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  38 #  LP64=1 or ARCH_DATA_MODEL=64 for 64bit build
  39 #
  40 # Expected/optional make variables or environment variables:
  41 #  ALT_SLASH_JAVA             Location of /java or J:
  42 #  ALT_BOOTDIR                Previous JDK home directory for javac compiler
  43 #  ALT_OUTPUTDIR              Output directory to use for hotspot build
  44 #  ALT_EXPORT_PATH            Directory to export hotspot build to
  45 #  ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH        Current JDK build (only for create_jdk rules)
  46 #  ALT_JDK_TARGET_IMPORT_PATH Current JDK build when cross-compiling
  47 #  ALT_BUILD_WIN_SA           Building SA on Windows is disabled by default.
  48 #                             Set ALT_BUILD_WIN_SA=1 to enable building SA on
  49 #                             Windows.
  50 # Version strings and numbers:
  51 #  VERSION_SHORT      Current JDK version (e.g. 9.0.0)
  52 #  JDK_PREVIOUS_VERSION Previous (bootdir) JDK version (e.g. 1.5.0) (Only needed
  53 #  to facilitate standalone build.)
  54 #  VERSION_STRING     Full version string to use (e.g. "9.0.0-ea-b42")
  55 #  VERSION_MAJOR Major number for version (e.g. 9)
  56 #  VERSION_MINOR Minor number for version (e.g. 0)
  57 #  VERSION_SECURITY Security number for version (e.g. 0)

  58 #
  60 # Default is build both product fastdebug and create export area
  62 # Allow to build HotSpot in local directory from sources specified by GAMMADIR.
  63 # After make/defs.make GAMMADIR is defined.
  64 ifdef GAMMADIR
  65   ifndef ALT_OUTPUTDIR
  66     ALT_OUTPUTDIR := $(shell pwd)
  67   endif
  68   include $(GAMMADIR)/make/defs.make
  69 else
  70   include defs.make
  71 endif
  73 include $(GAMMADIR)/make/altsrc.make
  75 -include $(HS_ALT_MAKE)/Makefile.make
  77 ifneq ($(ALT_OUTPUTDIR),)

  38 #  LP64=1 or ARCH_DATA_MODEL=64 for 64bit build
  39 #
  40 # Expected/optional make variables or environment variables:
  41 #  ALT_SLASH_JAVA             Location of /java or J:
  42 #  ALT_BOOTDIR                Previous JDK home directory for javac compiler
  43 #  ALT_OUTPUTDIR              Output directory to use for hotspot build
  44 #  ALT_EXPORT_PATH            Directory to export hotspot build to
  45 #  ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH        Current JDK build (only for create_jdk rules)
  46 #  ALT_JDK_TARGET_IMPORT_PATH Current JDK build when cross-compiling
  47 #  ALT_BUILD_WIN_SA           Building SA on Windows is disabled by default.
  48 #                             Set ALT_BUILD_WIN_SA=1 to enable building SA on
  49 #                             Windows.
  50 # Version strings and numbers:
  51 #  VERSION_SHORT      Current JDK version (e.g. 9.0.0)
  52 #  JDK_PREVIOUS_VERSION Previous (bootdir) JDK version (e.g. 1.5.0) (Only needed
  53 #  to facilitate standalone build.)
  54 #  VERSION_STRING     Full version string to use (e.g. "9.0.0-ea-b42")
  55 #  VERSION_MAJOR Major number for version (e.g. 9)
  56 #  VERSION_MINOR Minor number for version (e.g. 0)
  57 #  VERSION_SECURITY Security number for version (e.g. 0)
  58 #  VERSION_PATCH Security number for version (e.g. 0)
  59 #
  61 # Default is build both product fastdebug and create export area
  63 # Allow to build HotSpot in local directory from sources specified by GAMMADIR.
  64 # After make/defs.make GAMMADIR is defined.
  65 ifdef GAMMADIR
  66   ifndef ALT_OUTPUTDIR
  67     ALT_OUTPUTDIR := $(shell pwd)
  68   endif
  69   include $(GAMMADIR)/make/defs.make
  70 else
  71   include defs.make
  72 endif
  74 include $(GAMMADIR)/make/altsrc.make
  76 -include $(HS_ALT_MAKE)/Makefile.make
  78 ifneq ($(ALT_OUTPUTDIR),)

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