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rev 4134 : 7178145: Change constMethodOop::_exception_table to optionally inlined u2 table.
Summary: Change constMethodOop::_exception_table to optionally inlined u2 table.
Reviewed-by: bdelsart, coleenp, kamg

  50 int constMethodKlass::oop_size(oop obj) const {
  51   assert(obj->is_constMethod(), "must be constMethod oop");
  52   return constMethodOop(obj)->object_size();
  53 }
  55 bool constMethodKlass::oop_is_parsable(oop obj) const {
  56   assert(obj->is_constMethod(), "must be constMethod oop");
  57   return constMethodOop(obj)->object_is_parsable();
  58 }
  60 bool constMethodKlass::oop_is_conc_safe(oop obj) const {
  61   assert(obj->is_constMethod(), "must be constMethod oop");
  62   return constMethodOop(obj)->is_conc_safe();
  63 }
  65 constMethodOop constMethodKlass::allocate(int byte_code_size,
  66                                           int compressed_line_number_size,
  67                                           int localvariable_table_length,

  68                                           int checked_exceptions_length,
  69                                           bool is_conc_safe,
  70                                           TRAPS) {
  72   int size = constMethodOopDesc::object_size(byte_code_size,
  73                                              compressed_line_number_size,
  74                                              localvariable_table_length,

  75                                              checked_exceptions_length);
  76   KlassHandle h_k(THREAD, as_klassOop());
  77   constMethodOop cm = (constMethodOop)
  78     CollectedHeap::permanent_obj_allocate(h_k, size, CHECK_NULL);
  79   assert(!cm->is_parsable(), "Not yet safely parsable");
  80   No_Safepoint_Verifier no_safepoint;
  81   cm->set_interpreter_kind(Interpreter::invalid);
  82   cm->init_fingerprint();
  83   cm->set_method(NULL);
  84   cm->set_stackmap_data(NULL);
  85   cm->set_exception_table(NULL);
  86   cm->set_code_size(byte_code_size);
  87   cm->set_constMethod_size(size);
  88   cm->set_result_type(T_VOID);
  89   cm->set_inlined_tables_length(checked_exceptions_length,
  90                                 compressed_line_number_size,
  91                                 localvariable_table_length);

  92   assert(cm->size() == size, "wrong size for object");
  93   cm->set_is_conc_safe(is_conc_safe);
  94   cm->set_partially_loaded();
  95   assert(cm->is_parsable(), "Is safely parsable by gc");
  96   return cm;
  97 }
  99 void constMethodKlass::oop_follow_contents(oop obj) {
 100   assert (obj->is_constMethod(), "object must be constMethod");
 101   constMethodOop cm = constMethodOop(obj);
 102   MarkSweep::mark_and_push(cm->adr_method());
 103   MarkSweep::mark_and_push(cm->adr_stackmap_data());
 104   MarkSweep::mark_and_push(cm->adr_exception_table());
 105   // Performance tweak: We skip iterating over the klass pointer since we
 106   // know that Universe::constMethodKlassObj never moves.
 107 }
 109 #ifndef SERIALGC
 110 void constMethodKlass::oop_follow_contents(ParCompactionManager* cm,
 111                                            oop obj) {
 112   assert (obj->is_constMethod(), "object must be constMethod");
 113   constMethodOop cm_oop = constMethodOop(obj);
 114   PSParallelCompact::mark_and_push(cm, cm_oop->adr_method());
 115   PSParallelCompact::mark_and_push(cm, cm_oop->adr_stackmap_data());
 116   PSParallelCompact::mark_and_push(cm, cm_oop->adr_exception_table());
 117   // Performance tweak: We skip iterating over the klass pointer since we
 118   // know that Universe::constMethodKlassObj never moves.
 119 }
 120 #endif // SERIALGC
 122 int constMethodKlass::oop_oop_iterate(oop obj, OopClosure* blk) {
 123   assert (obj->is_constMethod(), "object must be constMethod");
 124   constMethodOop cm = constMethodOop(obj);
 125   blk->do_oop(cm->adr_method());
 126   blk->do_oop(cm->adr_stackmap_data());
 127   blk->do_oop(cm->adr_exception_table());
 128   // Get size before changing pointers.
 129   // Don't call size() or oop_size() since that is a virtual call.
 130   int size = cm->object_size();
 131   return size;
 132 }
 135 int constMethodKlass::oop_oop_iterate_m(oop obj, OopClosure* blk, MemRegion mr) {
 136   assert (obj->is_constMethod(), "object must be constMethod");
 137   constMethodOop cm = constMethodOop(obj);
 138   oop* adr;
 139   adr = cm->adr_method();
 140   if (mr.contains(adr)) blk->do_oop(adr);
 141   adr = cm->adr_stackmap_data();
 142   if (mr.contains(adr)) blk->do_oop(adr);
 143   adr = cm->adr_exception_table();
 144   if (mr.contains(adr)) blk->do_oop(adr);
 145   // Get size before changing pointers.
 146   // Don't call size() or oop_size() since that is a virtual call.
 147   int size = cm->object_size();
 148   // Performance tweak: We skip iterating over the klass pointer since we
 149   // know that Universe::constMethodKlassObj never moves.
 150   return size;
 151 }
 154 int constMethodKlass::oop_adjust_pointers(oop obj) {
 155   assert(obj->is_constMethod(), "should be constMethod");
 156   constMethodOop cm = constMethodOop(obj);
 157   MarkSweep::adjust_pointer(cm->adr_method());
 158   MarkSweep::adjust_pointer(cm->adr_stackmap_data());
 159   MarkSweep::adjust_pointer(cm->adr_exception_table());
 160   // Get size before changing pointers.
 161   // Don't call size() or oop_size() since that is a virtual call.
 162   int size = cm->object_size();
 163   // Performance tweak: We skip iterating over the klass pointer since we
 164   // know that Universe::constMethodKlassObj never moves.
 165   return size;
 166 }
 168 #ifndef SERIALGC
 169 void constMethodKlass::oop_push_contents(PSPromotionManager* pm, oop obj) {
 170   assert(obj->is_constMethod(), "should be constMethod");
 171 }
 173 int constMethodKlass::oop_update_pointers(ParCompactionManager* cm, oop obj) {
 174   assert(obj->is_constMethod(), "should be constMethod");
 175   constMethodOop cm_oop = constMethodOop(obj);
 176   oop* const beg_oop = cm_oop->oop_block_beg();
 177   oop* const end_oop = cm_oop->oop_block_end();
 178   for (oop* cur_oop = beg_oop; cur_oop < end_oop; ++cur_oop) {
 179     PSParallelCompact::adjust_pointer(cur_oop);
 180   }
 181   return cm_oop->object_size();
 182 }
 183 #endif // SERIALGC
 185 // Printing
 187 void constMethodKlass::oop_print_on(oop obj, outputStream* st) {
 188   ResourceMark rm;
 189   assert(obj->is_constMethod(), "must be constMethod");
 190   Klass::oop_print_on(obj, st);
 191   constMethodOop m = constMethodOop(obj);
 192   st->print(" - method:       " INTPTR_FORMAT " ", (address)m->method());
 193   m->method()->print_value_on(st); st->cr();
 194   st->print(" - exceptions:   " INTPTR_FORMAT "\n", (address)m->exception_table());
 195   if (m->has_stackmap_table()) {
 196     st->print(" - stackmap data:       ");
 197     m->stackmap_data()->print_value_on(st);
 198     st->cr();
 199   }
 200 }
 202 // Short version of printing constMethodOop - just print the name of the
 203 // method it belongs to.
 204 void constMethodKlass::oop_print_value_on(oop obj, outputStream* st) {
 205   assert(obj->is_constMethod(), "must be constMethod");
 206   constMethodOop m = constMethodOop(obj);
 207   st->print(" const part of method " );
 208   m->method()->print_value_on(st);
 209 }
 211 const char* constMethodKlass::internal_name() const {
 212   return "{constMethod}";
 213 }
 216 // Verification
 218 void constMethodKlass::oop_verify_on(oop obj, outputStream* st) {
 219   Klass::oop_verify_on(obj, st);
 220   guarantee(obj->is_constMethod(), "object must be constMethod");
 221   constMethodOop m = constMethodOop(obj);
 222   guarantee(m->is_perm(),                            "should be in permspace");
 224   // Verification can occur during oop construction before the method or
 225   // other fields have been initialized.
 226   if (!obj->partially_loaded()) {
 227     guarantee(m->method()->is_perm(), "should be in permspace");
 228     guarantee(m->method()->is_method(), "should be method");
 229     typeArrayOop stackmap_data = m->stackmap_data();
 230     guarantee(stackmap_data == NULL ||
 231               stackmap_data->is_perm(),  "should be in permspace");
 232     guarantee(m->exception_table()->is_perm(), "should be in permspace");
 233     guarantee(m->exception_table()->is_typeArray(), "should be type array");
 235     address m_end = (address)((oop*) m + m->size());
 236     address compressed_table_start = m->code_end();
 237     guarantee(compressed_table_start <= m_end, "invalid method layout");
 238     address compressed_table_end = compressed_table_start;
 239     // Verify line number table
 240     if (m->has_linenumber_table()) {
 241       CompressedLineNumberReadStream stream(m->compressed_linenumber_table());
 242       while (stream.read_pair()) {
 243         guarantee(stream.bci() >= 0 && stream.bci() <= m->code_size(), "invalid bci in line number table");
 244       }
 245       compressed_table_end += stream.position();
 246     }
 247     guarantee(compressed_table_end <= m_end, "invalid method layout");
 248     // Verify checked exceptions and local variable tables
 249     if (m->has_checked_exceptions()) {
 250       u2* addr = m->checked_exceptions_length_addr();
 251       guarantee(*addr > 0 && (address) addr >= compressed_table_end && (address) addr < m_end, "invalid method layout");
 252     }

 253     if (m->has_localvariable_table()) {
 254       u2* addr = m->localvariable_table_length_addr();
 255       guarantee(*addr > 0 && (address) addr >= compressed_table_end && (address) addr < m_end, "invalid method layout");
 256     }
 257     // Check compressed_table_end relative to uncompressed_table_start
 258     u2* uncompressed_table_start;
 259     if (m->has_localvariable_table()) {
 260       uncompressed_table_start = (u2*) m->localvariable_table_start();
 261     } else {
 262       if (m->has_checked_exceptions()) {

 263         uncompressed_table_start = (u2*) m->checked_exceptions_start();
 264       } else {
 265         uncompressed_table_start = (u2*) m_end;
 266       }
 267     }
 268     int gap = (intptr_t) uncompressed_table_start - (intptr_t) compressed_table_end;
 269     int max_gap = align_object_size(1)*BytesPerWord;
 270     guarantee(gap >= 0 && gap < max_gap, "invalid method layout");
 271   }
 272 }
 274 bool constMethodKlass::oop_partially_loaded(oop obj) const {
 275   assert(obj->is_constMethod(), "object must be klass");
 276   constMethodOop m = constMethodOop(obj);
 277   // check whether exception_table points to self (flag for partially loaded)
 278   return m->exception_table() == (typeArrayOop)obj;
 279 }
 282 // The exception_table is the last field set when loading an object.
 283 void constMethodKlass::oop_set_partially_loaded(oop obj) {
 284   assert(obj->is_constMethod(), "object must be klass");
 285   constMethodOop m = constMethodOop(obj);
 286   // Temporarily set exception_table to point to self
 287   m->set_exception_table((typeArrayOop)obj);
 288 }

  50 int constMethodKlass::oop_size(oop obj) const {
  51   assert(obj->is_constMethod(), "must be constMethod oop");
  52   return constMethodOop(obj)->object_size();
  53 }
  55 bool constMethodKlass::oop_is_parsable(oop obj) const {
  56   assert(obj->is_constMethod(), "must be constMethod oop");
  57   return constMethodOop(obj)->object_is_parsable();
  58 }
  60 bool constMethodKlass::oop_is_conc_safe(oop obj) const {
  61   assert(obj->is_constMethod(), "must be constMethod oop");
  62   return constMethodOop(obj)->is_conc_safe();
  63 }
  65 constMethodOop constMethodKlass::allocate(int byte_code_size,
  66                                           int compressed_line_number_size,
  67                                           int localvariable_table_length,
  68                                           int exception_table_length,
  69                                           int checked_exceptions_length,
  70                                           bool is_conc_safe,
  71                                           TRAPS) {
  73   int size = constMethodOopDesc::object_size(byte_code_size,
  74                                              compressed_line_number_size,
  75                                              localvariable_table_length,
  76                                              exception_table_length,
  77                                              checked_exceptions_length);
  78   KlassHandle h_k(THREAD, as_klassOop());
  79   constMethodOop cm = (constMethodOop)
  80     CollectedHeap::permanent_obj_allocate(h_k, size, CHECK_NULL);
  81   assert(!cm->is_parsable(), "Not yet safely parsable");
  82   No_Safepoint_Verifier no_safepoint;
  83   cm->set_interpreter_kind(Interpreter::invalid);
  84   cm->init_fingerprint();
  85   cm->set_method(NULL);
  86   cm->set_stackmap_data(NULL);

  87   cm->set_code_size(byte_code_size);
  88   cm->set_constMethod_size(size);
  89   cm->set_result_type(T_VOID);
  90   cm->set_inlined_tables_length(checked_exceptions_length,
  91                                 compressed_line_number_size,
  92                                 localvariable_table_length,
  93                                 exception_table_length);
  94   assert(cm->size() == size, "wrong size for object");
  95   cm->set_is_conc_safe(is_conc_safe);
  96   cm->set_partially_loaded();
  97   assert(cm->is_parsable(), "Is safely parsable by gc");
  98   return cm;
  99 }
 101 void constMethodKlass::oop_follow_contents(oop obj) {
 102   assert (obj->is_constMethod(), "object must be constMethod");
 103   constMethodOop cm = constMethodOop(obj);
 104   MarkSweep::mark_and_push(cm->adr_method());
 105   MarkSweep::mark_and_push(cm->adr_stackmap_data());

 106   // Performance tweak: We skip iterating over the klass pointer since we
 107   // know that Universe::constMethodKlassObj never moves.
 108 }
 110 #ifndef SERIALGC
 111 void constMethodKlass::oop_follow_contents(ParCompactionManager* cm,
 112                                            oop obj) {
 113   assert (obj->is_constMethod(), "object must be constMethod");
 114   constMethodOop cm_oop = constMethodOop(obj);
 115   PSParallelCompact::mark_and_push(cm, cm_oop->adr_method());
 116   PSParallelCompact::mark_and_push(cm, cm_oop->adr_stackmap_data());

 117   // Performance tweak: We skip iterating over the klass pointer since we
 118   // know that Universe::constMethodKlassObj never moves.
 119 }
 120 #endif // SERIALGC
 122 int constMethodKlass::oop_oop_iterate(oop obj, OopClosure* blk) {
 123   assert (obj->is_constMethod(), "object must be constMethod");
 124   constMethodOop cm = constMethodOop(obj);
 125   blk->do_oop(cm->adr_method());
 126   blk->do_oop(cm->adr_stackmap_data());

 127   // Get size before changing pointers.
 128   // Don't call size() or oop_size() since that is a virtual call.
 129   int size = cm->object_size();
 130   return size;
 131 }
 134 int constMethodKlass::oop_oop_iterate_m(oop obj, OopClosure* blk, MemRegion mr) {
 135   assert (obj->is_constMethod(), "object must be constMethod");
 136   constMethodOop cm = constMethodOop(obj);
 137   oop* adr;
 138   adr = cm->adr_method();
 139   if (mr.contains(adr)) blk->do_oop(adr);
 140   adr = cm->adr_stackmap_data();
 141   if (mr.contains(adr)) blk->do_oop(adr);

 142   // Get size before changing pointers.
 143   // Don't call size() or oop_size() since that is a virtual call.
 144   int size = cm->object_size();
 145   // Performance tweak: We skip iterating over the klass pointer since we
 146   // know that Universe::constMethodKlassObj never moves.
 147   return size;
 148 }
 151 int constMethodKlass::oop_adjust_pointers(oop obj) {
 152   assert(obj->is_constMethod(), "should be constMethod");
 153   constMethodOop cm = constMethodOop(obj);
 154   MarkSweep::adjust_pointer(cm->adr_method());
 155   MarkSweep::adjust_pointer(cm->adr_stackmap_data());

 156   // Get size before changing pointers.
 157   // Don't call size() or oop_size() since that is a virtual call.
 158   int size = cm->object_size();
 159   // Performance tweak: We skip iterating over the klass pointer since we
 160   // know that Universe::constMethodKlassObj never moves.
 161   return size;
 162 }
 164 #ifndef SERIALGC
 165 void constMethodKlass::oop_push_contents(PSPromotionManager* pm, oop obj) {
 166   assert(obj->is_constMethod(), "should be constMethod");
 167 }
 169 int constMethodKlass::oop_update_pointers(ParCompactionManager* cm, oop obj) {
 170   assert(obj->is_constMethod(), "should be constMethod");
 171   constMethodOop cm_oop = constMethodOop(obj);
 172   oop* const beg_oop = cm_oop->oop_block_beg();
 173   oop* const end_oop = cm_oop->oop_block_end();
 174   for (oop* cur_oop = beg_oop; cur_oop < end_oop; ++cur_oop) {
 175     PSParallelCompact::adjust_pointer(cur_oop);
 176   }
 177   return cm_oop->object_size();
 178 }
 179 #endif // SERIALGC
 181 // Printing
 183 void constMethodKlass::oop_print_on(oop obj, outputStream* st) {
 184   ResourceMark rm;
 185   assert(obj->is_constMethod(), "must be constMethod");
 186   Klass::oop_print_on(obj, st);
 187   constMethodOop m = constMethodOop(obj);
 188   st->print(" - method:       " INTPTR_FORMAT " ", (address)m->method());
 189   m->method()->print_value_on(st); st->cr();

 190   if (m->has_stackmap_table()) {
 191     st->print(" - stackmap data:       ");
 192     m->stackmap_data()->print_value_on(st);
 193     st->cr();
 194   }
 195 }
 197 // Short version of printing constMethodOop - just print the name of the
 198 // method it belongs to.
 199 void constMethodKlass::oop_print_value_on(oop obj, outputStream* st) {
 200   assert(obj->is_constMethod(), "must be constMethod");
 201   constMethodOop m = constMethodOop(obj);
 202   st->print(" const part of method " );
 203   m->method()->print_value_on(st);
 204 }
 206 const char* constMethodKlass::internal_name() const {
 207   return "{constMethod}";
 208 }
 211 // Verification
 213 void constMethodKlass::oop_verify_on(oop obj, outputStream* st) {
 214   Klass::oop_verify_on(obj, st);
 215   guarantee(obj->is_constMethod(), "object must be constMethod");
 216   constMethodOop m = constMethodOop(obj);
 217   guarantee(m->is_perm(),                            "should be in permspace");
 219   // Verification can occur during oop construction before the method or
 220   // other fields have been initialized.
 221   if (!obj->partially_loaded()) {
 222     guarantee(m->method()->is_perm(), "should be in permspace");
 223     guarantee(m->method()->is_method(), "should be method");
 224     typeArrayOop stackmap_data = m->stackmap_data();
 225     guarantee(stackmap_data == NULL ||
 226               stackmap_data->is_perm(),  "should be in permspace");

 228     address m_end = (address)((oop*) m + m->size());
 229     address compressed_table_start = m->code_end();
 230     guarantee(compressed_table_start <= m_end, "invalid method layout");
 231     address compressed_table_end = compressed_table_start;
 232     // Verify line number table
 233     if (m->has_linenumber_table()) {
 234       CompressedLineNumberReadStream stream(m->compressed_linenumber_table());
 235       while (stream.read_pair()) {
 236         guarantee(stream.bci() >= 0 && stream.bci() <= m->code_size(), "invalid bci in line number table");
 237       }
 238       compressed_table_end += stream.position();
 239     }
 240     guarantee(compressed_table_end <= m_end, "invalid method layout");
 241     // Verify checked exceptions, exception table and local variable tables
 242     if (m->has_checked_exceptions()) {
 243       u2* addr = m->checked_exceptions_length_addr();
 244       guarantee(*addr > 0 && (address) addr >= compressed_table_end && (address) addr < m_end, "invalid method layout");
 245     }
 246     if (m->has_exception_handler()) {
 247       u2* addr = m->exception_table_length_addr();
 248       guarantee(*addr > 0 && (address) addr >= compressed_table_end && (address) addr < m_end, "invalid method layout");
 249     }
 250     if (m->has_localvariable_table()) {
 251       u2* addr = m->localvariable_table_length_addr();
 252       guarantee(*addr > 0 && (address) addr >= compressed_table_end && (address) addr < m_end, "invalid method layout");
 253     }
 254     // Check compressed_table_end relative to uncompressed_table_start
 255     u2* uncompressed_table_start;
 256     if (m->has_localvariable_table()) {
 257       uncompressed_table_start = (u2*) m->localvariable_table_start();
 258     } else if (m->has_exception_handler()) {
 259       uncompressed_table_start = (u2*) m->exception_table_start();
 260     } else if (m->has_checked_exceptions()) {
 261         uncompressed_table_start = (u2*) m->checked_exceptions_start();
 262     } else {
 263         uncompressed_table_start = (u2*) m_end;
 264     }

 265     int gap = (intptr_t) uncompressed_table_start - (intptr_t) compressed_table_end;
 266     int max_gap = align_object_size(1)*BytesPerWord;
 267     guarantee(gap >= 0 && gap < max_gap, "invalid method layout");
 268   }
 269 }
 271 bool constMethodKlass::oop_partially_loaded(oop obj) const {
 272   assert(obj->is_constMethod(), "object must be klass");
 273   constMethodOop m = constMethodOop(obj);
 274   // check whether stackmap_data points to self (flag for partially loaded)
 275   return m->stackmap_data() == (typeArrayOop)obj;
 276 }
 279 // The exception_table is the last field set when loading an object.
 280 void constMethodKlass::oop_set_partially_loaded(oop obj) {
 281   assert(obj->is_constMethod(), "object must be klass");
 282   constMethodOop m = constMethodOop(obj);
 283   // Temporarily set stackmap_data to point to self
 284   m->set_stackmap_data((typeArrayOop)obj);
 285 }
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