This is my notes from a quick proof-of-concept to show how DatagramSocket and MulticastSocket could be implemented with DatagramChannel and its socket adatptor, and without a DatagramSocketImpl implementation. Run with to use the legacy DatagramSocket and PlainDatagramSocketImpl. The prototype assumes the macOS disconnect bug FB7330899 is resolved or a workaround to re-create the underlying socket (JDK-8231259). Missing ======= - The prototype does not include the changes to DatagramChannel to support the creation of a channel that doesn't respond to Thread.interrupt. This issue needs to be explored for the socket adaptor too. Behavior differences ==================== - Legacy DatagramSocket connect falls back to emulation when the underlying connect fails, e.g. connect to a non-routable address. - DatagramChannel discards all datagrams in the socket read buffer when connecting. - DatagramSocket::supportedOptions has been changed to include socket options applicable to sending multicast datagrams (as DatagramSocket can be used to send both unicast and multicast datagrams). - DatagramSocket.send throws IllegalArgumentException if the packet doesn't have a socket address and the socket is not connected. Legacy DatagramSocket throws an accidental NullPointerException. JDK-8233141. - getOption(IP_MULTICAST_IF) returns null when the interface for outgoing multicast datagrams has not been set. Legacy DatagramSocket incorrectly returns a useless interface. JDK-8233307. - getOption(IP_MULTICAST_LOOP) has been changed to return true if the loopback of multicast datagrams is enabled (as specified in StandardSocketOptions). JDK-8233296. - The ordering that parameters are checked, the security manager check, and the check for a closed socket differ, e.g. joinGroup(null) when the socket is closed will throw SocketException in the legacy implementation, NPE in the prototype.