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 129      *
 130      * <p> If this watch key has already been cancelled then invoking this
 131      * method has no effect.  Once cancelled, a watch key remains forever invalid.
 132      */
 133     void cancel();
 135     /**
 136      * Returns the object for which this watch key was created. This method will
 137      * continue to return the object even after the key is cancelled.
 138      *
 139      * <p> As the {@code WatchService} is intended to map directly on to the
 140      * native file event notification facility (where available) then many of
 141      * details on how registered objects are watched is highly implementation
 142      * specific. When watching a directory for changes for example, and the
 143      * directory is moved or renamed in the file system, there is no guarantee
 144      * that the watch key will be cancelled and so the object returned by this
 145      * method may no longer be a valid path to the directory.
 146      *
 147      * @return the object for which this watch key was created
 148      */
 149     //T watchable();
 150 }

 129      *
 130      * <p> If this watch key has already been cancelled then invoking this
 131      * method has no effect.  Once cancelled, a watch key remains forever invalid.
 132      */
 133     void cancel();
 135     /**
 136      * Returns the object for which this watch key was created. This method will
 137      * continue to return the object even after the key is cancelled.
 138      *
 139      * <p> As the {@code WatchService} is intended to map directly on to the
 140      * native file event notification facility (where available) then many of
 141      * details on how registered objects are watched is highly implementation
 142      * specific. When watching a directory for changes for example, and the
 143      * directory is moved or renamed in the file system, there is no guarantee
 144      * that the watch key will be cancelled and so the object returned by this
 145      * method may no longer be a valid path to the directory.
 146      *
 147      * @return the object for which this watch key was created
 148      */
 149     Watchable watchable();
 150 }