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rev 51957 : add support for full window content view and transparent title bar
rev 51960 : update full window content change to avoid unnecessary blocking
rev 51961 : Update

*** 204,213 **** --- 204,214 ---- if (IS(styleBits, DECORATED)) { type |= NSTitledWindowMask; if (IS(styleBits, CLOSEABLE)) type |= NSClosableWindowMask; if (IS(styleBits, MINIMIZABLE)) type |= NSMiniaturizableWindowMask; if (IS(styleBits, RESIZABLE)) type |= NSResizableWindowMask; + if (IS(styleBits, FULL_WINDOW_CONTENT)) type |= NSFullSizeContentViewWindowMask; } else { type |= NSBorderlessWindowMask; } if (IS(styleBits, TEXTURED)) type |= NSTexturedBackgroundWindowMask;
*** 261,270 **** --- 262,275 ---- [self.nsWindow setCollectionBehavior:(1 << 7) /*NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary*/]; } else { [self.nsWindow setCollectionBehavior:NSWindowCollectionBehaviorDefault]; } } + + if (IS(mask, TRANSPARENT_TITLE_BAR) && [self.nsWindow respondsToSelector:@selector(setTitlebarAppearsTransparent:)]) { + [self.nsWindow setTitlebarAppearsTransparent:IS(bits, TRANSPARENT_TITLE_BAR)]; + } } - (id) initWithPlatformWindow:(JNFWeakJObjectWrapper *)platformWindow ownerWindow:owner styleBits:(jint)bits
*** 588,621 **** } // NSWindowDelegate methods ! - (void) _deliverMoveResizeEvent { ! AWT_ASSERT_APPKIT_THREAD; ! ! // deliver the event if this is a user-initiated live resize or as a side-effect ! // of a Java initiated resize, because AppKit can override the bounds and force ! // the bounds of the window to avoid the Dock or remain on screen. ! [AWTToolkit eventCountPlusPlus]; ! JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv]; ! jobject platformWindow = [self.javaPlatformWindow jObjectWithEnv:env]; if (platformWindow == NULL) { // TODO: create generic AWT assert } - NSRect frame = ConvertNSScreenRect(env, [self.nsWindow frame]); - static JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_deliverMoveResizeEvent, jc_CPlatformWindow, "deliverMoveResizeEvent", "(IIIIZ)V"); JNFCallVoidMethod(env, platformWindow, jm_deliverMoveResizeEvent, (jint)frame.origin.x, (jint)frame.origin.y, (jint)frame.size.width, (jint)frame.size.height, ! (jboolean)[self.nsWindow inLiveResize]); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, platformWindow); [AWTWindow synthesizeMouseEnteredExitedEventsForAllWindows]; } - (void)windowDidMove:(NSNotification *)notification { AWT_ASSERT_APPKIT_THREAD; --- 593,629 ---- } // NSWindowDelegate methods ! static void deliverMoveResizeEvent(JNIEnv *env, NSRect frame, JNFWeakJObjectWrapper *javaPlatformWindow, ! BOOL inLiveResize) { ! jobject platformWindow = [javaPlatformWindow jObjectWithEnv:env]; if (platformWindow == NULL) { // TODO: create generic AWT assert } static JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_deliverMoveResizeEvent, jc_CPlatformWindow, "deliverMoveResizeEvent", "(IIIIZ)V"); JNFCallVoidMethod(env, platformWindow, jm_deliverMoveResizeEvent, (jint)frame.origin.x, (jint)frame.origin.y, (jint)frame.size.width, (jint)frame.size.height, ! (jboolean)inLiveResize); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, platformWindow); + } + + - (void) _deliverMoveResizeEvent { + AWT_ASSERT_APPKIT_THREAD; + // deliver the event if this is a user-initiated live resize or as a side-effect + // of a Java initiated resize, because AppKit can override the bounds and force + // the bounds of the window to avoid the Dock or remain on screen. + [AWTToolkit eventCountPlusPlus]; + JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv]; + NSRect frame = ConvertNSScreenRect(env, [self.nsWindow frame]); + deliverMoveResizeEvent(env, frame, self.javaPlatformWindow, [self.nsWindow inLiveResize]); [AWTWindow synthesizeMouseEnteredExitedEventsForAllWindows]; } - (void)windowDidMove:(NSNotification *)notification { AWT_ASSERT_APPKIT_THREAD;
*** 1056,1073 **** (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong windowPtr, jint mask, jint bits) { JNF_COCOA_ENTER(env); NSWindow *nsWindow = OBJC(windowPtr); ! [ThreadUtilities performOnMainThreadWaiting:NO block:^(){ AWTWindow *window = (AWTWindow*)[nsWindow delegate]; // scans the bit field, and only updates the values requested by the mask ! // (this implicity handles the _CALLBACK_PROP_BITMASK case, since those are passive reads) jint newBits = window.styleBits & ~mask | bits & mask; // resets the NSWindow's style mask if the mask intersects any of those bits if (mask & MASK(_STYLE_PROP_BITMASK)) { [nsWindow setStyleMask:[AWTWindow styleMaskForStyleBits:newBits]]; } --- 1064,1106 ---- (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong windowPtr, jint mask, jint bits) { JNF_COCOA_ENTER(env); NSWindow *nsWindow = OBJC(windowPtr); ! __block BOOL resized = NO; ! __block NSRect resizeFrame; ! __block JNFWeakJObjectWrapper *javaPlatformWindow; ! ! BOOL shouldWait = IS(mask, FULL_WINDOW_CONTENT); // delay upcall until window changes are made ! ! [ThreadUtilities performOnMainThreadWaiting:shouldWait block:^(){ AWTWindow *window = (AWTWindow*)[nsWindow delegate]; // scans the bit field, and only updates the values requested by the mask ! // (this implicitly handles the _CALLBACK_PROP_BITMASK case, since those are passive reads) jint newBits = window.styleBits & ~mask | bits & mask; + // Check for a change to the full window content view option. + // The content view must be resized first, otherwise the window will be resized to fit the existing + // content view. + if (IS(mask, FULL_WINDOW_CONTENT)) { + if (IS(newBits, FULL_WINDOW_CONTENT) != IS(window.styleBits, FULL_WINDOW_CONTENT)) { + NSRect frame = [nsWindow frame]; + NSUInteger styleMask = [AWTWindow styleMaskForStyleBits:newBits]; + NSRect screenContentRect = [NSWindow contentRectForFrameRect:frame styleMask:styleMask]; + NSRect contentFrame = NSMakeRect(screenContentRect.origin.x - frame.origin.x, + screenContentRect.origin.y - frame.origin.y, + screenContentRect.size.width, + screenContentRect.size.height); + nsWindow.contentView.frame = contentFrame; + resized = YES; + resizeFrame = [nsWindow frame]; + javaPlatformWindow = window.javaPlatformWindow; + } + } + // resets the NSWindow's style mask if the mask intersects any of those bits if (mask & MASK(_STYLE_PROP_BITMASK)) { [nsWindow setStyleMask:[AWTWindow styleMaskForStyleBits:newBits]]; }
*** 1077,1086 **** --- 1110,1126 ---- } window.styleBits = newBits; }]; + if (resized) { + [AWTToolkit eventCountPlusPlus]; + NSRect frame = ConvertNSScreenRect(env, resizeFrame); + deliverMoveResizeEvent(env, frame, javaPlatformWindow, NO); + [AWTWindow synthesizeMouseEnteredExitedEventsForAllWindows]; + } + JNF_COCOA_EXIT(env); } /* * Class: sun_lwawt_macosx_CPlatformWindow
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