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  26 #import "jni_util.h"
  27 #import "CGLGraphicsConfig.h"
  28 #import "AWTView.h"
  29 #import "AWTWindow.h"
  30 #import "JavaComponentAccessibility.h"
  31 #import "JavaTextAccessibility.h"
  32 #import "GeomUtilities.h"
  33 #import "OSVersion.h"
  34 #import "ThreadUtilities.h"
  36 #import <JavaNativeFoundation/JavaNativeFoundation.h>
  38 @interface AWTView()
  39 @property (retain) CDropTarget *_dropTarget;
  40 @property (retain) CDragSource *_dragSource;
  42 -(void) deliverResize: (NSRect) rect;
  43 -(void) resetTrackingArea;
  44 -(void) deliverJavaKeyEventHelper: (NSEvent*) event;

  45 @end
  47 // Uncomment this line to see fprintfs of each InputMethod API being called on this View
  48 //#define IM_DEBUG TRUE
  49 //#define EXTRA_DEBUG
  51 static BOOL shouldUsePressAndHold() {
  52     static int shouldUsePressAndHold = -1;
  53     if (shouldUsePressAndHold != -1) return shouldUsePressAndHold;
  54     shouldUsePressAndHold = !isSnowLeopardOrLower();
  55     return shouldUsePressAndHold;
  56 }
  58 @implementation AWTView
  60 @synthesize _dropTarget;
  61 @synthesize _dragSource;
  62 @synthesize cglLayer;
  63 @synthesize mouseIsOver;

 492             JNU_CallMethodByName(env, NULL, [m_awtWindow cPlatformView],
 493                  "deliverWindowDidExposeEvent", "(FFFF)V",
 494                  (jfloat)rs[i].origin.x, (jfloat)rs[i].origin.y,
 495                  (jfloat)rs[i].size.width, (jfloat)rs[i].size.height);
 496         if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) {
 497             (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env);
 498             (*env)->ExceptionClear(env);
 499         }
 500         }
 501         } else {
 502 */
 503         static JNF_CLASS_CACHE(jc_CPlatformView, "sun/lwawt/macosx/CPlatformView");
 504         static JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_deliverWindowDidExposeEvent, jc_CPlatformView, "deliverWindowDidExposeEvent", "()V");
 505         JNFCallVoidMethod(env, m_cPlatformView, jm_deliverWindowDidExposeEvent);
 506 /*
 507         }
 508 */
 509     }
 510 }

 512 // NSAccessibility support
 513 - (jobject)awtComponent:(JNIEnv*)env
 514 {
 515     static JNF_CLASS_CACHE(jc_CPlatformView, "sun/lwawt/macosx/CPlatformView");
 516     static JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(jf_Peer, jc_CPlatformView, "peer", "Lsun/lwawt/LWWindowPeer;");
 517     if ((env == NULL) || (m_cPlatformView == NULL)) {
 518         NSLog(@"Apple AWT : Error AWTView:awtComponent given bad parameters.");
 519         if (env != NULL)
 520         {
 521             JNFDumpJavaStack(env);
 522         }
 523         return NULL;
 524     }
 525     jobject peer = JNFGetObjectField(env, m_cPlatformView, jf_Peer);
 526     static JNF_CLASS_CACHE(jc_LWWindowPeer, "sun/lwawt/LWWindowPeer");
 527     static JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(jf_Target, jc_LWWindowPeer, "target", "Ljava/awt/Component;");
 528     if (peer == NULL) {
 529         NSLog(@"Apple AWT : Error AWTView:awtComponent got null peer from CPlatformView");
 530         JNFDumpJavaStack(env);
 531         return NULL;

 873 - (void) insertText:(id)aString replacementRange:(NSRange)replacementRange
 874 {
 875 #ifdef IM_DEBUG
 876     fprintf(stderr, "AWTView InputMethod Selector Called : [insertText]: %s\n", [aString UTF8String]);
 877 #endif // IM_DEBUG
 879     if (fInputMethodLOCKABLE == NULL) {
 880         return;
 881     }
 883     // Insert happens at the end of PAH
 884     fInPressAndHold = NO;
 886     // insertText gets called when the user commits text generated from an input method.  It also gets
 887     // called during ordinary input as well.  We only need to send an input method event when we have marked
 888     // text, or 'text in progress'.  We also need to send the event if we get an insert text out of the blue!
 889     // (i.e., when the user uses the Character palette or Inkwell), or when the string to insert is a complex
 890     // Unicode value.
 891     NSUInteger utf16Length = [aString lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF16StringEncoding];

 893     if ([self hasMarkedText] || !fProcessingKeystroke || (utf16Length > 2)) {
 894         JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
 896         static JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_selectPreviousGlyph, jc_CInputMethod, "selectPreviousGlyph", "()V");
 897         // We need to select the previous glyph so that it is overwritten.
 898         if (fPAHNeedsToSelect) {
 899             JNFCallVoidMethod(env, fInputMethodLOCKABLE, jm_selectPreviousGlyph);
 900             fPAHNeedsToSelect = NO;
 901         }
 903         static JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_insertText, jc_CInputMethod, "insertText", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
 904         jstring insertedText =  JNFNSToJavaString(env, aString);
 905         JNFCallVoidMethod(env, fInputMethodLOCKABLE, jm_insertText, insertedText); // AWT_THREADING Safe (AWTRunLoopMode)
 906         (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, insertedText);
 908         // The input method event will create psuedo-key events for each character in the committed string.
 909         // We also don't want to send the character that triggered the insertText, usually a return. [3337563]
 910         fKeyEventsNeeded = NO;
 911     }
 913     fPAHNeedsToSelect = NO;

  26 #import "jni_util.h"
  27 #import "CGLGraphicsConfig.h"
  28 #import "AWTView.h"
  29 #import "AWTWindow.h"
  30 #import "JavaComponentAccessibility.h"
  31 #import "JavaTextAccessibility.h"
  32 #import "GeomUtilities.h"
  33 #import "OSVersion.h"
  34 #import "ThreadUtilities.h"
  36 #import <JavaNativeFoundation/JavaNativeFoundation.h>
  38 @interface AWTView()
  39 @property (retain) CDropTarget *_dropTarget;
  40 @property (retain) CDragSource *_dragSource;
  42 -(void) deliverResize: (NSRect) rect;
  43 -(void) resetTrackingArea;
  44 -(void) deliverJavaKeyEventHelper: (NSEvent*) event;
  45 -(BOOL) isCodePointInUnicodeBlockNeedingIMEvent: (unichar) codePoint;
  46 @end
  48 // Uncomment this line to see fprintfs of each InputMethod API being called on this View
  49 //#define IM_DEBUG TRUE
  50 //#define EXTRA_DEBUG
  52 static BOOL shouldUsePressAndHold() {
  53     static int shouldUsePressAndHold = -1;
  54     if (shouldUsePressAndHold != -1) return shouldUsePressAndHold;
  55     shouldUsePressAndHold = !isSnowLeopardOrLower();
  56     return shouldUsePressAndHold;
  57 }
  59 @implementation AWTView
  61 @synthesize _dropTarget;
  62 @synthesize _dragSource;
  63 @synthesize cglLayer;
  64 @synthesize mouseIsOver;

 493             JNU_CallMethodByName(env, NULL, [m_awtWindow cPlatformView],
 494                  "deliverWindowDidExposeEvent", "(FFFF)V",
 495                  (jfloat)rs[i].origin.x, (jfloat)rs[i].origin.y,
 496                  (jfloat)rs[i].size.width, (jfloat)rs[i].size.height);
 497         if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) {
 498             (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env);
 499             (*env)->ExceptionClear(env);
 500         }
 501         }
 502         } else {
 503 */
 504         static JNF_CLASS_CACHE(jc_CPlatformView, "sun/lwawt/macosx/CPlatformView");
 505         static JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_deliverWindowDidExposeEvent, jc_CPlatformView, "deliverWindowDidExposeEvent", "()V");
 506         JNFCallVoidMethod(env, m_cPlatformView, jm_deliverWindowDidExposeEvent);
 507 /*
 508         }
 509 */
 510     }
 511 }
 513 -(BOOL) isCodePointInUnicodeBlockNeedingIMEvent: (unichar) codePoint {
 514     if ((codePoint >= 0x3000) && (codePoint <= 0x303F)) {
 515         // Code point is in 'CJK Symbols and Punctuation' Unicode block.
 516         return YES;
 517     }
 518     return NO;
 519 }
 521 // NSAccessibility support
 522 - (jobject)awtComponent:(JNIEnv*)env
 523 {
 524     static JNF_CLASS_CACHE(jc_CPlatformView, "sun/lwawt/macosx/CPlatformView");
 525     static JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(jf_Peer, jc_CPlatformView, "peer", "Lsun/lwawt/LWWindowPeer;");
 526     if ((env == NULL) || (m_cPlatformView == NULL)) {
 527         NSLog(@"Apple AWT : Error AWTView:awtComponent given bad parameters.");
 528         if (env != NULL)
 529         {
 530             JNFDumpJavaStack(env);
 531         }
 532         return NULL;
 533     }
 534     jobject peer = JNFGetObjectField(env, m_cPlatformView, jf_Peer);
 535     static JNF_CLASS_CACHE(jc_LWWindowPeer, "sun/lwawt/LWWindowPeer");
 536     static JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(jf_Target, jc_LWWindowPeer, "target", "Ljava/awt/Component;");
 537     if (peer == NULL) {
 538         NSLog(@"Apple AWT : Error AWTView:awtComponent got null peer from CPlatformView");
 539         JNFDumpJavaStack(env);
 540         return NULL;

 882 - (void) insertText:(id)aString replacementRange:(NSRange)replacementRange
 883 {
 884 #ifdef IM_DEBUG
 885     fprintf(stderr, "AWTView InputMethod Selector Called : [insertText]: %s\n", [aString UTF8String]);
 886 #endif // IM_DEBUG
 888     if (fInputMethodLOCKABLE == NULL) {
 889         return;
 890     }
 892     // Insert happens at the end of PAH
 893     fInPressAndHold = NO;
 895     // insertText gets called when the user commits text generated from an input method.  It also gets
 896     // called during ordinary input as well.  We only need to send an input method event when we have marked
 897     // text, or 'text in progress'.  We also need to send the event if we get an insert text out of the blue!
 898     // (i.e., when the user uses the Character palette or Inkwell), or when the string to insert is a complex
 899     // Unicode value.
 900     NSUInteger utf16Length = [aString lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF16StringEncoding];
 901     NSUInteger utf8Length = [aString lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
 902     BOOL aStringIsComplex = NO;
 903     if ((utf16Length > 2) ||
 904         ((utf8Length > 1) && [self isCodePointInUnicodeBlockNeedingIMEvent:[aString characterAtIndex:0]])) {
 905         aStringIsComplex = YES;
 906     }
 908     if ([self hasMarkedText] || !fProcessingKeystroke || aStringIsComplex) {
 909         JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
 911         static JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_selectPreviousGlyph, jc_CInputMethod, "selectPreviousGlyph", "()V");
 912         // We need to select the previous glyph so that it is overwritten.
 913         if (fPAHNeedsToSelect) {
 914             JNFCallVoidMethod(env, fInputMethodLOCKABLE, jm_selectPreviousGlyph);
 915             fPAHNeedsToSelect = NO;
 916         }
 918         static JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_insertText, jc_CInputMethod, "insertText", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
 919         jstring insertedText =  JNFNSToJavaString(env, aString);
 920         JNFCallVoidMethod(env, fInputMethodLOCKABLE, jm_insertText, insertedText); // AWT_THREADING Safe (AWTRunLoopMode)
 921         (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, insertedText);
 923         // The input method event will create psuedo-key events for each character in the committed string.
 924         // We also don't want to send the character that triggered the insertText, usually a return. [3337563]
 925         fKeyEventsNeeded = NO;
 926     }
 928     fPAHNeedsToSelect = NO;

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