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*** 65,82 **** --- 65,84 ---- #define AWT_NS_WINDOW_IMPLEMENTATION \ - (id) initWithDelegate:(AWTWindow *)delegate \ frameRect:(NSRect)contectRect \ styleMask:(NSUInteger)styleMask \ contentView:(NSView *)view \ + zoomed:(BOOL)zoomed \ { \ self = [super initWithContentRect:contectRect \ styleMask:styleMask \ backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered \ defer:NO]; \ \ if (self == nil) return nil; \ \ + if (zoomed) [self zoom:nil]; \ [self setDelegate:delegate]; \ [self setContentView:view]; \ [self setInitialFirstResponder:view]; \ [self setReleasedWhenClosed:NO]; \ [self setPreservesContentDuringLiveResize:YES]; \
*** 267,276 **** --- 269,279 ---- - (id) initWithPlatformWindow:(JNFWeakJObjectWrapper *)platformWindow ownerWindow:owner styleBits:(jint)bits frameRect:(NSRect)rect contentView:(NSView *)view + zoomed:(BOOL)zoomed { AWT_ASSERT_APPKIT_THREAD; NSUInteger styleMask = [AWTWindow styleMaskForStyleBits:bits]; NSRect contentRect = rect; //[NSWindow contentRectForFrameRect:rect styleMask:styleMask];
*** 291,309 **** IS(bits, HIDES_ON_DEACTIVATE)) { self.nsWindow = [[AWTWindow_Panel alloc] initWithDelegate:self frameRect:contentRect styleMask:styleMask ! contentView:view]; } else { // These windows will appear in the window list in the dock icon menu self.nsWindow = [[AWTWindow_Normal alloc] initWithDelegate:self frameRect:contentRect styleMask:styleMask ! contentView:view]; } if (self.nsWindow == nil) return nil; // no hope either [self.nsWindow release]; // the property retains the object already --- 294,314 ---- IS(bits, HIDES_ON_DEACTIVATE)) { self.nsWindow = [[AWTWindow_Panel alloc] initWithDelegate:self frameRect:contentRect styleMask:styleMask ! contentView:view ! zoomed:NO]; } else { // These windows will appear in the window list in the dock icon menu self.nsWindow = [[AWTWindow_Normal alloc] initWithDelegate:self frameRect:contentRect styleMask:styleMask ! contentView:view ! zoomed: zoomed]; } if (self.nsWindow == nil) return nil; // no hope either [self.nsWindow release]; // the property retains the object already
*** 781,791 **** * Class: sun_lwawt_macosx_CPlatformWindow * Method: nativeCreateNSWindow * Signature: (JJIIII)J */ JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_sun_lwawt_macosx_CPlatformWindow_nativeCreateNSWindow ! (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong contentViewPtr, jlong ownerPtr, jlong styleBits, jdouble x, jdouble y, jdouble w, jdouble h) { __block AWTWindow *window = nil; JNF_COCOA_ENTER(env); --- 786,797 ---- * Class: sun_lwawt_macosx_CPlatformWindow * Method: nativeCreateNSWindow * Signature: (JJIIII)J */ JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_sun_lwawt_macosx_CPlatformWindow_nativeCreateNSWindow ! (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong contentViewPtr, jlong ownerPtr, jlong styleBits, ! jdouble x, jdouble y, jdouble w, jdouble h, jboolean zoomed) { __block AWTWindow *window = nil; JNF_COCOA_ENTER(env);
*** 797,807 **** window = [[AWTWindow alloc] initWithPlatformWindow:platformWindow ownerWindow:owner styleBits:styleBits frameRect:frameRect ! contentView:contentView]; // the window is released is CPlatformWindow.nativeDispose() if (window) [window.nsWindow retain]; }]; --- 803,814 ---- window = [[AWTWindow alloc] initWithPlatformWindow:platformWindow ownerWindow:owner styleBits:styleBits frameRect:frameRect ! contentView:contentView ! zoomed: zoomed ? YES : NO]; // the window is released is CPlatformWindow.nativeDispose() if (window) [window.nsWindow retain]; }];