1 # @test MultipleJRE.sh
   2 # @bug 4811102 4953711 4955505 4956301 4991229 4998210 5018605 6387069 6733959
   3 # @build PrintVersion
   4 # @build UglyPrintVersion
   5 # @build ZipMeUp
   6 # @run shell MultipleJRE.sh
   7 # @summary Verify Multiple JRE version support
   8 # @author Joseph E. Kowalski
  10 #
  11 # Copyright (c) 2003, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  13 #
  14 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  15 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
  16 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
  17 #
  18 # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  19 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  20 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  21 # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  22 # accompanied this code).
  23 #
  24 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  25 # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  26 # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  27 #
  28 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  29 # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  30 # questions.
  31 #
  33 # Verify directory context variables are set
  34 if [ "${TESTJAVA}" = "" ]
  35 then
  36   echo "TESTJAVA not set.  Test cannot execute.  Failed."
  37   exit 1
  38 fi
  40 if [ "${COMPILEJAVA}" = "" ]; then
  42 fi
  44 if [ "${TESTSRC}" = "" ]
  45 then
  46   echo "TESTSRC not set.  Test cannot execute.  Failed."
  47   exit 1
  48 fi
  50 if [ "${TESTCLASSES}" = "" ]
  51 then
  52   echo "TESTCLASSES not set.  Test cannot execute.  Failed."
  53   exit 1
  54 fi
  57 JAVA="$TESTJAVA/bin/java ${TESTVMOPTS} -classpath $TESTCLASSES"
  59 OS=`uname -s`;
  61 #
  62 # Tests whether we are on windows (true) or not.
  63 #
  64 IsWindows() {
  65     case "$OS" in
  66         Windows* | CYGWIN* )
  67             printf "true"
  68         ;;
  69         * )
  70             printf "false"
  71         ;;
  72     esac
  73 }
  75 #
  76 # Shell routine to test for the proper rejection of syntactically incorrect
  77 # version specifications.
  78 #
  79 TestSyntax() {
  80         mess="`$JAVA -version:\"$1\" -version 2>&1`"
  81         if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  82                 echo "Invalid version syntax $1 accepted"
  83                 exit 1
  84         fi
  85         prefix="`echo "$mess" | cut -d ' ' -f 1-3`"
  86         if [ "$prefix" != "Error: Syntax error" ]; then
  87                 echo "Unexpected error message for invalid syntax $1"
  88                 exit 1
  89         fi
  90 }
  92 #
  93 # Just as the name says.  We sprinkle these in the appropriate location
  94 # in the test file system and they just say who they are pretending to be.
  95 #
  96 CreateMockVM() {
  97         mkdir -p jdk/j2re$1/bin
  98         echo "#!/bin/sh"    > jdk/j2re$1/bin/java
  99         echo "echo \"$1\"" >> jdk/j2re$1/bin/java
 100         chmod +x jdk/j2re$1/bin/java
 101 }
 103 #
 104 # Constructs the jar file needed by these tests.
 105 #
 106 CreateJar() {
 107         mkdir -p META-INF
 108         echo "Manifest-Version: 1.0" > META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
 109         echo "Main-Class: PrintVersion" >> META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
 110         if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
 111                 echo "JRE-Version: $1" >> META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
 112         fi
 113         cp $TESTCLASSES/PrintVersion.class .
 114         $JAR $2cmf META-INF/MANIFEST.MF PrintVersion PrintVersion.class
 115 }
 117 #
 118 # Constructs a jar file using zip.
 119 #
 120 CreateZippyJar() {
 121         mkdir -p META-INF
 122         echo "Manifest-Version: 1.0" > META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
 123         echo "Main-Class: PrintVersion" >> META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
 124         if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
 125                 echo "JRE-Version: $1" >> META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
 126         fi
 127         cp $TESTCLASSES/PrintVersion.class .
 128         /usr/bin/zip $2 PrintVersion META-INF/MANIFEST.MF PrintVersion.class
 129 }
 131 #
 132 # Constructs a jar file with a Main-Class attribute of greater than
 133 # 80 characters to validate the continuation line processing.
 134 #
 135 # Make this just long enough to require two continuation lines.  Longer
 136 # paths take too much away from the restricted Windows maximum path length.
 137 # Note: see the variable UGLYCLASS and its check for path length.
 138 #
 139 # Make sure that 5018605 remains fixed by including additional sections
 140 # in the Manifest which contain the same names as those allowed in the
 141 # main section.
 142 #
 143 PACKAGE=reallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallylongpackagename
 145 CreateUglyJar() {
 146         mkdir -p META-INF
 147         echo "Manifest-Version: 1.0" > META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
 148         echo "Main-Class: $PACKAGE.UglyPrintVersion" >> META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
 149         if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
 150                 echo "JRE-Version: $1" >> META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
 151         fi
 152         echo "" >> META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
 153         echo "Name: NotToBeFound.class" >> META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
 154         echo "Main-Class: NotToBeFound" >> META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
 155         mkdir -p $PACKAGE
 156         cp $UGLYCLASS $PACKAGE
 157         $JAR $2cmf META-INF/MANIFEST.MF PrintVersion \
 158             $PACKAGE/UglyPrintVersion.class
 159 }
 161 #
 162 # Constructs a jar file with a fair number of "zip directory" entries and
 163 # the MANIFEST.MF entry at or near the end of that directory to validate
 164 # the ability to transverse that directory.
 165 #
 166 CreateFullJar() {
 167         mkdir -p META-INF
 168         echo "Manifest-Version: 1.0" > META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
 169         echo "Main-Class: PrintVersion" >> META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
 170         if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
 171             echo "JRE-Version: $1" >> META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
 172         fi
 173         cp $TESTCLASSES/PrintVersion.class .
 174         for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do
 175                 for j in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do
 176                         touch AfairlyLongNameEatsUpDirectorySpaceBetter$i$j
 177                 done
 178         done
 179         $JAR $2cMf PrintVersion PrintVersion.class AfairlyLong*
 180         $JAR $2umf META-INF/MANIFEST.MF PrintVersion
 181         rm -f AfairlyLong*
 182 }
 184 #
 185 # Creates a jar file with the attributes which caused the failure
 186 # described in 4991229.
 187 #
 188 # Generate a bunch of CENTAB entries, each of which is 64 bytes long
 189 # which practically guarentees we will hit the appropriate power of
 190 # two buffer (initially 1K).  Note that due to the perversity of
 191 # zip/jar files, the first entry gets extra stuff so it needs a
 192 # shorter name to compensate.
 193 #
 194 CreateAlignedJar() {
 195         mkdir -p META-INF
 196         echo "Manifest-Version: 1.0" > META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
 197         echo "Main-Class: PrintVersion" >> META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
 198         if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
 199             echo "JRE-Version: $1" >> META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
 200         fi
 201         cp $TESTCLASSES/PrintVersion.class .
 202         touch 57BytesSpecial
 203         for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do
 204                 for j in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do
 205                         touch 64BytesPerEntry-$i$j
 206                 done
 207         done
 208         $JAR $2cMf PrintVersion 57* 64* PrintVersion.class
 209         $JAR $2umf META-INF/MANIFEST.MF PrintVersion
 210         rm -f 57* 64*
 211 }
 213 #
 214 # Adds comments to a jar/zip file.  This serves two purposes:
 215 #
 216 #   1)  Make sure zip file comments (both per file and per archive) are
 217 #       properly processed and ignored.
 218 #
 219 #   2)  A long file comment creates a mondo "Central Directory" entry in
 220 #       the zip file. Such a "mondo" entry could also be due to a very
 221 #       long file name (path) or a long "Ext" entry, but adding the long
 222 #       comment is the easiest way.
 223 #
 224 CommentZipFile() {
 225     file=
 226     tail="is designed to take up space - lots and lots of space."
 227     mv PrintVersion PrintVersion.zip
 228     /usr/bin/zipnote PrintVersion.zip > zipout
 229     while read ampersand line; do
 230         if [ "$ampersand" = "@" ]; then
 231             if [ "$line" = "(comment above this line)" ]; then
 232                 echo "File Comment Line." >> zipin
 233                 if [ "$file" = "$1" ]; then
 234                     for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f; do
 235                         for j in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f; do
 236                             echo "Mondo comment line $i$j $tail" >> zipin
 237                         done
 238                     done
 239                 fi
 240             else
 241                 file=$line
 242             fi
 243         fi
 244         echo "$ampersand $line" >> zipin
 245         if [ "$ampersand" = "@" ]; then
 246             if [ "$line" = "(zip file comment below this line)" ]; then
 247                 echo "Zip File Comment Line number 1" >> zipin
 248                 echo "Zip File Comment Line number 2" >> zipin
 249             fi
 250         fi
 251     done < zipout
 252     /usr/bin/zipnote -w PrintVersion.zip < zipin
 253     mv PrintVersion.zip PrintVersion
 254     rm zipout zipin
 255 }
 257 #
 258 # Attempt to launch a vm using a version specifier and make sure the
 259 # resultant launch (probably a "mock vm") is appropriate.
 260 #
 261 LaunchVM() {
 262         if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
 263                 mess="`$JAVA -version:\"$1\" -jar PrintVersion 2>&1`"
 264         else
 265                 mess="`$JAVA -jar PrintVersion 2>&1`"
 266         fi
 267         if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
 268                 prefix=`echo "$mess" | cut -d ' ' -f 1-3`
 269                 if [ "$prefix" != "Unable to locate" ]; then
 270                         echo "$mess"
 271                         exit 1
 272                 fi
 273                 echo "Unexpected error in attempting to locate $1"
 274                 exit 1
 275         fi
 276         echo $mess | grep "$2" > /dev/null 2>&1
 277         if [ $? != 0 ]; then
 278             echo "Launched $mess, expected $2"
 279             exit 1
 280         fi
 281 }
 283 # Tests very long Main-Class attribute in the jar
 284 TestLongMainClass() {
 285     JVER=$1
 286     if [ "$JVER" = "mklink" ]; then
 287         JVER=XX
 288         JDKXX=jdk/j2re$JVER
 289         rm -rf jdk
 290         mkdir jdk
 291         ln -s $TESTJAVA $JDKXX
 292         JAVA_VERSION_PATH="`pwd`/jdk"
 293         export JAVA_VERSION_PATH
 294     fi
 295     $JAVAEXE -cp $TESTCLASSES ZipMeUp UglyBetty.jar 4097 
 296     message="`$JAVAEXE -version:$JVER -jar UglyBetty.jar 2>&1`"
 297     echo $message | grep "Error: main-class: attribute exceeds system limits" > /dev/null 2>&1
 298     if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
 299         printf "Long manifest test did not get expected error"
 300         exit 1
 301     fi
 302     unset JAVA_VERSION_PATH
 303     rm -rf jdk
 304 }
 306 #
 307 # Main test sequence starts here
 308 #
 309 RELEASE=`$JAVA -version 2>&1 | head -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | \
 310   sed -e "s/\"//g"`
 311 BASE_RELEASE=`echo $RELEASE | sed -e "s/-.*//g"`
 313 #
 314 # Make sure that the generic jar/manifest reading code works. Test both
 315 # compressed and "stored" jar files.
 316 #
 317 # The "Ugly" jar (long manifest line) tests are only run if the combination
 318 # of the file name length restrictions and the length of the cwd allow it.
 319 #
 320 CreateJar "" ""
 321 LaunchVM "" "${RELEASE}"
 322 CreateJar "" "0"
 323 LaunchVM "" "${RELEASE}"
 324 if [ `IsWindows` = "true" ]; then
 325     MAXIMUM_PATH=255;
 326 else
 327     MAXIMUM_PATH=1024;
 328 fi
 330 PATH_LENGTH=`printf "%s" "$UGLYCLASS" | wc -c`
 331 if [ ${PATH_LENGTH} -lt ${MAXIMUM_PATH} ]; then
 332         CreateUglyJar "" ""
 333         LaunchVM "" "${RELEASE}"
 334         CreateUglyJar "" "0"
 335         LaunchVM "" "${RELEASE}"
 336 else
 337     printf "Warning: Skipped UglyJar test, path length exceeded, %d" $MAXIMUM_PATH
 338     printf " allowed, the current path is %d\n" $PATH_LENGTH
 339 fi
 340 CreateAlignedJar "" ""
 341 LaunchVM "" "${RELEASE}"
 342 CreateFullJar "" ""
 343 LaunchVM "" "${RELEASE}"
 345 #
 346 # 4998210 shows that some very strange behaviors are semi-supported.
 347 # In this case, it's the ability to prepend any kind of stuff to the
 348 # jar file and require that the jar file still work.  Note that this
 349 # "interface" isn't publically supported and we may choose to break
 350 # it in the future, but this test guarantees that we won't break it
 351 # without informed consent. We take advantage the fact that the
 352 # "FullJar" we just tested is probably the best jar to begin with
 353 # for this test.
 354 #
 355 echo "This is just meaningless bytes to prepend to the jar" > meaningless
 356 mv PrintVersion meaningfull
 357 cat meaningless meaningfull > PrintVersion
 358 LaunchVM "" "${RELEASE}" 
 359 rm meaningless meaningfull
 361 #
 362 # Officially, one must use "the jar command to create a jar file.  However,
 363 # all the comments about jar commands **imply** that jar files and zip files
 364 # are equivalent.  (Note: this isn't true due to the "0xcafe" insertion.)
 365 # On systems which have a command line zip, test the ability to use zip
 366 # to construct a jar and then use it (6387069).
 367 #
 368 if [ -x /usr/bin/zip ]; then
 369         CreateZippyJar "" "-q"
 370         LaunchVM "" "${RELEASE}"
 371 fi
 373 #
 374 # jar files shouldn't have comments, but it is possible that somebody added
 375 # one by using zip -c, zip -z, zipnote or a similar utility.  On systems
 376 # that have "zipnote", verify this functionality.
 377 #
 378 # This serves a dual purpose of creating a very large "central directory
 379 # entry" which validates to code to read such entries.
 380 #
 381 if [ -x /usr/bin/zipnote ]; then
 382         CreateFullJar "" ""
 383         CommentZipFile "AfairlyLongNameEatsUpDirectorySpaceBetter20"
 384         LaunchVM "" "${RELEASE}"
 385 fi
 387 #
 388 # Throw some syntactically challenged (illegal) version specifiers at
 389 # the interface.  Failure (of the launcher) is success for the test.
 390 #
 391 TestSyntax "1.2..3"                             # Two adjacent separators
 392 TestSyntax "_1.2.3"                             # Begins with a separator
 393 TestSyntax "1.2.3-"                             # Ends with a separator
 394 TestSyntax "1.2+.3"                             # Embedded modifier
 395 TestSyntax "1.2.4+&1.2*&1++"                    # Long and invalid
 397 # On windows we see if there is another jre installed, usually
 398 # there is, then we test using that, otherwise links are created
 399 # to get through to SelectVersion.
 400 if [ `IsWindows` = "false" ]; then
 401    TestLongMainClass "mklink"
 402 else
 403     $JAVAEXE -version:1.0+
 404     if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
 405         TestLongMainClass "1.0+"
 406     else
 407         printf  "Warning: TestLongMainClass skipped as there is no"
 408         printf  "viable MJRE installed.\n"
 409     fi
 410 fi
 412 #
 413 # Because scribbling in the registry can be rather destructive, only a
 414 # subset of the tests are run on Windows.
 415 #
 416 if [ `IsWindows` = "true" ]; then
 417     exit 0;
 418 fi
 420 #
 421 # Additional version specifiers containing spaces.  (Sigh, unable to
 422 # figure out the glomming on Windows)
 423 #
 424 TestSyntax "1.2.3_99 1.3.2+ 1.2.4+&1.2*&1++"    # Long and invalid
 426 #
 427 # Create a mock installation of a number of shell scripts named as though
 428 # they were installed JREs.  Then test to see if the launcher can cause
 429 # the right shell scripts to be invoked.
 430 #
 431 # Note, that as a side effect, this test verifies that JAVA_VERSION_PATH
 432 # works.
 433 #
 434 rm -rf jdk
 435 JAVA_VERSION_PATH="`pwd`/jdk"
 438 CreateMockVM 1.10
 439 CreateMockVM 1.11.3
 440 CreateMockVM 1.11.3_03
 441 CreateMockVM 1.11.4
 442 CreateMockVM 1.12.3_03
 443 CreateMockVM 1.12.3_03-lastweek
 444 CreateMockVM 1.13.3_03
 445 CreateMockVM 1.13.3_03-lastweek
 446 CreateMockVM 1.13.3_03_lastweek
 447 CreateMockVM 1.20.0
 449 #
 450 # Test extracting the version information from the jar file:
 451 #
 452 #         Requested             Expected
 453 CreateJar "1.10+" ""
 454 LaunchVM  ""                    "1.20.0"
 455 CreateJar "1.11.3_03+&1.11*" ""
 456 LaunchVM  ""                    "1.11.4"
 457 CreateJar "1.12.3_03+&1.12.3*" ""
 458 LaunchVM  ""                    "1.12.3_03"
 459 CreateJar "1.13.3_03+&1.13.3*" ""
 460 LaunchVM  ""                    "1.13.3_03_lastweek"    # Strange but true
 462 #
 463 # Test obtaining the version information from the command line (and that
 464 # it overrides the manifest).
 465 #
 466 CreateJar "${BASERELEASE}*" ""
 467 LaunchVM  "1.10+"               "1.20.0"
 468 LaunchVM  "1.11.3_03+&1.11*"        "1.11.4"
 469 LaunchVM  "1.12.3_03+&1.12.3*"      "1.12.3_03"
 470 LaunchVM  "1.13.3_03+&1.13.3*"      "1.13.3_03_lastweek"    # Strange but true
 472 [ -d jdk ] && rm -rf jdk
 473 [ -d META_INF ] && rm -rf META_INF
 475 exit 0