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  60  * available to be read from the {@link com.sun.jdi.event.EventQueue}.
  61  * <p>
  62  * Any method on <code>ReferenceType</code> which directly or
  63  * indirectly takes <code>ReferenceType</code> as an parameter may throw
  64  * {@link com.sun.jdi.VMOutOfMemoryException} if the target VM has run out of memory.
  65  * <p>
  66  * Any method on <code>ReferenceType</code> or which directly or indirectly takes
  67  * <code>ReferenceType</code> as parameter may throw
  68  * {@link com.sun.jdi.ObjectCollectedException} if the mirrored type has been unloaded.
  69  *
  70  * @see ObjectReference
  71  * @see ObjectReference#referenceType
  72  * @see VirtualMachine
  73  * @see VirtualMachine#allClasses
  74  *
  75  * @author Robert Field
  76  * @author Gordon Hirsch
  77  * @author James McIlree
  78  * @since  1.3
  79  */

  80 public interface ReferenceType
  81     extends Type, Comparable<ReferenceType>, Accessible
  82 {
  84     /**
  85      * Gets the fully qualified name of this type. The returned name
  86      * is formatted as it might appear in a Java programming langauge
  87      * declaration for objects of this type.
  88      * <p>
  89      * For primitive classes
  90      * the returned name is the name of the corresponding primitive
  91      * type; for example, "int" is returned as the name of the class
  92      * represented by {@link java.lang.Integer#TYPE Integer.TYPE}.
  93      * @return a string containing the type name.
  94      */
  95     String name();
  97     /**
  98      * Gets the generic signature for this type if there is one.
  99      * Generic signatures are described in the

  60  * available to be read from the {@link com.sun.jdi.event.EventQueue}.
  61  * <p>
  62  * Any method on <code>ReferenceType</code> which directly or
  63  * indirectly takes <code>ReferenceType</code> as an parameter may throw
  64  * {@link com.sun.jdi.VMOutOfMemoryException} if the target VM has run out of memory.
  65  * <p>
  66  * Any method on <code>ReferenceType</code> or which directly or indirectly takes
  67  * <code>ReferenceType</code> as parameter may throw
  68  * {@link com.sun.jdi.ObjectCollectedException} if the mirrored type has been unloaded.
  69  *
  70  * @see ObjectReference
  71  * @see ObjectReference#referenceType
  72  * @see VirtualMachine
  73  * @see VirtualMachine#allClasses
  74  *
  75  * @author Robert Field
  76  * @author Gordon Hirsch
  77  * @author James McIlree
  78  * @since  1.3
  79  */
  80 @jdk.Supported
  81 public interface ReferenceType
  82     extends Type, Comparable<ReferenceType>, Accessible
  83 {
  85     /**
  86      * Gets the fully qualified name of this type. The returned name
  87      * is formatted as it might appear in a Java programming langauge
  88      * declaration for objects of this type.
  89      * <p>
  90      * For primitive classes
  91      * the returned name is the name of the corresponding primitive
  92      * type; for example, "int" is returned as the name of the class
  93      * represented by {@link java.lang.Integer#TYPE Integer.TYPE}.
  94      * @return a string containing the type name.
  95      */
  96     String name();
  98     /**
  99      * Gets the generic signature for this type if there is one.
 100      * Generic signatures are described in the