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 110  *         {@link ArrayType#componentType() componentType()} is
 111  *         {@link ClassType}</TD>
 112  * <TR>
 113  *   <TD headers="reftype declared2"><I>an array</I></TD>
 114  *   <TD headers="reftype example2"><CODE>Runnable[]</CODE></TD>
 115  *   <TD headers="reftype mirrored2">{@link ArrayType} whose
 116  *         {@link ArrayType#componentType() componentType()} is
 117  *         {@link InterfaceType}</TD>
 118  * </TABLE>
 119  *
 120  * @see PrimitiveType Subinterface PrimitiveType
 121  * @see ReferenceType Subinterface ReferenceType
 122  * @see Value Value - for relationship between Type and Value
 123  * @see Field#type() Field.type() - for usage examples
 124  *
 125  * @author Robert Field
 126  * @author Gordon Hirsch
 127  * @author James McIlree
 128  * @since  1.3
 129  */
 130 public interface Type extends Mirror
 131 {

 132     /**
 133      * Returns the JNI-style signature for this type.
 134      * <p>
 135      * For primitive classes
 136      * the returned signature is the signature of the corresponding primitive
 137      * type; for example, "I" is returned as the signature of the class
 138      * represented by {@link java.lang.Integer#TYPE}.
 139      *
 140      * @see <a href="doc-files/signature.html">Type Signatures</a>
 141      * @return the string containing the type signature.
 142      */
 143     String signature();
 145     /**
 146      * @return a text representation of this type.
 147      */
 148     String name();
 149 }

 110  *         {@link ArrayType#componentType() componentType()} is
 111  *         {@link ClassType}</TD>
 112  * <TR>
 113  *   <TD headers="reftype declared2"><I>an array</I></TD>
 114  *   <TD headers="reftype example2"><CODE>Runnable[]</CODE></TD>
 115  *   <TD headers="reftype mirrored2">{@link ArrayType} whose
 116  *         {@link ArrayType#componentType() componentType()} is
 117  *         {@link InterfaceType}</TD>
 118  * </TABLE>
 119  *
 120  * @see PrimitiveType Subinterface PrimitiveType
 121  * @see ReferenceType Subinterface ReferenceType
 122  * @see Value Value - for relationship between Type and Value
 123  * @see Field#type() Field.type() - for usage examples
 124  *
 125  * @author Robert Field
 126  * @author Gordon Hirsch
 127  * @author James McIlree
 128  * @since  1.3
 129  */
 130 @jdk.Supported
 131 public interface Type extends Mirror {
 133     /**
 134      * Returns the JNI-style signature for this type.
 135      * <p>
 136      * For primitive classes
 137      * the returned signature is the signature of the corresponding primitive
 138      * type; for example, "I" is returned as the signature of the class
 139      * represented by {@link java.lang.Integer#TYPE}.
 140      *
 141      * @see <a href="doc-files/signature.html">Type Signatures</a>
 142      * @return the string containing the type signature.
 143      */
 144     String signature();
 146     /**
 147      * @return a text representation of this type.
 148      */
 149     String name();
 150 }