
Print this page

  39 #ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_linux
  40 # include "thread_linux.inline.hpp"
  41 #endif
  42 #ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_solaris
  43 # include "thread_solaris.inline.hpp"
  44 #endif
  45 #ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_windows
  46 # include "thread_windows.inline.hpp"
  47 #endif
  48 #ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_bsd
  49 # include "thread_bsd.inline.hpp"
  50 #endif
  53 #ifdef ASSERT
  54 int CollectedHeap::_fire_out_of_memory_count = 0;
  55 #endif
  57 size_t CollectedHeap::_filler_array_max_size = 0;

  59 template <>
  60 void EventLogBase<GCMessage>::print(outputStream* st, GCMessage& m) {
  61   st->print_cr("GC heap %s", m.is_before ? "before" : "after");
  62   st->print_raw(m);
  63 }
  65 void GCHeapLog::log_heap(bool before) {
  66   if (!should_log()) {
  67     return;
  68   }
  70   double timestamp = fetch_timestamp();
  71   MutexLockerEx ml(&_mutex, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
  72   int index = compute_log_index();
  73   _records[index].thread = NULL; // Its the GC thread so it's not that interesting.
  74   _records[index].timestamp = timestamp;
  75   _records[index].data.is_before = before;
  76   stringStream st(_records[index].data.buffer(), _records[index].data.size());
  77   if (before) {
  78     Universe::print_heap_before_gc(&st, true);

 163   _defer_initial_card_mark = false; // strengthened by subclass in pre_initialize() below.
 164   // Create the ring log
 165   if (LogEvents) {
 166     _gc_heap_log = new GCHeapLog();
 167   } else {
 168     _gc_heap_log = NULL;
 169   }
 170 }
 172 void CollectedHeap::pre_initialize() {
 173   // Used for ReduceInitialCardMarks (when COMPILER2 is used);
 174   // otherwise remains unused.
 175 #ifdef COMPILER2
 176   _defer_initial_card_mark =    ReduceInitialCardMarks && can_elide_tlab_store_barriers()
 177                              && (DeferInitialCardMark || card_mark_must_follow_store());
 178 #else
 179   assert(_defer_initial_card_mark == false, "Who would set it?");
 180 #endif
 181 }

 183 #ifndef PRODUCT
 184 void CollectedHeap::check_for_bad_heap_word_value(HeapWord* addr, size_t size) {
 185   if (CheckMemoryInitialization && ZapUnusedHeapArea) {
 186     for (size_t slot = 0; slot < size; slot += 1) {
 187       assert((*(intptr_t*) (addr + slot)) != ((intptr_t) badHeapWordVal),
 188              "Found badHeapWordValue in post-allocation check");
 189     }
 190   }
 191 }
 193 void CollectedHeap::check_for_non_bad_heap_word_value(HeapWord* addr, size_t size) {
 194   if (CheckMemoryInitialization && ZapUnusedHeapArea) {
 195     for (size_t slot = 0; slot < size; slot += 1) {
 196       assert((*(intptr_t*) (addr + slot)) == ((intptr_t) badHeapWordVal),
 197              "Found non badHeapWordValue in pre-allocation check");
 198     }
 199   }
 200 }
 201 #endif // PRODUCT

  39 #ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_linux
  40 # include "thread_linux.inline.hpp"
  41 #endif
  42 #ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_solaris
  43 # include "thread_solaris.inline.hpp"
  44 #endif
  45 #ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_windows
  46 # include "thread_windows.inline.hpp"
  47 #endif
  48 #ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_bsd
  49 # include "thread_bsd.inline.hpp"
  50 #endif
  53 #ifdef ASSERT
  54 int CollectedHeap::_fire_out_of_memory_count = 0;
  55 #endif
  57 size_t CollectedHeap::_filler_array_max_size = 0;
  59 const char* CollectedHeap::OverflowMessage
  60   = "The size of the object heap + perm gen exceeds the maximum representable size";
  62 template <>
  63 void EventLogBase<GCMessage>::print(outputStream* st, GCMessage& m) {
  64   st->print_cr("GC heap %s", m.is_before ? "before" : "after");
  65   st->print_raw(m);
  66 }
  68 void GCHeapLog::log_heap(bool before) {
  69   if (!should_log()) {
  70     return;
  71   }
  73   double timestamp = fetch_timestamp();
  74   MutexLockerEx ml(&_mutex, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
  75   int index = compute_log_index();
  76   _records[index].thread = NULL; // Its the GC thread so it's not that interesting.
  77   _records[index].timestamp = timestamp;
  78   _records[index].data.is_before = before;
  79   stringStream st(_records[index].data.buffer(), _records[index].data.size());
  80   if (before) {
  81     Universe::print_heap_before_gc(&st, true);

 166   _defer_initial_card_mark = false; // strengthened by subclass in pre_initialize() below.
 167   // Create the ring log
 168   if (LogEvents) {
 169     _gc_heap_log = new GCHeapLog();
 170   } else {
 171     _gc_heap_log = NULL;
 172   }
 173 }
 175 void CollectedHeap::pre_initialize() {
 176   // Used for ReduceInitialCardMarks (when COMPILER2 is used);
 177   // otherwise remains unused.
 178 #ifdef COMPILER2
 179   _defer_initial_card_mark =    ReduceInitialCardMarks && can_elide_tlab_store_barriers()
 180                              && (DeferInitialCardMark || card_mark_must_follow_store());
 181 #else
 182   assert(_defer_initial_card_mark == false, "Who would set it?");
 183 #endif
 184 }
 186 size_t CollectedHeap::add_and_check_overflow(size_t total, size_t size) {
 187   assert(size >= 0, "must be");
 188   size_t result = total + size;
 189   if (result < size) {
 190     // We must have overflowed
 191     vm_exit_during_initialization(CollectedHeap::OverflowMessage);
 192   }
 193   return result;
 194 }
 196 size_t CollectedHeap::round_up_and_check_overflow(size_t total, size_t size) {
 197   assert(size >= 0, "must be");
 198   size_t result = round_to(total, size);
 199   if (result < size) {
 200     // We must have overflowed
 201     vm_exit_during_initialization(CollectedHeap::OverflowMessage);
 202   }
 203   return result;
 204 }
 206 #ifndef PRODUCT
 207 void CollectedHeap::check_for_bad_heap_word_value(HeapWord* addr, size_t size) {
 208   if (CheckMemoryInitialization && ZapUnusedHeapArea) {
 209     for (size_t slot = 0; slot < size; slot += 1) {
 210       assert((*(intptr_t*) (addr + slot)) != ((intptr_t) badHeapWordVal),
 211              "Found badHeapWordValue in post-allocation check");
 212     }
 213   }
 214 }
 216 void CollectedHeap::check_for_non_bad_heap_word_value(HeapWord* addr, size_t size) {
 217   if (CheckMemoryInitialization && ZapUnusedHeapArea) {
 218     for (size_t slot = 0; slot < size; slot += 1) {
 219       assert((*(intptr_t*) (addr + slot)) == ((intptr_t) badHeapWordVal),
 220              "Found non badHeapWordValue in pre-allocation check");
 221     }
 222   }
 223 }
 224 #endif // PRODUCT