1 # Copyright (c) 2005, 2007, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   3 #
   4 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   5 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   6 # published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   7 # particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   8 # by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
   9 #
  10 # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  11 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  12 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  13 # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  14 # accompanied this code).
  15 #
  16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  17 # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  18 # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  19 #
  20 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  21 # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  22 # questions.
  23 #
  25 # (C) Copyright Taligent, Inc. 1996, 1997 - All Rights Reserved
  26 # (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1996 - 1999 - All Rights Reserved
  27 #
  28 # The original version of this source code and documentation
  29 # is copyrighted and owned by Taligent, Inc., a wholly-owned
  30 # subsidiary of IBM. These materials are provided under terms
  31 # of a License Agreement between Taligent and Sun. This technology
  32 # is protected by multiple US and International patents.
  33 #
  34 # This notice and attribution to Taligent may not be removed.
  35 # Taligent is a registered trademark of Taligent, Inc.
  38 # language names
  39 # key is ISO 639 language code
  41 aa=afar
  42 ab=abjasio
  43 ae=av\u00e9stico
  44 af=afrikaans
  45 ak=akan
  46 am=am\u00e1rico
  47 an=aragon\u00e9s
  48 ar=\u00e1rabe
  49 as=asam\u00e9s
  50 av=avar
  51 ay=aimara
  52 az=azer\u00ed
  53 ba=bashkir
  54 be=bielorruso
  55 bg=b\u00falgaro
  56 bh=bihari
  57 bi=bislama
  58 bm=bambara
  59 bn=bengal\u00ed
  60 bo=tibetano
  61 br=bret\u00f3n
  62 bs=bosnio
  63 ca=catal\u00e1n
  64 ce=checheno
  65 ch=chamorro
  66 co=corso
  67 cr=cree
  68 cs=checo
  69 cu=eslavo eclesi\u00e1stico
  70 cv=chuvash
  71 cy=gal\u00e9s
  72 da=dan\u00e9s
  73 de=alem\u00e1n
  74 dv=divehi
  75 dz=dzongkha
  76 ee=ewe
  77 el=griego
  78 en=ingl\u00e9s
  79 eo=esperanto
  80 es=espa\u00f1ol
  81 et=estonio
  82 eu=vasco
  83 fa=persa
  84 ff=fula
  85 fi=fin\u00e9s
  86 fj=fidjiano
  87 fo=fero\u00e9s
  88 fr=franc\u00e9s
  89 fy=fris\u00f3n
  90 ga=irland\u00e9s
  91 gd=ga\u00e9lico escoc\u00e9s
  92 gl=gallego
  93 gn=guaran\u00ed
  94 gu=gujarati
  95 gv=ga\u00e9lico man\u00e9s
  96 ha=hausa
  97 he=hebreo
  98 hi=hindi
  99 ho=hiri motu
 100 hr=croata
 101 ht=haitiano
 102 hu=h\u00fangaro
 103 hy=armenio
 104 hz=herero
 105 ia=interlingua
 106 id=indonesio
 107 ie=interlingue
 108 ig=igbo
 109 ii=sichuan yi
 110 ik=inupiaq
 111 in=indonesio
 112 io=ido
 113 is=island\u00e9s
 114 it=italiano
 115 iu=inuktitut
 116 iw=hebreo
 117 ja=japon\u00e9s
 118 ji=y\u00eddish
 119 jv=javan\u00e9s
 120 ka=georgiano
 121 kg=kongo
 122 ki=kikuyu
 123 kj=kuanyama
 124 kk=kazajo
 125 kl=groenland\u00e9s
 126 km=jemer
 127 kn=canar\u00e9s
 128 ko=coreano
 129 kr=kanuri
 130 ks=cachemiro
 131 ku=kurdo
 132 kv=komi
 133 kw=c\u00f3rnico
 134 ky=kirghiz
 135 la=lat\u00edn
 136 lb=luxemburgu\u00e9s
 137 lg=ganda
 138 li=limburgu\u00e9s
 139 ln=lingala
 140 lo=laosiano
 141 lt=lituano
 142 lu=luba-katanga
 143 lv=let\u00f3n
 144 mg=malgache
 145 mh=marshal\u00e9s
 146 mi=maor\u00ed
 147 mk=macedonio
 148 ml=malayalam
 149 mn=mongol
 150 mo=moldavo
 151 mr=marathi
 152 ms=malayo
 153 mt=malt\u00e9s
 154 my=birmano
 155 na=nauruano
 156 nb=bokmal noruego
 157 nd=ndebele septentrional
 158 ne=nepal\u00ed
 159 ng=ndonga
 160 nl=neerland\u00e9s
 161 nn=nynorsk noruego
 162 no=noruego
 163 nr=ndebele meridional
 164 nv=navajo
 165 ny=nyanja
 166 oc=occitano
 167 oj=ojibwa
 168 om=oromo
 169 or=oriya
 170 os=os\u00e9tico
 171 pa=punjab\u00ed
 172 pi=pali
 173 pl=polaco
 174 ps=pashto
 175 pt=portugu\u00e9s
 176 qu=quechua
 177 rm=retorrom\u00e1nico
 178 rn=kiroundi
 179 ro=rumano
 180 ru=ruso
 181 rw=kinyarwanda
 182 sa=s\u00e1nscrito
 183 sc=sardo
 184 sd=sindhi
 185 se=sami septentrional
 186 sg=sango
 187 si=cingal\u00e9s
 188 sk=eslovaco
 189 sl=esloveno
 190 sm=samoano
 191 sn=shona
 192 so=somal\u00ed
 193 sq=alban\u00e9s
 194 sr=serbio
 195 ss=siswati
 196 st=sesotho
 197 su=sundan\u00e9s
 198 sv=sueco
 199 sw=swahili
 200 ta=tamil
 201 te=telugu
 202 tg=tayiko
 203 th=tailand\u00e9s
 204 ti=tigri\u00f1a
 205 tk=turcomano
 206 tl=tagalo
 207 tn=setchwana
 208 to=tongano
 209 tr=turco
 210 ts=tsonga
 211 tt=t\u00e1rtaro
 212 tw=twi
 213 ty=tahitiano
 214 ug=uigur
 215 uk=ucraniano
 216 ur=urdu
 217 uz=uzbeko
 218 ve=venda
 219 vi=vietnamita
 220 vo=volap\u00fck
 221 wa=val\u00f3n
 222 wo=uolof
 223 xh=xhosa
 224 yi=y\u00eddish
 225 yo=yoruba
 226 za=zhuang
 227 zh=chino
 228 zu=zul\u00fa
 230 # country names
 231 # key is ISO 3166 country code
 233 AD=Andorra
 234 AE=Emiratos \u00c1rabes Unidos
 235 AF=Afganist\u00e1n
 236 AG=Antigua y Barbuda
 237 AI=Anguila
 238 AL=Albania
 239 AM=Armenia
 240 AN=Antillas Holandesas
 241 AO=Angola
 242 AQ=Ant\u00e1rtida
 243 AR=Argentina
 244 AS=Samoa Americana
 245 AT=Austria
 246 AU=Australia
 247 AW=Aruba
 248 AX=Islas Aland
 249 AZ=Azerbaiy\u00e1n
 250 BA=Bosnia y Hercegovina
 251 BB=Barbados
 252 BD=Bangladesh
 253 BE=B\u00e9lgica
 254 BF=Burkina Faso
 255 BG=Bulgaria
 256 BH=Bahr\u00e1in
 257 BI=Burundi
 258 BJ=Ben\u00edn
 259 BM=Bermudas
 260 BN=Brun\u00e9i
 261 BO=Bolivia
 262 BR=Brasil
 263 BS=Bahamas
 264 BT=But\u00e1n
 265 BV=Isla Bouvet
 266 BW=Botsuana
 267 BY=Bielorrusia
 268 BZ=Belice
 269 CA=Canad\u00e1
 270 CC=Islas Cocos
 271 CD=Rep\u00fablica Democr\u00e1tica del Congo
 272 CF=Rep\u00fablica Centroafricana
 273 CG=Congo
 274 CH=Suiza
 275 CI=Costa de Marfil
 276 CK=Islas Cook
 277 CL=Chile
 278 CM=Camer\u00fan
 279 CN=China
 280 CO=Colombia
 281 CR=Costa Rica
 282 CS=Serbia y Montenegro
 283 CU=Cuba
 284 CV=Cabo Verde
 285 CX=Isla Christmas
 286 CY=Chipre
 287 CZ=Chequia
 288 DE=Alemania
 289 DJ=Yibuti
 290 DK=Dinamarca
 291 DM=Dominica
 292 DO=Rep\u00fablica Dominicana
 293 DZ=Argelia
 294 EC=Ecuador
 295 EE=Estonia
 296 EG=Egipto
 297 EH=Sahara Occidental
 298 ER=Eritrea
 299 ES=Espa\u00f1a
 300 ET=Etiop\u00eda
 301 FI=Finlandia
 302 FJ=Fiyi
 303 FK=Islas Malvinas
 304 FM=Micronesia
 305 FO=Islas Feroe
 306 FR=Francia
 307 GA=Gab\u00f3n
 308 GB=Reino Unido
 309 GD=Granada
 310 GE=Georgia
 311 GF=Guayana Francesa
 312 GH=Ghana
 313 GI=Gibraltar
 314 GL=Groenlandia
 315 GM=Gambia
 316 GN=Guinea
 317 GP=Guadalupe
 318 GQ=Guinea Ecuatorial
 319 GR=Grecia
 320 GS=Islas Georgia del Sur y Sandwich del Sur
 321 GT=Guatemala
 322 GU=Guam
 323 GW=Guinea-Bissau
 324 GY=Guyana
 325 HK=Hong Kong
 326 HM=Islas Heard y McDonald
 327 HN=Honduras
 328 HR=Croacia
 329 HT=Hait\u00ed
 330 HU=Hungr\u00eda
 331 ID=Indonesia
 332 IE=Irlanda
 333 IL=Israel
 334 IN=India
 335 IO=Territorio Brit\u00e1nico del Oc\u00e9ano \u00cdndico
 336 IQ=Iraq
 337 IR=Ir\u00e1n
 338 IS=Islandia
 339 IT=Italia
 340 JM=Jamaica
 341 JO=Jordania
 342 JP=Jap\u00f3n
 343 KE=Kenia
 344 KG=Kirguizist\u00e1n
 345 KH=Camboya
 346 KI=Kiribati
 347 KM=Comores
 348 KN=San Crist\u00f3bal y Nieves
 349 KP=Corea del Norte
 350 KR=Corea del Sur
 351 KW=Kuwait
 352 KY=Islas Caim\u00e1n
 353 KZ=Kazajst\u00e1n
 354 LA=Laos
 355 LB=L\u00edbano
 356 LC=Santa Lucia
 357 LI=Liechtenstein
 358 LK=Sri Lanka
 359 LR=Liberia
 360 LS=Lesoto
 361 LT=Lituania
 362 LU=Luxemburgo
 363 LV=Letonia
 364 LY=Libia
 365 MA=Marruecos
 366 MC=M\u00f3naco
 367 MD=Moldavia
 368 ME=Montenegro
 369 MG=Madagascar
 370 MH=Islas Marshall
 371 MK=Macedonia
 372 ML=Mal\u00ed
 373 MM=Myanmar
 374 MN=Mongolia
 375 MO=Macao
 376 MP=Islas Marianas del Norte
 377 MQ=Martinica
 378 MR=Mauritania
 379 MS=Montserrat
 380 MT=Malta
 381 MU=Mauricio
 382 MV=Maldivas
 383 MW=Malaui
 384 MX=M\u00e9xico
 385 MY=Malasia
 386 MZ=Mozambique
 387 NA=Namibia
 388 NC=Nueva Caledonia
 389 NE=N\u00edger
 390 NF=Isla Norfolk
 391 NG=Nigeria
 392 NI=Nicaragua
 393 NL=Holanda
 394 NO=Noruega
 395 NP=Nepal
 396 NR=Nauru
 397 NU=Niue
 398 NZ=Nueva Zelanda
 399 OM=Om\u00e1n
 400 PA=Panam\u00e1
 401 PE=Per\u00fa
 402 PF=Polinesia Francesa
 403 PG=Pap\u00faa New Guinea
 404 PH=Filipinas
 405 PK=Paquist\u00e1n
 406 PL=Polonia
 407 PM=San Pedro y Miquel\u00f3n
 408 PN=Islas Pitcairn
 409 PR=Puerto Rico
 410 PS=Palestina
 411 PT=Portugal
 412 PW=Palaos
 413 PY=Paraguay
 414 QA=Qatar
 415 RE=Reuni\u00f3n
 416 RO=Rumania
 417 RS=Serbia
 418 RU=Rusia
 419 RW=Ruanda
 420 SA=Arabia Saudita
 421 SB=Islas Salom\u00f3n
 422 SC=Seychelles
 423 SD=Sud\u00e1n
 424 SE=Suecia
 425 SG=Singapur
 426 SH=Santa Helena
 427 SI=Eslovenia
 428 SJ=Svalbard y Jan Mayen
 429 SK=Eslovaquia
 430 SL=Sierra Leona
 431 SM=San Marino
 432 SN=Senegal
 433 SO=Somalia
 434 SR=Surinam
 435 ST=Santo Tom\u00e9 y Pr\u00edncipe
 436 SV=El Salvador
 437 SY=Siria
 438 SZ=Suazilandia
 439 TC=Islas Turcas y Caicos
 440 TD=Chad
 441 TF=Territorios Franceses del Sur
 442 TG=Togo
 443 TH=Tailandia
 444 TJ=Tayikist\u00e1n
 445 TK=Tokelau
 446 TL=Timor Oriental
 447 TM=Turkmenist\u00e1n
 448 TN=T\u00fanez
 449 TO=Tonga
 450 TR=Turqu\u00eda
 451 TT=Trinidad y Tobago
 452 TV=Tuvalu
 453 TW=Taiw\u00e1n
 454 TZ=Tanzania
 455 UA=Ucrania
 456 UG=Uganda
 457 UM=Islas menores alejadas de los Estados Unidos
 458 US=Estados Unidos
 459 UY=Uruguay
 460 UZ=Uzbekist\u00e1n
 461 VA=Ciudad del Vaticano
 462 VC=San Vicente y las Granadinas
 463 VE=Venezuela
 464 VG=Islas V\u00edrgenes Brit\u00e1nicas
 465 VI=Islas V\u00edrgenes Americanas
 466 VN=Vietnam
 467 VU=Vanuatu
 468 WF=Wallis y Futuna
 469 WS=Samoa
 470 YE=Yemen
 471 YT=Mayotte
 472 ZA=Sud\u00e1frica
 473 ZM=Zambia
 474 ZW=Zimbabue