1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  27 package com.sun.security.auth.module;
  29 import java.io.*;
  30 import java.text.MessageFormat;
  31 import java.util.*;
  33 import javax.security.auth.*;
  34 import javax.security.auth.kerberos.*;
  35 import javax.security.auth.callback.*;
  36 import javax.security.auth.login.*;
  37 import javax.security.auth.spi.*;
  39 import sun.security.krb5.*;
  40 import sun.security.jgss.krb5.Krb5Util;
  41 import sun.security.krb5.Credentials;
  42 import sun.misc.HexDumpEncoder;
  44 /**
  45  * <p> This <code>LoginModule</code> authenticates users using
  46  * Kerberos protocols.
  47  *
  48  * <p> The configuration entry for <code>Krb5LoginModule</code> has
  49  * several options that control the authentication process and
  50  * additions to the <code>Subject</code>'s private credential
  51  * set. Irrespective of these options, the <code>Subject</code>'s
  52  * principal set and private credentials set are updated only when
  53  * <code>commit</code> is called.
  54  * When <code>commit</code> is called, the <code>KerberosPrincipal</code>
  55  * is added to the <code>Subject</code>'s principal set (unless the
  56  * <code>principal</code> is specified as "*"). If <code>isInitiator</code>
  57  * is true, the <code>KerberosTicket</code> is
  58  * added to the <code>Subject</code>'s private credentials.
  59  *
  60  * <p> If the configuration entry for <code>KerberosLoginModule</code>
  61  * has the option <code>storeKey</code> set to true, then
  62  * <code>KerberosKey</code> or <code>KeyTab</code> will also be added to the
  63  * subject's private credentials. <code>KerberosKey</code>, the principal's
  64  * key(s) will be derived from user's password, and <code>KeyTab</code> is
  65  * the keytab used when <code>useKeyTab</code> is set to true. The
  66  * <code>KeyTab</code> object is restricted to be used by the specified
  67  * principal unless the principal value is "*".
  68  *
  69  * <p> This <code>LoginModule</code> recognizes the <code>doNotPrompt</code>
  70  * option. If set to true the user will not be prompted for the password.
  71  *
  72  * <p> The user can  specify the location of the ticket cache by using
  73  * the option <code>ticketCache</code> in the configuration entry.
  74  *
  75  * <p>The user can specify the keytab location by using
  76  * the option <code>keyTab</code>
  77  * in the configuration entry.
  78  *
  79  * <p> The principal name can be specified in the configuration entry
  80  * by using the option <code>principal</code>. The principal name
  81  * can either be a simple user name, a service name such as
  82  * <code>host/mission.eng.sun.com</code>, or "*". The principal can also
  83  * be set using the system property <code>sun.security.krb5.principal</code>.
  84  * This property is checked during login. If this property is not set, then
  85  * the principal name from the configuration is used. In the
  86  * case where the principal property is not set and the principal
  87  * entry also does not exist, the user is prompted for the name.
  88  * When this property of entry is set, and <code>useTicketCache</code>
  89  * is set to true, only TGT belonging to this principal is used.
  90  *
  91  * <p> The following is a list of configuration options supported
  92  * for <code>Krb5LoginModule</code>:
  93  * <blockquote><dl>
  94  * <dt><b><code>refreshKrb5Config</code></b>:</dt>
  95  * <dd> Set this to true, if you want the configuration
  96  * to be refreshed before the <code>login</code> method is called.</dd>
  97  * <dt><b><code>useTicketCache</code></b>:</dt>
  98  * <dd>Set this to true, if you want the
  99  * TGT to be obtained
 100  * from the ticket cache. Set this option
 101  * to false if you do not want this module to use the ticket cache.
 102  * (Default is False).
 103  * This module will
 104  * search for the ticket
 105  * cache in the following locations:
 106  * On Solaris and Linux
 107  * it will look for the ticket cache in /tmp/krb5cc_<code>uid</code>
 108  * where the uid is numeric user
 109  * identifier. If the ticket cache is
 110  * not available in the above location, or if we are on a
 111  * Windows platform, it will look for the cache as
 112  * {user.home}{file.separator}krb5cc_{user.name}.
 113  * You can override the ticket cache location by using
 114  * <code>ticketCache</code>.
 115  * For Windows, if a ticket cannot be retrieved from the file ticket cache,
 116  * it will use Local Security Authority (LSA) API to get the TGT.
 117  * <dt><b><code>ticketCache</code></b>:</dt>
 118  * <dd>Set this to the name of the ticket
 119  * cache that  contains user's TGT.
 120  * If this is set,  <code>useTicketCache</code>
 121  * must also be set to true; Otherwise a configuration error will
 122  * be returned.</dd>
 123  * <dt><b><code>renewTGT</code></b>:</dt>
 124  * <dd>Set this to true, if you want to renew
 125  * the TGT. If this is set, <code>useTicketCache</code> must also be
 126  * set to true; otherwise a configuration error will be returned.</dd>
 127  * <dt><b><code>doNotPrompt</code></b>:</dt>
 128  * <dd>Set this to true if you do not want to be
 129  * prompted for the password
 130  * if credentials can not be obtained from the cache, the keytab,
 131  * or through shared state.(Default is false)
 132  * If set to true, credential must be obtained through cache, keytab,
 133  * or shared state. Otherwise, authentication will fail.</dd>
 134  * <dt><b><code>useKeyTab</code></b>:</dt>
 135  * <dd>Set this to true if you
 136  * want the module to get the principal's key from the
 137  * the keytab.(default value is False)
 138  * If <code>keytab</code>
 139  * is not set then
 140  * the module will locate the keytab from the
 141  * Kerberos configuration file.
 142  * If it is not specified in the Kerberos configuration file
 143  * then it will look for the file
 144  * <code>{user.home}{file.separator}</code>krb5.keytab.</dd>
 145  * <dt><b><code>keyTab</code></b>:</dt>
 146  * <dd>Set this to the file name of the
 147  * keytab to get principal's secret key.</dd>
 148  * <dt><b><code>storeKey</code></b>:</dt>
 149  * <dd>Set this to true to if you want the keytab or the
 150  * principal's key to be stored in the Subject's private credentials.
 151  * For <code>isInitiator</code> being false, if <code>principal</code>
 152  * is "*", the {@link KeyTab} stored can be used by anyone, otherwise,
 153  * it's restricted to be used by the specified principal only.</dd>
 154  * <dt><b><code>principal</code></b>:</dt>
 155  * <dd>The name of the principal that should
 156  * be used. The principal can be a simple username such as
 157  * "<code>testuser</code>" or a service name such as
 158  * "<code>host/testhost.eng.sun.com</code>". You can use the
 159  * <code>principal</code>  option to set the principal when there are
 160  * credentials for multiple principals in the
 161  * <code>keyTab</code> or when you want a specific ticket cache only.
 162  * The principal can also be set using the system property
 163  * <code>sun.security.krb5.principal</code>. In addition, if this
 164  * system property is defined, then it will be used. If this property
 165  * is not set, then the principal name from the configuration will be
 166  * used.
 167  * The principal name can be set to "*" when <code>isInitiator</code> is false.
 168  * In this case, the acceptor is not bound to a single principal. It can
 169  * act as any principal an initiator requests if keys for that principal
 170  * can be found. When <code>isInitiator</code> is true, the principal name
 171  * cannot be set to "*".
 172  * </dd>
 173  * <dt><b><code>isInitiator</code></b>:</dt>
 174  * <dd>Set this to true, if initiator. Set this to false, if acceptor only.
 175  * (Default is true).
 176  * Note: Do not set this value to false for initiators.</dd>
 177  * </dl></blockquote>
 178  *
 179  * <p> This <code>LoginModule</code> also recognizes the following additional
 180  * <code>Configuration</code>
 181  * options that enable you to share username and passwords across different
 182  * authentication modules:
 183  * <blockquote><dl>
 184  *
 185  *    <dt><b><code>useFirstPass</code></b>:</dt>
 186  *                   <dd>if, true, this LoginModule retrieves the
 187  *                   username and password from the module's shared state,
 188  *                   using "javax.security.auth.login.name" and
 189  *                   "javax.security.auth.login.password" as the respective
 190  *                   keys. The retrieved values are used for authentication.
 191  *                   If authentication fails, no attempt for a retry
 192  *                   is made, and the failure is reported back to the
 193  *                   calling application.</dd>
 194  *
 195  *    <dt><b><code>tryFirstPass</code></b>:</dt>
 196  *                   <dd>if, true, this LoginModule retrieves the
 197  *                   the username and password from the module's shared
 198  *                   state using "javax.security.auth.login.name" and
 199  *                   "javax.security.auth.login.password" as the respective
 200  *                   keys.  The retrieved values are used for
 201  *                   authentication.
 202  *                   If authentication fails, the module uses the
 203  *                   CallbackHandler to retrieve a new username
 204  *                   and password, and another attempt to authenticate
 205  *                   is made. If the authentication fails,
 206  *                   the failure is reported back to the calling application</dd>
 207  *
 208  *    <dt><b><code>storePass</code></b>:</dt>
 209  *                   <dd>if, true, this LoginModule stores the username and
 210  *                   password obtained from the CallbackHandler in the
 211  *                   modules shared state, using
 212  *                   "javax.security.auth.login.name" and
 213  *                   "javax.security.auth.login.password" as the respective
 214  *                   keys.  This is not performed if existing values already
 215  *                   exist for the username and password in the shared
 216  *                   state, or if authentication fails.</dd>
 217  *
 218  *    <dt><b><code>clearPass</code></b>:</dt>
 219  *                   <dd>if, true, this LoginModule clears the
 220  *                   username and password stored in the module's shared
 221  *                   state  after both phases of authentication
 222  *                   (login and commit) have completed.</dd>
 223  * </dl></blockquote>
 224  * <p>If the principal system property or key is already provided, the value of
 225  * "javax.security.auth.login.name" in the shared state is ignored.
 226  * <p>When multiple mechanisms to retrieve a ticket or key is provided, the
 227  * preference order is:
 228  * <ol>
 229  * <li>ticket cache
 230  * <li>keytab
 231  * <li>shared state
 232  * <li>user prompt
 233  * </ol>
 234  * <p>Note that if any step fails, it will fallback to the next step.
 235  * There's only one exception, if the shared state step fails and
 236  * <code>useFirstPass</code>=true, no user prompt is made.
 237  * <p>Examples of some configuration values for Krb5LoginModule in
 238  * JAAS config file and the results are:
 239  * <ul>
 240  * <p> <code>doNotPrompt</code>=true;
 241  * </ul>
 242  * <p> This is an illegal combination since none of <code>useTicketCache</code>,
 243  * <code>useKeyTab</code>, <code>useFirstPass</code> and <code>tryFirstPass</code>
 244  * is set and the user can not be prompted for the password.
 245  *<ul>
 246  * <p> <code>ticketCache</code> = &lt;filename&gt;;
 247  *</ul>
 248  * <p> This is an illegal combination since <code>useTicketCache</code>
 249  * is not set to true and the ticketCache is set. A configuration error
 250  * will occur.
 251  * <ul>
 252  * <p> <code>renewTGT</code>=true;
 253  *</ul>
 254  * <p> This is an illegal combination since <code>useTicketCache</code> is
 255  * not set to true and renewTGT is set. A configuration error will occur.
 256  * <ul>
 257  * <p> <code>storeKey</code>=true
 258  * <code>useTicketCache</code> = true
 259  * <code>doNotPrompt</code>=true;;
 260  *</ul>
 261  * <p> This is an illegal combination since  <code>storeKey</code> is set to
 262  * true but the key can not be obtained either by prompting the user or from
 263  * the keytab, or from the shared state. A configuration error will occur.
 264  * <ul>
 265  * <p>  <code>keyTab</code> = &lt;filename&gt; <code>doNotPrompt</code>=true ;
 266  * </ul>
 267  * <p>This is an illegal combination since useKeyTab is not set to true and
 268  * the keyTab is set. A configuration error will occur.
 269  * <ul>
 270  * <p> <code>debug=true </code>
 271  *</ul>
 272  * <p> Prompt the user for the principal name and the password.
 273  * Use the authentication exchange to get TGT from the KDC and
 274  * populate the <code>Subject</code> with the principal and TGT.
 275  * Output debug messages.
 276  * <ul>
 277  * <p> <code>useTicketCache</code> = true <code>doNotPrompt</code>=true;
 278  *</ul>
 279  * <p>Check the default cache for TGT and populate the <code>Subject</code>
 280  * with the principal and TGT. If the TGT is not available,
 281  * do not prompt the user, instead fail the authentication.
 282  * <ul>
 283  * <p><code>principal</code>=&lt;name&gt;<code>useTicketCache</code> = true
 284  * <code>doNotPrompt</code>=true;
 285  *</ul>
 286  * <p> Get the TGT from the default cache for the principal and populate the
 287  * Subject's principal and private creds set. If ticket cache is
 288  * not available or does not contain the principal's TGT
 289  * authentication will fail.
 290  * <ul>
 291  * <p> <code>useTicketCache</code> = true
 292  * <code>ticketCache</code>=&lt;file name&gt;<code>useKeyTab</code> = true
 293  * <code> keyTab</code>=&lt;keytab filename&gt;
 294  * <code>principal</code> = &lt;principal name&gt;
 295  * <code>doNotPrompt</code>=true;
 296  *</ul>
 297  * <p>  Search the cache for the principal's TGT. If it is not available
 298  * use the key in the keytab to perform authentication exchange with the
 299  * KDC and acquire the TGT.
 300  * The Subject will be populated with the principal and the TGT.
 301  * If the key is not available or valid then authentication will fail.
 302  * <ul>
 303  * <p><code>useTicketCache</code> = true
 304  * <code>ticketCache</code>=&lt;file name&gt;
 305  *</ul>
 306  * <p> The TGT will be obtained from the cache specified.
 307  * The Kerberos principal name used will be the principal name in
 308  * the Ticket cache. If the TGT is not available in the
 309  * ticket cache the user will be prompted for the principal name
 310  * and the password. The TGT will be obtained using the authentication
 311  * exchange with the KDC.
 312  * The Subject will be populated with the TGT.
 313  *<ul>
 314  * <p> <code>useKeyTab</code> = true
 315  * <code>keyTab</code>=&lt;keytab filename&gt;
 316  * <code>principal</code>= &lt;principal name&gt;
 317  * <code>storeKey</code>=true;
 318  *</ul>
 319  * <p>  The key for the principal will be retrieved from the keytab.
 320  * If the key is not available in the keytab the user will be prompted
 321  * for the principal's password. The Subject will be populated
 322  * with the principal's key either from the keytab or derived from the
 323  * password entered.
 324  * <ul>
 325  * <p> <code>useKeyTab</code> = true
 326  * <code>keyTab</code>=&lt;keytabname&gt;
 327  * <code>storeKey</code>=true
 328  * <code>doNotPrompt</code>=false;
 329  *</ul>
 330  * <p>The user will be prompted for the service principal name.
 331  * If the principal's
 332  * longterm key is available in the keytab , it will be added to the
 333  * Subject's private credentials. An authentication exchange will be
 334  * attempted with the principal name and the key from the Keytab.
 335  * If successful the TGT will be added to the
 336  * Subject's private credentials set. Otherwise the authentication will
 337  * fail.
 338  * <ul>
 339  * <p> <code>isInitiator</code> = false <code>useKeyTab</code> = true
 340  * <code>keyTab</code>=&lt;keytabname&gt;
 341  * <code>storeKey</code>=true
 342  * <code>principal</code>=*;
 343  *</ul>
 344  * <p>The acceptor will be an unbound acceptor and it can act as any principal
 345  * as long that principal has keys in the keytab.
 346  *<ul>
 347  * <p>
 348  * <code>useTicketCache</code>=true
 349  * <code>ticketCache</code>=&lt;file name&gt;;
 350  * <code>useKeyTab</code> = true
 351  * <code>keyTab</code>=&lt;file name&gt; <code>storeKey</code>=true
 352  * <code>principal</code>= &lt;principal name&gt;
 353  *</ul>
 354  * <p>
 355  * The client's TGT will be retrieved from the ticket cache and added to the
 356  * <code>Subject</code>'s private credentials. If the TGT is not available
 357  * in the ticket cache, or the TGT's client name does not match the principal
 358  * name, Java will use a secret key to obtain the TGT using the authentication
 359  * exchange and added to the Subject's private credentials.
 360  * This secret key will be first retrieved from the keytab. If the key
 361  * is not available, the user will be prompted for the password. In either
 362  * case, the key derived from the password will be added to the
 363  * Subject's private credentials set.
 364  * <ul>
 365  * <p><code>isInitiator</code> = false
 366  *</ul>
 367  * <p>Configured to act as acceptor only, credentials are not acquired
 368  * via AS exchange. For acceptors only, set this value to false.
 369  * For initiators, do not set this value to false.
 370  * <ul>
 371  * <p><code>isInitiator</code> = true
 372  *</ul>
 373  * <p>Configured to act as initiator, credentials are acquired
 374  * via AS exchange. For initiators, set this value to true, or leave this
 375  * option unset, in which case default value (true) will be used.
 376  *
 377  * @author Ram Marti
 378  */
 380 public class Krb5LoginModule implements LoginModule {
 382     // initial state
 383     private Subject subject;
 384     private CallbackHandler callbackHandler;
 385     private Map<String, Object> sharedState;
 386     private Map<String, ?> options;
 388     // configurable option
 389     private boolean debug = false;
 390     private boolean storeKey = false;
 391     private boolean doNotPrompt = false;
 392     private boolean useTicketCache = false;
 393     private boolean useKeyTab = false;
 394     private String ticketCacheName = null;
 395     private String keyTabName = null;
 396     private String princName = null;
 398     private boolean useFirstPass = false;
 399     private boolean tryFirstPass = false;
 400     private boolean storePass = false;
 401     private boolean clearPass = false;
 402     private boolean refreshKrb5Config = false;
 403     private boolean renewTGT = false;
 405     // specify if initiator.
 406     // perform authentication exchange if initiator
 407     private boolean isInitiator = true;
 409     // the authentication status
 410     private boolean succeeded = false;
 411     private boolean commitSucceeded = false;
 412     private String username;
 414     // Encryption keys calculated from password. Assigned when storekey == true
 415     // and useKeyTab == false (or true but not found)
 416     private EncryptionKey[] encKeys = null;
 418     KeyTab ktab = null;
 420     private Credentials cred = null;
 422     private PrincipalName principal = null;
 423     private KerberosPrincipal kerbClientPrinc = null;
 424     private KerberosTicket kerbTicket = null;
 425     private KerberosKey[] kerbKeys = null;
 426     private StringBuffer krb5PrincName = null;
 427     private boolean unboundServer = false;
 428     private char[] password = null;
 430     private static final String NAME = "javax.security.auth.login.name";
 431     private static final String PWD = "javax.security.auth.login.password";
 432     static final java.util.ResourceBundle rb =
 433         java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle("sun.security.util.AuthResources");
 435     /**
 436      * Initialize this <code>LoginModule</code>.
 437      *
 438      * <p>
 439      * @param subject the <code>Subject</code> to be authenticated. <p>
 440      *
 441      * @param callbackHandler a <code>CallbackHandler</code> for
 442      *                  communication with the end user (prompting for
 443      *                  usernames and passwords, for example). <p>
 444      *
 445      * @param sharedState shared <code>LoginModule</code> state. <p>
 446      *
 447      * @param options options specified in the login
 448      *                  <code>Configuration</code> for this particular
 449      *                  <code>LoginModule</code>.
 450      */
 451     // Unchecked warning from (Map<String, Object>)sharedState is safe
 452     // since javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext passes a raw HashMap.
 453     // Unchecked warnings from options.get(String) are safe since we are
 454     // passing known keys.
 455     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 456     public void initialize(Subject subject,
 457                            CallbackHandler callbackHandler,
 458                            Map<String, ?> sharedState,
 459                            Map<String, ?> options) {
 461         this.subject = subject;
 462         this.callbackHandler = callbackHandler;
 463         this.sharedState = (Map<String, Object>)sharedState;
 464         this.options = options;
 466         // initialize any configured options
 468         debug = "true".equalsIgnoreCase((String)options.get("debug"));
 469         storeKey = "true".equalsIgnoreCase((String)options.get("storeKey"));
 470         doNotPrompt = "true".equalsIgnoreCase((String)options.get
 471                                               ("doNotPrompt"));
 472         useTicketCache = "true".equalsIgnoreCase((String)options.get
 473                                                  ("useTicketCache"));
 474         useKeyTab = "true".equalsIgnoreCase((String)options.get("useKeyTab"));
 475         ticketCacheName = (String)options.get("ticketCache");
 476         keyTabName = (String)options.get("keyTab");
 477         if (keyTabName != null) {
 478             keyTabName = sun.security.krb5.internal.ktab.KeyTab.normalize(
 479                          keyTabName);
 480         }
 481         princName = (String)options.get("principal");
 482         refreshKrb5Config =
 483             "true".equalsIgnoreCase((String)options.get("refreshKrb5Config"));
 484         renewTGT =
 485             "true".equalsIgnoreCase((String)options.get("renewTGT"));
 487         // check isInitiator value
 488         String isInitiatorValue = ((String)options.get("isInitiator"));
 489         if (isInitiatorValue == null) {
 490             // use default, if value not set
 491         } else {
 492             isInitiator = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(isInitiatorValue);
 493         }
 495         tryFirstPass =
 496             "true".equalsIgnoreCase
 497             ((String)options.get("tryFirstPass"));
 498         useFirstPass =
 499             "true".equalsIgnoreCase
 500             ((String)options.get("useFirstPass"));
 501         storePass =
 502             "true".equalsIgnoreCase((String)options.get("storePass"));
 503         clearPass =
 504             "true".equalsIgnoreCase((String)options.get("clearPass"));
 505         if (debug) {
 506             System.out.print("Debug is  " + debug
 507                              + " storeKey " + storeKey
 508                              + " useTicketCache " + useTicketCache
 509                              + " useKeyTab " + useKeyTab
 510                              + " doNotPrompt " + doNotPrompt
 511                              + " ticketCache is " + ticketCacheName
 512                              + " isInitiator " + isInitiator
 513                              + " KeyTab is " + keyTabName
 514                              + " refreshKrb5Config is " + refreshKrb5Config
 515                              + " principal is " + princName
 516                              + " tryFirstPass is " + tryFirstPass
 517                              + " useFirstPass is " + useFirstPass
 518                              + " storePass is " + storePass
 519                              + " clearPass is " + clearPass + "\n");
 520         }
 521     }
 524     /**
 525      * Authenticate the user
 526      *
 527      * <p>
 528      *
 529      * @return true in all cases since this <code>LoginModule</code>
 530      *          should not be ignored.
 531      *
 532      * @exception FailedLoginException if the authentication fails. <p>
 533      *
 534      * @exception LoginException if this <code>LoginModule</code>
 535      *          is unable to perform the authentication.
 536      */
 537     public boolean login() throws LoginException {
 539         if (refreshKrb5Config) {
 540             try {
 541                 if (debug) {
 542                     System.out.println("Refreshing Kerberos configuration");
 543                 }
 544                 sun.security.krb5.Config.refresh();
 545             } catch (KrbException ke) {
 546                 LoginException le = new LoginException(ke.getMessage());
 547                 le.initCause(ke);
 548                 throw le;
 549             }
 550         }
 551         String principalProperty = System.getProperty
 552             ("sun.security.krb5.principal");
 553         if (principalProperty != null) {
 554             krb5PrincName = new StringBuffer(principalProperty);
 555         } else {
 556             if (princName != null) {
 557                 krb5PrincName = new StringBuffer(princName);
 558             }
 559         }
 561         validateConfiguration();
 563         if (krb5PrincName != null && krb5PrincName.toString().equals("*")) {
 564             unboundServer = true;
 565         }
 567         if (tryFirstPass) {
 568             try {
 569                 attemptAuthentication(true);
 570                 if (debug)
 571                     System.out.println("\t\t[Krb5LoginModule] " +
 572                                        "authentication succeeded");
 573                 succeeded = true;
 574                 cleanState();
 575                 return true;
 576             } catch (LoginException le) {
 577                 // authentication failed -- try again below by prompting
 578                 cleanState();
 579                 if (debug) {
 580                     System.out.println("\t\t[Krb5LoginModule] " +
 581                                        "tryFirstPass failed with:" +
 582                                        le.getMessage());
 583                 }
 584             }
 585         } else if (useFirstPass) {
 586             try {
 587                 attemptAuthentication(true);
 588                 succeeded = true;
 589                 cleanState();
 590                 return true;
 591             } catch (LoginException e) {
 592                 // authentication failed -- clean out state
 593                 if (debug) {
 594                     System.out.println("\t\t[Krb5LoginModule] " +
 595                                        "authentication failed \n" +
 596                                        e.getMessage());
 597                 }
 598                 succeeded = false;
 599                 cleanState();
 600                 throw e;
 601             }
 602         }
 604         // attempt the authentication by getting the username and pwd
 605         // by prompting or configuration i.e. not from shared state
 607         try {
 608             attemptAuthentication(false);
 609             succeeded = true;
 610             cleanState();
 611             return true;
 612         } catch (LoginException e) {
 613             // authentication failed -- clean out state
 614             if (debug) {
 615                 System.out.println("\t\t[Krb5LoginModule] " +
 616                                    "authentication failed \n" +
 617                                    e.getMessage());
 618             }
 619             succeeded = false;
 620             cleanState();
 621             throw e;
 622         }
 623     }
 624     /**
 625      * process the configuration options
 626      * Get the TGT either out of
 627      * cache or from the KDC using the password entered
 628      * Check the  permission before getting the TGT
 629      */
 631     private void attemptAuthentication(boolean getPasswdFromSharedState)
 632         throws LoginException {
 634         /*
 635          * Check the creds cache to see whether
 636          * we have TGT for this client principal
 637          */
 638         if (krb5PrincName != null) {
 639             try {
 640                 principal = new PrincipalName
 641                     (krb5PrincName.toString(),
 642                      PrincipalName.KRB_NT_PRINCIPAL);
 643             } catch (KrbException e) {
 644                 LoginException le = new LoginException(e.getMessage());
 645                 le.initCause(e);
 646                 throw le;
 647             }
 648         }
 650         try {
 651             if (useTicketCache) {
 652                 // ticketCacheName == null implies the default cache
 653                 if (debug)
 654                     System.out.println("Acquire TGT from Cache");
 655                 cred  = Credentials.acquireTGTFromCache
 656                     (principal, ticketCacheName);
 658                 if (cred != null) {
 659                     // check to renew credentials
 660                     if (!isCurrent(cred)) {
 661                         if (renewTGT) {
 662                             cred = renewCredentials(cred);
 663                         } else {
 664                             // credentials have expired
 665                             cred = null;
 666                             if (debug)
 667                                 System.out.println("Credentials are" +
 668                                                 " no longer valid");
 669                         }
 670                     }
 671                 }
 673                 if (cred != null) {
 674                    // get the principal name from the ticket cache
 675                    if (principal == null) {
 676                         principal = cred.getClient();
 677                    }
 678                 }
 679                 if (debug) {
 680                     System.out.println("Principal is " + principal);
 681                     if (cred == null) {
 682                         System.out.println
 683                             ("null credentials from Ticket Cache");
 684                     }
 685                 }
 686             }
 688             // cred = null indicates that we didn't get the creds
 689             // from the cache or useTicketCache was false
 691             if (cred == null) {
 692                 // We need the principal name whether we use keytab
 693                 // or AS Exchange
 694                 if (principal == null) {
 695                     promptForName(getPasswdFromSharedState);
 696                     principal = new PrincipalName
 697                         (krb5PrincName.toString(),
 698                          PrincipalName.KRB_NT_PRINCIPAL);
 699                 }
 701                 /*
 702                  * Before dynamic KeyTab support (6894072), here we check if
 703                  * the keytab contains keys for the principal. If no, keytab
 704                  * will not be used and password is prompted for.
 705                  *
 706                  * After 6894072, we normally don't check it, and expect the
 707                  * keys can be populated until a real connection is made. The
 708                  * check is still done when isInitiator == true, where the keys
 709                  * will be used right now.
 710                  *
 711                  * Probably tricky relations:
 712                  *
 713                  * useKeyTab is config flag, but when it's true but the ktab
 714                  * does not contains keys for principal, we would use password
 715                  * and keep the flag unchanged (for reuse?). In this method,
 716                  * we use (ktab != null) to check whether keytab is used.
 717                  * After this method (and when storeKey == true), we use
 718                  * (encKeys == null) to check.
 719                  */
 720                 if (useKeyTab) {
 721                     if (!unboundServer) {
 722                         KerberosPrincipal kp =
 723                                 new KerberosPrincipal(principal.getName());
 724                         ktab = (keyTabName == null)
 725                                 ? KeyTab.getInstance(kp)
 726                                 : KeyTab.getInstance(kp, new File(keyTabName));
 727                     } else {
 728                         ktab = (keyTabName == null)
 729                                 ? KeyTab.getUnboundInstance()
 730                                 : KeyTab.getUnboundInstance(new File(keyTabName));
 731                     }
 732                     if (isInitiator) {
 733                         if (Krb5Util.keysFromJavaxKeyTab(ktab, principal).length
 734                                 == 0) {
 735                             ktab = null;
 736                             if (debug) {
 737                                 System.out.println
 738                                     ("Key for the principal " +
 739                                      principal  +
 740                                      " not available in " +
 741                                      ((keyTabName == null) ?
 742                                       "default key tab" : keyTabName));
 743                             }
 744                         }
 745                     }
 746                 }
 748                 KrbAsReqBuilder builder;
 750                 if (ktab == null) {
 751                     promptForPass(getPasswdFromSharedState);
 752                     builder = new KrbAsReqBuilder(principal, password);
 753                     if (isInitiator) {
 754                         // XXX Even if isInitiator=false, it might be
 755                         // better to do an AS-REQ so that keys can be
 756                         // updated with PA info
 757                         cred = builder.action().getCreds();
 758                     }
 759                     if (storeKey) {
 760                         encKeys = builder.getKeys(isInitiator);
 761                         // When encKeys is empty, the login actually fails.
 762                         // For compatibility, exception is thrown in commit().
 763                     }
 764                 } else {
 765                     builder = new KrbAsReqBuilder(principal, ktab);
 766                     if (isInitiator) {
 767                         cred = builder.action().getCreds();
 768                     }
 769                 }
 770                 builder.destroy();
 772                 if (debug) {
 773                     System.out.println("principal is " + principal);
 774                     HexDumpEncoder hd = new HexDumpEncoder();
 775                     if (ktab != null) {
 776                         System.out.println("Will use keytab");
 777                     } else if (storeKey) {
 778                         for (int i = 0; i < encKeys.length; i++) {
 779                             System.out.println("EncryptionKey: keyType=" +
 780                                 encKeys[i].getEType() +
 781                                 " keyBytes (hex dump)=" +
 782                                 hd.encodeBuffer(encKeys[i].getBytes()));
 783                         }
 784                     }
 785                 }
 787                 // we should hava a non-null cred
 788                 if (isInitiator && (cred == null)) {
 789                     throw new LoginException
 790                         ("TGT Can not be obtained from the KDC ");
 791                 }
 793             }
 794         } catch (KrbException e) {
 795             LoginException le = new LoginException(e.getMessage());
 796             le.initCause(e);
 797             throw le;
 798         } catch (IOException ioe) {
 799             LoginException ie = new LoginException(ioe.getMessage());
 800             ie.initCause(ioe);
 801             throw ie;
 802         }
 803     }
 805     private void promptForName(boolean getPasswdFromSharedState)
 806         throws LoginException {
 807         krb5PrincName = new StringBuffer("");
 808         if (getPasswdFromSharedState) {
 809             // use the name saved by the first module in the stack
 810             username = (String)sharedState.get(NAME);
 811             if (debug) {
 812                 System.out.println
 813                     ("username from shared state is " + username + "\n");
 814             }
 815             if (username == null) {
 816                 System.out.println
 817                     ("username from shared state is null\n");
 818                 throw new LoginException
 819                     ("Username can not be obtained from sharedstate ");
 820             }
 821             if (debug) {
 822                 System.out.println
 823                     ("username from shared state is " + username + "\n");
 824             }
 825             if (username != null && username.length() > 0) {
 826                 krb5PrincName.insert(0, username);
 827                 return;
 828             }
 829         }
 831         if (doNotPrompt) {
 832             throw new LoginException
 833                 ("Unable to obtain Principal Name for authentication ");
 834         } else {
 835             if (callbackHandler == null)
 836                 throw new LoginException("No CallbackHandler "
 837                                          + "available "
 838                                          + "to garner authentication "
 839                                          + "information from the user");
 840             try {
 841                 String defUsername = System.getProperty("user.name");
 843                 Callback[] callbacks = new Callback[1];
 844                 MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(
 845                                        rb.getString(
 846                                        "Kerberos.username.defUsername."));
 847                 Object[] source =  {defUsername};
 848                 callbacks[0] = new NameCallback(form.format(source));
 849                 callbackHandler.handle(callbacks);
 850                 username = ((NameCallback)callbacks[0]).getName();
 851                 if (username == null || username.length() == 0)
 852                     username = defUsername;
 853                 krb5PrincName.insert(0, username);
 855             } catch (java.io.IOException ioe) {
 856                 throw new LoginException(ioe.getMessage());
 857             } catch (UnsupportedCallbackException uce) {
 858                 throw new LoginException
 859                     (uce.getMessage()
 860                      +" not available to garner "
 861                      +" authentication information "
 862                      +" from the user");
 863             }
 864         }
 865     }
 867     private void promptForPass(boolean getPasswdFromSharedState)
 868         throws LoginException {
 870         if (getPasswdFromSharedState) {
 871             // use the password saved by the first module in the stack
 872             password = (char[])sharedState.get(PWD);
 873             if (password == null) {
 874                 if (debug) {
 875                     System.out.println
 876                         ("Password from shared state is null");
 877                 }
 878                 throw new LoginException
 879                     ("Password can not be obtained from sharedstate ");
 880             }
 881             if (debug) {
 882                 System.out.println
 883                     ("password is " + new String(password));
 884             }
 885             return;
 886         }
 887         if (doNotPrompt) {
 888             throw new LoginException
 889                 ("Unable to obtain password from user\n");
 890         } else {
 891             if (callbackHandler == null)
 892                 throw new LoginException("No CallbackHandler "
 893                                          + "available "
 894                                          + "to garner authentication "
 895                                          + "information from the user");
 896             try {
 897                 Callback[] callbacks = new Callback[1];
 898                 String userName = krb5PrincName.toString();
 899                 MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(
 900                                          rb.getString(
 901                                          "Kerberos.password.for.username."));
 902                 Object[] source = {userName};
 903                 callbacks[0] = new PasswordCallback(
 904                                                     form.format(source),
 905                                                     false);
 906                 callbackHandler.handle(callbacks);
 907                 char[] tmpPassword = ((PasswordCallback)
 908                                       callbacks[0]).getPassword();
 909                 if (tmpPassword == null) {
 910                     // treat a NULL password as an empty password
 911                     tmpPassword = new char[0];
 912                 }
 913                 password = new char[tmpPassword.length];
 914                 System.arraycopy(tmpPassword, 0,
 915                                  password, 0, tmpPassword.length);
 916                 ((PasswordCallback)callbacks[0]).clearPassword();
 919                 // clear tmpPassword
 920                 for (int i = 0; i < tmpPassword.length; i++)
 921                     tmpPassword[i] = ' ';
 922                 tmpPassword = null;
 923                 if (debug) {
 924                     System.out.println("\t\t[Krb5LoginModule] " +
 925                                        "user entered username: " +
 926                                        krb5PrincName);
 927                     System.out.println();
 928                 }
 929             } catch (java.io.IOException ioe) {
 930                 throw new LoginException(ioe.getMessage());
 931             } catch (UnsupportedCallbackException uce) {
 932                 throw new LoginException(uce.getMessage()
 933                                          +" not available to garner "
 934                                          +" authentication information "
 935                                          + "from the user");
 936             }
 937         }
 938     }
 940     private void validateConfiguration() throws LoginException {
 941         if (doNotPrompt && !useTicketCache && !useKeyTab
 942                 && !tryFirstPass && !useFirstPass)
 943             throw new LoginException
 944                 ("Configuration Error"
 945                  + " - either doNotPrompt should be "
 946                  + " false or at least one of useTicketCache, "
 947                  + " useKeyTab, tryFirstPass and useFirstPass"
 948                  + " should be true");
 949         if (ticketCacheName != null && !useTicketCache)
 950             throw new LoginException
 951                 ("Configuration Error "
 952                  + " - useTicketCache should be set "
 953                  + "to true to use the ticket cache"
 954                  + ticketCacheName);
 955         if (keyTabName != null & !useKeyTab)
 956             throw new LoginException
 957                 ("Configuration Error - useKeyTab should be set to true "
 958                  + "to use the keytab" + keyTabName);
 959         if (storeKey && doNotPrompt && !useKeyTab
 960                 && !tryFirstPass && !useFirstPass)
 961             throw new LoginException
 962                 ("Configuration Error - either doNotPrompt should be set to "
 963                  + " false or at least one of tryFirstPass, useFirstPass "
 964                  + "or useKeyTab must be set to true for storeKey option");
 965         if (renewTGT && !useTicketCache)
 966             throw new LoginException
 967                 ("Configuration Error"
 968                  + " - either useTicketCache should be "
 969                  + " true or renewTGT should be false");
 970         if (krb5PrincName != null && krb5PrincName.toString().equals("*")) {
 971             if (isInitiator) {
 972                 throw new LoginException
 973                     ("Configuration Error"
 974                     + " - principal cannot be * when isInitiator is true");
 975             }
 976         }
 977     }
 979     private boolean isCurrent(Credentials creds)
 980     {
 981         Date endTime = creds.getEndTime();
 982         if (endTime != null) {
 983             return (System.currentTimeMillis() <= endTime.getTime());
 984         }
 985         return true;
 986     }
 988     private Credentials renewCredentials(Credentials creds)
 989     {
 990         Credentials lcreds;
 991         try {
 992             if (!creds.isRenewable())
 993                 throw new RefreshFailedException("This ticket" +
 994                                 " is not renewable");
 995             if (System.currentTimeMillis() > cred.getRenewTill().getTime())
 996                 throw new RefreshFailedException("This ticket is past "
 997                                              + "its last renewal time.");
 998             lcreds = creds.renew();
 999             if (debug)
1000                 System.out.println("Renewed Kerberos Ticket");
1001         } catch (Exception e) {
1002             lcreds = null;
1003             if (debug)
1004                 System.out.println("Ticket could not be renewed : "
1005                                 + e.getMessage());
1006         }
1007         return lcreds;
1008     }
1010     /**
1011      * <p> This method is called if the LoginContext's
1012      * overall authentication succeeded
1013      * (the relevant REQUIRED, REQUISITE, SUFFICIENT and OPTIONAL
1014      * LoginModules succeeded).
1015      *
1016      * <p> If this LoginModule's own authentication attempt
1017      * succeeded (checked by retrieving the private state saved by the
1018      * <code>login</code> method), then this method associates a
1019      * <code>Krb5Principal</code>
1020      * with the <code>Subject</code> located in the
1021      * <code>LoginModule</code>. It adds Kerberos Credentials to the
1022      *  the Subject's private credentials set. If this LoginModule's own
1023      * authentication attempted failed, then this method removes
1024      * any state that was originally saved.
1025      *
1026      * <p>
1027      *
1028      * @exception LoginException if the commit fails.
1029      *
1030      * @return true if this LoginModule's own login and commit
1031      *          attempts succeeded, or false otherwise.
1032      */
1034     public boolean commit() throws LoginException {
1036         /*
1037          * Let us add the Krb5 Creds to the Subject's
1038          * private credentials. The credentials are of type
1039          * KerberosKey or KerberosTicket
1040          */
1041         if (succeeded == false) {
1042             return false;
1043         } else {
1045             if (isInitiator && (cred == null)) {
1046                 succeeded = false;
1047                 throw new LoginException("Null Client Credential");
1048             }
1050             if (subject.isReadOnly()) {
1051                 cleanKerberosCred();
1052                 throw new LoginException("Subject is Readonly");
1053             }
1055             /*
1056              * Add the Principal (authenticated identity)
1057              * to the Subject's principal set and
1058              * add the credentials (TGT or Service key) to the
1059              * Subject's private credentials
1060              */
1062             Set<Object> privCredSet =  subject.getPrivateCredentials();
1063             Set<java.security.Principal> princSet  = subject.getPrincipals();
1064             kerbClientPrinc = new KerberosPrincipal(principal.getName());
1066             // create Kerberos Ticket
1067             if (isInitiator) {
1068                 kerbTicket = Krb5Util.credsToTicket(cred);
1069             }
1071             if (storeKey && encKeys != null) {
1072                 if (encKeys.length == 0) {
1073                     succeeded = false;
1074                     throw new LoginException("Null Server Key ");
1075                 }
1077                 kerbKeys = new KerberosKey[encKeys.length];
1078                 for (int i = 0; i < encKeys.length; i ++) {
1079                     Integer temp = encKeys[i].getKeyVersionNumber();
1080                     kerbKeys[i] = new KerberosKey(kerbClientPrinc,
1081                                           encKeys[i].getBytes(),
1082                                           encKeys[i].getEType(),
1083                                           (temp == null?
1084                                           0: temp.intValue()));
1085                 }
1087             }
1088             // Let us add the kerbClientPrinc,kerbTicket and KeyTab/KerbKey (if
1089             // storeKey is true)
1091             // We won't add "*" as a KerberosPrincipal
1092             if (!unboundServer &&
1093                     !princSet.contains(kerbClientPrinc)) {
1094                 princSet.add(kerbClientPrinc);
1095             }
1097             // add the TGT
1098             if (kerbTicket != null) {
1099                 if (!privCredSet.contains(kerbTicket))
1100                     privCredSet.add(kerbTicket);
1101             }
1103             if (storeKey) {
1104                 if (encKeys == null) {
1105                     if (ktab != null) {
1106                         if (!privCredSet.contains(ktab)) {
1107                             privCredSet.add(ktab);
1108                         }
1109                     } else {
1110                         succeeded = false;
1111                         throw new LoginException("No key to store");
1112                     }
1113                 } else {
1114                     for (int i = 0; i < kerbKeys.length; i ++) {
1115                         if (!privCredSet.contains(kerbKeys[i])) {
1116                             privCredSet.add(kerbKeys[i]);
1117                         }
1118                         encKeys[i].destroy();
1119                         encKeys[i] = null;
1120                         if (debug) {
1121                             System.out.println("Added server's key"
1122                                             + kerbKeys[i]);
1123                             System.out.println("\t\t[Krb5LoginModule] " +
1124                                            "added Krb5Principal  " +
1125                                            kerbClientPrinc.toString()
1126                                            + " to Subject");
1127                         }
1128                     }
1129                 }
1130             }
1131         }
1132         commitSucceeded = true;
1133         if (debug)
1134             System.out.println("Commit Succeeded \n");
1135         return true;
1136     }
1138     /**
1139      * <p> This method is called if the LoginContext's
1140      * overall authentication failed.
1141      * (the relevant REQUIRED, REQUISITE, SUFFICIENT and OPTIONAL
1142      * LoginModules did not succeed).
1143      *
1144      * <p> If this LoginModule's own authentication attempt
1145      * succeeded (checked by retrieving the private state saved by the
1146      * <code>login</code> and <code>commit</code> methods),
1147      * then this method cleans up any state that was originally saved.
1148      *
1149      * <p>
1150      *
1151      * @exception LoginException if the abort fails.
1152      *
1153      * @return false if this LoginModule's own login and/or commit attempts
1154      *          failed, and true otherwise.
1155      */
1157     public boolean abort() throws LoginException {
1158         if (succeeded == false) {
1159             return false;
1160         } else if (succeeded == true && commitSucceeded == false) {
1161             // login succeeded but overall authentication failed
1162             succeeded = false;
1163             cleanKerberosCred();
1164         } else {
1165             // overall authentication succeeded and commit succeeded,
1166             // but someone else's commit failed
1167             logout();
1168         }
1169         return true;
1170     }
1172     /**
1173      * Logout the user.
1174      *
1175      * <p> This method removes the <code>Krb5Principal</code>
1176      * that was added by the <code>commit</code> method.
1177      *
1178      * <p>
1179      *
1180      * @exception LoginException if the logout fails.
1181      *
1182      * @return true in all cases since this <code>LoginModule</code>
1183      *          should not be ignored.
1184      */
1185     public boolean logout() throws LoginException {
1187         if (debug) {
1188             System.out.println("\t\t[Krb5LoginModule]: " +
1189                 "Entering logout");
1190         }
1192         if (subject.isReadOnly()) {
1193             cleanKerberosCred();
1194             throw new LoginException("Subject is Readonly");
1195         }
1197         subject.getPrincipals().remove(kerbClientPrinc);
1198            // Let us remove all Kerberos credentials stored in the Subject
1199         Iterator<Object> it = subject.getPrivateCredentials().iterator();
1200         while (it.hasNext()) {
1201             Object o = it.next();
1202             if (o instanceof KerberosTicket ||
1203                     o instanceof KerberosKey ||
1204                     o instanceof KeyTab) {
1205                 it.remove();
1206             }
1207         }
1208         // clean the kerberos ticket and keys
1209         cleanKerberosCred();
1211         succeeded = false;
1212         commitSucceeded = false;
1213         if (debug) {
1214             System.out.println("\t\t[Krb5LoginModule]: " +
1215                                "logged out Subject");
1216         }
1217         return true;
1218     }
1220     /**
1221      * Clean Kerberos credentials
1222      */
1223     private void cleanKerberosCred() throws LoginException {
1224         // Clean the ticket and server key
1225         try {
1226             if (kerbTicket != null)
1227                 kerbTicket.destroy();
1228             if (kerbKeys != null) {
1229                 for (int i = 0; i < kerbKeys.length; i++) {
1230                     kerbKeys[i].destroy();
1231                 }
1232             }
1233         } catch (DestroyFailedException e) {
1234             throw new LoginException
1235                 ("Destroy Failed on Kerberos Private Credentials");
1236         }
1237         kerbTicket = null;
1238         kerbKeys = null;
1239         kerbClientPrinc = null;
1240     }
1242     /**
1243      * Clean out the state
1244      */
1245     private void cleanState() {
1247         // save input as shared state only if
1248         // authentication succeeded
1249         if (succeeded) {
1250             if (storePass &&
1251                 !sharedState.containsKey(NAME) &&
1252                 !sharedState.containsKey(PWD)) {
1253                 sharedState.put(NAME, username);
1254                 sharedState.put(PWD, password);
1255             }
1256         } else {
1257             // remove temp results for the next try
1258             encKeys = null;
1259             ktab = null;
1260             principal = null;
1261         }
1262         username = null;
1263         password = null;
1264         if (krb5PrincName != null && krb5PrincName.length() != 0)
1265             krb5PrincName.delete(0, krb5PrincName.length());
1266         krb5PrincName = null;
1267         if (clearPass) {
1268             sharedState.remove(NAME);
1269             sharedState.remove(PWD);
1270         }
1271     }
1272 }