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  23 #              -
  24 #
  25 # One important thing to remember is that the mnemonic MUST exist in
  26 # the String, if it does not exist you should add text that makes it
  27 # exist. This will typically take the form 'XXXX (M)' where M is the
  28 # character for the mnemonic.
  29 #
  30 # @author Steve Wilson
  32 ############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
  33 FileChooser.fileDescription.textAndMnemonic=Generisk fil
  34 FileChooser.directoryDescription.textAndMnemonic=Katalog
  35 FileChooser.newFolderError.textAndMnemonic=Fel uppstod n\u00E4r ny mapp skapades
  36 FileChooser.newFolderErrorSeparator= :
  37 FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExistTitle.textAndMnemonic=Kan inte skapa mappen
  38 FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExist.textAndMnemonic=Kan inte skapa mappen.\n\nSystemet kan inte hitta angiven s\u00F6kv\u00E4g.
  39 FileChooser.renameErrorTitle.textAndMnemonic=Ett fel intr\u00E4ffade vid f\u00F6rs\u00F6k att \u00E4ndra namn p\u00E5 fil eller mapp
  40 FileChooser.renameError.textAndMnemonic=Kan inte namn\u00E4ndra {0}
  41 FileChooser.renameErrorFileExists.textAndMnemonic=Kan inte namn\u00E4ndra {0}: En fil med angivet namn finns redan. Ange ett annat filnamn.
  42 FileChooser.acceptAllFileFilter.textAndMnemonic=Alla filer
  43 FileChooser.cancelButton.textAndMnemonic=&Avbryt
  44 FileChooser.saveButton.textAndMnemonic=&Spara
  45 FileChooser.openButton.textAndMnemonic=\u00D6ppna(&P)
  46 FileChooser.saveDialogTitle.textAndMnemonic=Spara
  47 FileChooser.openDialogTitle.textAndMnemonic=\u00D6ppna
  48 FileChooser.updateButton.textAndMnemonic=Upp&datera
  49 FileChooser.helpButton.textAndMnemonic=Hj\u00E4lp(&H)
  50 FileChooser.directoryOpenButton.textAndMnemonic=\u00D6ppna(&P)
  52 # File Size Units
  53 FileChooser.fileSizeKiloBytes={0} KB
  54 FileChooser.fileSizeMegaBytes={0} MB
  55 FileChooser.fileSizeGigaBytes={0} GB
  57 # These strings are platform dependent not look and feel dependent.
  58 FileChooser.win32.newFolder=Ny mapp
  59 FileChooser.win32.newFolder.subsequent=Ny mapp ({0})
  60 FileChooser.other.newFolder=Ny mapp
  61 FileChooser.other.newFolder.subsequent=Ny mapp.{0}
  64 ## file chooser tooltips ###
  65 FileChooser.cancelButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Avbryt filvalsdialogruta

  23 #              -
  24 #
  25 # One important thing to remember is that the mnemonic MUST exist in
  26 # the String, if it does not exist you should add text that makes it
  27 # exist. This will typically take the form 'XXXX (M)' where M is the
  28 # character for the mnemonic.
  29 #
  30 # @author Steve Wilson
  32 ############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
  33 FileChooser.fileDescription.textAndMnemonic=Generisk fil
  34 FileChooser.directoryDescription.textAndMnemonic=Katalog
  35 FileChooser.newFolderError.textAndMnemonic=Fel uppstod n\u00E4r ny mapp skapades
  36 FileChooser.newFolderErrorSeparator= :
  37 FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExistTitle.textAndMnemonic=Kan inte skapa mappen
  38 FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExist.textAndMnemonic=Kan inte skapa mappen.\n\nSystemet kan inte hitta angiven s\u00F6kv\u00E4g.
  39 FileChooser.renameErrorTitle.textAndMnemonic=Ett fel intr\u00E4ffade vid f\u00F6rs\u00F6k att \u00E4ndra namn p\u00E5 fil eller mapp
  40 FileChooser.renameError.textAndMnemonic=Kan inte namn\u00E4ndra {0}
  41 FileChooser.renameErrorFileExists.textAndMnemonic=Kan inte namn\u00E4ndra {0}: En fil med angivet namn finns redan. Ange ett annat filnamn.
  42 FileChooser.acceptAllFileFilter.textAndMnemonic=Alla filer
  43 FileChooser.cancelButton.textAndMnemonic=Avbryt
  44 FileChooser.saveButton.textAndMnemonic=Spara
  45 FileChooser.openButton.textAndMnemonic=\u00D6ppna
  46 FileChooser.saveDialogTitle.textAndMnemonic=Spara
  47 FileChooser.openDialogTitle.textAndMnemonic=\u00D6ppna
  48 FileChooser.updateButton.textAndMnemonic=Upp&datera
  49 FileChooser.helpButton.textAndMnemonic=Hj\u00E4lp(&H)
  50 FileChooser.directoryOpenButton.textAndMnemonic=\u00D6ppna(&P)
  52 # File Size Units
  53 FileChooser.fileSizeKiloBytes={0} KB
  54 FileChooser.fileSizeMegaBytes={0} MB
  55 FileChooser.fileSizeGigaBytes={0} GB
  57 # These strings are platform dependent not look and feel dependent.
  58 FileChooser.win32.newFolder=Ny mapp
  59 FileChooser.win32.newFolder.subsequent=Ny mapp ({0})
  60 FileChooser.other.newFolder=Ny mapp
  61 FileChooser.other.newFolder.subsequent=Ny mapp.{0}
  64 ## file chooser tooltips ###
  65 FileChooser.cancelButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic=Avbryt filvalsdialogruta