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 184     Warn about use of deprecated items.
 186 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.dep-ann=\
 187     Warn about items marked as deprecated in JavaDoc but not using the @Deprecated annotation.
 189 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.divzero=\
 190     Warn about division by constant integer 0.
 192 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.empty=\
 193     Warn about empty statement after if.
 195 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.exports=\
 196     Warn about issues regarding module exports.
 198 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.fallthrough=\
 199     Warn about falling through from one case of a switch statement to the next.
 201 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.finally=\
 202     Warn about finally clauses that do not terminate normally.

 204 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.options=\
 205     Warn about issues relating to use of command line options.
 207 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.overloads=\
 208     Warn about issues regarding method overloads.
 210 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.overrides=\
 211     Warn about issues regarding method overrides.
 213 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.path=\
 214     Warn about invalid path elements on the command line.
 216 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.processing=\
 217     Warn about issues regarding annotation processing.
 219 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.rawtypes=\
 220     Warn about use of raw types.
 222 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.removal=\
 223     Warn about use of API that has been marked for removal.

 291 javac.opt.arg.addReads=\
 292     <module>=<other-module>(,<other-module>)*
 293 javac.opt.patch=\
 294     Override or augment a module with classes and resources\n\
 295     in JAR files or directories
 296 javac.opt.arg.patch=\
 297     <module>=<file>(:<file>)*
 298 javac.opt.module=\
 299     Specify a module to which the classes being compiled belong.
 300 javac.opt.arg.module=\
 301     <module>
 302 javac.opt.addmods=\
 303     Root modules to resolve in addition to the initial modules, or all modules\n\
 304     on the module path if <module> is ALL-MODULE-PATH.
 305 javac.opt.arg.addmods=\
 306     <module>(,<module>)*
 307 javac.opt.limitmods=\
 308     Limit the universe of observable modules
 309 javac.opt.arg.limitmods=\
 310     <module>(,<module>)*

 311 javac.opt.inherit_runtime_environment=\
 312     Inherit module system configuration options from the runtime environment.
 314 ## errors
 316 javac.err.empty.A.argument=\
 317     -A requires an argument; use ''-Akey'' or ''-Akey=value''
 318 javac.err.invalid.arg=\
 319     invalid argument: {0}
 320 javac.err.invalid.A.key=\
 321      key in annotation processor option ''{0}'' is not a dot-separated sequence of identifiers
 322 javac.err.invalid.flag=\
 323     invalid flag: {0}
 324 javac.err.profile.bootclasspath.conflict=\
 325     profile and bootclasspath options cannot be used together
 326 javac.err.invalid.profile=\
 327     invalid profile: {0}
 328 javac.err.invalid.target=\
 329     invalid target release: {0}
 330 javac.err.option.not.allowed.with.target=\

 184     Warn about use of deprecated items.
 186 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.dep-ann=\
 187     Warn about items marked as deprecated in JavaDoc but not using the @Deprecated annotation.
 189 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.divzero=\
 190     Warn about division by constant integer 0.
 192 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.empty=\
 193     Warn about empty statement after if.
 195 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.exports=\
 196     Warn about issues regarding module exports.
 198 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.fallthrough=\
 199     Warn about falling through from one case of a switch statement to the next.
 201 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.finally=\
 202     Warn about finally clauses that do not terminate normally.
 204 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.module=\
 205     Warn about module system related issues.
 207 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.options=\
 208     Warn about issues relating to use of command line options.
 210 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.overloads=\
 211     Warn about issues regarding method overloads.
 213 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.overrides=\
 214     Warn about issues regarding method overrides.
 216 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.path=\
 217     Warn about invalid path elements on the command line.
 219 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.processing=\
 220     Warn about issues regarding annotation processing.
 222 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.rawtypes=\
 223     Warn about use of raw types.
 225 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.removal=\
 226     Warn about use of API that has been marked for removal.

 294 javac.opt.arg.addReads=\
 295     <module>=<other-module>(,<other-module>)*
 296 javac.opt.patch=\
 297     Override or augment a module with classes and resources\n\
 298     in JAR files or directories
 299 javac.opt.arg.patch=\
 300     <module>=<file>(:<file>)*
 301 javac.opt.module=\
 302     Specify a module to which the classes being compiled belong.
 303 javac.opt.arg.module=\
 304     <module>
 305 javac.opt.addmods=\
 306     Root modules to resolve in addition to the initial modules, or all modules\n\
 307     on the module path if <module> is ALL-MODULE-PATH.
 308 javac.opt.arg.addmods=\
 309     <module>(,<module>)*
 310 javac.opt.limitmods=\
 311     Limit the universe of observable modules
 312 javac.opt.arg.limitmods=\
 313     <module>(,<module>)*
 314 javac.opt.module.version=\
 315     Specify version of modules that are being compiled
 316 javac.opt.arg.module.version=\
 317     <version>
 318 javac.opt.inherit_runtime_environment=\
 319     Inherit module system configuration options from the runtime environment.
 321 ## errors
 323 javac.err.empty.A.argument=\
 324     -A requires an argument; use ''-Akey'' or ''-Akey=value''
 325 javac.err.invalid.arg=\
 326     invalid argument: {0}
 327 javac.err.invalid.A.key=\
 328      key in annotation processor option ''{0}'' is not a dot-separated sequence of identifiers
 329 javac.err.invalid.flag=\
 330     invalid flag: {0}
 331 javac.err.profile.bootclasspath.conflict=\
 332     profile and bootclasspath options cannot be used together
 333 javac.err.invalid.profile=\
 334     invalid profile: {0}
 335 javac.err.invalid.target=\
 336     invalid target release: {0}
 337 javac.err.option.not.allowed.with.target=\

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