2 #pragma ident "@(#)ciMethodBlocks.cpp   1.6 07/09/28 10:23:22 JVM"
   3 #endif
   4 /*
   5  * Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
   7  *
   8  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   9  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
  10  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
  11  *
  12  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  13  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  14  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  15  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  16  * accompanied this code).
  17  *
  18  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  19  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  20  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  21  *
  22  * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
  23  * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or
  24  * have any questions.
  25  *  
  26  */
  28 #include "incls/_precompiled.incl"
  29 #include "incls/_ciMethodBlocks.cpp.incl"
  31 // ciMethodBlocks
  35 ciBlock *ciMethodBlocks::block_containing(int bci) {
  36   ciBlock *blk = _bci_to_block[bci];
  37   return blk;
  38 }
  40 bool ciMethodBlocks::is_block_start(int bci) {
  41   assert(bci >=0 && bci < _code_size, "valid bytecode range");
  42   ciBlock *b = _bci_to_block[bci];
  43   assert(b != NULL, "must have block for bytecode");
  44   return b->start_bci() == bci;
  45 }
  47 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
  48 // ciMethodBlocks::split_block_at
  49 //
  50 // Split the block spanning bci into two separate ranges.  The former
  51 // block becomes the second half and a new range is created for the
  52 // first half.  Returns the range beginning at bci.
  53 ciBlock *ciMethodBlocks::split_block_at(int bci) {
  54   ciBlock *former_block = block_containing(bci);
  55   ciBlock *new_block = new(_arena) ciBlock(_method, _num_blocks++, this, former_block->start_bci());
  56   _blocks->append(new_block);
  57   assert(former_block != NULL, "must not be NULL");
  58   new_block->set_limit_bci(bci);
  59   former_block->set_start_bci(bci);
  60   for (int pos=bci-1; pos >= 0; pos--) {
  61     ciBlock *current_block = block_containing(pos);
  62     if (current_block == former_block) {
  63       // Replace it.
  64       _bci_to_block[pos] = new_block;
  65     } else if (current_block == NULL) {
  66       // Non-bytecode start.  Skip.
  67       continue;
  68     } else {
  69       // We are done with our backwards walk
  70       break;
  71     }
  72   }
  73   return former_block;
  74 }
  76 ciBlock *ciMethodBlocks::make_block_at(int bci) {
  77   ciBlock *cb = block_containing(bci);
  78   if (cb == NULL ) {
  79     // This is our first time visiting this bytecode.  Create
  80     // a fresh block and assign it this starting point.
  81     ciBlock *nb = new(_arena) ciBlock(_method, _num_blocks++, this, bci);
  82     _blocks->append(nb);
  83      _bci_to_block[bci] = nb;
  84     return nb;
  85   } else if (cb->start_bci() == bci) {
  86     // The block begins at bci.  Simply return it.
  87     return cb;
  88   } else {
  89     // We have already created a block containing bci but
  90     // not starting at bci.  This existing block needs to
  91     // be split into two.
  92     return split_block_at(bci);
  93   }
  94 }
  96 void ciMethodBlocks::do_analysis() {
  97   ciBytecodeStream s(_method);
  98   ciBlock *cur_block = block_containing(0);
  99   int limit_bci = _method->code_size();
 101   while (s.next() != ciBytecodeStream::EOBC()) {
 102     int bci = s.cur_bci();
 103     // Determine if a new block has been made at the current bci.  If
 104     // this block differs from our current range, switch to the new
 105     // one and end the old one.
 106     assert(cur_block != NULL, "must always have a current block");
 107     ciBlock *new_block = block_containing(bci);
 108     if (new_block == NULL) {
 109       // We have not marked this bci as the start of a new block.
 110       // Keep interpreting the current_range.
 111       _bci_to_block[bci] = cur_block;
 112     } else {
 113       cur_block->set_limit_bci(bci);
 114       cur_block = new_block;
 115     }
 117     switch (s.cur_bc()) {
 118       case Bytecodes::_ifeq        :
 119       case Bytecodes::_ifne        :
 120       case Bytecodes::_iflt        :
 121       case Bytecodes::_ifge        :
 122       case Bytecodes::_ifgt        :
 123       case Bytecodes::_ifle        :
 124       case Bytecodes::_if_icmpeq   :
 125       case Bytecodes::_if_icmpne   :
 126       case Bytecodes::_if_icmplt   :
 127       case Bytecodes::_if_icmpge   :
 128       case Bytecodes::_if_icmpgt   :
 129       case Bytecodes::_if_icmple   :
 130       case Bytecodes::_if_acmpeq   :
 131       case Bytecodes::_if_acmpne   :
 132       case Bytecodes::_ifnull      :
 133       case Bytecodes::_ifnonnull   :
 134       {
 135         cur_block->set_control_bci(bci);
 136         ciBlock *fall_through = make_block_at(s.next_bci());
 137         int dest_bci = s.get_dest();
 138         ciBlock *dest = make_block_at(dest_bci);
 139         break;
 140       }
 142       case Bytecodes::_goto        :
 143       {
 144         cur_block->set_control_bci(bci);
 145         if (s.next_bci() < limit_bci) {
 146           (void) make_block_at(s.next_bci());
 147         }
 148         int dest_bci = s.get_dest();
 149         ciBlock *dest = make_block_at(dest_bci);
 150         break;
 151       }
 153       case Bytecodes::_jsr         :
 154       {
 155         cur_block->set_control_bci(bci);
 156         ciBlock *ret = make_block_at(s.next_bci());
 157         int dest_bci = s.get_dest();
 158         ciBlock *dest = make_block_at(dest_bci);
 159         break;
 160       }
 162       case Bytecodes::_tableswitch :
 163         {
 164           cur_block->set_control_bci(bci);
 165           Bytecode_tableswitch* switch_ = Bytecode_tableswitch_at(s.cur_bcp());
 166           int len = switch_->length();
 167           ciBlock *dest;
 168           int dest_bci;
 169           for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
 170             dest_bci = s.cur_bci() + switch_->dest_offset_at(i);
 171             dest = make_block_at(dest_bci);
 172           }
 173           dest_bci = s.cur_bci() + switch_->default_offset();
 174           make_block_at(dest_bci);
 175           if (s.next_bci() < limit_bci) {
 176             dest = make_block_at(s.next_bci());
 177           }
 178         }
 179         break;
 181       case Bytecodes::_lookupswitch:
 182         {
 183           cur_block->set_control_bci(bci);
 184           Bytecode_lookupswitch* switch_ = Bytecode_lookupswitch_at(s.cur_bcp());
 185           int len = switch_->number_of_pairs();
 186           ciBlock *dest;
 187           int dest_bci;
 188           for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
 189             dest_bci = s.cur_bci() + switch_->pair_at(i)->offset();
 190             dest = make_block_at(dest_bci);
 191           }
 192           dest_bci = s.cur_bci() + switch_->default_offset();
 193           dest = make_block_at(dest_bci);
 194           if (s.next_bci() < limit_bci) {
 195             dest = make_block_at(s.next_bci());
 196           }
 197         }
 198         break;
 200       case Bytecodes::_goto_w      :
 201       {
 202         cur_block->set_control_bci(bci);
 203         if (s.next_bci() < limit_bci) {
 204           (void) make_block_at(s.next_bci());
 205         }
 206         int dest_bci = s.get_far_dest();
 207         ciBlock *dest = make_block_at(dest_bci);
 208         break;
 209       }
 211       case Bytecodes::_jsr_w       :
 212       {
 213         cur_block->set_control_bci(bci);
 214         ciBlock *ret = make_block_at(s.next_bci());
 215         int dest_bci = s.get_far_dest();
 216         ciBlock *dest = make_block_at(dest_bci);
 217         break;
 218       }
 220       case Bytecodes::_athrow      :
 221         cur_block->set_may_throw();
 222         // fall-through
 223       case Bytecodes::_ret         :
 224       case Bytecodes::_ireturn     :
 225       case Bytecodes::_lreturn     :
 226       case Bytecodes::_freturn     :
 227       case Bytecodes::_dreturn     :
 228       case Bytecodes::_areturn     :
 229       case Bytecodes::_return      :
 230         cur_block->set_control_bci(bci);
 231         if (s.next_bci() < limit_bci) {
 232           (void) make_block_at(s.next_bci());
 233         }
 234         break;
 235     }
 236   }
 237   //  End the last block
 238   cur_block->set_limit_bci(limit_bci);
 239 }
 241 ciMethodBlocks::ciMethodBlocks(Arena *arena, ciMethod *meth): _method(meth),
 242                           _arena(arena), _num_blocks(0), _code_size(meth->code_size()) {
 243   int block_estimate = _code_size / 8;
 245   _blocks =  new(_arena) GrowableArray<ciBlock *>(block_estimate);
 246   int b2bsize = _code_size * sizeof(ciBlock **);
 247   _bci_to_block = (ciBlock **) arena->Amalloc(b2bsize);
 248   Copy::zero_to_words((HeapWord*) _bci_to_block, b2bsize / sizeof(HeapWord));
 250   // create initial block covering the entire method
 251   ciBlock *b = new(arena) ciBlock(_method, _num_blocks++, this, 0);
 252   _blocks->append(b);
 253   _bci_to_block[0] = b;
 255   // create blocks for exception handlers
 256   if (meth->has_exception_handlers()) {
 257     for(ciExceptionHandlerStream str(meth); !str.is_done(); str.next()) {
 258       ciExceptionHandler* handler = str.handler();
 259       ciBlock *eb = make_block_at(handler->handler_bci());
 260       eb->set_handler();
 261       int ex_start = handler->start();
 262       int ex_end = handler->limit();
 263       eb->set_exception_range(ex_start, ex_end);
 264       // ensure a block at the start of exception range and start of following code
 265       (void) make_block_at(ex_start);
 266       if (ex_end < _code_size)
 267         (void) make_block_at(ex_end);
 268     }
 269   }
 271   // scan the bytecodes and identify blocks
 272   do_analysis();
 274   // mark blocks that have exception handlers
 275   if (meth->has_exception_handlers()) {
 276     for(ciExceptionHandlerStream str(meth); !str.is_done(); str.next()) {
 277       ciExceptionHandler* handler = str.handler();
 278       int ex_start = handler->start();
 279       int ex_end = handler->limit();
 281       int bci = ex_start;
 282       while (bci < ex_end) {
 283         ciBlock *b = block_containing(bci);
 284         b->set_has_handler();
 285         bci = b->limit_bci();
 286       }
 287     }
 288   }
 289 }
 291 void ciMethodBlocks::clear_processed() {
 292   for (int i = 0; i < _blocks->length(); i++)
 293     _blocks->at(i)->clear_processed();
 294 }
 296 #ifndef PRODUCT
 297 void ciMethodBlocks::dump() {
 298   tty->print("---- blocks for method: ");
 299   _method->print();
 300   tty->cr();
 301   for (int i = 0; i < _blocks->length(); i++) {
 302     tty->print("  B%d: ", i); _blocks->at(i)->dump();
 303   }
 304 }
 305 #endif
 308 ciBlock::ciBlock(ciMethod *method, int index, ciMethodBlocks *mb, int start_bci) :
 309 #ifndef PRODUCT
 310                          _method(method),
 311 #endif
 312                          _idx(index), _flags(0), _start_bci(start_bci), _limit_bci(-1), _control_bci(fall_through_bci),
 313                          _ex_start_bci(-1), _ex_limit_bci(-1) {
 314 }
 316 void ciBlock::set_exception_range(int start_bci, int limit_bci)  {
 317    assert(limit_bci >= start_bci, "valid range");
 318    assert(is_handler(), "must be handler");
 319    _ex_start_bci = start_bci;
 320    _ex_limit_bci = limit_bci;
 321 }
 323 #ifndef PRODUCT
 324 static const char *flagnames[] = {
 325   "Processed",
 326   "Handler",
 327   "MayThrow",
 328   "Jsr",
 329   "Ret",
 330   "RetTarget",
 331   "HasHandler",
 332 };
 334 void ciBlock::dump() {
 335   tty->print(" [%d .. %d), {", _start_bci, _limit_bci);
 336   for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
 337     if ((_flags & (1 << i)) != 0) {
 338       tty->print(" %s", flagnames[i]);
 339     }
 340   }
 341   tty->print(" ]");
 342   if (is_handler())
 343     tty->print(" handles(%d..%d)", _ex_start_bci, _ex_limit_bci);
 344   tty->cr();
 345 }
 347 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 348 // ciBlock::print_on
 349 void ciBlock::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
 350   st->print_cr("--------------------------------------------------------");
 351   st->print   ("ciBlock [%d - %d) control : ", start_bci(), limit_bci());
 352   if (control_bci() == fall_through_bci) {
 353     st->print_cr("%d:fall through", limit_bci());
 354   } else {
 355     st->print_cr("%d:%s", control_bci(),
 356         Bytecodes::name(method()->java_code_at_bci(control_bci())));
 357   }
 359   if (Verbose || WizardMode) {
 360     method()->print_codes_on(start_bci(), limit_bci(), st);
 361   }
 362 }
 363 #endif