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rev 2819 : imported patch my-classpath-deps-00

  41         Path root = Paths.get(IncCompInheritance.class.getSimpleName() + "Test");
  42         Path src = root.resolve("src");
  43         Path classes = root.resolve("classes");
  45         // Prep source files: A <- B <- C
  46         String a = "package pkga; public class A { public void m() {} }";
  47         String b = "package pkgb; public class B extends pkga.A {}";
  48         String c = "package pkgc; public class C extends pkgb.B {{ new pkgb.B().m(); }}";
  49         toolbox.writeFile(src.resolve("pkga/A.java"), a);
  50         toolbox.writeFile(src.resolve("pkgb/B.java"), b);
  51         toolbox.writeFile(src.resolve("pkgc/C.java"), c);
  53         // Initial compile (should succeed)
  54         String server = "--server:portfile=testserver,background=false";
  55         int rc1 = compile(server, "-d", classes, src);
  56         if (rc1 != 0)
  57             throw new AssertionError("Compilation failed unexpectedly");
  59         // Remove method A.m

  60         String aModified = "package pkga; public class A { }";
  61         toolbox.writeFile(src.resolve("pkga/A.java"), aModified);
  63         // Incremental compile (C should now be recompiled even though it
  64         // depends on A only through inheritance via B).
  65         // Since A.m is removed, this should fail.
  66         int rc2 = compile(server, "-d", classes, src);
  67         if (rc2 == 0)
  68             throw new AssertionError("Compilation succeeded unexpectedly");
  69     }
  70 }

  41         Path root = Paths.get(IncCompInheritance.class.getSimpleName() + "Test");
  42         Path src = root.resolve("src");
  43         Path classes = root.resolve("classes");
  45         // Prep source files: A <- B <- C
  46         String a = "package pkga; public class A { public void m() {} }";
  47         String b = "package pkgb; public class B extends pkga.A {}";
  48         String c = "package pkgc; public class C extends pkgb.B {{ new pkgb.B().m(); }}";
  49         toolbox.writeFile(src.resolve("pkga/A.java"), a);
  50         toolbox.writeFile(src.resolve("pkgb/B.java"), b);
  51         toolbox.writeFile(src.resolve("pkgc/C.java"), c);
  53         // Initial compile (should succeed)
  54         String server = "--server:portfile=testserver,background=false";
  55         int rc1 = compile(server, "-d", classes, src);
  56         if (rc1 != 0)
  57             throw new AssertionError("Compilation failed unexpectedly");
  59         // Remove method A.m
  60         Thread.sleep(1000); // Make sure we get a new timestamp
  61         String aModified = "package pkga; public class A { }";
  62         toolbox.writeFile(src.resolve("pkga/A.java"), aModified);
  64         // Incremental compile (C should now be recompiled even though it
  65         // depends on A only through inheritance via B).
  66         // Since A.m is removed, this should fail.
  67         int rc2 = compile(server, "-d", classes, src);
  68         if (rc2 == 0)
  69             throw new AssertionError("Compilation succeeded unexpectedly");
  70     }
  71 }