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  72     /**
  73       * Constructs a new instance of BinaryRefAddr using its address type and a byte
  74       * array for contents.
  75       *
  76       * @param addrType A non-null string describing the type of the address.
  77       * @param src      The non-null contents of the address as a byte array.
  78       *                 The contents of src is copied into the new BinaryRefAddr.
  79       */
  80     public BinaryRefAddr(String addrType, byte[] src) {
  81         this(addrType, src, 0, src.length);
  82     }
  84     /**
  85       * Constructs a new instance of BinaryRefAddr using its address type and
  86       * a region of a byte array for contents.
  87       *
  88       * @param addrType A non-null string describing the type of the address.
  89       * @param src      The non-null contents of the address as a byte array.
  90       *                 The contents of src is copied into the new BinaryRefAddr.
  91       * @param offset   The starting index in src to get the bytes.
  92       *                 0 <= offset <= src.length.
  93       * @param count    The number of bytes to extract from src.
  94       *                 0 <= count <= src.length-offset.
  95       */
  96     public BinaryRefAddr(String addrType, byte[] src, int offset, int count) {
  97         super(addrType);
  98         buf = new byte[count];
  99         System.arraycopy(src, offset, buf, 0, count);
 100     }
 102     /**
 103       * Retrieves the contents of this address as an Object.
 104       * The result is a byte array.
 105       * Changes to this array will affect this BinaryRefAddr's contents.
 106       * Programs are recommended against changing this array's contents
 107       * and to lock the buffer if they need to change it.
 108       *
 109       * @return The non-null buffer containing this address's contents.
 110       */
 111     public Object getContent() {
 112         return buf;
 113     }

  72     /**
  73       * Constructs a new instance of BinaryRefAddr using its address type and a byte
  74       * array for contents.
  75       *
  76       * @param addrType A non-null string describing the type of the address.
  77       * @param src      The non-null contents of the address as a byte array.
  78       *                 The contents of src is copied into the new BinaryRefAddr.
  79       */
  80     public BinaryRefAddr(String addrType, byte[] src) {
  81         this(addrType, src, 0, src.length);
  82     }
  84     /**
  85       * Constructs a new instance of BinaryRefAddr using its address type and
  86       * a region of a byte array for contents.
  87       *
  88       * @param addrType A non-null string describing the type of the address.
  89       * @param src      The non-null contents of the address as a byte array.
  90       *                 The contents of src is copied into the new BinaryRefAddr.
  91       * @param offset   The starting index in src to get the bytes.
  92       *                 {@code 0 <= offset <= src.length}.
  93       * @param count    The number of bytes to extract from src.
  94       *                 {@code 0 <= count <= src.length-offset}.
  95       */
  96     public BinaryRefAddr(String addrType, byte[] src, int offset, int count) {
  97         super(addrType);
  98         buf = new byte[count];
  99         System.arraycopy(src, offset, buf, 0, count);
 100     }
 102     /**
 103       * Retrieves the contents of this address as an Object.
 104       * The result is a byte array.
 105       * Changes to this array will affect this BinaryRefAddr's contents.
 106       * Programs are recommended against changing this array's contents
 107       * and to lock the buffer if they need to change it.
 108       *
 109       * @return The non-null buffer containing this address's contents.
 110       */
 111     public Object getContent() {
 112         return buf;
 113     }