
Print this page

 925                                                                             \
 926   develop(bool, PrintRelocations, false,                                    \
 927           "Print relocation information for all nmethods when generated")   \
 928                                                                             \
 929   develop(bool, PrintDependencies, false,                                   \
 930           "Print dependency information for all nmethods when generated")   \
 931                                                                             \
 932   develop(bool, PrintExceptionHandlers, false,                              \
 933           "Print exception handler tables for all nmethods when generated") \
 934                                                                             \
 935   develop(bool, StressCompiledExceptionHandlers, false,                     \
 936          "Exercise compiled exception handlers")                            \
 937                                                                             \
 938   develop(bool, InterceptOSException, false,                                \
 939           "Starts debugger when an implicit OS (e.g., NULL) "               \
 940           "exception happens")                                              \
 941                                                                             \
 942   product(bool, PrintCodeCache, false,                                      \
 943           "Print the code cache memory usage when exiting")                 \
 944                                                                             \
 945   develop(bool, PrintCodeCache2, false,                                     \
 946           "Print detailed usage info on the code cache when exiting")       \
 947                                                                             \
 948   product(bool, PrintCodeCacheOnCompilation, false,                         \
 949           "Print the code cache memory usage each time a method is compiled") \

 950                                                                             \
 951   diagnostic(bool, PrintStubCode, false,                                    \
 952           "Print generated stub code")                                      \
 953                                                                             \
 954   product(bool, StackTraceInThrowable, true,                                \
 955           "Collect backtrace in throwable when exception happens")          \
 956                                                                             \
 957   product(bool, OmitStackTraceInFastThrow, true,                            \
 958           "Omit backtraces for some 'hot' exceptions in optimized code")    \
 959                                                                             \
 960   product(bool, ProfilerPrintByteCodeStatistics, false,                     \
 961           "Prints byte code statictics when dumping profiler output")       \
 962                                                                             \
 963   product(bool, ProfilerRecordPC, false,                                    \
 964           "Collects tick for each 16 byte interval of compiled code")       \
 965                                                                             \
 966   product(bool, ProfileVM, false,                                           \
 967           "Profiles ticks that fall within VM (either in the VM Thread "    \
 968           "or VM code called through stubs)")                               \
 969                                                                             \

 925                                                                             \
 926   develop(bool, PrintRelocations, false,                                    \
 927           "Print relocation information for all nmethods when generated")   \
 928                                                                             \
 929   develop(bool, PrintDependencies, false,                                   \
 930           "Print dependency information for all nmethods when generated")   \
 931                                                                             \
 932   develop(bool, PrintExceptionHandlers, false,                              \
 933           "Print exception handler tables for all nmethods when generated") \
 934                                                                             \
 935   develop(bool, StressCompiledExceptionHandlers, false,                     \
 936          "Exercise compiled exception handlers")                            \
 937                                                                             \
 938   develop(bool, InterceptOSException, false,                                \
 939           "Starts debugger when an implicit OS (e.g., NULL) "               \
 940           "exception happens")                                              \
 941                                                                             \
 942   product(bool, PrintCodeCache, false,                                      \
 943           "Print the code cache memory usage when exiting")                 \
 944                                                                             \
 945   diagnostic(bool, PrintCodeCacheDetails, false,                            \
 946           "Print detailed usage info on the code cache when exiting")       \
 947                                                                             \
 948   product(bool, PrintCodeCacheOnCompilation, false,                         \
 949           "Print the code cache memory usage each time a method is compiled") \
 950                                                                             \
 951   develop(bool, PrintCodeCacheAllocation, false,                            \
 952          "Print the code cache memory usage each time a method is compiled")\
 953                                                                             \
 954   diagnostic(bool, PrintStubCode, false,                                    \
 955           "Print generated stub code")                                      \
 956                                                                             \
 957   product(bool, StackTraceInThrowable, true,                                \
 958           "Collect backtrace in throwable when exception happens")          \
 959                                                                             \
 960   product(bool, OmitStackTraceInFastThrow, true,                            \
 961           "Omit backtraces for some 'hot' exceptions in optimized code")    \
 962                                                                             \
 963   product(bool, ProfilerPrintByteCodeStatistics, false,                     \
 964           "Prints byte code statictics when dumping profiler output")       \
 965                                                                             \
 966   product(bool, ProfilerRecordPC, false,                                    \
 967           "Collects tick for each 16 byte interval of compiled code")       \
 968                                                                             \
 969   product(bool, ProfileVM, false,                                           \
 970           "Profiles ticks that fall within VM (either in the VM Thread "    \
 971           "or VM code called through stubs)")                               \
 972                                                                             \