1 #
   2 # This is the "master security properties file".
   3 #
   4 # In this file, various security properties are set for use by
   5 # java.security classes. This is where users can statically register
   6 # Cryptography Package Providers ("providers" for short). The term
   7 # "provider" refers to a package or set of packages that supply a
   8 # concrete implementation of a subset of the cryptography aspects of
   9 # the Java Security API. A provider may, for example, implement one or
  10 # more digital signature algorithms or message digest algorithms.
  11 #
  12 # Each provider must implement a subclass of the Provider class.
  13 # To register a provider in this master security properties file,
  14 # specify the Provider subclass name and priority in the format
  15 #
  16 #    security.provider.<n>=<className>
  17 #
  18 # This declares a provider, and specifies its preference
  19 # order n. The preference order is the order in which providers are
  20 # searched for requested algorithms (when no specific provider is
  21 # requested). The order is 1-based; 1 is the most preferred, followed
  22 # by 2, and so on.
  23 #
  24 # <className> must specify the subclass of the Provider class whose
  25 # constructor sets the values of various properties that are required
  26 # for the Java Security API to look up the algorithms or other
  27 # facilities implemented by the provider.
  28 #
  29 # There must be at least one provider specification in java.security.
  30 # There is a default provider that comes standard with the JDK. It
  31 # is called the "SUN" provider, and its Provider subclass
  32 # named Sun appears in the sun.security.provider package. Thus, the
  33 # "SUN" provider is registered via the following:
  34 #
  35 #    security.provider.1=sun.security.provider.Sun
  36 #
  37 # (The number 1 is used for the default provider.)
  38 #
  39 # Note: Providers can be dynamically registered instead by calls to
  40 # either the addProvider or insertProviderAt method in the Security
  41 # class.
  43 #
  44 # List of providers and their preference orders (see above):
  45 #
  46 security.provider.1=sun.security.provider.Sun
  47 security.provider.2=sun.security.rsa.SunRsaSign
  48 security.provider.3=com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider
  49 security.provider.4=com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE
  50 security.provider.5=sun.security.jgss.SunProvider
  51 security.provider.6=com.sun.security.sasl.Provider
  52 security.provider.7=org.jcp.xml.dsig.internal.dom.XMLDSigRI
  53 security.provider.8=sun.security.smartcardio.SunPCSC
  54 security.provider.9=sun.security.mscapi.SunMSCAPI
  56 #
  57 # Select the source of seed data for SecureRandom. By default an
  58 # attempt is made to use the entropy gathering device specified by
  59 # the securerandom.source property. If an exception occurs when
  60 # accessing the URL then the traditional system/thread activity
  61 # algorithm is used.
  62 #
  63 # On Solaris and Linux systems, if file:/dev/urandom is specified and it
  64 # exists, a special SecureRandom implementation is activated by default.
  65 # This "NativePRNG" reads random bytes directly from /dev/urandom.
  66 #
  67 # On Windows systems, the URLs file:/dev/random and file:/dev/urandom
  68 # enables use of the Microsoft CryptoAPI seed functionality.
  69 #
  70 securerandom.source=file:/dev/urandom
  71 #
  72 # The entropy gathering device is described as a URL and can also
  73 # be specified with the system property "java.security.egd". For example,
  74 #   -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/urandom
  75 # Specifying this system property will override the securerandom.source
  76 # setting.
  78 #
  79 # Class to instantiate as the javax.security.auth.login.Configuration
  80 # provider.
  81 #
  82 login.configuration.provider=com.sun.security.auth.login.ConfigFile
  84 #
  85 # Default login configuration file
  86 #
  87 #login.config.url.1=file:${user.home}/.java.login.config
  89 #
  90 # Class to instantiate as the system Policy. This is the name of the class
  91 # that will be used as the Policy object.
  92 #
  93 policy.provider=sun.security.provider.PolicyFile
  95 # The default is to have a single system-wide policy file,
  96 # and a policy file in the user's home directory.
  97 policy.url.1=file:${java.home}/lib/security/java.policy
  98 policy.url.2=file:${user.home}/.java.policy
 100 # whether or not we expand properties in the policy file
 101 # if this is set to false, properties (${...}) will not be expanded in policy
 102 # files.
 103 policy.expandProperties=true
 105 # whether or not we allow an extra policy to be passed on the command line
 106 # with -Djava.security.policy=somefile. Comment out this line to disable
 107 # this feature.
 108 policy.allowSystemProperty=true
 110 # whether or not we look into the IdentityScope for trusted Identities
 111 # when encountering a 1.1 signed JAR file. If the identity is found
 112 # and is trusted, we grant it AllPermission.
 113 policy.ignoreIdentityScope=false
 115 #
 116 # Default keystore type.
 117 #
 118 keystore.type=jks
 120 #
 121 # Class to instantiate as the system scope:
 122 #
 123 system.scope=sun.security.provider.IdentityDatabase
 125 #
 126 # List of comma-separated packages that start with or equal this string
 127 # will cause a security exception to be thrown when
 128 # passed to checkPackageAccess unless the
 129 # corresponding RuntimePermission ("accessClassInPackage."+package) has
 130 # been granted.
 131 package.access=sun.,\
 132                com.sun.xml.internal.,\
 133                com.sun.imageio.,\
 134                com.sun.istack.internal.,\
 135                com.sun.jmx.,\
 136                com.sun.proxy.,\
 137                com.sun.corba.se.,\
 138                com.sun.script.,\
 139                com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.,\
 140                com.sun.org.apache.regexp.internal.,\
 141                com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.,\
 142                com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.,\
 143                com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.extensions.,\
 144                com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.lib.,\
 145                com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.res.,\
 146                com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.templates.,\
 147                com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.utils.\
 148                com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xslt.,\
 149                com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.cmdline.,\
 150                com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.compiler.,\
 151                com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.trax.,\
 152                com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.util.,\
 153                com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.res.,\
 154                com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serializer.utils.,\
 155                com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.utils.,\
 156                com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.,\
 157                com.sun.org.glassfish.,\
 158                com.sun.naming.internal.,\
 159                org.jcp.xml.dsig.internal.\
 160                com.sun.java.accessibility.
 162 #
 163 # List of comma-separated packages that start with or equal this string
 164 # will cause a security exception to be thrown when
 165 # passed to checkPackageDefinition unless the
 166 # corresponding RuntimePermission ("defineClassInPackage."+package) has
 167 # been granted.
 168 #
 169 # by default, none of the class loaders supplied with the JDK call
 170 # checkPackageDefinition.
 171 #
 172 package.definition=sun.,\
 173                    com.sun.xml.internal.,\
 174                    com.sun.imageio.,\
 175                    com.sun.istack.internal.,\
 176                    com.sun.jmx.,\
 177                    com.sun.proxy.,\
 178                    com.sun.corba.se.,\
 179                    com.sun.script.,\
 180                    com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.,\
 181                    com.sun.org.apache.regexp.internal.,\
 182                    com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.,\
 183                    com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.,\
 184                    com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.extensions.,\
 185                    com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.lib.,\
 186                    com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.res.,\
 187                    com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.templates.,\
 188                    com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xslt.,\
 189                    com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.cmdline.,\
 190                    com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.compiler.,\
 191                    com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.trax.,\
 192                    com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.util.,\
 193                    com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.res.,\
 194                    com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serializer.utils.,\
 195                    com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.utils.,\
 196                    com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.,\
 197                    com.sun.org.glassfish.,\
 198                    com.sun.naming.internal.,\
 199                    org.jcp.xml.dsig.internal.\
 200                    com.sun.java.accessibility.
 202 #
 203 # Determines whether this properties file can be appended to
 204 # or overridden on the command line via -Djava.security.properties
 205 #
 206 security.overridePropertiesFile=true
 208 #
 209 # Determines the default key and trust manager factory algorithms for
 210 # the javax.net.ssl package.
 211 #
 212 ssl.KeyManagerFactory.algorithm=SunX509
 213 ssl.TrustManagerFactory.algorithm=PKIX
 215 #
 216 # The Java-level namelookup cache policy for successful lookups:
 217 #
 218 # any negative value: caching forever
 219 # any positive value: the number of seconds to cache an address for
 220 # zero: do not cache
 221 #
 222 # default value is forever (FOREVER). For security reasons, this
 223 # caching is made forever when a security manager is set. When a security
 224 # manager is not set, the default behavior in this implementation
 225 # is to cache for 30 seconds.
 226 #
 227 # NOTE: setting this to anything other than the default value can have
 228 #       serious security implications. Do not set it unless
 229 #       you are sure you are not exposed to DNS spoofing attack.
 230 #
 231 #networkaddress.cache.ttl=-1
 233 # The Java-level namelookup cache policy for failed lookups:
 234 #
 235 # any negative value: cache forever
 236 # any positive value: the number of seconds to cache negative lookup results
 237 # zero: do not cache
 238 #
 239 # In some Microsoft Windows networking environments that employ
 240 # the WINS name service in addition to DNS, name service lookups
 241 # that fail may take a noticeably long time to return (approx. 5 seconds).
 242 # For this reason the default caching policy is to maintain these
 243 # results for 10 seconds.
 244 #
 245 #
 246 networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl=10
 248 #
 249 # Properties to configure OCSP for certificate revocation checking
 250 #
 252 # Enable OCSP
 253 #
 254 # By default, OCSP is not used for certificate revocation checking.
 255 # This property enables the use of OCSP when set to the value "true".
 256 #
 257 # NOTE: SocketPermission is required to connect to an OCSP responder.
 258 #
 259 # Example,
 260 #   ocsp.enable=true
 262 #
 263 # Location of the OCSP responder
 264 #
 265 # By default, the location of the OCSP responder is determined implicitly
 266 # from the certificate being validated. This property explicitly specifies
 267 # the location of the OCSP responder. The property is used when the
 268 # Authority Information Access extension (defined in RFC 3280) is absent
 269 # from the certificate or when it requires overriding.
 270 #
 271 # Example,
 272 #   ocsp.responderURL=http://ocsp.example.net:80
 274 #
 275 # Subject name of the OCSP responder's certificate
 276 #
 277 # By default, the certificate of the OCSP responder is that of the issuer
 278 # of the certificate being validated. This property identifies the certificate
 279 # of the OCSP responder when the default does not apply. Its value is a string
 280 # distinguished name (defined in RFC 2253) which identifies a certificate in
 281 # the set of certificates supplied during cert path validation. In cases where
 282 # the subject name alone is not sufficient to uniquely identify the certificate
 283 # then both the "ocsp.responderCertIssuerName" and
 284 # "ocsp.responderCertSerialNumber" properties must be used instead. When this
 285 # property is set then those two properties are ignored.
 286 #
 287 # Example,
 288 #   ocsp.responderCertSubjectName="CN=OCSP Responder, O=XYZ Corp"
 290 #
 291 # Default ephemeral port ranges (operating system specific)
 292 # used by java.net.SocketPermission to interpret the meaning of the special
 293 # port value zero, as in the following example:
 294 #
 295 #        SocketPermission("localhost:0" , "listen");
 296 #
 297 # These can be overridden by the system properties:
 298 #
 299 #       jdk.net.ephemeralPortRange.low and
 300 #       jdk.net.ephemeralPortRange.high
 301 #
 302 # respectively.
 303 #
 304 network.ephemeralPortRange.low=49152
 305 network.ephemeralPortRange.high=65535
 306 #
 307 # Issuer name of the OCSP responder's certificate
 308 #
 309 # By default, the certificate of the OCSP responder is that of the issuer
 310 # of the certificate being validated. This property identifies the certificate
 311 # of the OCSP responder when the default does not apply. Its value is a string
 312 # distinguished name (defined in RFC 2253) which identifies a certificate in
 313 # the set of certificates supplied during cert path validation. When this
 314 # property is set then the "ocsp.responderCertSerialNumber" property must also
 315 # be set. When the "ocsp.responderCertSubjectName" property is set then this
 316 # property is ignored.
 317 #
 318 # Example,
 319 #   ocsp.responderCertIssuerName="CN=Enterprise CA, O=XYZ Corp"
 321 #
 322 # Serial number of the OCSP responder's certificate
 323 #
 324 # By default, the certificate of the OCSP responder is that of the issuer
 325 # of the certificate being validated. This property identifies the certificate
 326 # of the OCSP responder when the default does not apply. Its value is a string
 327 # of hexadecimal digits (colon or space separators may be present) which
 328 # identifies a certificate in the set of certificates supplied during cert path
 329 # validation. When this property is set then the "ocsp.responderCertIssuerName"
 330 # property must also be set. When the "ocsp.responderCertSubjectName" property
 331 # is set then this property is ignored.
 332 #
 333 # Example,
 334 #   ocsp.responderCertSerialNumber=2A:FF:00
 336 # Algorithm restrictions for certification path (CertPath) processing
 337 #
 338 # In some environments, certain algorithms or key lengths may be undesirable
 339 # for certification path building and validation.  For example, "MD2" is
 340 # generally no longer considered to be a secure hash algorithm.  This section
 341 # describes the mechanism for disabling algorithms based on algorithm name
 342 # and/or key length.  This includes algorithms used in certificates, as well
 343 # as revocation information such as CRLs and signed OCSP Responses.
 344 #
 345 # The syntax of the disabled algorithm string is described as this Java
 346 # BNF-style:
 347 #   DisabledAlgorithms:
 348 #       " DisabledAlgorithm { , DisabledAlgorithm } "
 349 #
 350 #   DisabledAlgorithm:
 351 #       AlgorithmName [Constraint]
 352 #
 353 #   AlgorithmName:
 354 #       (see below)
 355 #
 356 #   Constraint:
 357 #       KeySizeConstraint
 358 #
 359 #   KeySizeConstraint:
 360 #       keySize Operator DecimalInteger
 361 #
 362 #   Operator:
 363 #       <= | < | == | != | >= | >
 364 #
 365 #   DecimalInteger:
 366 #       DecimalDigits
 367 #
 368 #   DecimalDigits:
 369 #       DecimalDigit {DecimalDigit}
 370 #
 371 #   DecimalDigit: one of
 372 #       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
 373 #
 374 # The "AlgorithmName" is the standard algorithm name of the disabled
 375 # algorithm. See "Java Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name
 376 # Documentation" for information about Standard Algorithm Names.  Matching
 377 # is performed using a case-insensitive sub-element matching rule.  (For
 378 # example, in "SHA1withECDSA" the sub-elements are "SHA1" for hashing and
 379 # "ECDSA" for signatures.)  If the assertion "AlgorithmName" is a
 380 # sub-element of the certificate algorithm name, the algorithm will be
 381 # rejected during certification path building and validation.  For example,
 382 # the assertion algorithm name "DSA" will disable all certificate algorithms
 383 # that rely on DSA, such as NONEwithDSA, SHA1withDSA.  However, the assertion
 384 # will not disable algorithms related to "ECDSA".
 385 #
 386 # A "Constraint" provides further guidance for the algorithm being specified.
 387 # The "KeySizeConstraint" requires a key of a valid size range if the
 388 # "AlgorithmName" is of a key algorithm.  The "DecimalInteger" indicates the
 389 # key size specified in number of bits.  For example, "RSA keySize <= 1024"
 390 # indicates that any RSA key with key size less than or equal to 1024 bits
 391 # should be disabled, and "RSA keySize < 1024, RSA keySize > 2048" indicates
 392 # that any RSA key with key size less than 1024 or greater than 2048 should
 393 # be disabled. Note that the "KeySizeConstraint" only makes sense to key
 394 # algorithms.
 395 #
 396 # Note: This property is currently used by Oracle's PKIX implementation. It
 397 # is not guaranteed to be examined and used by other implementations.
 398 #
 399 # Example:
 400 #   jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms=MD2, DSA, RSA keySize < 2048
 401 #
 402 #
 403 jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms=MD2, MD5, RSA keySize < 1024
 405 # Algorithm restrictions for Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security
 406 # (SSL/TLS) processing
 407 #
 408 # In some environments, certain algorithms or key lengths may be undesirable
 409 # when using SSL/TLS.  This section describes the mechanism for disabling
 410 # algorithms during SSL/TLS security parameters negotiation, including
 411 # protocol version negotiation, cipher suites selection, peer authentication
 412 # and key exchange mechanisms.
 413 #
 414 # Disabled algorithms will not be negotiated for SSL/TLS connections, even
 415 # if they are enabled explicitly in an application.
 416 #
 417 # For PKI-based peer authentication and key exchange mechanisms, this list
 418 # of disabled algorithms will also be checked during certification path
 419 # building and validation, including algorithms used in certificates, as
 420 # well as revocation information such as CRLs and signed OCSP Responses.
 421 # This is in addition to the jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms property above.
 422 #
 423 # See the specification of "jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms" for the
 424 # syntax of the disabled algorithm string.
 425 #
 426 # Note: This property is currently used by Oracle's JSSE implementation.
 427 # It is not guaranteed to be examined and used by other implementations.
 428 #
 429 # Example:
 430 #   jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=MD5, SSLv3, DSA, RSA keySize < 2048
 431 jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, DH keySize < 768
 433 # Legacy algorithms for Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS)
 434 # processing in JSSE implementation.
 435 #
 436 # In some environments, a certain algorithm may be undesirable but it
 437 # cannot be disabled because of its use in legacy applications.  Legacy
 438 # algorithms may still be supported, but applications should not use them
 439 # as the security strength of legacy algorithms are usually not strong enough
 440 # in practice.
 441 #
 442 # During SSL/TLS security parameters negotiation, legacy algorithms will
 443 # not be negotiated unless there are no other candidates.
 444 #
 445 # The syntax of the disabled algorithm string is described as this Java
 446 # BNF-style:
 447 #   LegacyAlgorithms:
 448 #       " LegacyAlgorithm { , LegacyAlgorithm } "
 449 #
 450 #   LegacyAlgorithm:
 451 #       AlgorithmName (standard JSSE algorithm name)
 452 #
 453 # See the specification of security property "jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms"
 454 # for the syntax and description of the "AlgorithmName" notation.
 455 #
 456 # Per SSL/TLS specifications, cipher suites have the form:
 457 #       SSL_KeyExchangeAlg_WITH_CipherAlg_MacAlg
 458 # or
 459 #       TLS_KeyExchangeAlg_WITH_CipherAlg_MacAlg
 460 #
 461 # For example, the cipher suite TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uses RSA as the
 462 # key exchange algorithm, AES_128_CBC (128 bits AES cipher algorithm in CBC
 463 # mode) as the cipher (encryption) algorithm, and SHA-1 as the message digest
 464 # algorithm for HMAC.
 465 #
 466 # The LegacyAlgorithm can be one of the following standard algorithm names:
 467 #     1. JSSE cipher suite name, e.g., TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
 468 #     2. JSSE key exchange algorithm name, e.g., RSA
 469 #     3. JSSE cipher (encryption) algorithm name, e.g., AES_128_CBC
 470 #     4. JSSE message digest algorithm name, e.g., SHA
 471 #
 472 # See SSL/TLS specifications and "Java Cryptography Architecture Standard
 473 # Algorithm Name Documentation" for information about the algorithm names.
 474 #
 475 # Note: This property is currently used by Oracle's JSSE implementation.
 476 # It is not guaranteed to be examined and used by other implementations.
 477 # There is no guarantee the property will continue to exist or be of the
 478 # same syntax in future releases.
 479 #
 480 # Example:
 481 #   jdk.tls.legacyAlgorithms=DH_anon, DES_CBC, SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5
 482 #
 483 jdk.tls.legacyAlgorithms= \
 484         K_NULL, C_NULL, M_NULL, \
 486         DH_RSA_EXPORT, RSA_EXPORT, \
 487         DH_anon, ECDH_anon, \
 488         RC4_128, RC4_40, DES_CBC, DES40_CBC
 490 # The pre-defined default finite field Diffie-Hellman ephemeral (DHE)
 491 # parameters for Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS/DTLS) processing.
 492 #
 493 # In traditional SSL/TLS/DTLS connections where finite field DHE parameters
 494 # negotiation mechanism is not used, the server offers the client group
 495 # parameters, base generator g and prime modulus p, for DHE key exchange.
 496 # It is recommended to use dynamic group parameters.  This property defines
 497 # a mechanism that allows you to specify custom group parameters.
 498 #
 499 # The syntax of this property string is described as this Java BNF-style:
 500 #   DefaultDHEParameters:
 501 #       DefinedDHEParameters { , DefinedDHEParameters }
 502 #
 503 #   DefinedDHEParameters:
 504 #       "{" DHEPrimeModulus , DHEBaseGenerator "}"
 505 #
 506 #   DHEPrimeModulus:
 507 #       HexadecimalDigits
 508 #
 509 #   DHEBaseGenerator:
 510 #       HexadecimalDigits
 511 #
 512 #   HexadecimalDigits:
 513 #       HexadecimalDigit { HexadecimalDigit }
 514 #
 515 #   HexadecimalDigit: one of
 516 #       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F a b c d e f
 517 #
 518 # Whitespace characters are ignored.
 519 #
 520 # The "DefinedDHEParameters" defines the custom group parameters, prime
 521 # modulus p and base generator g, for a particular size of prime modulus p.
 522 # The "DHEPrimeModulus" defines the hexadecimal prime modulus p, and the
 523 # "DHEBaseGenerator" defines the hexadecimal base generator g of a group
 524 # parameter.  It is recommended to use safe primes for the custom group
 525 # parameters.
 526 #
 527 # If this property is not defined or the value is empty, the underlying JSSE
 528 # provider's default group parameter is used for each connection.
 529 #
 530 # If the property value does not follow the grammar, or a particular group
 531 # parameter is not valid, the connection will fall back and use the
 532 # underlying JSSE provider's default group parameter.
 533 #
 534 # Note: This property is currently used by OpenJDK's JSSE implementation. It
 535 # is not guaranteed to be examined and used by other implementations.
 536 #
 537 # Example:
 538 #   jdk.tls.server.defaultDHEParameters=
 539 #       { \
 540 #       FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF C90FDAA2 2168C234 C4C6628B 80DC1CD1 \
 541 #       29024E08 8A67CC74 020BBEA6 3B139B22 514A0879 8E3404DD \
 542 #       EF9519B3 CD3A431B 302B0A6D F25F1437 4FE1356D 6D51C245 \
 543 #       E485B576 625E7EC6 F44C42E9 A637ED6B 0BFF5CB6 F406B7ED \
 544 #       EE386BFB 5A899FA5 AE9F2411 7C4B1FE6 49286651 ECE65381 \
 545 #       FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF, 2}