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  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package;
  28 import java.util.Map;
  30 /**
  31  * Platform-specific management interface for the thread system
  32  * of the Java virtual machine.
  33  * <p>
  34  * This platform extension is only available to a thread
  35  * implementation that supports this extension.
  36  *
  37  * @author  Paul Hohensee
  38  * @since   6u25
  39  */

  41 public interface ThreadMXBean extends {
  42     /**
  43      * Returns the total CPU time for each thread whose ID is
  44      * in the input array {@code ids} in nanoseconds.
  45      * The returned values are of nanoseconds precision but
  46      * not necessarily nanoseconds accuracy.
  47      * <p>
  48      * This method is equivalent to calling the
  49      * {@link ThreadMXBean#getThreadCpuTime(long)}
  50      * method for each thread ID in the input array {@code ids} and setting the
  51      * returned value in the corresponding element of the returned array.
  52      *
  53      * @param ids an array of thread IDs.
  54      * @return an array of long values, each of which is the amount of CPU
  55      * time the thread whose ID is in the corresponding element of the input
  56      * array of IDs has used,
  57      * if the thread of a specified ID exists, the thread is alive,
  58      * and CPU time measurement is enabled;
  59      * {@code -1} otherwise.
  60      *

  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package;
  28 import java.util.Map;
  30 /**
  31  * Platform-specific management interface for the thread system
  32  * of the Java virtual machine.
  33  * <p>
  34  * This platform extension is only available to a thread
  35  * implementation that supports this extension.
  36  *
  37  * @author  Paul Hohensee
  38  * @since   6u25
  39  */
  41 @jdk.Supported
  42 public interface ThreadMXBean extends {
  43     /**
  44      * Returns the total CPU time for each thread whose ID is
  45      * in the input array {@code ids} in nanoseconds.
  46      * The returned values are of nanoseconds precision but
  47      * not necessarily nanoseconds accuracy.
  48      * <p>
  49      * This method is equivalent to calling the
  50      * {@link ThreadMXBean#getThreadCpuTime(long)}
  51      * method for each thread ID in the input array {@code ids} and setting the
  52      * returned value in the corresponding element of the returned array.
  53      *
  54      * @param ids an array of thread IDs.
  55      * @return an array of long values, each of which is the amount of CPU
  56      * time the thread whose ID is in the corresponding element of the input
  57      * array of IDs has used,
  58      * if the thread of a specified ID exists, the thread is alive,
  59      * and CPU time measurement is enabled;
  60      * {@code -1} otherwise.
  61      *