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rev 1565 : 5100701: Toolkit.getLockingKeyState() does not work on XToolkit, but works on Motif
Summary: Does not work on Motif but works on XToolkit now; implemented using XQueryPointer.
Reviewed-by: anthony
rev 1566 : 6680988: KeyEvent is still missing VK values for many keyboards
Summary: 2 new methods and some fields added to KeyEvent, plus hash of constants introduced
Reviewed-by: art
rev 1568 : 6711676: Numpad keys trigger more than one KeyEvent.
Summary: Introduce a new sniffer based on server keymap.
Reviewed-by: art
rev 1569 : 5099725: AWT doesn't seem to handle MappingNotify events under X11.
5036807: Pressing action keys "STOP/AGAIN/COMPOSE" generates keycode of F11/F12 keys.
4787377: VK_STOP key on Solaris generates wrong Key Code
Summary: Added an event processing lumped with similar native code for similar bugs.
Reviewed-by: art
rev 1571 : 8010297: Missing isLoggable() checks in logging code
Summary: Add isLoggable() checks
Reviewed-by: anthony, mchung, serb
Contributed-by: Laurent Bourges <bourges.laurent@gmail.com>

 169                     "rc=" + error.get_request_code() + ", " +
 170                     "mc=" + error.get_minor_code());
 171         }
 172         return 0;
 173     }
 175     // Called from the native code when an error occurs
 176     private static int globalErrorHandler(long display, long event_ptr) {
 177         if (noisyAwtHandler) {
 178             XlibWrapper.PrintXErrorEvent(display, event_ptr);
 179         }
 180         XErrorEvent event = new XErrorEvent(event_ptr);
 181         saved_error = event;
 182         try {
 183             if (current_error_handler != null) {
 184                 return current_error_handler.handleError(display, event);
 185             } else {
 186                 return SAVED_ERROR_HANDLER(display, event);
 187             }
 188         } catch (Throwable z) {

 189             log.log(Level.FINE, "Error in GlobalErrorHandler", z);
 190         }

 191         return 0;
 192     }
 194     //---- END OF ERROR HANDLER CODE ----//
 196     private native static void initIDs();
 197     native static void waitForEvents(long nextTaskTime);
 198     static Thread toolkitThread;
 199     static boolean isToolkitThread() {
 200         return Thread.currentThread() == toolkitThread;
 201     }
 203     static void initSecurityWarning() {
 204         // Enable warning only for internal builds
 205         String runtime = AccessController.doPrivileged(
 206                 new GetPropertyAction("java.runtime.version"));
 207         securityWarningEnabled = (runtime != null && runtime.contains("internal"));
 208     }
 210     static boolean isSecurityWarningEnabled() {

 260     public static long getDefaultRootWindow() {
 261         awtLock();
 262         try {
 263             long res = XlibWrapper.RootWindow(XToolkit.getDisplay(),
 264                 XlibWrapper.DefaultScreen(XToolkit.getDisplay()));
 266             if (res == 0) {
 267                throw new IllegalStateException("Root window must not be null");
 268             }
 269             return res;
 270         } finally {
 271             awtUnlock();
 272         }
 273     }
 275     void init() {
 276         awtLock();
 277         try {
 278             XlibWrapper.XSupportsLocale();
 279             if (XlibWrapper.XSetLocaleModifiers("") == null) {

 280                 log.finer("X locale modifiers are not supported, using default");
 281             }

 283             AwtScreenData defaultScreen = new AwtScreenData(XToolkit.getDefaultScreenData());
 284             awt_defaultFg = defaultScreen.get_blackpixel();
 286             arrowCursor = XlibWrapper.XCreateFontCursor(XToolkit.getDisplay(),
 287                 XCursorFontConstants.XC_arrow);
 289             saved_error_handler = XlibWrapper.SetToolkitErrorHandler();
 290         } finally {
 291             awtUnlock();
 292         }
 294         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
 295             PrivilegedAction<Void> a = new PrivilegedAction<Void>() {
 296                 public Void run() {
 297                     Thread shutdownThread = new Thread(ThreadGroupUtils.getRootThreadGroup(), "XToolkt-Shutdown-Thread") {
 298                         public void run() {

 299                             if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
 300                                 dumpPeers();
 301                             }
 302                         }
 303                     };
 304                     shutdownThread.setContextClassLoader(null);
 305                     Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(shutdownThread);
 306                     return null;
 307                 }
 308             };
 309             AccessController.doPrivileged(a);
 310         }
 311     }
 313     static String getCorrectXIDString(String val) {
 314         if (val != null) {
 315             return val.replace('.', '-');
 316         } else {
 317             return val;
 318         }
 319     }
 321     static native String getEnv(String key);
 324     static String getAWTAppClassName() {
 325         return awtAppClassName;
 326     }
 328     static final String DATA_TRANSFERER_CLASS_NAME = "sun.awt.X11.XDataTransferer";
 330     public XToolkit() {
 331         super();

 496             XEvent copy = xev.clone();
 497             try {
 498                 for (XEventListener listener : listeners) {
 499                     listener.eventProcessed(copy);
 500                 }
 501             } finally {
 502                 copy.dispose();
 503             }
 504         }
 505     }
 507     private void dispatchEvent(XEvent ev) {
 508         final XAnyEvent xany = ev.get_xany();
 510         if (windowToXWindow(xany.get_window()) != null &&
 511              (ev.get_type() == MotionNotify || ev.get_type() == EnterNotify || ev.get_type() == LeaveNotify))
 512         {
 513             processGlobalMotionEvent(ev);
 514         }

 516         XBaseWindow.dispatchToWindow(ev);
 518         Collection dispatchers = null;
 519         synchronized(winToDispatcher) {
 520             Long key = Long.valueOf(xany.get_window());
 521             dispatchers = (Collection)winToDispatcher.get(key);
 522             if (dispatchers != null) { // Clone it to avoid synchronization during dispatching
 523                 dispatchers = new Vector(dispatchers);
 524             }
 525         }
 526         if (dispatchers != null) {
 527             Iterator iter = dispatchers.iterator();
 528             while (iter.hasNext()) {
 529                 XEventDispatcher disp = (XEventDispatcher)iter.next();
 530                 disp.dispatchEvent(ev);
 531             }
 532         }
 533         notifyListeners(ev);
 534     }

 559                     // For now, we just avoid waitForEvents in the secondary loop.
 560                     if (!XlibWrapper.XNextSecondaryLoopEvent(getDisplay(),ev.pData)) {
 561                         break;
 562                     }
 563                 } else {
 564                     callTimeoutTasks();
 565                     // If no events are queued, waitForEvents() causes calls to
 566                     // awtUnlock(), awtJNI_ThreadYield, poll, awtLock(),
 567                     // so it spends most of its time in poll, without holding the lock.
 568                     while ((XlibWrapper.XEventsQueued(getDisplay(), XlibWrapper.QueuedAfterReading) == 0) &&
 569                            (XlibWrapper.XEventsQueued(getDisplay(), XlibWrapper.QueuedAfterFlush) == 0)) {
 570                         callTimeoutTasks();
 571                         waitForEvents(getNextTaskTime());
 572                     }
 573                     XlibWrapper.XNextEvent(getDisplay(),ev.pData);
 574                 }
 576                 if (ev.get_type() != NoExpose) {
 577                     eventNumber++;
 578                 }

 580                 if (XDropTargetEventProcessor.processEvent(ev) ||
 581                     XDragSourceContextPeer.processEvent(ev)) {
 582                     continue;
 583                 }
 585                 if (eventLog.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
 586                     eventLog.log(Level.FINER, "{0}", String.valueOf(ev));
 587                 }
 589                 // Check if input method consumes the event
 590                 long w = 0;
 591                 if (windowToXWindow(ev.get_xany().get_window()) != null) {
 592                     Component owner =
 593                         XKeyboardFocusManagerPeer.getCurrentNativeFocusOwner();
 594                     if (owner != null) {
 595                         XWindow ownerWindow = (XWindow) ComponentAccessor.getPeer(owner);
 596                         if (ownerWindow != null) {
 597                             w = ownerWindow.getContentWindow();
 598                         }

1075         }
1076         return false;
1077     }
1079     /**
1080      * Returns the supported cursor size
1081      */
1082     public Dimension getBestCursorSize(int preferredWidth, int preferredHeight) {
1083         return XCustomCursor.getBestCursorSize(
1084                                                java.lang.Math.max(1,preferredWidth), java.lang.Math.max(1,preferredHeight));
1085     }
1088     public int getMaximumCursorColors() {
1089         return 2;  // Black and white.
1090     }
1092     public Map mapInputMethodHighlight(InputMethodHighlight highlight)     {
1093         return XInputMethod.mapInputMethodHighlight(highlight);
1094     }

1096     public  Clipboard getSystemClipboard() {
1097         SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
1098         if (security != null) {
1099             security.checkSystemClipboardAccess();
1100         }
1101         synchronized (this) {
1102             if (clipboard == null) {
1103                 clipboard = new XClipboard("System", "CLIPBOARD");
1104             }
1105         }
1106         return clipboard;
1107     }
1109     public Clipboard getSystemSelection() {
1110         SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
1111         if (security != null) {
1112             security.checkSystemClipboardAccess();
1113         }
1114         synchronized (this) {

1351                 if (isToolkitThread()) {
1352                     XEvent event = new XEvent();
1353                     try {
1354                         XlibWrapper.XWindowEvent(XToolkit.getDisplay(),
1355                                                  XBaseWindow.getXAWTRootWindow().getWindow(),
1356                                                  XConstants.PropertyChangeMask,
1357                                                  event.pData);
1358                         timeFetcher.dispatchEvent(event);
1359                     }
1360                     finally {
1361                         event.dispose();
1362                     }
1363                 }
1364                 else {
1365                     while (!timeStampUpdated) {
1366                         awtLockWait();
1367                     }
1368                 }
1369             } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
1370             // Note: the returned timeStamp can be incorrect in this case.
1371                 if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Catched exception, timeStamp may not be correct (ie = " + ie + ")");

1372             }
1373         } finally {
1374             awtUnlock();
1375         }
1376         return timeStamp;
1377     }
1378     protected void initializeDesktopProperties() {
1379         desktopProperties.put("DnD.Autoscroll.initialDelay",     Integer.valueOf(50));
1380         desktopProperties.put("DnD.Autoscroll.interval",         Integer.valueOf(50));
1381         desktopProperties.put("DnD.Autoscroll.cursorHysteresis", Integer.valueOf(5));
1382         // Don't want to call getMultiClickTime() if we are headless
1383         if (!GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
1384             desktopProperties.put("awt.multiClickInterval",
1385                                   Integer.valueOf(getMultiClickTime()));
1386             desktopProperties.put("awt.mouse.numButtons",
1387                                   Integer.valueOf(getNumMouseButtons()));
1388         }
1389     }
1391     private int getNumMouseButtons() {

1480      * <code>data</code> is the byte array directly from the x server and
1481      * may be in little endian format.
1482      * <p>
1483      * NB: This could be called from any thread if triggered by
1484      * <code>loadXSettings</code>.  It is called from the System EDT
1485      * if triggered by an XSETTINGS change.
1486      */
1487     void parseXSettings(int screen_XXX_ignored,Map updatedSettings) {
1489         if (updatedSettings == null || updatedSettings.isEmpty()) {
1490             return;
1491         }
1493         Iterator i = updatedSettings.entrySet().iterator();
1494         while (i.hasNext()) {
1495             Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry)i.next();
1496             String name = (String)e.getKey();
1498             name = "gnome." + name;
1499             setDesktopProperty(name, e.getValue());

1500             log.fine("name = " + name + " value = " + e.getValue());

1502             // XXX: we probably want to do something smarter.  In
1503             // particular, "Net" properties are of interest to the
1504             // "core" AWT itself.  E.g.
1505             //
1506             // Net/DndDragThreshold -> ???
1507             // Net/DoubleClickTime  -> awt.multiClickInterval
1508         }
1510         setDesktopProperty(SunToolkit.DESKTOPFONTHINTS,
1511                            SunToolkit.getDesktopFontHints());
1513         Integer dragThreshold = null;
1514         synchronized (this) {
1515             dragThreshold = (Integer)desktopProperties.get("gnome.Net/DndDragThreshold");
1516         }
1517         if (dragThreshold != null) {
1518             setDesktopProperty("DnD.gestureMotionThreshold", dragThreshold);
1519         }

1531     /* Like XKeysymToKeycode, but ensures that keysym is the primary
1532     * symbol on the keycode returned.  Returns zero otherwise.
1533     */
1534     static int keysymToPrimaryKeycode(long sym) {
1535         awtLock();
1536         try {
1537             int code = XlibWrapper.XKeysymToKeycode(getDisplay(), sym);
1538             if (code == 0) {
1539                 return 0;
1540             }
1541             long primary = XlibWrapper.XKeycodeToKeysym(getDisplay(), code, 0);
1542             if (sym != primary) {
1543                 return 0;
1544             }
1545             return code;
1546         } finally {
1547             awtUnlock();
1548         }
1549     }

1551     /* Assign meaning - alt, meta, etc. - to X modifiers mod1 ... mod5.
1552      * Only consider primary symbols on keycodes attached to modifiers.
1553      */
1554     static void setupModifierMap() {
1555         final int metaL = keysymToPrimaryKeycode(XKeySymConstants.XK_Meta_L);
1556         final int metaR = keysymToPrimaryKeycode(XKeySymConstants.XK_Meta_R);
1557         final int altL = keysymToPrimaryKeycode(XKeySymConstants.XK_Alt_L);
1558         final int altR = keysymToPrimaryKeycode(XKeySymConstants.XK_Alt_R);
1559         final int numLock = keysymToPrimaryKeycode(XKeySymConstants.XK_Num_Lock);
1560         final int modeSwitch = keysymToPrimaryKeycode(XKeySymConstants.XK_Mode_switch);
1561         final int shiftLock = keysymToPrimaryKeycode(XKeySymConstants.XK_Shift_Lock);
1562         final int capsLock  = keysymToPrimaryKeycode(XKeySymConstants.XK_Caps_Lock);
1564         final int modmask[] = { ShiftMask, LockMask, ControlMask, Mod1Mask,
1565             Mod2Mask, Mod3Mask, Mod4Mask, Mod5Mask };
1567         log.fine("In setupModifierMap");
1568         awtLock();
1569         try {

1973                     backingStoreType = XConstants.NotUseful;
1975                     if (backingStoreLog.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG)) {
1976                         backingStoreLog.config("Backing store is not available on the screen " +
1977                                                i + ", backingStore=NotUseful");
1978                     }
1980                     return;
1981                 }
1982             }
1983         } finally {
1984             awtUnlock();
1985         }
1986     }
1988     /**
1989      * One of XConstants: NotUseful, WhenMapped or Always.
1990      */
1991     private static int backingStoreType;
1993     static boolean awt_ServerInquired = false;
1994     static boolean awt_IsXsunServer    = false;
1995     static boolean awt_XKBInquired    = false;

1996     static boolean awt_UseXKB         = false;

1997     /**
1998        Try to understand if it is Xsun server.
1999        By now (2005) Sun is vendor of Xsun and Xorg servers; we only return true if Xsun is running.

2000     */
2001     static boolean isXsunServer() {
2002         awtLock();
2003         try {
2004             if( awt_ServerInquired ) {
2005                 return awt_IsXsunServer;

2006             }
2007             if( ! XlibWrapper.ServerVendor(getDisplay()).startsWith("Sun Microsystems") ) {
2008                 awt_ServerInquired = true;
2009                 awt_IsXsunServer = false;
2010                 return false;
2011             }
2012             // Now, it's Sun. It still may be Xorg though, eg on Solaris 10, x86.
2013             // Today (2005), VendorRelease of Xorg is a Big Number unlike Xsun.
2014             if( XlibWrapper.VendorRelease(getDisplay()) > 10000 ) {
2015                 awt_ServerInquired = true;
2016                 awt_IsXsunServer = false;
2017                 return false;
2018             }
2019             awt_ServerInquired = true;
2020             awt_IsXsunServer = true;
2021             return true;

2022         } finally {
2023             awtUnlock();
2024         }
2025     }

2026     /**
2027       Query XKEYBOARD extension.

2028     */
2029     static boolean isXKBenabled() {
2030         awtLock();
2031         try {
2032             if( awt_XKBInquired ) {
2033                 return awt_UseXKB;
2034             }
2035             awt_XKBInquired = true;
2036             String name = "XKEYBOARD";

2037             awt_UseXKB = XlibWrapper.XQueryExtension( getDisplay(), name, XlibWrapper.larg1, XlibWrapper.larg2, XlibWrapper.larg3);

2038             return awt_UseXKB;
2039         } finally {
2040             awtUnlock();
2041         }
2042     }

2044     private static long eventNumber;
2045     public static long getEventNumber() {
2046         awtLock();
2047         try {
2048             return eventNumber;
2049         } finally {
2050             awtUnlock();
2051         }
2052     }
2054     private static XEventDispatcher oops_waiter;
2055     private static boolean oops_updated;
2056     private static boolean oops_failed;
2057     private XAtom oops;
2058     private static final long WORKAROUND_SLEEP = 100;
2060     /**
2061      * @inheritDoc
2062      */

2082                             }
2084                         }
2085                     }
2086                 };
2087         }
2089         if (oops == null) {
2090             oops = XAtom.get("OOPS");
2091         }
2093         awtLock();
2094         try {
2095             addEventDispatcher(win.getWindow(), oops_waiter);
2097             oops_updated = false;
2098             oops_failed = false;
2099             // Wait for selection notify for oops on win
2100             long event_number = getEventNumber();
2101             XAtom atom = XAtom.get("WM_S0");
2102             eventLog.log(Level.FINER, "WM_S0 selection owner {0}", new Object[] {XlibWrapper.XGetSelectionOwner(getDisplay(), atom.getAtom())});

2103             XlibWrapper.XConvertSelection(getDisplay(), atom.getAtom(),
2104                                           XAtom.get("VERSION").getAtom(), oops.getAtom(),
2105                                           win.getWindow(), XlibWrapper.CurrentTime);
2106             XSync();
2109             eventLog.finer("Requested OOPS");
2111             long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
2112             while (!oops_updated && !oops_failed) {
2113                 try {
2114                     awtLockWait(timeout);
2115                 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
2116                     throw new RuntimeException(e);
2117                 }
2118                 // This "while" is a protection from spurious
2119                 // wake-ups.  However, we shouldn't wait for too long
2120                 if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - start > timeout) && timeout >= 0) {
2121                     throw new OperationTimedOut(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
2122                 }
2123             }
2124             if (oops_failed && getEventNumber() - event_number == 1) {
2125                 // If selection update failed we can simply wait some time
2126                 // hoping some events will arrive
2127                 awtUnlock();

2128                 eventLog.log(Level.FINEST, "Emergency sleep");

2129                 try {
2130                     Thread.sleep(WORKAROUND_SLEEP);
2131                 } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
2132                     throw new RuntimeException(ie);
2133                 } finally {
2134                     awtLock();
2135                 }
2136             }
2137             return getEventNumber() - event_number > 2;
2138         } finally {
2139             removeEventDispatcher(win.getWindow(), oops_waiter);

2140             eventLog.log(Level.FINER, "Exiting syncNativeQueue");

2141             awtUnlock();
2142         }
2143     }
2144     public void grab(Window w) {
2145         if (w.getPeer() != null) {
2146             ((XWindowPeer)w.getPeer()).setGrab(true);
2147         }
2148     }
2150     public void ungrab(Window w) {
2151         if (w.getPeer() != null) {
2152            ((XWindowPeer)w.getPeer()).setGrab(false);
2153         }
2154     }
2155     /**
2156      * Returns if the java.awt.Desktop class is supported on the current
2157      * desktop.
2158      * <p>
2159      * The methods of java.awt.Desktop class are supported on the Gnome desktop.
2160      * Check if the running desktop is Gnome by checking the window manager.

 169                     "rc=" + error.get_request_code() + ", " +
 170                     "mc=" + error.get_minor_code());
 171         }
 172         return 0;
 173     }
 175     // Called from the native code when an error occurs
 176     private static int globalErrorHandler(long display, long event_ptr) {
 177         if (noisyAwtHandler) {
 178             XlibWrapper.PrintXErrorEvent(display, event_ptr);
 179         }
 180         XErrorEvent event = new XErrorEvent(event_ptr);
 181         saved_error = event;
 182         try {
 183             if (current_error_handler != null) {
 184                 return current_error_handler.handleError(display, event);
 185             } else {
 186                 return SAVED_ERROR_HANDLER(display, event);
 187             }
 188         } catch (Throwable z) {
 189             if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
 190                 log.log(Level.FINE, "Error in GlobalErrorHandler", z);
 191             }
 192         }
 193         return 0;
 194     }
 196     //---- END OF ERROR HANDLER CODE ----//
 198     private native static void initIDs();
 199     native static void waitForEvents(long nextTaskTime);
 200     static Thread toolkitThread;
 201     static boolean isToolkitThread() {
 202         return Thread.currentThread() == toolkitThread;
 203     }
 205     static void initSecurityWarning() {
 206         // Enable warning only for internal builds
 207         String runtime = AccessController.doPrivileged(
 208                 new GetPropertyAction("java.runtime.version"));
 209         securityWarningEnabled = (runtime != null && runtime.contains("internal"));
 210     }
 212     static boolean isSecurityWarningEnabled() {

 262     public static long getDefaultRootWindow() {
 263         awtLock();
 264         try {
 265             long res = XlibWrapper.RootWindow(XToolkit.getDisplay(),
 266                 XlibWrapper.DefaultScreen(XToolkit.getDisplay()));
 268             if (res == 0) {
 269                throw new IllegalStateException("Root window must not be null");
 270             }
 271             return res;
 272         } finally {
 273             awtUnlock();
 274         }
 275     }
 277     void init() {
 278         awtLock();
 279         try {
 280             XlibWrapper.XSupportsLocale();
 281             if (XlibWrapper.XSetLocaleModifiers("") == null) {
 282                 if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
 283                     log.finer("X locale modifiers are not supported, using default");
 284                 }
 285             }
 286             tryXKB();
 288             AwtScreenData defaultScreen = new AwtScreenData(XToolkit.getDefaultScreenData());
 289             awt_defaultFg = defaultScreen.get_blackpixel();
 291             arrowCursor = XlibWrapper.XCreateFontCursor(XToolkit.getDisplay(),
 292                 XCursorFontConstants.XC_arrow);
 294             saved_error_handler = XlibWrapper.SetToolkitErrorHandler();
 295         } finally {
 296             awtUnlock();
 297         }

 299         PrivilegedAction<Void> a = new PrivilegedAction<Void>() {
 300                 public Void run() {
 301                     Thread shutdownThread = new Thread(ThreadGroupUtils.getRootThreadGroup(), "XToolkt-Shutdown-Thread") {
 302                         public void run() {
 303                             freeXKB();
 304                             if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
 305                                 dumpPeers();
 306                             }
 307                         }
 308                     };
 309                     shutdownThread.setContextClassLoader(null);
 310                     Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(shutdownThread);
 311                     return null;
 312                 }
 313             };
 314         AccessController.doPrivileged(a);
 315     }

 317     static String getCorrectXIDString(String val) {
 318         if (val != null) {
 319             return val.replace('.', '-');
 320         } else {
 321             return val;
 322         }
 323     }
 325     static native String getEnv(String key);
 328     static String getAWTAppClassName() {
 329         return awtAppClassName;
 330     }
 332     static final String DATA_TRANSFERER_CLASS_NAME = "sun.awt.X11.XDataTransferer";
 334     public XToolkit() {
 335         super();

 500             XEvent copy = xev.clone();
 501             try {
 502                 for (XEventListener listener : listeners) {
 503                     listener.eventProcessed(copy);
 504                 }
 505             } finally {
 506                 copy.dispose();
 507             }
 508         }
 509     }
 511     private void dispatchEvent(XEvent ev) {
 512         final XAnyEvent xany = ev.get_xany();
 514         if (windowToXWindow(xany.get_window()) != null &&
 515              (ev.get_type() == MotionNotify || ev.get_type() == EnterNotify || ev.get_type() == LeaveNotify))
 516         {
 517             processGlobalMotionEvent(ev);
 518         }
 520         if( ev.get_type() == XConstants.MappingNotify ) {
 521             // The 'window' field in this event is unused.
 522             // This application itself does nothing to initiate such an event
 523             // (no calls of XChangeKeyboardMapping etc.).
 524             // SunRay server sends this event to the application once on every
 525             // keyboard (not just layout) change which means, quite seldom.
 526             XlibWrapper.XRefreshKeyboardMapping(ev.pData);
 527             resetKeyboardSniffer();
 528             setupModifierMap();
 529         }
 530         XBaseWindow.dispatchToWindow(ev);
 532         Collection dispatchers = null;
 533         synchronized(winToDispatcher) {
 534             Long key = Long.valueOf(xany.get_window());
 535             dispatchers = (Collection)winToDispatcher.get(key);
 536             if (dispatchers != null) { // Clone it to avoid synchronization during dispatching
 537                 dispatchers = new Vector(dispatchers);
 538             }
 539         }
 540         if (dispatchers != null) {
 541             Iterator iter = dispatchers.iterator();
 542             while (iter.hasNext()) {
 543                 XEventDispatcher disp = (XEventDispatcher)iter.next();
 544                 disp.dispatchEvent(ev);
 545             }
 546         }
 547         notifyListeners(ev);
 548     }

 573                     // For now, we just avoid waitForEvents in the secondary loop.
 574                     if (!XlibWrapper.XNextSecondaryLoopEvent(getDisplay(),ev.pData)) {
 575                         break;
 576                     }
 577                 } else {
 578                     callTimeoutTasks();
 579                     // If no events are queued, waitForEvents() causes calls to
 580                     // awtUnlock(), awtJNI_ThreadYield, poll, awtLock(),
 581                     // so it spends most of its time in poll, without holding the lock.
 582                     while ((XlibWrapper.XEventsQueued(getDisplay(), XlibWrapper.QueuedAfterReading) == 0) &&
 583                            (XlibWrapper.XEventsQueued(getDisplay(), XlibWrapper.QueuedAfterFlush) == 0)) {
 584                         callTimeoutTasks();
 585                         waitForEvents(getNextTaskTime());
 586                     }
 587                     XlibWrapper.XNextEvent(getDisplay(),ev.pData);
 588                 }
 590                 if (ev.get_type() != NoExpose) {
 591                     eventNumber++;
 592                 }
 593                 if (awt_UseXKB_Calls && ev.get_type() ==  awt_XKBBaseEventCode) {
 594                     processXkbChanges(ev);
 595                 }
 597                 if (XDropTargetEventProcessor.processEvent(ev) ||
 598                     XDragSourceContextPeer.processEvent(ev)) {
 599                     continue;
 600                 }
 602                 if (eventLog.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
 603                     eventLog.log(Level.FINER, "{0}", String.valueOf(ev));
 604                 }
 606                 // Check if input method consumes the event
 607                 long w = 0;
 608                 if (windowToXWindow(ev.get_xany().get_window()) != null) {
 609                     Component owner =
 610                         XKeyboardFocusManagerPeer.getCurrentNativeFocusOwner();
 611                     if (owner != null) {
 612                         XWindow ownerWindow = (XWindow) ComponentAccessor.getPeer(owner);
 613                         if (ownerWindow != null) {
 614                             w = ownerWindow.getContentWindow();
 615                         }

1092         }
1093         return false;
1094     }
1096     /**
1097      * Returns the supported cursor size
1098      */
1099     public Dimension getBestCursorSize(int preferredWidth, int preferredHeight) {
1100         return XCustomCursor.getBestCursorSize(
1101                                                java.lang.Math.max(1,preferredWidth), java.lang.Math.max(1,preferredHeight));
1102     }
1105     public int getMaximumCursorColors() {
1106         return 2;  // Black and white.
1107     }
1109     public Map mapInputMethodHighlight(InputMethodHighlight highlight)     {
1110         return XInputMethod.mapInputMethodHighlight(highlight);
1111     }
1112     @Override
1113     public boolean getLockingKeyState(int key) {
1114         if (! (key == KeyEvent.VK_CAPS_LOCK || key == KeyEvent.VK_NUM_LOCK ||
1115                key == KeyEvent.VK_SCROLL_LOCK || key == KeyEvent.VK_KANA_LOCK)) {
1116             throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid key for Toolkit.getLockingKeyState");
1117         }
1118         awtLock();
1119         try {
1120             return getModifierState( key );
1121         } finally {
1122             awtUnlock();
1123         }
1124     }
1126     public  Clipboard getSystemClipboard() {
1127         SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
1128         if (security != null) {
1129             security.checkSystemClipboardAccess();
1130         }
1131         synchronized (this) {
1132             if (clipboard == null) {
1133                 clipboard = new XClipboard("System", "CLIPBOARD");
1134             }
1135         }
1136         return clipboard;
1137     }
1139     public Clipboard getSystemSelection() {
1140         SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
1141         if (security != null) {
1142             security.checkSystemClipboardAccess();
1143         }
1144         synchronized (this) {

1381                 if (isToolkitThread()) {
1382                     XEvent event = new XEvent();
1383                     try {
1384                         XlibWrapper.XWindowEvent(XToolkit.getDisplay(),
1385                                                  XBaseWindow.getXAWTRootWindow().getWindow(),
1386                                                  XConstants.PropertyChangeMask,
1387                                                  event.pData);
1388                         timeFetcher.dispatchEvent(event);
1389                     }
1390                     finally {
1391                         event.dispose();
1392                     }
1393                 }
1394                 else {
1395                     while (!timeStampUpdated) {
1396                         awtLockWait();
1397                     }
1398                 }
1399             } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
1400             // Note: the returned timeStamp can be incorrect in this case.
1401                 if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
1402                     log.fine("Catched exception, timeStamp may not be correct (ie = " + ie + ")");
1403                 }
1404             }
1405         } finally {
1406             awtUnlock();
1407         }
1408         return timeStamp;
1409     }
1410     protected void initializeDesktopProperties() {
1411         desktopProperties.put("DnD.Autoscroll.initialDelay",     Integer.valueOf(50));
1412         desktopProperties.put("DnD.Autoscroll.interval",         Integer.valueOf(50));
1413         desktopProperties.put("DnD.Autoscroll.cursorHysteresis", Integer.valueOf(5));
1414         // Don't want to call getMultiClickTime() if we are headless
1415         if (!GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
1416             desktopProperties.put("awt.multiClickInterval",
1417                                   Integer.valueOf(getMultiClickTime()));
1418             desktopProperties.put("awt.mouse.numButtons",
1419                                   Integer.valueOf(getNumMouseButtons()));
1420         }
1421     }
1423     private int getNumMouseButtons() {

1512      * <code>data</code> is the byte array directly from the x server and
1513      * may be in little endian format.
1514      * <p>
1515      * NB: This could be called from any thread if triggered by
1516      * <code>loadXSettings</code>.  It is called from the System EDT
1517      * if triggered by an XSETTINGS change.
1518      */
1519     void parseXSettings(int screen_XXX_ignored,Map updatedSettings) {
1521         if (updatedSettings == null || updatedSettings.isEmpty()) {
1522             return;
1523         }
1525         Iterator i = updatedSettings.entrySet().iterator();
1526         while (i.hasNext()) {
1527             Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry)i.next();
1528             String name = (String)e.getKey();
1530             name = "gnome." + name;
1531             setDesktopProperty(name, e.getValue());
1532             if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
1533                 log.fine("name = " + name + " value = " + e.getValue());
1534             }
1536             // XXX: we probably want to do something smarter.  In
1537             // particular, "Net" properties are of interest to the
1538             // "core" AWT itself.  E.g.
1539             //
1540             // Net/DndDragThreshold -> ???
1541             // Net/DoubleClickTime  -> awt.multiClickInterval
1542         }
1544         setDesktopProperty(SunToolkit.DESKTOPFONTHINTS,
1545                            SunToolkit.getDesktopFontHints());
1547         Integer dragThreshold = null;
1548         synchronized (this) {
1549             dragThreshold = (Integer)desktopProperties.get("gnome.Net/DndDragThreshold");
1550         }
1551         if (dragThreshold != null) {
1552             setDesktopProperty("DnD.gestureMotionThreshold", dragThreshold);
1553         }

1565     /* Like XKeysymToKeycode, but ensures that keysym is the primary
1566     * symbol on the keycode returned.  Returns zero otherwise.
1567     */
1568     static int keysymToPrimaryKeycode(long sym) {
1569         awtLock();
1570         try {
1571             int code = XlibWrapper.XKeysymToKeycode(getDisplay(), sym);
1572             if (code == 0) {
1573                 return 0;
1574             }
1575             long primary = XlibWrapper.XKeycodeToKeysym(getDisplay(), code, 0);
1576             if (sym != primary) {
1577                 return 0;
1578             }
1579             return code;
1580         } finally {
1581             awtUnlock();
1582         }
1583     }
1584     static boolean getModifierState( int jkc ) {
1585         int iKeyMask = 0;
1586         long ks = XKeysym.javaKeycode2Keysym( jkc );
1587         int  kc = XlibWrapper.XKeysymToKeycode(getDisplay(), ks);
1588         if (kc == 0) {
1589             return false;
1590         }
1591         awtLock();
1592         try {
1593             XModifierKeymap modmap = new XModifierKeymap(
1594                  XlibWrapper.XGetModifierMapping(getDisplay()));
1596             int nkeys = modmap.get_max_keypermod();
1598             long map_ptr = modmap.get_modifiermap();
1599             for( int k = 0; k < 8; k++ ) {
1600                 for (int i = 0; i < nkeys; ++i) {
1601                     int keycode = Native.getUByte(map_ptr, k * nkeys + i);
1602                     if (keycode == 0) {
1603                         continue; // ignore zero keycode
1604                     }
1605                     if (kc == keycode) {
1606                         iKeyMask = 1 << k;
1607                         break;
1608                     }
1609                 }
1610                 if( iKeyMask != 0 ) {
1611                     break;
1612                 }
1613             }
1614             XlibWrapper.XFreeModifiermap(modmap.pData);
1615             if (iKeyMask == 0 ) {
1616                 return false;
1617             }
1618             // Now we know to which modifier is assigned the keycode
1619             // correspondent to the keysym correspondent to the java
1620             // keycode. We are going to check a state of this modifier.
1621             // If a modifier is a weird one, we cannot help it.
1622             long window = 0;
1623             try{
1624                 // get any application window
1625                 window = ((Long)(winMap.firstKey())).longValue();
1626             }catch(NoSuchElementException nex) {
1627                 // get root window
1628                 window = getDefaultRootWindow();
1629             }
1630             boolean res = XlibWrapper.XQueryPointer(getDisplay(), window,
1631                                             XlibWrapper.larg1, //root
1632                                             XlibWrapper.larg2, //child
1633                                             XlibWrapper.larg3, //root_x
1634                                             XlibWrapper.larg4, //root_y
1635                                             XlibWrapper.larg5, //child_x
1636                                             XlibWrapper.larg6, //child_y
1637                                             XlibWrapper.larg7);//mask
1638             int mask = Native.getInt(XlibWrapper.larg7);
1639             return ((mask & iKeyMask) != 0);
1640         } finally {
1641             awtUnlock();
1642         }
1643     }
1645     /* Assign meaning - alt, meta, etc. - to X modifiers mod1 ... mod5.
1646      * Only consider primary symbols on keycodes attached to modifiers.
1647      */
1648     static void setupModifierMap() {
1649         final int metaL = keysymToPrimaryKeycode(XKeySymConstants.XK_Meta_L);
1650         final int metaR = keysymToPrimaryKeycode(XKeySymConstants.XK_Meta_R);
1651         final int altL = keysymToPrimaryKeycode(XKeySymConstants.XK_Alt_L);
1652         final int altR = keysymToPrimaryKeycode(XKeySymConstants.XK_Alt_R);
1653         final int numLock = keysymToPrimaryKeycode(XKeySymConstants.XK_Num_Lock);
1654         final int modeSwitch = keysymToPrimaryKeycode(XKeySymConstants.XK_Mode_switch);
1655         final int shiftLock = keysymToPrimaryKeycode(XKeySymConstants.XK_Shift_Lock);
1656         final int capsLock  = keysymToPrimaryKeycode(XKeySymConstants.XK_Caps_Lock);
1658         final int modmask[] = { ShiftMask, LockMask, ControlMask, Mod1Mask,
1659             Mod2Mask, Mod3Mask, Mod4Mask, Mod5Mask };
1661         log.fine("In setupModifierMap");
1662         awtLock();
1663         try {

2067                     backingStoreType = XConstants.NotUseful;
2069                     if (backingStoreLog.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG)) {
2070                         backingStoreLog.config("Backing store is not available on the screen " +
2071                                                i + ", backingStore=NotUseful");
2072                     }
2074                     return;
2075                 }
2076             }
2077         } finally {
2078             awtUnlock();
2079         }
2080     }
2082     /**
2083      * One of XConstants: NotUseful, WhenMapped or Always.
2084      */
2085     private static int backingStoreType;
2087     static final int XSUN_KP_BEHAVIOR = 1;
2088     static final int XORG_KP_BEHAVIOR = 2;
2089     static final int    IS_SUN_KEYBOARD = 1;
2090     static final int IS_NONSUN_KEYBOARD = 2;
2091     static final int    IS_KANA_KEYBOARD = 1;
2092     static final int IS_NONKANA_KEYBOARD = 2;
2095     static int     awt_IsXsunKPBehavior = 0;
2096     static boolean awt_UseXKB         = false;
2097     static boolean awt_UseXKB_Calls   = false;
2098     static int     awt_XKBBaseEventCode = 0;
2099     static int     awt_XKBEffectiveGroup = 0; // so far, I don't use it leaving all calculations
2100                                               // to XkbTranslateKeyCode
2101     static long    awt_XKBDescPtr     = 0;
2103     /**
2104      * Check for Xsun convention regarding numpad keys.
2105      * Xsun and some other servers (i.e. derived from Xsun)
2106      * under certain conditions process numpad keys unlike Xorg.
2107      */
2108     static boolean isXsunKPBehavior() {
2109         awtLock();
2110         try {
2111             if( awt_IsXsunKPBehavior == 0 ) {
2112                 if( XlibWrapper.IsXsunKPBehavior(getDisplay()) ) {
2113                     awt_IsXsunKPBehavior = XSUN_KP_BEHAVIOR;
2114                 }else{
2115                     awt_IsXsunKPBehavior = XORG_KP_BEHAVIOR;
2116                 }

2117             }
2118             return awt_IsXsunKPBehavior == XSUN_KP_BEHAVIOR ? true : false;
2119         } finally {
2120             awtUnlock();

2121         }
2122     }
2124     static int  sunOrNotKeyboard = 0;
2125     static int kanaOrNotKeyboard = 0;
2126     static void resetKeyboardSniffer() {
2127         sunOrNotKeyboard  = 0;
2128         kanaOrNotKeyboard = 0;
2129     }
2130     static boolean isSunKeyboard() {
2131         if( sunOrNotKeyboard == 0 ) {
2132             if( XlibWrapper.IsSunKeyboard( getDisplay() )) {
2133                 sunOrNotKeyboard = IS_SUN_KEYBOARD;
2134             }else{
2135                 sunOrNotKeyboard = IS_NONSUN_KEYBOARD;
2136             }
2137         }
2138         return (sunOrNotKeyboard == IS_SUN_KEYBOARD);
2139     }
2140     static boolean isKanaKeyboard() {
2141         if( kanaOrNotKeyboard == 0 ) {
2142             if( XlibWrapper.IsKanaKeyboard( getDisplay() )) {
2143                 kanaOrNotKeyboard = IS_KANA_KEYBOARD;
2144             }else{
2145                 kanaOrNotKeyboard = IS_NONKANA_KEYBOARD;
2146             }
2147         }
2148         return (kanaOrNotKeyboard == IS_KANA_KEYBOARD);
2149     }
2150     static boolean isXKBenabled() {
2151         awtLock();
2152         try {
2153             return awt_UseXKB;
2154         } finally {
2155             awtUnlock();
2156         }
2157     }
2159     /**
2160       Query XKEYBOARD extension.
2161       If possible, initialize xkb library.
2162     */
2163     static boolean tryXKB() {
2164         awtLock();
2165         try {

2166             String name = "XKEYBOARD";
2167             // First, if there is extension at all.
2168             awt_UseXKB = XlibWrapper.XQueryExtension( getDisplay(), name, XlibWrapper.larg1, XlibWrapper.larg2, XlibWrapper.larg3);
2169             if( awt_UseXKB ) {
2170                 // There is a keyboard extension. Check if a client library is compatible.
2171                 // If not, don't use xkb calls.
2172                 // In this case we still may be Xkb-capable application.
2173                 awt_UseXKB_Calls = XlibWrapper.XkbLibraryVersion( XlibWrapper.larg1, XlibWrapper.larg2);
2174                 if( awt_UseXKB_Calls ) {
2175                     awt_UseXKB_Calls = XlibWrapper.XkbQueryExtension( getDisplay(),  XlibWrapper.larg1, XlibWrapper.larg2,
2176                                      XlibWrapper.larg3, XlibWrapper.larg4, XlibWrapper.larg5);
2177                     if( awt_UseXKB_Calls ) {
2178                         awt_XKBBaseEventCode = Native.getInt(XlibWrapper.larg2);
2179                         XlibWrapper.XkbSelectEvents (getDisplay(),
2180                                          XConstants.XkbUseCoreKbd,
2181                                          XConstants.XkbNewKeyboardNotifyMask |
2182                                                  XConstants.XkbMapNotifyMask ,//|
2183                                                  //XConstants.XkbStateNotifyMask,
2184                                          XConstants.XkbNewKeyboardNotifyMask |
2185                                                  XConstants.XkbMapNotifyMask );//|
2186                                                  //XConstants.XkbStateNotifyMask);
2188                         XlibWrapper.XkbSelectEventDetails(getDisplay(), XConstants.XkbUseCoreKbd,
2189                                                      XConstants.XkbStateNotify,
2190                                                      XConstants.XkbGroupStateMask,
2191                                                      XConstants.XkbGroupStateMask);
2192                                                      //XXX ? XkbGroupLockMask last, XkbAllStateComponentsMask before last?
2193                         awt_XKBDescPtr = XlibWrapper.XkbGetMap(getDisplay(),
2194                                                      XConstants.XkbKeyTypesMask    |
2195                                                      XConstants.XkbKeySymsMask     |
2196                                                      XConstants.XkbModifierMapMask |
2197                                                      XConstants.XkbVirtualModsMask,
2198                                                      XConstants.XkbUseCoreKbd);
2199                     }
2200                 }
2201             }
2202             return awt_UseXKB;
2203         } finally {
2204             awtUnlock();
2205         }
2206     }
2207     static boolean canUseXKBCalls() {
2208         awtLock();
2209         try {
2210             return awt_UseXKB_Calls;
2211         } finally {
2212             awtUnlock();
2213         }
2214     }
2215     static int getXKBEffectiveGroup() {
2216         awtLock();
2217         try {
2218             return awt_XKBEffectiveGroup;
2219         } finally {
2220             awtUnlock();
2221         }
2222     }
2223     static int getXKBBaseEventCode() {
2224         awtLock();
2225         try {
2226             return awt_XKBBaseEventCode;
2227         } finally {
2228             awtUnlock();
2229         }
2230     }
2231     static long getXKBKbdDesc() {
2232         awtLock();
2233         try {
2234             return awt_XKBDescPtr;
2235         } finally {
2236             awtUnlock();
2237         }
2238     }
2239     void freeXKB() {
2240         awtLock();
2241         try {
2242             if (awt_UseXKB_Calls && awt_XKBDescPtr != 0) {
2243                 XlibWrapper.XkbFreeKeyboard(awt_XKBDescPtr, 0xFF, true);
2244             }
2245         } finally {
2246             awtUnlock();
2247         }
2248     }
2249     private void processXkbChanges(XEvent ev) {
2250         // mapping change --> refresh kbd map
2251         // state change --> get a new effective group; do I really need it
2252         //  or that should be left for XkbTranslateKeyCode?
2253         XkbEvent xke = new XkbEvent( ev.getPData() );
2254         int xkb_type = xke.get_any().get_xkb_type();
2255         switch( xkb_type ) {
2256             case XConstants.XkbNewKeyboardNotify :
2257                  if( awt_XKBDescPtr != 0 ) {
2258                      freeXKB();
2259                  }
2260                  awt_XKBDescPtr = XlibWrapper.XkbGetMap(getDisplay(),
2261                                               XConstants.XkbKeyTypesMask    |
2262                                               XConstants.XkbKeySymsMask     |
2263                                               XConstants.XkbModifierMapMask |
2264                                               XConstants.XkbVirtualModsMask,
2265                                               XConstants.XkbUseCoreKbd);
2266                  //System.out.println("XkbNewKeyboard:"+(xke.get_new_kbd()));
2267                  break;
2268             case XConstants.XkbMapNotify :
2269                  //TODO: provide a simple unit test.
2270                  XlibWrapper.XkbGetUpdatedMap(getDisplay(),
2271                                               XConstants.XkbKeyTypesMask    |
2272                                               XConstants.XkbKeySymsMask     |
2273                                               XConstants.XkbModifierMapMask |
2274                                               XConstants.XkbVirtualModsMask,
2275                                               awt_XKBDescPtr);
2276                  //System.out.println("XkbMap:"+(xke.get_map()));
2277                  break;
2278             case XConstants.XkbStateNotify :
2279                  // May use it later e.g. to obtain an effective group etc.
2280                  //System.out.println("XkbState:"+(xke.get_state()));
2281                  break;
2282             default:
2283                  //System.out.println("XkbEvent of xkb_type "+xkb_type);
2284                  break;
2285         }
2286     }
2288     private static long eventNumber;
2289     public static long getEventNumber() {
2290         awtLock();
2291         try {
2292             return eventNumber;
2293         } finally {
2294             awtUnlock();
2295         }
2296     }
2298     private static XEventDispatcher oops_waiter;
2299     private static boolean oops_updated;
2300     private static boolean oops_failed;
2301     private XAtom oops;
2302     private static final long WORKAROUND_SLEEP = 100;
2304     /**
2305      * @inheritDoc
2306      */

2326                             }
2328                         }
2329                     }
2330                 };
2331         }
2333         if (oops == null) {
2334             oops = XAtom.get("OOPS");
2335         }
2337         awtLock();
2338         try {
2339             addEventDispatcher(win.getWindow(), oops_waiter);
2341             oops_updated = false;
2342             oops_failed = false;
2343             // Wait for selection notify for oops on win
2344             long event_number = getEventNumber();
2345             XAtom atom = XAtom.get("WM_S0");
2346             if (eventLog.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
2347                 eventLog.log(Level.FINER, "WM_S0 selection owner {0}",
2348                              new Object[] {XlibWrapper.XGetSelectionOwner(getDisplay(), atom.getAtom())});
2349             }
2350             XlibWrapper.XConvertSelection(getDisplay(), atom.getAtom(),
2351                                           XAtom.get("VERSION").getAtom(), oops.getAtom(),
2352                                           win.getWindow(), XlibWrapper.CurrentTime);
2353             XSync();
2356             eventLog.finer("Requested OOPS");
2358             long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
2359             while (!oops_updated && !oops_failed) {
2360                 try {
2361                     awtLockWait(timeout);
2362                 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
2363                     throw new RuntimeException(e);
2364                 }
2365                 // This "while" is a protection from spurious
2366                 // wake-ups.  However, we shouldn't wait for too long
2367                 if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - start > timeout) && timeout >= 0) {
2368                     throw new OperationTimedOut(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
2369                 }
2370             }
2371             if (oops_failed && getEventNumber() - event_number == 1) {
2372                 // If selection update failed we can simply wait some time
2373                 // hoping some events will arrive
2374                 awtUnlock();
2375                 if (eventLog.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
2376                     eventLog.log(Level.FINEST, "Emergency sleep");
2377                 }
2378                 try {
2379                     Thread.sleep(WORKAROUND_SLEEP);
2380                 } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
2381                     throw new RuntimeException(ie);
2382                 } finally {
2383                     awtLock();
2384                 }
2385             }
2386             return getEventNumber() - event_number > 2;
2387         } finally {
2388             removeEventDispatcher(win.getWindow(), oops_waiter);
2389             if (eventLog.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
2390                 eventLog.log(Level.FINER, "Exiting syncNativeQueue");
2391             }
2392             awtUnlock();
2393         }
2394     }
2395     public void grab(Window w) {
2396         if (w.getPeer() != null) {
2397             ((XWindowPeer)w.getPeer()).setGrab(true);
2398         }
2399     }
2401     public void ungrab(Window w) {
2402         if (w.getPeer() != null) {
2403            ((XWindowPeer)w.getPeer()).setGrab(false);
2404         }
2405     }
2406     /**
2407      * Returns if the java.awt.Desktop class is supported on the current
2408      * desktop.
2409      * <p>
2410      * The methods of java.awt.Desktop class are supported on the Gnome desktop.
2411      * Check if the running desktop is Gnome by checking the window manager.

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