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 164      * <li>
 165      *   {@code "MyClass.mash(Native Method)"} - As above, but neither
 166      *   the file name nor the line  number are available, and the method
 167      *   containing the execution point is known to be a native method.
 168      * </ul>
 169      * @see    Throwable#printStackTrace()
 170      */
 171     public String toString() {
 172         return getClassName() + "." + methodName +
 173             (isNativeMethod() ? "(Native Method)" :
 174              (fileName != null && lineNumber >= 0 ?
 175               "(" + fileName + ":" + lineNumber + ")" :
 176               (fileName != null ?  "("+fileName+")" : "(Unknown Source)")));
 177     }
 179     /**
 180      * Returns true if the specified object is another
 181      * {@code StackTraceElement} instance representing the same execution
 182      * point as this instance.  Two stack trace elements {@code a} and
 183      * {@code b} are equal if and only if:
 184      * <pre>
 185      *     equals(a.getFileName(), b.getFileName()) &&
 186      *     a.getLineNumber() == b.getLineNumber()) &&
 187      *     equals(a.getClassName(), b.getClassName()) &&
 188      *     equals(a.getMethodName(), b.getMethodName())
 189      * </pre>
 190      * where {@code equals} has the semantics of {@link
 191      * java.util.Objects#equals(Object, Object) Objects.equals}.
 192      *
 193      * @param  obj the object to be compared with this stack trace element.
 194      * @return true if the specified object is another
 195      *         {@code StackTraceElement} instance representing the same
 196      *         execution point as this instance.
 197      */
 198     public boolean equals(Object obj) {
 199         if (obj==this)
 200             return true;
 201         if (!(obj instanceof StackTraceElement))
 202             return false;
 203         StackTraceElement e = (StackTraceElement)obj;
 204         return e.declaringClass.equals(declaringClass) &&
 205             e.lineNumber == lineNumber &&
 206             Objects.equals(methodName, e.methodName) &&
 207             Objects.equals(fileName, e.fileName);
 208     }

 164      * <li>
 165      *   {@code "MyClass.mash(Native Method)"} - As above, but neither
 166      *   the file name nor the line  number are available, and the method
 167      *   containing the execution point is known to be a native method.
 168      * </ul>
 169      * @see    Throwable#printStackTrace()
 170      */
 171     public String toString() {
 172         return getClassName() + "." + methodName +
 173             (isNativeMethod() ? "(Native Method)" :
 174              (fileName != null && lineNumber >= 0 ?
 175               "(" + fileName + ":" + lineNumber + ")" :
 176               (fileName != null ?  "("+fileName+")" : "(Unknown Source)")));
 177     }
 179     /**
 180      * Returns true if the specified object is another
 181      * {@code StackTraceElement} instance representing the same execution
 182      * point as this instance.  Two stack trace elements {@code a} and
 183      * {@code b} are equal if and only if:
 184      * <pre>{@code
 185      *     equals(a.getFileName(), b.getFileName()) &&
 186      *     a.getLineNumber() == b.getLineNumber()) &&
 187      *     equals(a.getClassName(), b.getClassName()) &&
 188      *     equals(a.getMethodName(), b.getMethodName())
 189      * }</pre>
 190      * where {@code equals} has the semantics of {@link
 191      * java.util.Objects#equals(Object, Object) Objects.equals}.
 192      *
 193      * @param  obj the object to be compared with this stack trace element.
 194      * @return true if the specified object is another
 195      *         {@code StackTraceElement} instance representing the same
 196      *         execution point as this instance.
 197      */
 198     public boolean equals(Object obj) {
 199         if (obj==this)
 200             return true;
 201         if (!(obj instanceof StackTraceElement))
 202             return false;
 203         StackTraceElement e = (StackTraceElement)obj;
 204         return e.declaringClass.equals(declaringClass) &&
 205             e.lineNumber == lineNumber &&
 206             Objects.equals(methodName, e.methodName) &&
 207             Objects.equals(fileName, e.fileName);
 208     }