_to_self(changed_region,
 587       MemRegion(cur_committed.start(), new_start_aligned));
 588     if (!uncommit_region.is_empty()) {
 589       if (!os::uncommit_memory((char*)uncommit_region.start(),
 590                                uncommit_region.byte_size(),
 591                                !ExecMem)) {
 592         // If the uncommit fails, ignore it.  Let the
 593         // committed table resizing go even though the committed
 594         // table will over state the committed space.
 595       }
 596     }
 597 #else
 598     assert(!result, "Should be false with current workaround");
 599 #endif
 600   }
 601   assert(_committed[changed_region].end() == cur_committed.end(),
 602     "end should not change");
 603   return result;
 604 }
 606 void PSCardTable::resize_update_committed_table(int changed_region,
 607                                                 MemRegion new_region) {
 609   CardValue* new_start = byte_for(new_region.start());
 610   // Set the new start of the committed region
 611   HeapWord* new_start_aligned = align_down((HeapWord*)new_start, os::vm_page_size());

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