< prev index next >


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 946     wp.rcNormalPosition.left = x;
 947     wp.rcNormalPosition.top = y;
 948     wp.rcNormalPosition.right = x + w;
 949     wp.rcNormalPosition.bottom = y + h;
 950     if ( flags & SWP_NOACTIVATE ) {
 951         wp.showCmd = SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE;
 952     }
 953     ::SetWindowPlacement(wnd, &wp);
 954     return 1;
 955 }
 958 void AwtComponent::Reshape(int x, int y, int w, int h)
 959 {
 960 #if defined(DEBUG)
 961     RECT        rc;
 962     ::GetWindowRect(GetHWnd(), &rc);
 963     ::MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, ::GetParent(GetHWnd()), (LPPOINT)&rc, 2);
 964     DTRACE_PRINTLN4("AwtComponent::Reshape from %d, %d, %d, %d", rc.left, rc.top, rc.right-rc.left, rc.bottom-rc.top);
 965 #endif

 966     AwtWindow* container = GetContainer();
 967     AwtComponent* parent = GetParent();
 968     if (container != NULL && container == parent) {
 969         container->SubtractInsetPoint(x, y);
 970     }
 971     DTRACE_PRINTLN4("AwtComponent::Reshape to %d, %d, %d, %d", x, y, w, h);
 974     RECT        r;
 976     ::GetWindowRect(GetHWnd(), &r);
 977     // if the component size is changing , don't copy window bits
 978     if (r.right - r.left != w || r.bottom - r.top != h) {
 979         flags |= SWP_NOCOPYBITS;
 980     }
 982     if (parent && _tcscmp(parent->GetClassName(), TEXT("SunAwtScrollPane")) == 0) {
 983         if (x > 0) {
 984             x = 0;
 985         }

2195          * Updating rects are divided into mostly vertical and mostly horizontal
2196          * Each group is united together and if not empty painted separately
2197          */
2198         RECT* r = (RECT*)(buffer + rgndata->rdh.dwSize);
2199         RECT* un[2] = {0, 0};
2200     DWORD i;
2201     for (i = 0; i < rgndata->rdh.nCount; i++, r++) {
2202             int width = r->right-r->left;
2203             int height = r->bottom-r->top;
2204             if (width > 0 && height > 0) {
2205                 int toAdd = (width > height) ? 0: 1;
2206                 if (un[toAdd] != 0) {
2207                     ::UnionRect(un[toAdd], un[toAdd], r);
2208                 } else {
2209                     un[toAdd] = r;
2210                 }
2211             }
2212         }
2213         for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
2214             if (un[i] != 0) {
2215                 DoCallback("handleExpose", "(IIII)V", un[i]->left, un[i]->top,
2216                     un[i]->right-un[i]->left, un[i]->bottom-un[i]->top);

2217             }
2218         }
2219         delete [] buffer;
2220     }
2221     ::DeleteObject((HGDIOBJ)rgn);
2222 }
2224 MsgRouting AwtComponent::WmMouseEnter(UINT flags, int x, int y)
2225 {
2226     SendMouseEvent(java_awt_event_MouseEvent_MOUSE_ENTERED,
2227                    ::JVM_CurrentTimeMillis(NULL, 0), x, y, GetJavaModifiers(), 0, JNI_FALSE);
2228     if ((flags & ALL_MK_BUTTONS) == 0) {
2229         AwtCursor::UpdateCursor(this);
2230     }
2231     sm_cursorOn = GetHWnd();
2232     return mrConsume;   /* Don't pass our synthetic event on! */
2233 }
2235 MSG*
2236 AwtComponent::CreateMessage(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam,

4591 {
4592     RECT eraseR = { 0, 0, size.cx, size.cy };
4593     VERIFY(::FillRect(hMemoryDC, &eraseR, GetBackgroundBrush()));
4594 }
4596 void AwtComponent::FillAlpha(void *bitmapBits, SIZE &size, BYTE alpha)
4597 {
4598     if (!bitmapBits) {
4599         return;
4600     }
4602     DWORD* dest = (DWORD*)bitmapBits;
4603     //XXX: might be optimized to use one loop (cy*cx -> 0)
4604     for (int i = 0; i < size.cy; i++ ) {
4605         for (int j = 0; j < size.cx; j++ ) {
4606             ((BYTE*)(dest++))[3] = alpha;
4607         }
4608     }
4609 }

4611 jintArray AwtComponent::CreatePrintedPixels(SIZE &loc, SIZE &size, int alpha) {
4612     JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2);
4614     if (!::IsWindowVisible(GetHWnd())) {
4615         return NULL;
4616     }
4618     HDC hdc = GetDCFromComponent();
4619     if (!hdc) {
4620         return NULL;
4621     }
4622     HDC hMemoryDC = ::CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
4623     void *bitmapBits = NULL;
4624     HBITMAP hBitmap = BitmapUtil::CreateARGBBitmap(size.cx, size.cy, &bitmapBits);
4625     HBITMAP hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP)::SelectObject(hMemoryDC, hBitmap);
4626     SendMessage(WM_AWT_RELEASEDC, (WPARAM)hdc);
4628     FillBackground(hMemoryDC, size);
4630     VERIFY(::SetWindowOrgEx(hMemoryDC, loc.cx, loc.cy, NULL));

4884     GetInsets(&insets);
4886     static jmethodID mouseEventConst;
4887     if (mouseEventConst == NULL) {
4888         mouseEventConst =
4889             env->GetMethodID(mouseEventCls, "<init>",
4890                  "(Ljava/awt/Component;IJIIIIIIZI)V");
4891         DASSERT(mouseEventConst);
4892         CHECK_NULL(mouseEventConst);
4893     }
4894     if (env->EnsureLocalCapacity(2) < 0) {
4895         return;
4896     }
4897     jobject target = GetTarget(env);
4898     DWORD curMousePos = ::GetMessagePos();
4899     int xAbs = GET_X_LPARAM(curMousePos);
4900     int yAbs = GET_Y_LPARAM(curMousePos);
4901     jobject mouseEvent = env->NewObject(mouseEventCls, mouseEventConst,
4902                                         target,
4903                                         id, when, modifiers,
4904                                         x+insets.left, y+insets.top,
4905                                         xAbs, yAbs,

4906                                         clickCount, popupTrigger, button);
4908     if (safe_ExceptionOccurred(env)) {
4909         env->ExceptionDescribe();
4910         env->ExceptionClear();
4911     }
4913     DASSERT(mouseEvent != NULL);
4914     CHECK_NULL(mouseEvent);
4915     if (pMsg != 0) {
4916         AwtAWTEvent::saveMSG(env, pMsg, mouseEvent);
4917     }
4918     SendEvent(mouseEvent);
4920     env->DeleteLocalRef(mouseEvent);
4921     env->DeleteLocalRef(target);
4922 }
4924 void
4925 AwtComponent::SendMouseWheelEvent(jint id, jlong when, jint x, jint y,

4952         mouseWheelEventConst =
4953             env->GetMethodID(mouseWheelEventCls, "<init>",
4954                            "(Ljava/awt/Component;IJIIIIIIZIIID)V");
4955         DASSERT(mouseWheelEventConst);
4956         CHECK_NULL(mouseWheelEventConst);
4957     }
4958     if (env->EnsureLocalCapacity(2) < 0) {
4959         return;
4960     }
4961     jobject target = GetTarget(env);
4962     DWORD curMousePos = ::GetMessagePos();
4963     int xAbs = GET_X_LPARAM(curMousePos);
4964     int yAbs = GET_Y_LPARAM(curMousePos);
4966     DTRACE_PRINTLN("creating MWE in JNI");
4968     jobject mouseWheelEvent = env->NewObject(mouseWheelEventCls,
4969                                              mouseWheelEventConst,
4970                                              target,
4971                                              id, when, modifiers,
4972                                              x+insets.left, y+insets.top,
4973                                              xAbs, yAbs,

4974                                              clickCount, popupTrigger,
4975                                              scrollType, scrollAmount,
4976                                              roundedWheelRotation, preciseWheelRotation);
4978     DASSERT(mouseWheelEvent != NULL);
4979     if (mouseWheelEvent == NULL || safe_ExceptionOccurred(env)) {
4980         env->ExceptionDescribe();
4981         env->ExceptionClear();
4982         env->DeleteLocalRef(target);
4983         return;
4984     }
4985     if (pMsg != NULL) {
4986         AwtAWTEvent::saveMSG(env, pMsg, mouseWheelEvent);
4987     }
4988     SendEvent(mouseWheelEvent);
4990     env->DeleteLocalRef(mouseWheelEvent);
4991     env->DeleteLocalRef(target);
4992 }

5459     env->DeleteGlobalRef(self);
5460 }
5462 jobject AwtComponent::_GetLocationOnScreen(void *param)
5463 {
5464     JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2);
5466     jobject self = (jobject)param;
5468     jobject result = NULL;
5469     AwtComponent *p;
5471     PDATA pData;
5472     JNI_CHECK_PEER_GOTO(self, ret);
5473     p = (AwtComponent *)pData;
5474     if (::IsWindow(p->GetHWnd()))
5475     {
5476         RECT rect;
5477         VERIFY(::GetWindowRect(p->GetHWnd(),&rect));
5478         result = JNU_NewObjectByName(env, "java/awt/Point", "(II)V",
5479             rect.left, rect.top);

5480     }
5481 ret:
5482     env->DeleteGlobalRef(self);
5484     if (result != NULL)
5485     {
5486         jobject resultGlobalRef = env->NewGlobalRef(result);
5487         env->DeleteLocalRef(result);
5488         return resultGlobalRef;
5489     }
5490     else
5491     {
5492         return NULL;
5493     }
5494 }
5496 void AwtComponent::_Reshape(void *param)
5497 {
5498     JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2);

7047         /* If this component has insets, factor them in, but ignore
7048          * top-level windows.
7049          */
7050         jobject parent2 = env->GetObjectField(parent, AwtComponent::parentID);
7051         if (parent2 != NULL) {
7052             jobject peer = GetPeerForTarget(env, parent);
7053             if (peer != NULL &&
7054                 JNU_IsInstanceOfByName(env, peer,
7055                                        "sun/awt/windows/WPanelPeer") > 0) {
7056                 jobject insets =
7057                     JNU_CallMethodByName(env, NULL, peer,"insets",
7058                                          "()Ljava/awt/Insets;").l;
7059                 x += (env)->GetIntField(insets, AwtInsets::leftID);
7060                 y += (env)->GetIntField(insets, AwtInsets::topID);
7061             }
7062         }
7063         env->DeleteLocalRef(target);
7064         target = parent;
7065     }

7067     // Test whether component's bounds match the native window's
7068     RECT rect;
7069     VERIFY(::GetWindowRect(GetHWnd(), &rect));
7070 #if 0
7071     DASSERT( (x == rect.left) &&
7072             (y == rect.top) &&
7073             (width == (rect.right-rect.left)) &&
7074             (height == (rect.bottom-rect.top)) );
7075 #else
7076     BOOL fSizeValid = ( (x == rect.left) &&
7077             (y == rect.top) &&
7078             (width == (rect.right-rect.left)) &&
7079             (height == (rect.bottom-rect.top)) );
7080 #endif
7082     // See if visible state matches
7083     BOOL wndVisible = ::IsWindowVisible(GetHWnd());
7084     jboolean targetVisible;
7085     // To avoid possibly running client code on the toolkit thread, don't
7086     // do the following check if we're running on the toolkit thread.

7240     if ((removedDC = activeDCList.RemoveDC(hDC, hWnd)) != NULL) {
7241         passiveDCList.AddDCItem(removedDC);
7242     }
7243 }
7245 void ReleaseDCList(HWND hwnd, DCList &list) {
7246     DCItem *removedDCs = list.RemoveAllDCs(hwnd);
7247     while (removedDCs) {
7248         DCItem *tmpDCList = removedDCs;
7249         DASSERT(::GetObjectType(tmpDCList->hDC) == OBJ_DC);
7250         int retValue = ::ReleaseDC(tmpDCList->hWnd, tmpDCList->hDC);
7251         VERIFY(retValue != 0);
7252         if (retValue != 0) {
7253             // Valid ReleaseDC call; need to decrement GDI object counter
7254             AwtGDIObject::Decrement();
7255         }
7256         removedDCs = removedDCs->next;
7257         delete tmpDCList;
7258     }
7259 }

 946     wp.rcNormalPosition.left = x;
 947     wp.rcNormalPosition.top = y;
 948     wp.rcNormalPosition.right = x + w;
 949     wp.rcNormalPosition.bottom = y + h;
 950     if ( flags & SWP_NOACTIVATE ) {
 951         wp.showCmd = SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE;
 952     }
 953     ::SetWindowPlacement(wnd, &wp);
 954     return 1;
 955 }
 958 void AwtComponent::Reshape(int x, int y, int w, int h)
 959 {
 960 #if defined(DEBUG)
 961     RECT        rc;
 962     ::GetWindowRect(GetHWnd(), &rc);
 963     ::MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, ::GetParent(GetHWnd()), (LPPOINT)&rc, 2);
 964     DTRACE_PRINTLN4("AwtComponent::Reshape from %d, %d, %d, %d", rc.left, rc.top, rc.right-rc.left, rc.bottom-rc.top);
 965 #endif
 967     x = ScaleUpX(x);
 968     y = ScaleUpY(y);
 969     w = ScaleUpX(w);
 970     h = ScaleUpY(h);
 972     AwtWindow* container = GetContainer();
 973     AwtComponent* parent = GetParent();
 974     if (container != NULL && container == parent) {
 975         container->SubtractInsetPoint(x, y);
 976     }
 977     DTRACE_PRINTLN4("AwtComponent::Reshape to %d, %d, %d, %d", x, y, w, h);
 980     RECT        r;
 982     ::GetWindowRect(GetHWnd(), &r);
 983     // if the component size is changing , don't copy window bits
 984     if (r.right - r.left != w || r.bottom - r.top != h) {
 985         flags |= SWP_NOCOPYBITS;
 986     }
 988     if (parent && _tcscmp(parent->GetClassName(), TEXT("SunAwtScrollPane")) == 0) {
 989         if (x > 0) {
 990             x = 0;
 991         }

2201          * Updating rects are divided into mostly vertical and mostly horizontal
2202          * Each group is united together and if not empty painted separately
2203          */
2204         RECT* r = (RECT*)(buffer + rgndata->rdh.dwSize);
2205         RECT* un[2] = {0, 0};
2206     DWORD i;
2207     for (i = 0; i < rgndata->rdh.nCount; i++, r++) {
2208             int width = r->right-r->left;
2209             int height = r->bottom-r->top;
2210             if (width > 0 && height > 0) {
2211                 int toAdd = (width > height) ? 0: 1;
2212                 if (un[toAdd] != 0) {
2213                     ::UnionRect(un[toAdd], un[toAdd], r);
2214                 } else {
2215                     un[toAdd] = r;
2216                 }
2217             }
2218         }
2219         for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
2220             if (un[i] != 0) {
2221                 DoCallback("handleExpose", "(IIII)V",
2222                            ScaleDownX(un[i]->left),
2223                            ScaleDownY(un[i]->top),
2224                            ScaleDownX(un[i]->right - un[i]->left),
2225                            ScaleDownY(un[i]->bottom - un[i]->top));
2226             }
2227         }
2228         delete [] buffer;
2229     }
2230     ::DeleteObject((HGDIOBJ)rgn);
2231 }
2233 MsgRouting AwtComponent::WmMouseEnter(UINT flags, int x, int y)
2234 {
2235     SendMouseEvent(java_awt_event_MouseEvent_MOUSE_ENTERED,
2236                    ::JVM_CurrentTimeMillis(NULL, 0), x, y, GetJavaModifiers(), 0, JNI_FALSE);
2237     if ((flags & ALL_MK_BUTTONS) == 0) {
2238         AwtCursor::UpdateCursor(this);
2239     }
2240     sm_cursorOn = GetHWnd();
2241     return mrConsume;   /* Don't pass our synthetic event on! */
2242 }
2244 MSG*
2245 AwtComponent::CreateMessage(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam,

4600 {
4601     RECT eraseR = { 0, 0, size.cx, size.cy };
4602     VERIFY(::FillRect(hMemoryDC, &eraseR, GetBackgroundBrush()));
4603 }
4605 void AwtComponent::FillAlpha(void *bitmapBits, SIZE &size, BYTE alpha)
4606 {
4607     if (!bitmapBits) {
4608         return;
4609     }
4611     DWORD* dest = (DWORD*)bitmapBits;
4612     //XXX: might be optimized to use one loop (cy*cx -> 0)
4613     for (int i = 0; i < size.cy; i++ ) {
4614         for (int j = 0; j < size.cx; j++ ) {
4615             ((BYTE*)(dest++))[3] = alpha;
4616         }
4617     }
4618 }
4620 int AwtComponent::ScaleUpX(int x) {
4621     int screen = AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::DeviceIndexForWindow(GetHWnd());
4622     Devices::InstanceAccess devices;
4623     AwtWin32GraphicsDevice* device = devices->GetDevice(screen);
4624     return device == NULL ? x : device->ScaleUpX(x);
4625 }
4627 int AwtComponent::ScaleUpY(int y) {
4628     int screen = AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::DeviceIndexForWindow(GetHWnd());
4629     Devices::InstanceAccess devices;
4630     AwtWin32GraphicsDevice* device = devices->GetDevice(screen);
4631     return device == NULL ? y : device->ScaleUpY(y);
4632 }
4634 int AwtComponent::ScaleDownX(int x) {
4635     int screen = AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::DeviceIndexForWindow(GetHWnd());
4636     Devices::InstanceAccess devices;
4637     AwtWin32GraphicsDevice* device = devices->GetDevice(screen);
4638     return device == NULL ? x : device->ScaleDownX(x);
4639 }
4641 int AwtComponent::ScaleDownY(int y) {
4642     int screen = AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::DeviceIndexForWindow(GetHWnd());
4643     Devices::InstanceAccess devices;
4644     AwtWin32GraphicsDevice* device = devices->GetDevice(screen);
4645     return device == NULL ? y : device->ScaleDownY(y);
4646 }
4648 jintArray AwtComponent::CreatePrintedPixels(SIZE &loc, SIZE &size, int alpha) {
4649     JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2);
4651     if (!::IsWindowVisible(GetHWnd())) {
4652         return NULL;
4653     }
4655     HDC hdc = GetDCFromComponent();
4656     if (!hdc) {
4657         return NULL;
4658     }
4659     HDC hMemoryDC = ::CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
4660     void *bitmapBits = NULL;
4661     HBITMAP hBitmap = BitmapUtil::CreateARGBBitmap(size.cx, size.cy, &bitmapBits);
4662     HBITMAP hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP)::SelectObject(hMemoryDC, hBitmap);
4663     SendMessage(WM_AWT_RELEASEDC, (WPARAM)hdc);
4665     FillBackground(hMemoryDC, size);
4667     VERIFY(::SetWindowOrgEx(hMemoryDC, loc.cx, loc.cy, NULL));

4921     GetInsets(&insets);
4923     static jmethodID mouseEventConst;
4924     if (mouseEventConst == NULL) {
4925         mouseEventConst =
4926             env->GetMethodID(mouseEventCls, "<init>",
4927                  "(Ljava/awt/Component;IJIIIIIIZI)V");
4928         DASSERT(mouseEventConst);
4929         CHECK_NULL(mouseEventConst);
4930     }
4931     if (env->EnsureLocalCapacity(2) < 0) {
4932         return;
4933     }
4934     jobject target = GetTarget(env);
4935     DWORD curMousePos = ::GetMessagePos();
4936     int xAbs = GET_X_LPARAM(curMousePos);
4937     int yAbs = GET_Y_LPARAM(curMousePos);
4938     jobject mouseEvent = env->NewObject(mouseEventCls, mouseEventConst,
4939                                         target,
4940                                         id, when, modifiers,
4941                                         ScaleDownX(x + insets.left),
4942                                         ScaleDownY(y + insets.top),
4943                                         ScaleDownX(xAbs), ScaleDownY(yAbs),
4944                                         clickCount, popupTrigger, button);
4946     if (safe_ExceptionOccurred(env)) {
4947         env->ExceptionDescribe();
4948         env->ExceptionClear();
4949     }
4951     DASSERT(mouseEvent != NULL);
4952     CHECK_NULL(mouseEvent);
4953     if (pMsg != 0) {
4954         AwtAWTEvent::saveMSG(env, pMsg, mouseEvent);
4955     }
4956     SendEvent(mouseEvent);
4958     env->DeleteLocalRef(mouseEvent);
4959     env->DeleteLocalRef(target);
4960 }
4962 void
4963 AwtComponent::SendMouseWheelEvent(jint id, jlong when, jint x, jint y,

4990         mouseWheelEventConst =
4991             env->GetMethodID(mouseWheelEventCls, "<init>",
4992                            "(Ljava/awt/Component;IJIIIIIIZIIID)V");
4993         DASSERT(mouseWheelEventConst);
4994         CHECK_NULL(mouseWheelEventConst);
4995     }
4996     if (env->EnsureLocalCapacity(2) < 0) {
4997         return;
4998     }
4999     jobject target = GetTarget(env);
5000     DWORD curMousePos = ::GetMessagePos();
5001     int xAbs = GET_X_LPARAM(curMousePos);
5002     int yAbs = GET_Y_LPARAM(curMousePos);
5004     DTRACE_PRINTLN("creating MWE in JNI");
5006     jobject mouseWheelEvent = env->NewObject(mouseWheelEventCls,
5007                                              mouseWheelEventConst,
5008                                              target,
5009                                              id, when, modifiers,
5010                                              ScaleDownX(x + insets.left),
5011                                              ScaleDownY(y + insets.top),
5012                                              ScaleDownX(xAbs),
5013                                              ScaleDownY(yAbs),
5014                                              clickCount, popupTrigger,
5015                                              scrollType, scrollAmount,
5016                                              roundedWheelRotation, preciseWheelRotation);
5018     DASSERT(mouseWheelEvent != NULL);
5019     if (mouseWheelEvent == NULL || safe_ExceptionOccurred(env)) {
5020         env->ExceptionDescribe();
5021         env->ExceptionClear();
5022         env->DeleteLocalRef(target);
5023         return;
5024     }
5025     if (pMsg != NULL) {
5026         AwtAWTEvent::saveMSG(env, pMsg, mouseWheelEvent);
5027     }
5028     SendEvent(mouseWheelEvent);
5030     env->DeleteLocalRef(mouseWheelEvent);
5031     env->DeleteLocalRef(target);
5032 }

5499     env->DeleteGlobalRef(self);
5500 }
5502 jobject AwtComponent::_GetLocationOnScreen(void *param)
5503 {
5504     JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2);
5506     jobject self = (jobject)param;
5508     jobject result = NULL;
5509     AwtComponent *p;
5511     PDATA pData;
5512     JNI_CHECK_PEER_GOTO(self, ret);
5513     p = (AwtComponent *)pData;
5514     if (::IsWindow(p->GetHWnd()))
5515     {
5516         RECT rect;
5517         VERIFY(::GetWindowRect(p->GetHWnd(),&rect));
5518         result = JNU_NewObjectByName(env, "java/awt/Point", "(II)V",
5519                                      p->ScaleDownX(rect.left),
5520                                      p->ScaleDownY(rect.top));
5521     }
5522 ret:
5523     env->DeleteGlobalRef(self);
5525     if (result != NULL)
5526     {
5527         jobject resultGlobalRef = env->NewGlobalRef(result);
5528         env->DeleteLocalRef(result);
5529         return resultGlobalRef;
5530     }
5531     else
5532     {
5533         return NULL;
5534     }
5535 }
5537 void AwtComponent::_Reshape(void *param)
5538 {
5539     JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2);

7088         /* If this component has insets, factor them in, but ignore
7089          * top-level windows.
7090          */
7091         jobject parent2 = env->GetObjectField(parent, AwtComponent::parentID);
7092         if (parent2 != NULL) {
7093             jobject peer = GetPeerForTarget(env, parent);
7094             if (peer != NULL &&
7095                 JNU_IsInstanceOfByName(env, peer,
7096                                        "sun/awt/windows/WPanelPeer") > 0) {
7097                 jobject insets =
7098                     JNU_CallMethodByName(env, NULL, peer,"insets",
7099                                          "()Ljava/awt/Insets;").l;
7100                 x += (env)->GetIntField(insets, AwtInsets::leftID);
7101                 y += (env)->GetIntField(insets, AwtInsets::topID);
7102             }
7103         }
7104         env->DeleteLocalRef(target);
7105         target = parent;
7106     }
7108     x = ScaleUpX(x);
7109     y = ScaleUpY(y);
7110     width = ScaleUpX(width);
7111     height = ScaleUpY(height);
7113     // Test whether component's bounds match the native window's
7114     RECT rect;
7115     VERIFY(::GetWindowRect(GetHWnd(), &rect));
7116 #if 0
7117     DASSERT( (x == rect.left) &&
7118             (y == rect.top) &&
7119             (width == (rect.right-rect.left)) &&
7120             (height == (rect.bottom-rect.top)) );
7121 #else
7122     BOOL fSizeValid = ( (x == rect.left) &&
7123             (y == rect.top) &&
7124             (width == (rect.right-rect.left)) &&
7125             (height == (rect.bottom-rect.top)) );
7126 #endif
7128     // See if visible state matches
7129     BOOL wndVisible = ::IsWindowVisible(GetHWnd());
7130     jboolean targetVisible;
7131     // To avoid possibly running client code on the toolkit thread, don't
7132     // do the following check if we're running on the toolkit thread.

7286     if ((removedDC = activeDCList.RemoveDC(hDC, hWnd)) != NULL) {
7287         passiveDCList.AddDCItem(removedDC);
7288     }
7289 }
7291 void ReleaseDCList(HWND hwnd, DCList &list) {
7292     DCItem *removedDCs = list.RemoveAllDCs(hwnd);
7293     while (removedDCs) {
7294         DCItem *tmpDCList = removedDCs;
7295         DASSERT(::GetObjectType(tmpDCList->hDC) == OBJ_DC);
7296         int retValue = ::ReleaseDC(tmpDCList->hWnd, tmpDCList->hDC);
7297         VERIFY(retValue != 0);
7298         if (retValue != 0) {
7299             // Valid ReleaseDC call; need to decrement GDI object counter
7300             AwtGDIObject::Decrement();
7301         }
7302         removedDCs = removedDCs->next;
7303         delete tmpDCList;
7304     }
7305 }

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