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*** 28,54 **** TESTCLASSES="." fi if [ "${TESTJAVA}" = "" ] ; then TESTJAVA=/usr fi ! # create a test keystore and dummy cert rm -f ${TESTCLASSES}/timezonedatetest.store ! ${TESTJAVA}/bin/keytool -genkeypair -alias testcert \ -keystore ${TESTCLASSES}/timezonedatetest.store \ -storepass testpass -validity 360 \ -dname "cn=Mark Wildebeest, ou=FreeSoft, o=Red Hat, c=NL" \ -keypass testpass # create a jar file to sign with the test class in it. rm -f ${TESTCLASSES}/timezonedatetest.jar ! ${TESTJAVA}/bin/jar cf \ ${TESTCLASSES}/timezonedatetest.jar \ -C ${TESTCLASSES} TimeZoneDatePermissionCheck.class # sign it ! ${TESTJAVA}/bin/jarsigner \ -keystore ${TESTCLASSES}/timezonedatetest.store \ -storepass testpass ${TESTCLASSES}/timezonedatetest.jar testcert # run it with the security manager on, plus accesscontroller debugging # will go into infinite recursion trying to get enough permissions for --- 28,58 ---- TESTCLASSES="." fi if [ "${TESTJAVA}" = "" ] ; then TESTJAVA=/usr fi + if [ "${COMPILEJAVA}" = "" ]; then + COMPILEJAVA="${TESTJAVA}" + fi ! # create a test keystore and dummy cert. Note that we use the COMPILEJAVA ! # as this test is a TimeZone test, it doesn't test keytool rm -f ${TESTCLASSES}/timezonedatetest.store ! ${COMPILEJAVA}/bin/keytool ${TESTTOOLVMOPTS} -genkeypair -alias testcert \ -keystore ${TESTCLASSES}/timezonedatetest.store \ -storepass testpass -validity 360 \ -dname "cn=Mark Wildebeest, ou=FreeSoft, o=Red Hat, c=NL" \ -keypass testpass # create a jar file to sign with the test class in it. rm -f ${TESTCLASSES}/timezonedatetest.jar ! ${COMPILEJAVA}/bin/jar ${TESTTOOLVMOPTS} cf \ ${TESTCLASSES}/timezonedatetest.jar \ -C ${TESTCLASSES} TimeZoneDatePermissionCheck.class # sign it ! ${COMPILEJAVA}/bin/jarsigner ${TESTTOOLVMOPTS} \ -keystore ${TESTCLASSES}/timezonedatetest.store \ -storepass testpass ${TESTCLASSES}/timezonedatetest.jar testcert # run it with the security manager on, plus accesscontroller debugging # will go into infinite recursion trying to get enough permissions for