1 # This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
   2 # It contains Locale specific strings used in Swing
   3 # Currently, the following components need this for support:
   4 #
   5 #    ColorChooser
   6 #    FileChooser
   7 #    OptionPane
   8 #
   9 # When this file is read in, the strings are put into the 
  10 # defaults table.  This is an implementation detail of the current
  11 # workings of Swing.  DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS.  
  12 # This may change in future versions of Swing as we improve localization 
  13 # support.
  14 #
  15 #                        MNEMONIC NOTE:
  16 # Many of strings in this file are used by widgets that have a
  17 # mnemonic, for example:
  18 #   ColorChooser.rgbNameText=RGB
  19 #   ColorChooser.rgbMnemonic=71
  20 #   ColorChooser.rgbDisplayedMnemonicIndex=1
  21 # Indicates that the tab in the ColorChooser for RGB colors will have
  22 # the text 'RGB', further the mnemonic character will be 'g' and that
  23 # a decoration will be provided under the 'G'. This will typically
  24 # look like:  RGB
  25 #              -
  26 # 71 corresponds to the decimal value of the VK constant defined
  27 # in java/awt/KeyEvent.java. VK_G is defined as:
  28 #
  29 #    public static final int VK_G              = 0x47;
  30 #
  31 # 0x47 is a hex number and needs to be converted to decimal.
  32 # A simple way to calculate this for a-z is to add 64 to the index of
  33 # the letter in the alphabet. As 'a' is in the 1st letter the mnemonic
  34 # for 'a' is 65, 'b' is 66...
  35 #
  36 # The xxDisplayedMnemonicIndex is used to indicate the index of the
  37 # character that should be underlined in the String, with 0
  38 # corresponding to the first character in the String.
  39 #
  40 # One important thing to remember is that the mnemonic MUST exist in
  41 # the String, if it does not exist you should add text that makes it
  42 # exist. This will typically take the form 'XXXX (M)' where M is the
  43 # character for the mnemonic.
  44 # 
  45 # @author Steve Wilson
  47 ############ FILE CHOOSER STRINGS #############
  48 FileChooser.fileDescriptionText=Allgemeine Datei
  49 FileChooser.directoryDescriptionText=Verzeichnis
  50 FileChooser.newFolderErrorText=Fehler beim Erstellen eines neuen Ordners
  51 FileChooser.newFolderErrorSeparator= : 
  52 FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExistTitleText=Ordner kann nicht erstellt werden
  53 FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExistText=Ordner kann nicht erstellt werden.\n\nSystem kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden.
  54 FileChooser.renameErrorTitleText=Fehler beim Umbenennen von Datei oder Ordner
  55 FileChooser.renameErrorText={0} kann nicht umbenannt werden
  56 FileChooser.renameErrorFileExistsText={0} kann nicht umbenannt werden: Es ist bereits eine Datei mit dem angegebenen Namen vorhanden. Geben Sie einen anderen Dateinamen an. 
  57 FileChooser.acceptAllFileFilterText=Alle Dateien
  58 FileChooser.cancelButtonText=Abbrechen
  59 FileChooser.cancelButtonMnemonic=67
  60 FileChooser.saveButtonText=Speichern
  61 FileChooser.saveButtonMnemonic=83
  62 FileChooser.openButtonText=\u00D6ffnen
  63 FileChooser.openButtonMnemonic=79
  64 FileChooser.saveDialogTitleText=Speichern
  65 FileChooser.openDialogTitleText=\u00D6ffnen
  66 FileChooser.updateButtonText=Aktualisieren
  67 FileChooser.updateButtonMnemonic=85
  68 FileChooser.helpButtonText=Hilfe
  69 FileChooser.helpButtonMnemonic=72
  70 FileChooser.directoryOpenButtonText=\u00D6ffnen
  71 FileChooser.directoryOpenButtonMnemonic=79
  73 # File Size Units
  74 FileChooser.fileSizeKiloBytes={0} KB
  75 FileChooser.fileSizeMegaBytes={0} MB
  76 FileChooser.fileSizeGigaBytes={0} GB
  78 # These strings are platform dependent not look and feel dependent.
  79 FileChooser.win32.newFolder=Neuer Ordner
  80 FileChooser.win32.newFolder.subsequent=Neuer Ordner ({0})
  81 FileChooser.other.newFolder=NewFolder
  82 FileChooser.other.newFolder.subsequent=NewFolder.{0}
  85 ## file chooser tooltips ###
  86 FileChooser.cancelButtonToolTipText=Dialogfeld f\u00FCr Dateiauswahl schlie\u00DFen
  87 FileChooser.saveButtonToolTipText=Ausgew\u00E4hlte Datei speichern
  88 FileChooser.openButtonToolTipText=Ausgew\u00E4hlte Datei \u00F6ffnen
  89 FileChooser.updateButtonToolTipText=Verzeichnisliste aktualisieren
  90 FileChooser.helpButtonToolTipText=FileChooser-Hilfe
  91 FileChooser.directoryOpenButtonToolTipText=Ausgew\u00E4hltes Verzeichnis \u00F6ffnen
  93 ############ COLOR CHOOSER STRINGS #############
  94 ColorChooser.previewText=Vorschau
  95 ColorChooser.okText=OK
  96 ColorChooser.cancelText=Abbrechen
  97 ColorChooser.resetText=Zur\u00FCcksetzen
  98 # VK_XXX constant for 'ColorChooser.resetText' button to make mnemonic
  99 ColorChooser.resetMnemonic=82
 100 ColorChooser.sampleText=Beispieltext  Beispieltext
 101 ColorChooser.swatchesNameText=Muster
 102 ColorChooser.swatchesMnemonic=77
 103 ColorChooser.swatchesDisplayedMnemonicIndex=0
 104 ColorChooser.swatchesRecentText=Aktuell:
 105 ColorChooser.hsbNameText=HSB
 106 # Each of the ColorChooser types can define a mnemonic, as a KeyEvent.VK_XXX
 107 # constant, and an index into the text to render the mnemonic as. The
 108 # mnemonic is xxxMnemonic and the index of the character to underline is
 109 # xxxDisplayedMnemonicIndex.
 110 ColorChooser.hsbMnemonic=72
 111 ColorChooser.hsbDisplayedMnemonicIndex=0
 112 ColorChooser.hsbHueText=H
 113 ColorChooser.hsbSaturationText=S
 114 ColorChooser.hsbBrightnessText=B
 115 ColorChooser.hsbRedText=R
 116 ColorChooser.hsbGreenText=G
 117 ColorChooser.hsbBlueText=B
 118 ColorChooser.rgbNameText=RGB
 119 ColorChooser.rgbMnemonic=71
 120 ColorChooser.rgbDisplayedMnemonicIndex=1
 121 ColorChooser.rgbRedText=Rot
 122 ColorChooser.rgbRedMnemonic=68
 123 ColorChooser.rgbGreenText=Gr\u00FCn
 124 ColorChooser.rgbGreenMnemonic=78
 125 ColorChooser.rgbBlueText=Blau
 126 ColorChooser.rgbBlueMnemonic=66
 128 ############ OPTION PANE STRINGS #############
 129 # Mnemonic keys correspond to KeyEvent.VK_XXX constant
 130 # We only define mnemonics for YES/NO, but for completeness you can
 131 # define mnemonics for any of the buttons.
 132 OptionPane.yesButtonText=Ja
 133 OptionPane.yesButtonMnemonic=89
 134 OptionPane.noButtonText=Nein
 135 OptionPane.noButtonMnemonic=78
 136 OptionPane.okButtonText=OK
 137 OptionPane.okButtonMnemonic=0
 138 OptionPane.cancelButtonText=Abbrechen
 139 OptionPane.cancelButtonMnemonic=0
 140 OptionPane.titleText=Option ausw\u00E4hlen
 141 # Title for the dialog for the showInputDialog methods. Only used if
 142 # the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
 143 OptionPane.inputDialogTitle=Eingabe
 144 # Title for the dialog for the showMessageDialog methods. Only used if
 145 # the developer uses one of the variants that doesn't take a title.
 146 OptionPane.messageDialogTitle=Meldung
 148 ############ Printing Dialog Strings ############
 149 PrintingDialog.titleProgressText=Drucken
 150 PrintingDialog.titleAbortingText=Drucken (Abbruch)
 152 PrintingDialog.contentInitialText=Druckvorgang l\u00E4uft...
 154 # The following string will be formatted by a MessageFormat
 155 # and {0} will be replaced by page number being printed
 156 PrintingDialog.contentProgressText=Seite {0} wurde gedruckt...
 158 PrintingDialog.contentAbortingText=Druckvorgang wird abgebrochen...
 160 PrintingDialog.abortButtonText=Abbrechen
 161 PrintingDialog.abortButtonMnemonic=65
 162 PrintingDialog.abortButtonDisplayedMnemonicIndex=0
 163 PrintingDialog.abortButtonToolTipText=Druckvorgang abbrechen
 165 ############ Internal Frame Strings ############
 166 InternalFrame.iconButtonToolTip=Minimieren
 167 InternalFrame.maxButtonToolTip=Maximieren
 168 InternalFrame.restoreButtonToolTip=Wiederherstellen
 169 InternalFrame.closeButtonToolTip=Schlie\u00DFen
 171 ############ Internal Frame Title Pane Strings ############
 172 InternalFrameTitlePane.restoreButtonText=Wiederherstellen
 173 InternalFrameTitlePane.moveButtonText=Verschieben
 174 InternalFrameTitlePane.sizeButtonText=Gr\u00F6\u00DFe
 175 InternalFrameTitlePane.minimizeButtonText=Minimieren
 176 InternalFrameTitlePane.maximizeButtonText=Maximieren
 177 InternalFrameTitlePane.closeButtonText=Schlie\u00DFen
 179 ############ Text strings #############
 180 # Used for html forms
 181 FormView.submitButtonText=Abfrage weiterleiten
 182 FormView.resetButtonText=Zur\u00FCcksetzen
 183 FormView.browseFileButtonText=Durchsuchen...
 185 ############ Abstract Document Strings ############
 186 AbstractDocument.styleChangeText=Formatvorlagen\u00E4nderung
 187 AbstractDocument.additionText=Hinzuf\u00FCgen
 188 AbstractDocument.deletionText=L\u00F6schen
 189 AbstractDocument.undoText=R\u00FCckg\u00E4ngig
 190 AbstractDocument.redoText=Wiederherstellen
 192 ############ Abstract Button Strings ############
 193 AbstractButton.clickText=Klicken
 195 ############ Abstract Undoable Edit Strings ############
 196 AbstractUndoableEdit.undoText=R\u00FCckg\u00E4ngig
 197 AbstractUndoableEdit.redoText=Wiederherstellen
 199 ############ Combo Box Strings ############
 200 ComboBox.togglePopupText=togglePopup
 202 ############ Progress Monitor Strings ############
 203 ProgressMonitor.progressText=Fortschritt...
 205 ############ Split Pane Strings ############
 206 SplitPane.leftButtonText=linke Schaltfl\u00E4che
 207 SplitPane.rightButtonText=rechte Schaltfl\u00E4che
 208 # Used for Isindex
 209 IsindexView.prompt=Dieser Index kann durchsucht werden. Geben Sie Schl\u00FCsselw\u00F6rter f\u00FCr die Suche ein:
 211 ############ InternalFrameTitlePane Strings ############
 212 InternalFrameTitlePane.iconifyButtonAccessibleName=Als Symbol darstellen
 213 InternalFrameTitlePane.maximizeButtonAccessibleName=Maximieren
 214 InternalFrameTitlePane.closeButtonAccessibleName=Schlie\u00DFen