1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2003, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package java.lang.instrument;
  28 import  java.io.File;
  29 import  java.io.IOException;
  30 import  java.util.jar.JarFile;
  32 /*
  33  * Copyright 2003 Wily Technology, Inc.
  34  */
  36 /**
  37  * This class provides services needed to instrument Java
  38  * programming language code.
  39  * Instrumentation is the addition of byte-codes to methods for the
  40  * purpose of gathering data to be utilized by tools.
  41  * Since the changes are purely additive, these tools do not modify
  42  * application state or behavior.
  43  * Examples of such benign tools include monitoring agents, profilers,
  44  * coverage analyzers, and event loggers.
  45  *
  46  * <P>
  47  * There are two ways to obtain an instance of the
  48  * <code>Instrumentation</code> interface:
  49  *
  50  * <ol>
  51  *   <li><p> When a JVM is launched in a way that indicates an agent
  52  *     class. In that case an <code>Instrumentation</code> instance
  53  *     is passed to the <code>premain</code> method of the agent class.
  54  *     </p></li>
  55  *   <li><p> When a JVM provides a mechanism to start agents sometime
  56  *     after the JVM is launched. In that case an <code>Instrumentation</code>
  57  *     instance is passed to the <code>agentmain</code> method of the
  58  *     agent code. </p> </li>
  59  * </ol>
  60  * <p>
  61  * These mechanisms are described in the
  62  * {@linkplain java.lang.instrument package specification}.
  63  * <p>
  64  * Once an agent acquires an <code>Instrumentation</code> instance,
  65  * the agent may call methods on the instance at any time.
  66  *
  67  * @since   1.5
  68  */
  69 public interface Instrumentation {
  70     /**
  71      * Registers the supplied transformer. All future class definitions
  72      * will be seen by the transformer, except definitions of classes upon which any
  73      * registered transformer is dependent.
  74      * The transformer is called when classes are loaded, when they are
  75      * {@linkplain #redefineClasses redefined}. and if <code>canRetransform</code> is true,
  76      * when they are {@linkplain #retransformClasses retransformed}.
  77      * See {@link java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer#transform
  78      * ClassFileTransformer.transform} for the order
  79      * of transform calls.
  80      * If a transformer throws
  81      * an exception during execution, the JVM will still call the other registered
  82      * transformers in order. The same transformer may be added more than once,
  83      * but it is strongly discouraged -- avoid this by creating a new instance of
  84      * transformer class.
  85      * <P>
  86      * This method is intended for use in instrumentation, as described in the
  87      * {@linkplain Instrumentation class specification}.
  88      *
  89      * @param transformer          the transformer to register
  90      * @param canRetransform       can this transformer's transformations be retransformed
  91      * @throws java.lang.NullPointerException if passed a <code>null</code> transformer
  92      * @throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException if <code>canRetransform</code>
  93      * is true and the current configuration of the JVM does not allow
  94      * retransformation ({@link #isRetransformClassesSupported} is false)
  95      * @since 1.6
  96      */
  97     void
  98     addTransformer(ClassFileTransformer transformer, boolean canRetransform);
 100     /**
 101      * Registers the supplied transformer.
 102      * <P>
 103      * Same as <code>addTransformer(transformer, false)</code>.
 104      *
 105      * @param transformer          the transformer to register
 106      * @throws java.lang.NullPointerException if passed a <code>null</code> transformer
 107      * @see    #addTransformer(ClassFileTransformer,boolean)
 108      */
 109     void
 110     addTransformer(ClassFileTransformer transformer);
 112     /**
 113      * Unregisters the supplied transformer. Future class definitions will
 114      * not be shown to the transformer. Removes the most-recently-added matching
 115      * instance of the transformer. Due to the multi-threaded nature of
 116      * class loading, it is possible for a transformer to receive calls
 117      * after it has been removed. Transformers should be written defensively
 118      * to expect this situation.
 119      *
 120      * @param transformer          the transformer to unregister
 121      * @return  true if the transformer was found and removed, false if the
 122      *           transformer was not found
 123      * @throws java.lang.NullPointerException if passed a <code>null</code> transformer
 124      */
 125     boolean
 126     removeTransformer(ClassFileTransformer transformer);
 128     /**
 129      * Returns whether or not the current JVM configuration supports retransformation
 130      * of classes.
 131      * The ability to retransform an already loaded class is an optional capability
 132      * of a JVM.
 133      * Retransformation will only be supported if the
 134      * <code>Can-Retransform-Classes</code> manifest attribute is set to
 135      * <code>true</code> in the agent JAR file (as described in the
 136      * {@linkplain java.lang.instrument package specification}) and the JVM supports
 137      * this capability.
 138      * During a single instantiation of a single JVM, multiple calls to this
 139      * method will always return the same answer.
 140      * @return  true if the current JVM configuration supports retransformation of
 141      *          classes, false if not.
 142      * @see #retransformClasses
 143      * @since 1.6
 144      */
 145     boolean
 146     isRetransformClassesSupported();
 148     /**
 149      * Retransform the supplied set of classes.
 150      *
 151      * <P>
 152      * This function facilitates the instrumentation
 153      * of already loaded classes.
 154      * When classes are initially loaded or when they are
 155      * {@linkplain #redefineClasses redefined},
 156      * the initial class file bytes can be transformed with the
 157      * {@link java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer ClassFileTransformer}.
 158      * This function reruns the transformation process
 159      * (whether or not a transformation has previously occurred).
 160      * This retransformation follows these steps:
 161      *  <ul>
 162      *    <li>starting from the initial class file bytes
 163      *    </li>
 164      *    <li>for each transformer that was added with <code>canRetransform</code>
 165      *      false, the bytes returned by
 166      *      {@link java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer#transform transform}
 167      *      during the last class load or redefine are
 168      *      reused as the output of the transformation; note that this is
 169      *      equivalent to reapplying the previous transformation, unaltered;
 170      *      except that
 171      *      {@link java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer#transform transform}
 172      *      is not called
 173      *    </li>
 174      *    <li>for each transformer that was added with <code>canRetransform</code>
 175      *      true, the
 176      *      {@link java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer#transform transform}
 177      *      method is called in these transformers
 178      *    </li>
 179      *    <li>the transformed class file bytes are installed as the new
 180      *      definition of the class
 181      *    </li>
 182      *  </ul>
 183      * <P>
 184      *
 185      * The order of transformation is described in the
 186      * {@link java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer#transform transform} method.
 187      * This same order is used in the automatic reapplication of retransformation
 188      * incapable transforms.
 189      * <P>
 190      *
 191      * The initial class file bytes represent the bytes passed to
 192      * {@link java.lang.ClassLoader#defineClass ClassLoader.defineClass} or
 193      * {@link #redefineClasses redefineClasses}
 194      * (before any transformations
 195      *  were applied), however they might not exactly match them.
 196      *  The constant pool might not have the same layout or contents.
 197      *  The constant pool may have more or fewer entries.
 198      *  Constant pool entries may be in a different order; however,
 199      *  constant pool indices in the bytecodes of methods will correspond.
 200      *  Some attributes may not be present.
 201      *  Where order is not meaningful, for example the order of methods,
 202      *  order might not be preserved.
 203      *
 204      * <P>
 205      * This method operates on
 206      * a set in order to allow interdependent changes to more than one class at the same time
 207      * (a retransformation of class A can require a retransformation of class B).
 208      *
 209      * <P>
 210      * If a retransformed method has active stack frames, those active frames continue to
 211      * run the bytecodes of the original method.
 212      * The retransformed method will be used on new invokes.
 213      *
 214      * <P>
 215      * This method does not cause any initialization except that which would occur
 216      * under the customary JVM semantics. In other words, redefining a class
 217      * does not cause its initializers to be run. The values of static variables
 218      * will remain as they were prior to the call.
 219      *
 220      * <P>
 221      * Instances of the retransformed class are not affected.
 222      *
 223      * <P>
 224      * The retransformation may change method bodies, the constant pool and attributes.
 225      * The retransformation must not add, remove or rename fields or methods, change the
 226      * signatures of methods, or change inheritance.  These restrictions maybe be
 227      * lifted in future versions.  The class file bytes are not checked, verified and installed
 228      * until after the transformations have been applied, if the resultant bytes are in
 229      * error this method will throw an exception.
 230      *
 231      * <P>
 232      * If this method throws an exception, no classes have been retransformed.
 233      * <P>
 234      * This method is intended for use in instrumentation, as described in the
 235      * {@linkplain Instrumentation class specification}.
 236      *
 237      * @param classes array of classes to retransform;
 238      *                a zero-length array is allowed, in this case, this method does nothing
 239      * @throws java.lang.instrument.UnmodifiableClassException if a specified class cannot be modified
 240      * ({@link #isModifiableClass} would return <code>false</code>)
 241      * @throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException if the current configuration of the JVM does not allow
 242      * retransformation ({@link #isRetransformClassesSupported} is false) or the retransformation attempted
 243      * to make unsupported changes
 244      * @throws java.lang.ClassFormatError if the data did not contain a valid class
 245      * @throws java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError if the name in the class file is not equal to the name of the class
 246      * @throws java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError if the class file version numbers are not supported
 247      * @throws java.lang.ClassCircularityError if the new classes contain a circularity
 248      * @throws java.lang.LinkageError if a linkage error occurs
 249      * @throws java.lang.NullPointerException if the supplied classes  array or any of its components
 250      *                                        is <code>null</code>.
 251      *
 252      * @see #isRetransformClassesSupported
 253      * @see #addTransformer
 254      * @see java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer
 255      * @since 1.6
 256      */
 257     void
 258     retransformClasses(Class<?>... classes) throws UnmodifiableClassException;
 260     /**
 261      * Returns whether or not the current JVM configuration supports redefinition
 262      * of classes.
 263      * The ability to redefine an already loaded class is an optional capability
 264      * of a JVM.
 265      * Redefinition will only be supported if the
 266      * <code>Can-Redefine-Classes</code> manifest attribute is set to
 267      * <code>true</code> in the agent JAR file (as described in the
 268      * {@linkplain java.lang.instrument package specification}) and the JVM supports
 269      * this capability.
 270      * During a single instantiation of a single JVM, multiple calls to this
 271      * method will always return the same answer.
 272      * @return  true if the current JVM configuration supports redefinition of classes,
 273      * false if not.
 274      * @see #redefineClasses
 275      */
 276     boolean
 277     isRedefineClassesSupported();
 279     /**
 280      * Redefine the supplied set of classes using the supplied class files.
 281      *
 282      * <P>
 283      * This method is used to replace the definition of a class without reference
 284      * to the existing class file bytes, as one might do when recompiling from source
 285      * for fix-and-continue debugging.
 286      * Where the existing class file bytes are to be transformed (for
 287      * example in bytecode instrumentation)
 288      * {@link #retransformClasses retransformClasses}
 289      * should be used.
 290      *
 291      * <P>
 292      * This method operates on
 293      * a set in order to allow interdependent changes to more than one class at the same time
 294      * (a redefinition of class A can require a redefinition of class B).
 295      *
 296      * <P>
 297      * If a redefined method has active stack frames, those active frames continue to
 298      * run the bytecodes of the original method.
 299      * The redefined method will be used on new invokes.
 300      *
 301      * <P>
 302      * This method does not cause any initialization except that which would occur
 303      * under the customary JVM semantics. In other words, redefining a class
 304      * does not cause its initializers to be run. The values of static variables
 305      * will remain as they were prior to the call.
 306      *
 307      * <P>
 308      * Instances of the redefined class are not affected.
 309      *
 310      * <P>
 311      * The redefinition may change method bodies, the constant pool and attributes.
 312      * The redefinition must not add, remove or rename fields or methods, change the
 313      * signatures of methods, or change inheritance.  These restrictions maybe be
 314      * lifted in future versions.  The class file bytes are not checked, verified and installed
 315      * until after the transformations have been applied, if the resultant bytes are in
 316      * error this method will throw an exception.
 317      *
 318      * <P>
 319      * If this method throws an exception, no classes have been redefined.
 320      * <P>
 321      * This method is intended for use in instrumentation, as described in the
 322      * {@linkplain Instrumentation class specification}.
 323      *
 324      * @param definitions array of classes to redefine with corresponding definitions;
 325      *                    a zero-length array is allowed, in this case, this method does nothing
 326      * @throws java.lang.instrument.UnmodifiableClassException if a specified class cannot be modified
 327      * ({@link #isModifiableClass} would return <code>false</code>)
 328      * @throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException if the current configuration of the JVM does not allow
 329      * redefinition ({@link #isRedefineClassesSupported} is false) or the redefinition attempted
 330      * to make unsupported changes
 331      * @throws java.lang.ClassFormatError if the data did not contain a valid class
 332      * @throws java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError if the name in the class file is not equal to the name of the class
 333      * @throws java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError if the class file version numbers are not supported
 334      * @throws java.lang.ClassCircularityError if the new classes contain a circularity
 335      * @throws java.lang.LinkageError if a linkage error occurs
 336      * @throws java.lang.NullPointerException if the supplied definitions array or any of its components
 337      * is <code>null</code>
 338      * @throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException Can never be thrown (present for compatibility reasons only)
 339      *
 340      * @see #isRedefineClassesSupported
 341      * @see #addTransformer
 342      * @see java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer
 343      */
 344     void
 345     redefineClasses(ClassDefinition... definitions)
 346         throws  ClassNotFoundException, UnmodifiableClassException;
 349     /**
 350      * Determines whether a class is modifiable by
 351      * {@linkplain #retransformClasses retransformation}
 352      * or {@linkplain #redefineClasses redefinition}.
 353      * If a class is modifiable then this method returns <code>true</code>.
 354      * If a class is not modifiable then this method returns <code>false</code>.
 355      * <P>
 356      * For a class to be retransformed, {@link #isRetransformClassesSupported} must also be true.
 357      * But the value of <code>isRetransformClassesSupported()</code> does not influence the value
 358      * returned by this function.
 359      * For a class to be redefined, {@link #isRedefineClassesSupported} must also be true.
 360      * But the value of <code>isRedefineClassesSupported()</code> does not influence the value
 361      * returned by this function.
 362      * <P>
 363      * Primitive classes (for example, <code>java.lang.Integer.TYPE</code>)
 364      * and array classes are never modifiable.
 365      *
 366      * @throws java.lang.NullPointerException if the specified class is <code>null</code>.
 367      *
 368      * @see #retransformClasses
 369      * @see #isRetransformClassesSupported
 370      * @see #redefineClasses
 371      * @see #isRedefineClassesSupported
 372      * @since 1.6
 373      */
 374     boolean
 375     isModifiableClass(Class<?> theClass);
 377     /**
 378      * Returns an array of all classes currently loaded by the JVM.
 379      *
 380      * @return an array containing all the classes loaded by the JVM, zero-length if there are none
 381      */
 382     Class[]
 383     getAllLoadedClasses();
 385     /**
 386      * Returns an array of all classes for which <code>loader</code> is an initiating loader.
 387      * If the supplied loader is <code>null</code>, classes initiated by the bootstrap class
 388      * loader are returned.
 389      *
 390      * @param loader          the loader whose initiated class list will be returned
 391      * @return an array containing all the classes for which loader is an initiating loader,
 392      *          zero-length if there are none
 393      */
 394     Class[]
 395     getInitiatedClasses(ClassLoader loader);
 397     /**
 398      * Returns an implementation-specific approximation of the amount of storage consumed by
 399      * the specified object. The result may include some or all of the object's overhead,
 400      * and thus is useful for comparison within an implementation but not between implementations.
 401      *
 402      * The estimate may change during a single invocation of the JVM.
 403      *
 404      * @param objectToSize     the object to size
 405      * @return an implementation-specific approximation of the amount of storage consumed by the specified object
 406      * @throws java.lang.NullPointerException if the supplied Object is <code>null</code>.
 407      */
 408     long
 409     getObjectSize(Object objectToSize);
 412     /**
 413      * Specifies a JAR file with instrumentation classes to be defined by the
 414      * bootstrap class loader.
 415      *
 416      * <p> When the virtual machine's built-in class loader, known as the "bootstrap
 417      * class loader", unsuccessfully searches for a class, the entries in the {@link
 418      * java.util.jar.JarFile JAR file} will be searched as well.
 419      *
 420      * <p> This method may be used multiple times to add multiple JAR files to be
 421      * searched in the order that this method was invoked.
 422      *
 423      * <p> The agent should take care to ensure that the JAR does not contain any
 424      * classes or resources other than those to be defined by the bootstrap
 425      * class loader for the purpose of instrumentation.
 426      * Failure to observe this warning could result in unexpected
 427      * behavior that is difficult to diagnose. For example, suppose there is a
 428      * loader L, and L's parent for delegation is the bootstrap class loader.
 429      * Furthermore, a method in class C, a class defined by L, makes reference to
 430      * a non-public accessor class C$1. If the JAR file contains a class C$1 then
 431      * the delegation to the bootstrap class loader will cause C$1 to be defined
 432      * by the bootstrap class loader. In this example an <code>IllegalAccessError</code>
 433      * will be thrown that may cause the application to fail. One approach to
 434      * avoiding these types of issues, is to use a unique package name for the
 435      * instrumentation classes.
 436      *
 437      * <p>
 438      * <cite>The Java&trade; Virtual Machine Specification</cite>
 439      * specifies that a subsequent attempt to resolve a symbolic
 440      * reference that the Java virtual machine has previously unsuccessfully attempted
 441      * to resolve always fails with the same error that was thrown as a result of the
 442      * initial resolution attempt. Consequently, if the JAR file contains an entry
 443      * that corresponds to a class for which the Java virtual machine has
 444      * unsuccessfully attempted to resolve a reference, then subsequent attempts to
 445      * resolve that reference will fail with the same error as the initial attempt.
 446      *
 447      * @param   jarfile
 448      *          The JAR file to be searched when the bootstrap class loader
 449      *          unsuccessfully searches for a class.
 450      *
 451      * @throws  NullPointerException
 452      *          If <code>jarfile</code> is <code>null</code>.
 453      *
 454      * @see     #appendToSystemClassLoaderSearch
 455      * @see     java.lang.ClassLoader
 456      * @see     java.util.jar.JarFile
 457      *
 458      * @since 1.6
 459      */
 460     void
 461     appendToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch(JarFile jarfile);
 463     /**
 464      * Specifies a JAR file with instrumentation classes to be defined by the
 465      * system class loader.
 466      *
 467      * When the system class loader for delegation (see
 468      * {@link java.lang.ClassLoader#getSystemClassLoader getSystemClassLoader()})
 469      * unsuccessfully searches for a class, the entries in the {@link
 470      * java.util.jar.JarFile JarFile} will be searched as well.
 471      *
 472      * <p> This method may be used multiple times to add multiple JAR files to be
 473      * searched in the order that this method was invoked.
 474      *
 475      * <p> The agent should take care to ensure that the JAR does not contain any
 476      * classes or resources other than those to be defined by the system class
 477      * loader for the purpose of instrumentation.
 478      * Failure to observe this warning could result in unexpected
 479      * behavior that is difficult to diagnose (see
 480      * {@link #appendToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch
 481      * appendToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch}).
 482      *
 483      * <p> The system class loader supports adding a JAR file to be searched if
 484      * it implements a method named <code>appendToClassPathForInstrumentation</code>
 485      * which takes a single parameter of type <code>java.lang.String</code>. The
 486      * method is not required to have <code>public</code> access. The name of
 487      * the JAR file is obtained by invoking the {@link java.util.zip.ZipFile#getName
 488      * getName()} method on the <code>jarfile</code> and this is provided as the
 489      * parameter to the <code>appendToClassPathForInstrumentation</code> method.
 490      *
 491      * <p>
 492      * <cite>The Java&trade; Virtual Machine Specification</cite>
 493      * specifies that a subsequent attempt to resolve a symbolic
 494      * reference that the Java virtual machine has previously unsuccessfully attempted
 495      * to resolve always fails with the same error that was thrown as a result of the
 496      * initial resolution attempt. Consequently, if the JAR file contains an entry
 497      * that corresponds to a class for which the Java virtual machine has
 498      * unsuccessfully attempted to resolve a reference, then subsequent attempts to
 499      * resolve that reference will fail with the same error as the initial attempt.
 500      *
 501      * <p> This method does not change the value of <code>java.class.path</code>
 502      * {@link java.lang.System#getProperties system property}.
 503      *
 504      * @param   jarfile
 505      *          The JAR file to be searched when the system class loader
 506      *          unsuccessfully searches for a class.
 507      *
 508      * @throws  UnsupportedOperationException
 509      *          If the system class loader does not support appending a
 510      *          a JAR file to be searched.
 511      *
 512      * @throws  NullPointerException
 513      *          If <code>jarfile</code> is <code>null</code>.
 514      *
 515      * @see     #appendToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch
 516      * @see     java.lang.ClassLoader#getSystemClassLoader
 517      * @see     java.util.jar.JarFile
 518      * @since 1.6
 519      */
 520     void
 521     appendToSystemClassLoaderSearch(JarFile jarfile);
 523     /**
 524      * Returns whether the current JVM configuration supports
 525      * {@linkplain #setNativeMethodPrefix(ClassFileTransformer,String)
 526      * setting a native method prefix}.
 527      * The ability to set a native method prefix is an optional
 528      * capability of a JVM.
 529      * Setting a native method prefix will only be supported if the
 530      * <code>Can-Set-Native-Method-Prefix</code> manifest attribute is set to
 531      * <code>true</code> in the agent JAR file (as described in the
 532      * {@linkplain java.lang.instrument package specification}) and the JVM supports
 533      * this capability.
 534      * During a single instantiation of a single JVM, multiple
 535      * calls to this method will always return the same answer.
 536      * @return  true if the current JVM configuration supports
 537      * setting a native method prefix, false if not.
 538      * @see #setNativeMethodPrefix
 539      * @since 1.6
 540      */
 541     boolean
 542     isNativeMethodPrefixSupported();
 544     /**
 545      * This method modifies the failure handling of
 546      * native method resolution by allowing retry
 547      * with a prefix applied to the name.
 548      * When used with the
 549      * {@link java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer ClassFileTransformer},
 550      * it enables native methods to be
 551      * instrumented.
 552      * <p/>
 553      * Since native methods cannot be directly instrumented
 554      * (they have no bytecodes), they must be wrapped with
 555      * a non-native method which can be instrumented.
 556      * For example, if we had:
 557      * <pre>
 558      *   native boolean foo(int x);</pre>
 559      * <p/>
 560      * We could transform the class file (with the
 561      * ClassFileTransformer during the initial definition
 562      * of the class) so that this becomes:
 563      * <pre>
 564      *   boolean foo(int x) {
 565      *     <i>... record entry to foo ...</i>
 566      *     return wrapped_foo(x);
 567      *   }
 568      *
 569      *   native boolean wrapped_foo(int x);</pre>
 570      * <p/>
 571      * Where <code>foo</code> becomes a wrapper for the actual native
 572      * method with the appended prefix "wrapped_".  Note that
 573      * "wrapped_" would be a poor choice of prefix since it
 574      * might conceivably form the name of an existing method
 575      * thus something like "$$$MyAgentWrapped$$$_" would be
 576      * better but would make these examples less readable.
 577      * <p/>
 578      * The wrapper will allow data to be collected on the native
 579      * method call, but now the problem becomes linking up the
 580      * wrapped method with the native implementation.
 581      * That is, the method <code>wrapped_foo</code> needs to be
 582      * resolved to the native implementation of <code>foo</code>,
 583      * which might be:
 584      * <pre>
 585      *   Java_somePackage_someClass_foo(JNIEnv* env, jint x)</pre>
 586      * <p/>
 587      * This function allows the prefix to be specified and the
 588      * proper resolution to occur.
 589      * Specifically, when the standard resolution fails, the
 590      * resolution is retried taking the prefix into consideration.
 591      * There are two ways that resolution occurs, explicit
 592      * resolution with the JNI function <code>RegisterNatives</code>
 593      * and the normal automatic resolution.  For
 594      * <code>RegisterNatives</code>, the JVM will attempt this
 595      * association:
 596      * <pre>{@code
 597      *   method(foo) -> nativeImplementation(foo)
 598      * }</pre>
 599      * <p/>
 600      * When this fails, the resolution will be retried with
 601      * the specified prefix prepended to the method name,
 602      * yielding the correct resolution:
 603      * <pre>{@code
 604      *   method(wrapped_foo) -> nativeImplementation(foo)
 605      * }</pre>
 606      * <p/>
 607      * For automatic resolution, the JVM will attempt:
 608      * <pre>{@code
 609      *   method(wrapped_foo) -> nativeImplementation(wrapped_foo)
 610      * }</pre>
 611      * <p/>
 612      * When this fails, the resolution will be retried with
 613      * the specified prefix deleted from the implementation name,
 614      * yielding the correct resolution:
 615      * <pre>{@code
 616      *   method(wrapped_foo) -> nativeImplementation(foo)
 617      * }</pre>
 618      * <p/>
 619      * Note that since the prefix is only used when standard
 620      * resolution fails, native methods can be wrapped selectively.
 621      * <p/>
 622      * Since each <code>ClassFileTransformer</code>
 623      * can do its own transformation of the bytecodes, more
 624      * than one layer of wrappers may be applied. Thus each
 625      * transformer needs its own prefix.  Since transformations
 626      * are applied in order, the prefixes, if applied, will
 627      * be applied in the same order
 628      * (see {@link #addTransformer(ClassFileTransformer,boolean) addTransformer}).
 629      * Thus if three transformers applied
 630      * wrappers, <code>foo</code> might become
 631      * <code>$trans3_$trans2_$trans1_foo</code>.  But if, say,
 632      * the second transformer did not apply a wrapper to
 633      * <code>foo</code> it would be just
 634      * <code>$trans3_$trans1_foo</code>.  To be able to
 635      * efficiently determine the sequence of prefixes,
 636      * an intermediate prefix is only applied if its non-native
 637      * wrapper exists.  Thus, in the last example, even though
 638      * <code>$trans1_foo</code> is not a native method, the
 639      * <code>$trans1_</code> prefix is applied since
 640      * <code>$trans1_foo</code> exists.
 641      *
 642      * @param   transformer
 643      *          The ClassFileTransformer which wraps using this prefix.
 644      * @param   prefix
 645      *          The prefix to apply to wrapped native methods when
 646      *          retrying a failed native method resolution. If prefix
 647      *          is either <code>null</code> or the empty string, then
 648      *          failed native method resolutions are not retried for
 649      *          this transformer.
 650      * @throws java.lang.NullPointerException if passed a <code>null</code> transformer.
 651      * @throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException if the current configuration of
 652      *           the JVM does not allow setting a native method prefix
 653      *           ({@link #isNativeMethodPrefixSupported} is false).
 654      * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the transformer is not registered
 655      *           (see {@link #addTransformer(ClassFileTransformer,boolean) addTransformer}).
 656      *
 657      * @since 1.6
 658      */
 659     void
 660     setNativeMethodPrefix(ClassFileTransformer transformer, String prefix);
 661 }