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rev 4134 : 7178145: Change constMethodOop::_exception_table to optionally inlined u2 table.
Summary: Change constMethodOop::_exception_table to optionally inlined u2 table.
Reviewed-by: bdelsart, coleenp, kamg

@@ -2494,27 +2494,21 @@
     // Update each catch type index in the method's exception table
     // to use new constant pool indices as needed. The exception table
     // holds quadruple entries of the form:
     //   (beg_bci, end_bci, handler_bci, klass_index)
-    const int beg_bci_offset     = 0;
-    const int end_bci_offset     = 1;
-    const int handler_bci_offset = 2;
-    const int klass_index_offset = 3;
-    const int entry_size         = 4;
-    typeArrayHandle ex_table (THREAD, method->exception_table());
-    int ext_length = ex_table->length();
-    assert(ext_length % entry_size == 0, "exception table format has changed");
+    ExceptionTable ex_table(method());
+    int ext_length = ex_table.length();
-    for (int j = 0; j < ext_length; j += entry_size) {
-      int cur_index = ex_table->int_at(j + klass_index_offset);
+    for (int j = 0; j < ext_length; j ++) {
+      int cur_index = ex_table.catch_type_index(j);
       int new_index = find_new_index(cur_index);
       if (new_index != 0) {
         RC_TRACE_WITH_THREAD(0x00080000, THREAD,
           ("ext-klass_index change: %d to %d", cur_index, new_index));
-        ex_table->int_at_put(j + klass_index_offset, new_index);
+        ex_table.set_catch_type_index(j, new_index);
     } // end for each exception table entry
     // Update constant pool indices in the method's local variable
     // table to use new constant indices as needed. The local variable
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